[PtR] 从马刺战胜雄鹿的比赛中学到了什么

By August Bembel | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-02-02 03:11:14




2023-24赛季的圣安东尼奥马刺队让我想起了我最喜欢的足球俱乐部利物浦的一支昔日劲旅。在2000-01赛季,20岁的史蒂文·杰拉德(Steven Gerrard)迎来了在利物浦的突破性赛季,确立了他作为NBA术语中所谓的“球队基石”的地位——就像维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)一样。

利物浦在那一年还签下了一位非凡的自由球员,35岁的加里·麦卡利斯特(Gary McAllister)。这位苏格兰人显然已经过了他的巅峰时期,很难看出他还能如何帮助球队,更不用说持续地比赛了。杰拉德对此并不满意。他在自传中写道:

“好吧,他曾经是利兹联和苏格兰队的出色中场,但麦卡利斯特现在已经35岁了,他的黄金时代肯定已经过去了……我打电话给我的经纪人斯特鲁安·马歇尔(Struan Marshall),他很了解麦卡利斯特。“斯特鲁,这是怎么回事?”,我问。“别担心,史蒂维”,斯特鲁安回答说,“加里·麦克对利物浦,对你也会很棒。听他的。向他学习。”“滚蛋,斯特鲁”,我说。“麦卡利斯特可以向我学习!”我真是大错特错了。”

利物浦在那个赛季赢得了三个冠军,而麦卡利斯特是其中不可或缺的一部分。他带来了杰拉德仍在发展的东西——经验。而且他在多次关键时刻挺身而出,力挽狂澜。你可以说他是“关键先生”。当时的利物浦主教练杰拉德·霍利尔(Gerard Houliier)后来称麦卡利斯特是他“最具启发性的签约”。

现在,如果有人问马刺管理层,他们认为自己最具启发性的签约是什么,我不知道他们的答案会是什么。但毫无疑问,签下克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)绝对称得上是鼓舞人心的——一位为年轻球队带来经验的巅峰期后球员。保罗的数据并不特别引人注目,但一些更高级的数据却很亮眼。


随着达龙·福克斯(De’Aaron Fox)被摆上交易市场,而且马刺据称是他的理想目的地,或许有一种方法可以用一个更好的球员立即取代保罗。马刺可能会选择这样做。这很可能意味着克里斯·保罗在马刺的生涯结束。这意味着今天可能是我最后一次有机会将克里斯·保罗的签约比作加里·麦卡利斯特的博斯曼转会,而这是我很早就想做的事情。



  • 这是一场非常令人愉快的胜利,但在比赛的许多决定性方面都是最佳情况:投进24个三分球,你不太可能输球。除此之外,只出现4次失误,你极不可能输球。这两个数字都是马刺本赛季的最佳数据,所以我们昨晚看到的是一场非典型的比赛。归档于:不可持续。
  • 克里斯·保罗的决策能力非常出色。在正确的时间做出正确的传球,你就能创造优势。他一直都在这样做。作为队友的救球传球的接球者,他经常能将糟糕的进攻转化为良好的进攻。这样的纠正对文班来说很有价值。(当然,不需要掩护就能出手的闪电般快速的得分型控球后卫也很有价值。)
  • 说到达龙·福克斯,任何交易方案都必须排除斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)。这位新秀作为二号组织者首发出场,再次展现了充满希望的表现。他缺乏得分效率仍然是他唯一真正令人担忧的问题。这从三分线外和罚球线上都可以看出:卡斯尔缺乏精准度,很多投失都是很糟糕的投失。无论是什么原因导致奇普·恩格尔兰(Chip Engelland)离开,马刺管理层未能留住他都是他们的一大败笔。像恩格尔兰这样的人通常不应该被放走。就卡斯尔而言,这尤其令人痛苦。因为像昨晚那样六投三中,可能仍然是一个特例。
  • 然而,在其他方面,卡斯尔的进步程度已经超出了你对新秀的合理预期。作为一名对球防守者,他已经证明自己能够有效地限制精英得分手:他做到了限制斯蒂芬·库里(Steph Curry)。当利拉德(Damian Lillard) 17投6中时,你就知道卡斯尔在防守端尽职尽责了。他还拥有马刺近年来选中的后卫球员所不具备的素质:德章泰(Dejounte Murray)、德里克(Derrick White)、朗尼(Lonnie Walker)和德文(Devin Vassell)都没有像卡斯尔那样擅长获得罚球机会。可以说,他们中没有人曾经像卡斯尔现在这样擅长这方面。他场均3.3次罚球(每36分钟4.7次),是所有新秀中最高的。“加罚”会到来的。
  • 我非常喜欢凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)。我喜欢他的面部表情,我喜欢他的声音,我喜欢他爽朗的性格,有时我喜欢他作为替补得分手所做的事情。在连续五场得分未上双之后,他再次打出了一场超常发挥的比赛。25分钟得到24分,对于一个第六人来说是A+级的得分火力。但这种火力太经常缺失了。而德文·瓦塞尔的稳定性问题也不会消失,这是个问题。
  • 文班和字母哥(Giannis Antetokounmpo)的对决是必看的电视节目。文班似乎对字母哥格外有动力,这不是这两人第一次正面交锋并打出顶级个人表现。文班可以连续两次封盖字母哥,但即使是他也不能阻止愤怒的“希腊怪兽”。但文班自己也能打出真正的超级巨星表现。这就是他所做的。再一次。
点击查看原文:What We Learned From the Spurs Win Over the Bucks

What We Learned From the Spurs Win Over the Bucks

NBA: Milwaukee Bucks at San Antonio Spurs

The Spurs maximized from deep and minimized on turnovers, and thus could not be beaten.

The 2024-24 San Antonio Spurs kind of remind me of a past team of my favorite soccer club. In the 2000-01 season, a 20 year-old Steven Gerrard had a major breakout season for Liverpool, establishing himself as what in the NBA would be called “franchise cornerstone” – like Victor Wembanyama.

Liverpool also made a remarkable free agent signing that year, 35-year-old Gary McAllister. The Scotsman was clearly past his prime, and it was hard to see how he could help the team, let alone play consistently. And Gerrard wasn’t pleased. He wrote in his autobiography:

“Okay, he was once a terrific midfielder for Leeds and Scotland but McAllister was now 35, his best days surely behind him… I rang my agent, Struan Marshall, who knew McAllister well. ‘Stru, what’s all this about?’, I asked. “‘Don’t worry, Stevie’, replied Struan, ‘Gary Mac will be brilliant for Liverpool and for you as well. Listen to him. Learn from him’. “‘Sod off, Stru’, I said. ‘McAllister can learn off me!’ How wrong I was.”

Liverpool won three titles that season, and McAllister was an integral part of it. He brought what Gerrard was still developing – know-how. And multiple times he came up big in game-winning situations. He was “clutch”, you might say. Then Liverpool manager Gerard Houliier later called McAllister his “most inspirational signing”.

Now, if PATFO were asked what they consider their most inspirational signing, I wonder what their answer would be. But there can be no doubt whatsoever that the Chris Paul signing qualifies as inspirational – a post-prime player who brings know-how to a young team. Paul’s boxscore stats are not particularly remarkable, but some of the more advanced stats certainly are.

For example, his 128 offensive rating per bk-ref is third-best among the entire roster. Also, with him on the court, the Spurs are outscoring their opponents per 100 possessions by 2.8 points, while his +10.9 on/off plusminus per 100 possessions strongly indicates that he’s an extremely important part of why the Spurs are still snooping around a .500 record. I’ve said it before, and I’m happy to say it again: When Paul leaves, they need to have a replacement. One such player has recently become available.

With De’Aaron Fox on the trading block, and with the Spurs allegedly his desired destination, there probably would be a way to instantly replace Paul with a better player. The Spurs might choose to do that. And that would very likely spell the end of Chris Paul in Silver & Black. Which means today was maybe my last opportunity to liken the Chris Paul signing to the Gary McAllister Bosman transfer, which I wanted to do for a while.

Personally, I hope Paul stays. And I’d also be dubious about giving Fox a five-year deal in the summer of 2026. Fox will enter his age 29 season that year. He’s a small score-first point guard who relies heavily on athleticism. He won’t age nearly as well as Paul, who, at age 39, starts on a team that blew out the Milwaukee Bucks last night – with Paul yet again a major contributor.


  • It was an extremely enjoyable win, but a best-case scenario in quite a number of decisive aspects of the game: Make 24 threes, and you’re unlikely to lose. Turn the ball over only four times on top of that, and you’re extremely unlikely to lose. Both figures were season-bests for the Spurs, so what we saw last night was an outlier performance. Filed under: not sustainable.
  • Chris Paul’s decision-making is plain excellent. Play the right right pass at the right time and you create an advantage. He does it all the time. As a receiver of bail-out passes from his teammates, he routinely manages to turn bad offense into good offense. A corrective like that has much value for Wemby. (Lightning-quick score-first point guards who don’t need a screen to get their shot off also have value, of course.)
  • Speaking of De’Aaron Fox, any trade scenario must exclude Stephon Castle. The rookie put in another very promising performance as a starter in a secondary creator role. His lack of scoring efficiency remains the only real concern about him. It’s visible both from beyond the arc as well as from the charity stripe: Castle lacks precision, many misses are bad misses. Whatever made Chip Engelland leave, PATFO not managing to keep him is a major blemish on their legacy. A guy like Enegellund generally mustn’t be let go. In the case of Castle, it’s particularly painful. Because three makes from six attempts, like last night, will probably remain an outlier.
  • In other areas, however, Castle is further than where you can legitimately expect rookies to be. As a point-of-attack defender, he has proved able to severely limit elite shot creators: He did it to Steph Curry. And when Lillard goes six out of 17 from the field, you know Castle did his job on that end. He also has a quality none of the backcourt players the Spurs drafted in recent years had: Neither Dejounte nor Derrick nor Lonnie nor Devin were anywhere near as good in earning trips to the charity stripe. Arguably, none of them has ever been as good in that department as Castle already is. He’s averaging 3.3 FTAs per game (4.7 per 36 minutes), best among all rookies. The “and ones” will come.
  • I love Keldon Johnson to bits. I love his facial expressions, I love his voice, I love his jovial personality, and sometimes I love what he does as a scorer off the bench. After five single-digit scoring outings in a row, he once again had one of those games in which he overachieved. 24 points in 25 minutes is a grade-A+ sixth man scoring punch. But too often that punch just doesn’t come. And as Devin Vassell’s inconsistency issues also won’t go away, that’s problematic.
  • Wemby and Giannis matchups are must-watch television. Wemby seems extra-motivated Giannis, it wasn’t the first time these two went head-to-head with top-notch individual performances. Wemby can block Giannis twice in a row, but even he can’t stop an angry Greek Freak. But Wemby can put in a true superstar performance himself. That’s what he did. Again.

By August Bembel, via Pounding The Rock