By Jeje Gomez | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-01-07 12:39:56
马刺队在芝加哥的客场比赛中遭遇了本赛季最痛苦的失利之一。尽管一度领先多达19分,并在比赛还剩不到4分钟时仍领先7分,但他们在最后阶段彻底崩溃,此后一分未得,让扎克·拉文(Zach LaVine)和科比·怀特(Coby White)带领公牛队完成了逆转。
这场失利比大多数失利更令人痛心的是,马刺队在比赛初期展现出了正确的专注力和活力。他们在防守端充满 intensity,文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)坐镇内线,其他球员也各司其职。但在进攻端,情况并不那么和谐,文班再次成为焦点。尽管德文·瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell)表现出色,但这位明星中锋连续做出了一些糟糕的决定,使得球队在第一节未能扩大领先优势。在文班的第二节比赛中,情况发生了变化,他和第二阵容的搭配在攻防两端都发挥了作用。这套阵容的终结能力很强,马刺队在第一节结束后领先9分,如果不是因为一些失误,领先优势本可以更大。
在第三节的前几分钟,马刺队似乎仍然控制着比赛。扎克·拉文和科比·怀特可以随心所欲地得分,但马刺队总能给出回应。不幸的是,此后情况开始恶化。比赛变得更加混乱,这帮助了节奏快速的公牛队完成反击。马刺队的进攻停滞不前,球员们要么试图强行单打独斗,要么漫无目的地站在场上。克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)的出色表现帮助球队止血,球队也命中了足够多的投篮,在进入最后一节时仍保持着两位数的领先优势,但很明显,上半场的稳健表现已经让位于那种会导致比赛胶着和痛苦失利的粗心大意的表现。
米奇·约翰逊(Mitch Johnson)在赛后新闻发布会上谈到了对抗自满情绪,以及马刺队在领先时未能做到这一点。他说得对,圣安东尼奥的节奏放缓和过度自信让公牛队重新回到了比赛中,但一旦比赛进入胶着状态,出现了一些无法轻易解释的错误。防守端出现了巨大的漏洞,只能依靠文班亚马来弥补;在错误的时间错失了一些罚球,给了芝加哥喘息的机会;当杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)缺乏投篮能力造成的空间问题暴露出来时,球队也没有做出任何调整。这提醒人们,尽管他们的战绩不错,偶尔也会展现出成熟的一面,但这仍然是一支有缺陷的年轻球队。克里斯·保罗几乎挽救了这场比赛,但公牛队做出了调整,而马刺队没有给出回应。
一个漂亮的战术配合,让文班回报了斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)在上半场为他送出的空接助攻。
— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) 2025年1月7日
- 除了几个特定的回合之外,文班亚马在防守端表现出色,但尽管得到23分和4次助攻,他的进攻表现却很糟糕。文班不断地过度传球,而不是选择合理的投篮机会,并且不像最近那样积极地冲击篮筐。结果就是失误和只有两次罚球。只要文班在三分线内保持自信,他可以投任意数量的三分球。放弃投篮和犹豫会让他成为一个更容易被防守的得分手。
- 克里斯·保罗几次接管了比赛,但他精彩的发挥并没有唤醒他的队友。保罗大帝得到18分和9次助攻,18分距离他的赛季最高分只差1分。他在进攻端完成了自己的任务。
- 一些射手的 三分球 没有命中。德文·瓦塞尔7投1中,凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)和哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes)的三分球都是4投1中。朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)表现不错,9投4中,但他只打了16分钟多一点。
- 说到上场时间,杰里米·索汉的上场时间受到了限制。自从伤愈复出后的两场比赛中,他都打了26分钟左右。他的数据不错,但公牛队经常放空他去收缩内线,而且效果很好。查尔斯·巴塞(Charles Bassey)和凯尔登·约翰逊顶替他上场的时间,表现都还不错,但希望索汉能尽快恢复正常的出场时间,这将表明他已经完全康复。
- 斯蒂芬·卡斯尔替补出场得到10分和6次助攻。他有时会粘球,并且有一个莫名其妙的糟糕防守回合,但他仍然展现出了潜力。特雷·琼斯(Tre Jones)在12分29秒的出场时间里非常活跃,并在上半场加快了比赛节奏。替补后卫的表现不错。
- 在输给掘金队的比赛中使用了扎克·科林斯(Zach Collins)之后,米奇·约翰逊这次选择了巴塞。这位大个子在他近14分钟的出场时间里表现不错。和首发球员一起打球可能对他有所帮助。
下一场比赛:周三客场挑战密尔沃基雄鹿队(Milwaukee Bucks)
点击查看原文:Spurs’ late-game collapse leads to embarrassing loss to the Bulls
Spurs’ late-game collapse leads to embarrassing loss to the Bulls
San Antonio missed opportunities to put Chicago away early and paid for it by allowing a comeback that showcased new and familiar issues.
The Spurs suffered one of the most painful losses of the season in their visit to Chicago. Despite leading by as many as 19 and being up seven with under four minutes to go, they completely collapsed late, going scoreless the rest of the way, to allow Zach LaVine and Coby White to lead the Bulls to a comeback win.
What makes this loss hurt even more than most is that early on, the Spurs had the right focus and energy for this matchup. The intensity on defense was there, with Victor Wembanyama leading the way by owning the paint but everyone else also playing with purpose. On the other end, things weren’t as copacetic, and Wemby was once again in the middle of it. The star center strung together some bad decisions that prevented the lead from ballooning in his first stint, despite the work of a sharp Devin Vassell. Things changed in Wemby’s second stint, as the lineup that had him paired with the second unit did work on both ends. The group closed well, San Antonio was up nine after one, and the lead could have been bigger if not for some mistakes.
The bench plus Wemby lineup started the second quarter with great effort on defense, pushed the pace and hit some outside shots to create more separation. Once the starters returned and Victor took a break, the Bulls looked primed to make a run but everyone wearing Silver and Black did their job and prevented it. The synergy was strong across the board, so there were no opportunities for Chicago to find a moment of weakness to pounce on. San Antonio made the simple plays when it needed to, got highlight moments that bailed out possessions and didn’t let up as the minutes passed. They showed poise and managed their double-digit lead they got early in the frame and went into the locker room up 15.
For a few minutes in the third quarter, it seemed like the Spurs still had the game in their control. Zach LaVine and Coby White were scoring whenever they wanted, but there was always a response. Unfortunately, things started to fall apart soon after. The game became sloppier in general, which helped the fast-paced Bulls’ comeback attempt. The offense stagnated for San Antonio, with players either trying to force big individual plays or standing around with no purpose. A good stretch by Chris Paul helped stop the bleeding and the team hit enough shots to keep a double-digit lead heading into the final quarter, but it was clear that solid play from the first half had given way to the type of careless performance that leads to close games and painful losses.
Mitch Johnson talked about fighting complacency and how the Spurs failed to do it when they were ahead in his press conference. He was right in that San Antonio slowing down and getting overconfident allowed the Bulls to get back into it, but once the game was close, there were mistakes that can’t be explained away so easily. The defense left huge gaps and relied on Wembanyama to clean up mistakes; a few missed free throws at the wrong time gave Chicago more oxygen; there were no adjustments when the spacing issues caused by Jeremy Sochan’s lack of shooting reared their head. It was a reminder that despite their record and occasional flashes of maturity, this is still a flawed, young team. Chris Paul almost salvaged the win but the Bulls adjusted and the Spurs had no answers.
Play of the game
A pretty set play that allowed Wemby to repay Stephon Castle, who had dished out an alley-oop to the big man in the first half.
— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) January 7, 2025
Game notes
- Victor Wembanyama was a terror on defense except for a few specific plays, but he had a bad offensive game despite scoring 23 points and dishing out four assists. Wemby overpassed consistently instead of taking decent shots and was reluctant to attack the rim as aggressively as he has recently. The results were turnovers and only two free throw attempts. Wemby can take as many threes as he wants as long as he’s assertive inside the arc. Passing up shots and hesitating turns him into a more easily stoppable scorer.
- Chris Paul took over the game a few times but his great stretches didn’t manage to wake up his teammates. The Point God scored 18, one shy of his season high, and dropped nine dimes. He did his job on offense.
- The threes didn’t fall for some of the shooters. Devin Vassell missed six of his seven attempts and Keldon Johnson and Harrison Barnes both went 1-for-4 from beyond the arc. Julian Champagnie did have it going, connecting on four of his nine attempts but he only played a shade over 16 minutes.
- Speaking of minutes, Jeremy Sochan is on a restriction. In the two games since returning from injury he’s played around 26 minutes. He had a solid stat line but the Bulls left him open often to pack the paint and it worked. The guys who got some of his minutes, Charles Bassey and Keldon Johnson, did a solid job, but hopefully Sochan will get his regular playing time soon, as it would signal he’s fully healthy.
- Stephon Castle had 10 points and six assists off the bench. He can be a ball-stopper at times and had an inexplicably bad defensive possession, but he continues to show flashes of potential. Tre Jones was active in his 12:29 on the floor and pushed the pace in the first half. Good stuff from the backup guards.
- After playing Zach Collins in the loss to the Nuggets, Mitch Johnson went with Bassey this time around. The big man did fine in his almost 14 minutes. Playing with the starters a lot probably helped.
Next game: at Milwaukee Bucks on Wednesday
Things don’t get easier for the Spurs, who will play the next three on the road, including a visit to a Bucks team that demolished the Raptors on Monday.
By Jeje Gomez, via Pounding The Rock