By Marilyn Dubinski | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-02-04 02:45:00
欢迎来到“周回顾”:这是一个周一特辑,回顾过去一周 *圣安东尼奥马刺 *的比赛,展望未来一周,以及更多内容。敬请欣赏!
第14周 : 巴黎的球迷们看到了很多精彩的镜头,但比赛本身的竞争性并不强。马刺和步行者互送了一场大胜,每场比赛的输家在下半场都表现低迷。
第15周:1胜2负 (21胜25负,西部第12)
116-128 负于洛杉矶快船
回顾 : 近两周以来首次回到主场,马刺迎战实力强大的快船队,后者终于迎回了健康的科怀·伦纳德(Kawhi Leonard)。上半场双方比分胶着,马刺在第三节一度落后16分,随后迅速反击,但在第四节后继无力,无法阻止快船队在进攻篮板和罚球线上得分。
144-118 胜于密尔沃基雄鹿
回顾 : 在经历了似乎漫长的一段时间后,马刺终于在下半场对阵扬尼斯·阿德托昆博(Giannis Antetokounmpo)和雄鹿的比赛中打出了整体性,以一场大胜结束了糟糕的一月。这场比赛能否像上赛季主场战胜雄鹿一样成为赛季的转折点?
103-105 负于迈阿密热火
回顾 : 由于文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)因病缺阵,突然人手短缺的马刺继续与缺少吉米·巴特勒(Jimmy Butler)的热火队抗衡。尽管巴姆·阿德巴约(Bam Adebayo)的压哨绝杀让他们输掉了比赛,但考虑到当时的处境和他们令人钦佩的努力,很难对此感到过于沮丧。而且,嘿!即使没有文班,马刺的防守也没有被完全摧毁,这值得继续努力。
John Schuhmann, — 第20位 (上周: 第21位)
进攻效率: 112.3 (第15) 防守效率: 113.8 (第18) 净效率: -1.5 (第19) 节奏: 99.7 (第15)
马刺在过去一个月里表现不佳,但他们现在已经为文班亚马找到了一位长期搭档,他们用四个首轮签换来了德阿伦·福克斯(De’Aaron Fox)。
- 实际上只有三个。四个首轮签中的一个是今年黄蜂的首轮签,如果它落在乐透区(它会的),它将变成两个次轮签。
当克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)在场时,马刺每百回合得分比他不在场时多11.2分 (在场时115.2分,不在场时104.0分)。保罗和福克斯可能会一起打球,但当保罗不在场时,福克斯肯定会组织进攻,这应该会大大提高不在场时的得分。
Brett Siegel, Clutch Points — 第17位 (上周: 第22位)
即将到来: 2月3日(周一) @ 孟菲斯灰熊;2月5日(周三) @ 亚特兰大老鹰;2月7日(周五) @ 夏洛特黄蜂;2月8日(周六) @ 奥兰多魔术
预测: 3胜1负 — 也许在德阿伦·福克斯的交易之后(他可能要到周五的比赛才能上场),我有点过于乐观了,但尽管这是牛仔竞技表演客场之旅的开始,而近年来这对马刺来说一直是一场噩梦,但本周他们将迎来友好的东海岸之旅。老鹰和魔术都受到伤病困扰,状态下滑,而黄蜂还是那个黄蜂(而且也伤兵满营),所以这一段赛程可以帮助马刺重回正轨。(现在请允许我去敲敲木头,因为每次我相信的时候都会被打脸。)
点击查看原文:Week in Review: The Spurs showed more life in final home games until March
Week in Review: The Spurs showed more life in final home games until March
Oh, games were played last week? I forgot after all that has happened since then.
Welcome to the Week in Review: a Monday feature that looks back at the week that was for the San Antonio Spurs, takes a look at the week ahead, and more. Enjoy!
Week 14: Fans in Paris got plenty of highlights but not much in the way of competitive basketball as the Spurs and Pacers exchanged blowouts, with the losers of each game failing to show up in the second half.
Week 15: 1-2 (21-25, 12th in West)
116-128 loss vs. Los Angeles Clippers
Recap: Finally home for the first time in nearly two weeks, the Spurs were up against a good Clippers squad that finally has a healthy Kawhi Leonard back. After a tight first half, the Spurs got down by 16 in the third quarter before quickly rallying back, but they ran out of steam in the fourth and just couldn’t keep the Clippers off the offensive glass of free throw line down the stretch.
144-118 win vs. Milwaukee Bucks
Recap: For the first time in seemingly forever, the Spurs put everything together in the second half against Giannis Antetokounmpo and Bucks for a blowout win, ending what had been a rough month of January on a high note. Can this game act as a turning point to the season like last season’s home game vs. the Bucks did?
103-105 loss vs. Miami Heat
Recap: With Victor Wembayama being a late scratch due to illness, the suddenly shorthanded Spurs continued to fight against the Jimmy Butler-less Spurs. Although a Bam Adebayo buzzer-beater handed them a loss, it was hard to be too upset considering the circumstances and their admirable effort. And hey! The Spurs weren’t absolutely annihilated on defense without Wemby, so that’s something to build on.
Power Rankings
John Schuhmann,— 20 (last week: 21)
OffRtg: 112.3 (15) DefRtg: 113.8 (18) NetRtg: -1.5 (19) Pace: 99.7 (15)
The Spurs haven’t been very good over the last month, but they’ve now got themselves a long-term running mate for Victor Wembanyama, having acquired De’Aaron Fox for four* first-round picks.
- Only three, really. One of the four is the Hornets’ first-rounder this year, which will become two second-rounders if it lands in the Lottery (which it will).
Three takeaways
The Spurs have scored 11.2 more points per 100 possessions with Chris Paul on the floor (115.2) than they have with him off the floor (104.0). Paul and Fox will probably play some together, but Fox will surely be running the offense when Paul isn’t and should lift that off-the-floor number quite a bit.
The 27-year-old Fox isn’t the passer that Paul is, but his quickness will bend the defense a lot more. He ranks sixth in the league with 16.0 drives per game, and he’s shot 58.7% in the paint, his second-best mark in his eight seasons in the league.
The Spurs are only two games in the loss column behind the eighth-place, 25-23 Suns, but have played a West-low 46 games, so they’ve got more to make up in the wins column. The Warriors are the only team of the five in front of them who have an easier remaining schedule regarding cumulative opponent winning percentage.
It’s rodeo time in San Antonio and the Spurs, who are one win from matching their total from last season (22-60), will go into the All-Star break with a six-game road trip. They’ve allowed 131.2 points per 100 possessions as they’ve lost their first two meetings with the Grizzlies, who they’ll visit (with a rest advantage) on Monday.
Brett Siegel, Clutch Points— 17 (last week: 22)
The combination of Victor Wembanyama and Fox is going to be lethal. Speed and size kill in this league, and the Spurs now have two of the most dynamic, young players in the NBA. This trade couldn’t have happened at a better time either, as San Antonio has dropped nine of their last 12 games overall. After making this trade with Sacramento, the Spurs now set their sights on making the playoffs.
Coming up: Mon. 2/3 @ Memphis Grizzlies; Wed. 2/5 @ Atlanta Hawks; Friday 2/7 @ Charlotte Hornets; Sat. 2/8 @ Orlando Magic
Prediction: 3-1 — Maybe I’m riding too high right now after the De’Aaron Fox trade (who likely won’t be on the court until Friday’s game), but despite this being the start of the Rodeo Road Trip, which has become a nightmare for the Spurs in recent years, they get a friendly east-cost swing this week. The Hawks and Magic are injured and on the downswing, and the Hornets are the Hornets (and also injured), so this is a stretch that can help the Spurs get back on the right track. (Now excuse me while I go knock on wood since I get burned every time I believe.)
By Marilyn Dubinski, via Pounding The Rock