[PtR] 一周回顾:糟糕的第三节让马刺遭遇三连败 ▶️

By Marilyn Dubinski | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-01-21 05:01:05


NBA: 圣安东尼奥马刺对阵迈阿密热火


欢迎来到“一周回顾”:这是一个周一特辑,回顾过去一周 圣安东尼奥马刺 的比赛,展望未来一周,以及更多内容。敬请欣赏!

第12周: 马刺在芝加哥开局良好,但在下半场彻底崩溃,葬送了19分的领先优势,这可以说是他们本赛季最糟糕的失利。随后,他们在密尔沃基遭遇一场惨败,即使是维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)似乎也感到不知所措。之后,由于洛杉矶的野火,他们与湖人队的迷你系列赛的第一场被推迟。

第13周:1胜3负 (19胜22负,西部第12)

126-102 战胜 @ 洛杉矶湖人

回顾: 在第一场比赛被推迟后,马刺和湖人重返球场进行迷你系列赛的第二场比赛。湖人队开局很猛,他们渴望为受灾的城市而战,这是可以理解的。然而,与本周其他比赛不同的是,马刺在下半场表现强劲,以73-40的比分力克湖人,取得了一场大胜,并以本赛季最暖心的时刻之一结束比赛。


115-129 负于 vs. 孟菲斯灰熊

回顾: 这场比赛的剧本与上一场完全相反,也成为了本周剩余时间里令人不安的常态。马刺在对阵灰熊的比赛中取得了两位数的半场领先优势,但下半场一切都彻底崩溃了。孟菲斯利用他们的速度(以及贾·莫兰特)超越了马刺,尤其是在转换进攻中,这破坏了斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)的职业生涯之夜。


112-140 负于 vs. 孟菲斯灰熊

回顾: 哦,你以为那样很糟糕?再来一次更糟的。这场比赛在上半场实际上更加胶着,但马刺在第二节还是设法短暂地将领先优势扩大到10分,然后一切再次土崩瓦解。即使没有莫兰特,灰熊在下半场再次爆发,而这一次马刺甚至没能保住颜面,连续第二场在他们本赛季通常表现强劲的主场被痛击。


107-128 负于 @ 迈阿密热火

回顾: 哦,你以为那样很糟糕? 马刺又一次遵循了同样的令人不安的模式:开局强劲,然后彻底崩溃。尽管这次崩盘始于第二节,马刺只得了11分,但这已经是连续第三场比赛让对手在第三节得到40分或更多,导致他们最近的尴尬失利,也是七场比赛中的第六场失利。



John Schuhmann, NBA.com —— 第21位 (上周:第20位)

进攻效率: 111.6 (第20) 防守效率: 113.3 (第16) 净效率: -1.8 (第20) 节奏: 99.4 (第17)



  1. 马刺在上周一取得了一场逆转胜,在最后15分半钟内以34分(52-18)的优势击败了湖人。但他们也在最近的六场失利中有五场(包括上周的三场)曾取得过两位数的领先。在过去的两个赛季里,他们在领先两位数的情况下输掉了29场(他们目前的战绩是33胜29负),比其他任何一支球队都多6场。

  2. 在周三之前,马刺是联盟第三好的第三节球队(每百回合净胜11.8分)。然后,他们在过去的三场第三节比赛中都至少输了18分。在三连败期间,他们在下半场每百回合丢掉惊人的155.6分,因此,他们现在是一支防守低于平均水平的球队。

  3. 随着杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)的缺席,新秀斯蒂芬·卡斯尔在过去五场比赛中回到了首发阵容。他的三分球一直很挣扎(自12月中旬以来48投10中),灰熊对他采取了托尼·艾伦式的防守策略,用扎克·埃迪防守他,并把他放空在外线。但在过去的三场比赛中(包括对阵孟菲斯的两场失利),卡斯尔场均得到23分,在油漆区29投20中(69%)。


Brett Siegel, Clutch Points —— 第21位 (上周:第21位)


即将到来: 1月23日星期四 vs. 印第安纳步行者 (巴黎);1月25日星期六 vs. 印第安纳步行者 (巴黎)

预测:1胜1负 —— 上一次马刺在三连败后获得长时间的休息,他们有时间思考,并在过去17天里唯一的胜利中做好了比赛的准备。本周他们前往巴黎海外,将获得类似的休息时间,但这将比在野火中躲在酒店里更加混乱。特别是文班,他一月份的状态一直低迷,所以希望在家乡父老面前打球能让他重振旗鼓,并至少取得一场胜利。马刺需要迅速扭转颓势,以免跌出附加赛区,否则他们需要近几年来从未出现过的连胜才能重返附加赛区。

点击查看原文:Week in Review: Horrific third quarters sink Spurs in three straight losses

Week in Review: Horrific third quarters sink Spurs in three straight losses

NBA: San Antonio Spurs at Miami Heat

The turd quarter back with a vengeance.

Welcome to the Week in Review: a Monday feature that looks back at the week that was for the San Antonio Spurs, takes a look at the week ahead, and more. Enjoy!

Week 12: The Spurs got off to a good start in Chicago before completely falling apart in the second half, blowing a 19-point lead for arguably their worst loss of the season. That was followed by a blowout loss in Milwaukee in a game that even Victor Wembanyama seemed overwhelmed, followed by the postponement of the first game of their miniseries against the Lakers due to the Los Angeles wildfires.

Week 13: 1-3 (19-22, 12th in West)

126-102 win @ Los Angeles Lakers

Recap: The Spurs and Lakers returned to the court for the second game of their miniseries after the first was postponed, and the Lakers understandably got out to a hot start while motivated to play for the suffering people of their city. However, in what would prove to be the exception for this week, the Spurs came out strong after halftime, outscoring the Lakers 73-40 for a blowout win and concluding with one of the more heartwarming moments of the season.

What we learned

115-129 loss vs. Memphis Grizzlies

Recap: In what would turn into a disturbing norm for the rest of the week, the script was flipped from the last game, as the Spurs got out to a double-digit halftime lead against the Grizzlies, but then everything completely fell apart after halftime while Memphis used their pace (and Ja Morant) to blow by the Spurs, especially in transition, spoiling a career game from Stephon Castle.

What we learned

112-140 loss vs. Memphis Grizzlies

Recap: Oh, you thought that was bad? Try a repeat but even worse. This game was actually closer throughout the first half, but the Spurs still managed to get the lead to 10 ever so briefly in the second quarter before everything unraveled again. Even without Morant, the Grizzlies once again went nuclear in the second half, and this time the Spurs couldn’t even keep it respectable, getting blown off their own court (where they’ve usually been strong this season) for the second game in a row.

What we learned

107-128 loss @ Miami Heat

Recap: Oh, you thought that was bad? Yet again, the Spurs followed the same disturbing trend of starting strong before suffering a complete meltdown. Even though it started in the second quarter this time, with just 11 points scored for the Spurs, for the third straight game, they allowed a team to score 40 or more points in the third quarter, leading to their latest embarrassing loss and sixth in seven games.

What we learned

Power Rankings

John Schuhmann, NBA.com— 21 (last week: 20)

OffRtg: 111.6 (20) DefRtg: 113.3 (16) NetRtg: -1.8 (20) Pace: 99.4 (17)

The Spurs head to Paris having lost six of their last seven games, sliding from eighth to 12th place in the Western Conference.

Three takeaways

  1. The Spurs got a comeback win in L.A. last Monday, outscoring the Lakers by 34 points (52-18) over the final 15 1/2 minutes. But they’ve also led five of these last six losses (including each of their three last week) by double-digits. Their 29 losses (they’re 33-29) after leading by double-digits over the last two seasons are six more than any other team has.

  2. Before Wednesday, the Spurs were the league’s third-best third-quarter team (plus 11.8 points per 100 possessions). And then they lost each of their last three third quarters by at least 18 points. Over the three-game losing streak, they’ve allowed an amazing 155.6 points per 100 possessions after halftime and, with that, they are now a worse-than-average defensive team.

  3. With Jeremy Sochan out, rookie Stephon Castle has been back in the starting lineup for the last five games. He’s been struggling from 3-point range (10-for-48 since mid-December) and the Grizzlies were giving him the Tony Allen treatment, guarding him with Zach Edey and leaving him alone on the perimeter. But Castle still averaged 23 points over a three-game stretch that included the two losses to Memphis, shooting 20-for-29 (69%) in the paint.

The Spurs head to Paris having won just three of their nine games against the Eastern Conference, and two games against Indiana will test their struggling defense.

Brett Siegel, Clutch Points— 21 (last week: 21)

Nothing has gone right for the San Antonio Spurs as of late, resulting in their NBA power rankings freefall. The Spurs have lost six of their last seven games, hence why there is no better time for them to take a deep breath and head overseas to Paris for the week. Victor Wembanyama is returning to his stomping grounds, where he will get to play the role of Michael Jordan as the most popular person in France over the next week ahead of the NBA Paris Games.

Coming up: Thurs. 1/23 vs. Indiana Pacers (Paris); Sat. 1/25 vs. Indiana Pacers (Paris)

Prediction: 1-1 — The last time the Spurs got an extended break after three straight losses, they had time to think and were ready to play in their only win in the last 17 days. They get a similar break this week as they head overseas to Paris, but that will be much more chaotic than bunkering inside their hotel amidst wildfires. Wemby in particular has been in a January slump, so hopefully playing in front of his home country will serve as a revitalization for him and lead to at least one win. The Spurs need to turn things around quickly before they fall out of the play-in tier and require the type of winning streak we haven’t seen from them in several years to get back in.

By Marilyn Dubinski, via Pounding The Rock