[PtR] 周回顾:马刺在缩短的客场周中令人失望 ▶️

By Marilyn Dubinski | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-01-14 02:27:13


NBA:1月6日 马刺对阵公牛


欢迎来到“周回顾”:这是一个每周一的专题,回顾 *圣安东尼奥马刺 *过去一周的表现,展望未来一周,以及更多内容。敬请欣赏!

第11周 : 面对可能决定他们赛季成败的艰巨的一月赛程,马刺以一场战胜快船的比赛结束了2024年,取得了坚实的开局,随后与丹佛掘金进行了一场迷你系列赛,客场获胜,主场加时失利,迎来了新年。

第12周:0-2 (18-19, 西部第12)

110-114 负于 @ 芝加哥公牛

回顾 : 这或许是马刺本赛季最令人失望的一场失利。他们在几乎整场比赛中都保持着相对舒适的领先优势,随心所欲地得分,并在第三节一度领先多达19分,但随后一切都分崩离析。公牛队奋起反击,在最后4分钟打出一波11-0的攻击波,从马刺手中偷走了一场重要的比赛。


105-121 负于 @ 密尔沃基雄鹿

回顾 : 为了结束令人失望的连败,马刺在密尔沃基开局不错,但很快就被雄鹿的火热手感所淹没,比赛在上半场结束前就从胶着变成了溃败。文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)尤其打出了他本赛季最糟糕的比赛之一,仅得到10分,10投全在上半场,而且他在防守扬尼斯·阿德托昆博时显得力不从心。


*推迟:1月11日星期六 @ 洛杉矶湖人 *


John Schuhmann, NBA.com — 20 (上周: 15)

进攻效率: 111.2 (19) 防守效率: 112.1 (13) 净效率: -0.9 (17) 节奏: 99.3 (16)



  1. 从12月29日到2月3日,马刺17场比赛中有16场是对阵目前胜率超过五成的球队。唯一的例外是上周一他们在芝加哥的比赛,当时他们在第四节挥霍了15分的领先优势。截至12月,他们在第四节领先两位数的情况下战绩为14胜0负,但现在1月份的战绩为0胜2负。在一月份的四场比赛中,马刺前三节每百回合得分116.2分,但在第四节和加时赛中每百回合仅得79.8分。

  2. 马刺在芝加哥的最后八次进攻颗粒无收,两次失误,8投0中,所有八次出手都在距离篮筐至少13英尺的地方。因此,在比赛的关键时刻,他们无法突破每百回合丢分在油漆区排名第二的防守。

  3. 总体而言,马刺有44%的出手来自油漆区,这是联盟第六低的比例,低于上赛季的49%(排名第13低)。文班亚马只有36%的出手来自油漆区,低于上赛季的51%。他在油漆区(69.4%)和外线(49.6%)的投篮效率差异在至少100次油漆区内外出手的146名球员中排名第四。


Brett Siegel, Clutch Points — 16 (上周: 11)

在NBA实力排名达到赛季最高后,圣安东尼奥马刺队遭遇了一段艰难的时期,连输三场。即便如此,这仍然是一支有天赋的马刺队,他们可以回到之前的水平,甚至超越预期。毕竟,文班亚马正处于MVP的竞争中,随着赛季的进行,他将继续进步。对于德文·瓦塞尔和斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)等其他年轻球员来说也是如此。

即将到来: 1月13日周一 @ 洛杉矶湖人;1月15日周三 vs. 孟菲斯灰熊;1月17日周五 vs. 孟菲斯灰熊;1月19日周日 @ 迈阿密热火

预测: 2-2 — 考虑到我们已经五天没看到马刺比赛了,以及其他一些未知因素,这周的比赛很难预测。湖人队的比赛很难预测:两队都会很生疏,但又渴望比赛。考虑到洛杉矶正在经历的一切,这可能主要取决于湖人队的专注度和决心。然后,马刺将回到主场进行两场比赛,这正是他们急需的。灰熊队绝非易事,但我们可以假设(希望?)他们能在这场迷你系列赛中取得一胜一负的成绩。至于热火,谁也说不准。吉米·巴特勒应该会从禁赛中复出,但这会对他们有利还是有害呢?尽管存在未知数,但马刺只需要忘记上周,恢复状态,做好该做的事情。

点击查看原文:Week in Review: Spurs disappoint on the road in shortened week

Week in Review: Spurs disappoint on the road in shortened week

NBA: JAN 06 Spurs at Bulls

The Spurs lost the first two games of a four-game road trip in disappointing fashion before their third game was postponed.

Welcome to the Week in Review: a Monday feature that looks back at the week that was for the San Antonio Spurs, takes a look at the week ahead, and more. Enjoy!

Week 11: Facing a daunting January schedule that could make or break their season, the Spurs got off to a solid start with a win over the Clippers to end 2024, followed by splitting a mini-series against the Denver Nuggets with a win on the road and OT home loss to ring in the New Year.

Week 12: 0-2 (18-19, 12th in West)

110-114 loss @ Chicago Bulls

Recap: In perhaps their most disappointing loss of the season, the Spurs held a relatively comfortable lead almost the entire game, getting whatever they wanted and leading by as much as 19 in the third quarter before everything completely fell apart. The Bulls fought back and ended the game on an 11-0 run across the final 4 minutes to steal an important game from the Spurs.

What we learned

105-121 loss @ Milwaukee Bucks

Recap: Looking to end their disappointing losing streak, the Spurs got out to a hot start in Milwaukee but were soon overwhelmed by the Bucks’ hot shooting, and the game went from close to blowout before halftime. Victor Wembanyama in particular had one of his worst games of the season, scoring just 10 points on 10 shots, all in the first half, and he seemed overwhelmed on defense against Giannis Antetokounmpo.

What we learned

Postponed: Saturday 1/11 @ Los Angeles Lakers

Power Rankings

John Schuhmann, NBA.com— 20 (last week: 15)

OffRtg: 111.2 (19) DefRtg: 112.1 (13) NetRtg: -0.9 (17) Pace: 99.3 (16)

The Spurs have lost three straight games to fall back below .500 and into 12th place in the West.

Three takeaways

  1. From Dec. 29 through Feb. 3, the Spurs are playing 16 of 17 games against teams currently with winning records. The one exception was their game in Chicago last Monday when they blew a 15-point, fourth-quarter lead. They were 14-0 when leading by double-digits in the fourth period through December, but are now 0-2 in January. Over their four January games, the Spurs have scored 116.2 points per 100 possessions through the first three quarters, but just 79.8 per 100 in the fourth and overtime.

  2. The Spurs went scoreless on their final eight possessions in Chicago, turning the ball over twice and shooting 0-for-8, with all eight shots coming at least 13 feet from the basket. So with the game on the line, they couldn’t get to the rim against the defense that yields the second most points in the paint per 100 possessions.

  3. Overall, the Spurs have taken 44% of their shots in the paint, the league’s sixth-lowest rate and down from 49% (13th lowest) last season. Victor Wembanyama has taken just 36% of his shots in the paint, down from 51% last season. The difference between how effectively he’s shot in the paint (69.4%) and how effectively he’s shot from the outside (49.6%) is the fourth biggest differential among 146 players with at least 100 field goal attempts both in and outside the paint.

Their Saturday game in L.A. was postponed, but the Spurs are set to play at Crypto.com Arena on Monday. Their two losses at home to the Lakers were two of their three worst defensive games (combined 123.8 points allowed per 100 possessions) in which Wembanyama has been in uniform.

Brett Siegel, Clutch Points— 16 (last week: 11)

After reaching a season-high in the NBA power rankings, the San Antonio Spurs have hit a rough patch, losing three straight games. Even so, this is still a talented Spurs team that can get back to the level they were playing at and exceed expectations. After all, Wembanyama is in the MVP race, and he is going to continue improving as the season goes on. The same can be said about other youthful pieces on this roster like Devin Vassell and Stephon Castle.

Coming up: Mon. 1/13 @ Los Angeles Lakers; Wed. 1/15 vs. Memphis Grizzlies; Fri. 1/17 vs. Memphis Grizzlies; Sun. 1/19 @ Miami Heat

Prediction: 2-2 — This is a difficult week to predict considering we haven’t seen the Spurs play for five days, among other unknowns. It’s hard to predict the Lakers game: both teams will be rusty but eager to play. It may mostly come down to how focused/determined the Lakers are considering all their city is going through. Then, the Spurs make a much-needed return home for two games. The Grizzlies will be far from an easy outing, but we can assume (hope?) they will split the miniseries. Then, who knows with the Heat. Jimmy Butler should be back from suspension, but will that hurt or help them? Despite the unknowns, the Spurs just need to forget about last week, return to form, and take care of business.

By Marilyn Dubinski, via Pounding The Rock