🎧 Spurs Insider️ 播客: 圣安东尼奥马刺队控球后卫克里斯·保罗的传球能力

Spurs Insider Podcast, 2024-12-11 19:00:00


专栏作家迈克·芬格(Mike Finger)和马刺队随队记者杰夫·麦克唐纳(Jeff McDonald)和汤姆·奥尔斯本(Tom Orsborn)讨论了克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)超越贾森·基德(Jason Kidd),升至NBA历史助攻榜第二位,以及他是如何适应与维克多·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)一起打球的。








迈克·芬格: 这里是来自南德克萨斯州各地高度安全绝密地点的“马刺内幕”。这是我们的伤病流行版。我是迈克·芬格,《快报新闻》马刺队随队记者杰夫·麦克唐纳和汤姆·奥尔斯本以及体育编辑尼克·塔尔博特(Nick Talbot)也在这里。我相信这是本赛季第一次,本地球员的表现低于我们上周的预测。但这是带有星号的一周,因为每个人都受伤了。体育编辑尼克·塔尔博特身体不适,正在康复中。你希望马刺队也在康复中。但这真是糟糕的一周。我将从汤姆开始,让他给我们概述一下所有的伤员情况。汤姆,马刺队的情况如何?

汤姆·奥尔斯本: 我希望这些都不是长期伤病,但扎克·科林斯(Zach Collins)在一次摔倒中背部被撞得很厉害。他在上半场离开了比赛。凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)左小腿拉伤;他一瘸一拐地离开了上半场。文班亚马在缺席两场比赛后复出,但又短暂离场接受了背部治疗,回来后依旧展现了文班亚马式的风采。斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)肩膀受伤;他下场接受了一些治疗,然后带着左肩上的护垫回来了。

迈克·芬格: 所有这些都发生在周日晚上在弗罗斯特银行中心对阵新奥尔良鹈鹕队的比赛中,马刺队在那场比赛中取得了本周唯一一场胜利。看到播客的老朋友安德鲁·洛佩兹(Andrew Lopez)也来了,把他的所有伤病都带来了。鹈鹕队整个赛季都饱受伤病困扰;马刺队在那场比赛中被伤病压垮了。但这有四天的休息时间。我们在这个赛程相对轻松的时候录制这期播客,部分原因是我们都有NBA杯赛的休息时间,所以杰夫,这里的好处是有时间疗伤。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 是的,我认为你们对这件事太悲观了。我的意思是,他们在那场比赛中只损失了两名球员;他们本来可能损失四名。有一段时间,看起来每个人都会受伤,我想他们不得不让迈克·芬格去打大前锋。所以,他们的情况可能会更糟。斯蒂芬,等等,斯蒂芬在更衣室里,那时凯尔登受伤了。我发誓他们一定是碰面了,就像斯蒂芬从球员通道回到场上,而凯尔登一瘸一拐地穿过球员通道走向更衣室。我认为那是……我的意思是,我不想说这很有趣,因为人们受伤了,但我认为这在某种程度上说明了当晚的情况。球员们进进出出,就像旋转门一样,有点不知道发生了什么。所以我认为应该赞扬他们找到了一种方法赢下了那场比赛,即使比赛有时很奇怪,很丑陋。

迈克·芬格: 杰夫·麦克唐纳,你知道这件事好的一面是什么吗?如果他们真的在走廊里碰面了,那么从马刺队更衣室到球场的走廊里的交通管制和安保工作非常出色。汤姆,你同意吗?

汤姆·奥尔斯本: 是的,绝对同意。那里有一位非常非常好的交通协管员。她做得很好。做得非常出色。以我的经验来看,凯尔登很幸运没有被撞倒。

迈克·芬格: 这对听众来说太过于内部梗了,但杰夫·麦克唐纳,在遵守通道规则方面绝对是个违法者。他在那里被我认为值得称赞、勤勉的保安人员追究了责任。而且,你知道,我认为杰夫可以向我们其他人学习如何遵守规则。这就是我要说的。

迈克·芬格: 但马刺队本周赢了一场比赛。我们必须回顾一下维克多·文班亚马缺席的比赛,上次我们为“马刺内幕”聚在一起时,我们还没有内部消息说维克多会缺席那么长时间。与芝加哥公牛队和萨克拉门托国王队的背靠背比赛并没有像马刺队希望的那样顺利。但我认为这是迟早会发生的。马刺队在某种程度上一直在用意外之财打球,无论文班亚马是否在阵容中,他们都一次又一次地让自己陷入早期的困境,并找到了摆脱困境的方法。在那两场比赛中,所有在之前的比赛中出现的警告信号,警钟,都在那次背靠背比赛中应验了。这值得重新讨论吗?

汤姆·奥尔斯本: 前面提到的扎克·科林斯在对阵萨克拉门托的比赛中被罚出场并没有帮助,你知道,他竖起中指离开了。这让他们被NBA罚款3.5万美元。

迈克·芬格: 是哪根手指?

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 是迈克的吗?那会让他损失5万美元。

汤姆·奥尔斯本: 他向裁判竖起了老专栏作家,这就是他们在圣安东尼奥对它的称呼。我的意思是,不要对扎克·科林斯太苛刻,他与媒体相处得很好,而且我认为他在过去几年里一直是马刺队的稳定球员,但是,伙计,当维克多·文班亚马因为下背部问题缺席比赛,而你又有点力不从心,而且你的前场本来就不深厚,作为维克多·文班亚马的首发球员,你在上半场被罚出场是你最不想做的事情。我想汤姆,汤姆,你可能向他提过,或者从那以后和他谈过,也许没有?

迈克·芬格: 没有,他遭受的背部伤势……哦,对了。对了。

汤姆·奥尔斯本: 但我认为扎克意识到这可能不是他最好的举动。他真的让马刺队陷入了困境。所有这一切的好处是,查尔斯·巴塞(Charles Bassey)在周日对阵鹈鹕队的比赛中又有了非常出色的表现。

迈克·芬格: 我们会在谈到克里斯·保罗之前先谈到查尔斯·巴塞,是吗?

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 好吧。我们说到这儿了,那就从查尔斯·巴塞开始吧。

迈克·芬格: 好的。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 他打了一场精彩的比赛,他们也需要这场比赛,因为在某个时刻,看起来他将是那晚对阵鹈鹕队剩下的时间里唯一一个能打的大个子,因为我们谈到过那些伤病是如何同时发生的。文班亚马在比赛进行了三分钟左右就离开了。大约两分钟后,扎克,你知道,扎克上场了,大约两分钟后,扎克摔倒在地,离开了比赛,你心想,现在这个阵容中唯一身高超过6英尺8英寸的球员就是查尔斯·巴塞了。如果你注意到,波波维奇不想马上用他。第一个换人是让杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)打小球中锋,但他们很快意识到这行不通。而且你有点不知道……我本来想说你不知道查尔斯·巴塞会打成什么样。我的意思是,你知道他会努力打球。你的确知道这一点,但其他的部分可能好坏参半。不管他是努力打球并帮助你,还是努力打球但没有帮助你,但这是一个他努力打球并帮助你的例子。他得到了16分,追平了职业生涯最高得分,还有很多篮板,四个盖帽。在其他前场球员受伤或无法上场的情况下,他真的为他们挺身而出。所以向我们的查尔斯致敬。

汤姆·奥尔斯本: 他的盖帽能力一直很稳定。我的意思是,我认为他保护篮筐的能力很好。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 我的意思是,他不知道自己在做什么。他不知道……这是本能。这完全是本能,是的。但我的意思是,这可以在很多比赛的短时间内帮助你。你不想让他每晚打20分钟,我认为马刺队也不打算这样做。

迈克·芬格: 我敢说,如果马刺队让他在接下来的12场比赛中每晚打20分钟,他可能不会再有16分、8个篮板、4个盖帽这样的数据。我认为这只是……这是最好的情况。能拿到就拿吧。不过,说到统计数据,杰夫·麦克唐纳,有一个里程碑式的成就。我知道你很惊讶我们会谈论这个。但是克里斯·保罗,伙计,我们还没有提到克里斯·保罗。我简直不敢相信。他超越了贾森·基德,成为NBA历史助攻榜第二名。比赛没有停止,但在暂停期间,弗罗斯特银行中心的广播员向所有人宣布了这一消息。他来自圣安东尼奥马刺球迷的长期崇拜者们全体起立,为他送上了热烈的掌声。这是一个美好的小片段。就像我们每周都会说的那样,伙计,看克里斯·保罗打球真是太有趣了。他非常适合这支球队。杰夫,你这周在《圣安东尼奥快报新闻》和expressnews.com上都写了关于他的文章。你对克里斯·保罗的里程碑式成就有什么总体印象?

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 我最喜欢的小花絮是我一直提到的,他的第一个助攻给了PJ·布朗(PJ Brown),他现在55岁了。我们在赛后发现,他比维克多·文班亚马的爸爸还大。所以,维克多20岁;他接到了……不是破纪录的那一个,而是超越贾森·基德的那一个助攻。他20岁。他爸爸51岁,而接到克里斯·保罗第一个助攻的人现在55岁。这对我来说很有趣。我的意思是,这……这证明了他的职业生涯的持久性,而且如果没有在联盟打很长很长很长很长时间,你就无法取得这样的里程碑式成就。克里斯已经打了20年了,20年来每晚大约送出10次助攻,显然这就是你……这就是你如何接近约翰·斯托克顿(John Stockton)3000次助攻的方式。

迈克·芬格: 克里斯·保罗,除了是这支年轻的马刺队的完美场上和场下搭档之外,也是我最喜欢的……他正迅速成为我最喜欢的采访对象之一。不仅仅是因为我们之前编造的关于他说了多少个“不,不,你做这行很久了”的笑话。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 是的,我做这行很久了。这不像我以前采访过历史助攻榜第二名。我的意思是,拜托。这就是我喜欢和克里斯·保罗交谈的部分原因。另一件事就是,他有一种……成为……被一些人认为是语言大师的方式。我们的播客朋友迈克·门罗(Mike Monroe)问他关于约翰·斯托克顿的情况,以及约翰·斯托克顿是如何永远永远地打球,并且在职业生涯中只缺席了19场比赛。克里斯·保罗是怎么说的?他说:“那不是我的职责。”每晚都打球。他做过五次该死的手部手术。他错过了很多比赛。克里斯·保罗在很多方面都自嘲。这很讨人喜欢。但同样地,即使每晚都打20年不是克里斯·保罗的职责,如果你看看这支球队,这支马刺队,维克多·文班亚马、凯尔登·约翰逊、德文·瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell)、扎克·科林斯以及你随便说的哪个年轻球员都缺席了比赛,那么到目前为止,谁是每晚都打球的人?39岁的克里斯·保罗。

迈克·芬格: 唯二每场比赛都首发的球员是克里斯·保罗和哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes)吗?

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 我相信你是对的。老家伙们。所以这可能是他们的职责。

汤姆·奥尔斯本: 我想斯蒂芬·卡斯尔没有缺席过比赛,对吗?他只是……

迈克·芬格: 对。他没有缺席过,但他没有每场都首发。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 但是你是对的,你是对的,迈克。他如此……他如此真诚。这是一个非常讨人喜欢的品质。我的意思是,他不是……他不是想成为除了自己以外的任何人,当他……这是一个非常好的品质,而且一件很不错的事情是看到……听到马刺队的球迷们,他们可能,我的意思是,曾经恨他,现在回心转意说:“天哪,你知道吗?我不想这么说,但是,你知道,这家伙让我越来越喜欢他了。”

迈克·芬格: 我最喜欢他做的一个小小的口头禅是,他总是在和某人说话。比如,“我前几天刚和勒布朗(LeBron)谈过这个”,或者“我和拉塞尔·威斯布鲁克(Russell Westbrook)是朋友,我们前几天刚谈过这个”。

汤姆·奥尔斯本: 那句不错,是的。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 我喜欢那句……那又是另一句不错的。他是朋友……

汤姆·奥尔斯本: 他总是在说话,就像我们之前在播客中说的那样。而且他在联盟里有很多朋友。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 他有很多朋友。我喜欢他指出他什么时候和某人不是朋友。比如他会说,“是的,我不是很了解文斯·卡特(Vince Carter),但是……”

迈克·芬格: 是的。问题是,这一切都很讨人喜欢,就像……他的小小的克里斯·保罗式表达,它们很搞笑,但汤姆是对的。他就是他。他不是在演戏。而且他不是为了夸张而夸大其词,就像我们在这个播客上做的那样。他很真实。我想他可能会听这个播客,因为他关心他的队友,而且他总是很真实。所以,我的意思是,他应该成为我们的吉祥物。他体现了我们……我们在这个播客上宣扬的一切。听克里斯·保罗的。

汤姆·奥尔斯本: 我们之前的吉祥物之一是赛迪斯·杨(Thaddeus Young),我相信。

迈克·芬格: 没错。我想知道赛迪斯怎么样了。我有点想念他。我前几天晚上在新闻发布室提到了这一点,但我最喜欢的克里斯·保罗在他里程碑之夜的助攻,我的意思是,他超越贾森·基德的那一个,就像,“我本来可以做到的。”他只是把球传给维克多,然后维克多立即投了一个三分球。但我喜欢他在……他在某种程度上带领快攻,然后在大约罚球线的位置停了下来,他的防守人就像贴在他身上一样。就像,“你为什么不……你如果继续前进也许就能到篮下了?”维克多在他左边冲刺。我想,“哦,那你就把球传给维克多。”就像,维克多几乎在底角。但出于某种原因,他停了下来。我想,“他在做什么?他在做什么?”然后,停顿了一下……停顿了一下,然后又停顿了一下,索汉就从球道中间跟了上来,克里斯就把球传给了他,然后就是一个扣篮。对我来说,这是我最喜欢的当晚的助攻,因为这是一个……这是一个只有他能预见到的助攻。

迈克·芬格: 是的。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 这些也是我最喜欢的克里斯·保罗的助攻,那些……你知道,“我做这行很久了。我看过很多篮球比赛,”所以我通常能看到传球应该往哪里传。所以,当传球传到一个你意想不到的地方,而结果证明正是正确的位置时,这会让我感到高兴。所以那是我最……最喜欢克里斯·保罗那天晚上助攻盛宴的时刻。

迈克·芬格: 有不同类型的克里斯·保罗式助攻。有那种绝对令人赏心悦目的。还有一种是马刺球迷去年一整年都渴望有人传出的,维克多·文班亚马的新秀赛季,我们已经看到克里斯·保罗今年传出过几次,至少我想是两三次,那就是从篮下发球,你直接把球扔到篮筐上方,维克多就把球放进篮筐。就像,这似乎是杰夫·麦克唐纳几乎可以做到的……我们几乎可以做到的。但有一种技巧是……不要让接下来会发生什么太明显,即使每个人都应该预见到会发生什么。我认为在周日对阵新奥尔良的比赛中,维克多在篮下与瓦兰丘纳斯争抢位置。他在限制区内,在那个圈内开始发球。维克多所要做的就是从底线把球扔到篮筐上方,维克多,你知道,就把球放进篮筐。这不应该那么容易。但我认为马刺队每场比赛都应该有一两次这样的配合。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 那次配合的关键是维克多在离篮筐那么近的位置获得了位置,这……这很难做到。我的意思是,如果对手注意到了,他们不会让你这样做的。我认为克里斯·保罗的作用实际上是注意到维克多做了什么并给予奖励,而我认为去年那些家伙太年轻了,有时没有意识到,比如维克多……这种情况不会一直发生。这是一两次机会,你必须充分利用它们。去年,我认为他们不太擅长识别那一两次机会……再来一次。而克里斯·保罗会更擅长立即识别这种错位并利用它们。

迈克·芬格: 你有没有提到播客的朋友丹·维斯(Dan Weiss)指出……

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 我们有很多朋友。

迈克·芬格: 我们很快会再次讨论这个。保罗距离超越基德成为历史抢断榜第二名还差37次抢断。

汤姆·奥尔斯本: 历史抢断榜。我们很快会再次讨论这个。

迈克·芬格: 我认为助攻的意义更大一些。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 是的,当然。这……这很有趣。

迈克·芬格: 当然,但你知道,当这种情况发生时,我们会讨论这个问题。这可能会让我想在播客上谈论的一些事情……确保我们……实际上,当这种情况发生时,他会说,“你认为我以前没有超越过贾森·基德吗?”

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 是的。没错。

迈克·芬格: 当这种情况发生时,汤姆和杰夫在每场比赛后都会提到它。通常是杰夫,有时是汤姆,这叫做“三点总结”。每场比赛结束后,expressnews.com上都会有三点总结,这个播客的听众,我向所有人推荐,可以登录并查看,你知道,每场比赛的三点总结。这总是一篇有趣的读物。汤姆和我一直想在播客上谈论这个,因为读者不知道,听众不知道的是,当杰夫·麦克唐纳做“三点总结”时,那段时间里有一些动力。我会让你解释一下它是什么。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 我有一个饮酒问题。

汤姆·奥尔斯本: 三个……他……而且这发生在赛前。他把三个……

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 我认为是在中场休息时。中场休息。如果你在赛前做,冰块就化了。

汤姆·奥尔斯本: 三个装满……装满零度可乐的杯子,对吧,杰夫?

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 可乐,是的,零度可乐。如果你走进弗罗斯特银行中心媒体工作室,媒体休息室,在杰夫·麦克唐纳报道的任何一场马刺比赛的中场休息时,你会注意到一件最奇特的事情。你会注意到杰夫·麦克唐纳拿着两个塑料杯走到饮料机区,用冰块装满这两个塑料杯,再用零度可乐装满每个塑料杯,一路走到他的桌子旁,沿着走廊走到他的桌子旁,然后回来再拿一个塑料杯,装满冰块,装满零度可乐,然后把这个杯子也带到他的桌子旁,因为饮料机区在赛后就关闭了。无法进入。为了组成每场比赛“三点总结”的每一个精彩的总结,杰夫·麦克唐纳必须喝掉一杯零度可乐。我只是觉得这很神奇。我可以……我可以反驳一下你的理论吗?

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 是的。我几乎从来不喝完三杯。只有当我严重写不出东西的时候,我才会喝到第三杯。

迈克·芬格: 通常……但平均下来,每个总结是不是一杯零度可乐?

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 不,不是。不是。

迈克·芬格: 你正在毁掉一个赞助机会。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 我的意思是,每个总结。如果他们只是把那个东西开着,那我就不用在比赛结束前像松鼠一样囤积它们了,但他们不把饮料机开着。这是一件有趣的事情……如果我在写作的时候没有东西喝,我不知道会发生什么。我的意思是,我可能会自燃。

迈克·芬格: 是的。我们有……这是一个奇怪的习惯。这是一个奇怪的……你就像……我们现在正在进行心理治疗。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 就像……这是一个奇怪的习惯。我有点问题。

迈克·芬格: 我想这是播客中的一个平静期,因为这是赛季中的一个平静期。马刺队直到周五才会再次比赛。我们有整整四天的休息时间。这可以让受伤的球员们恢复一下。波波维奇前几天甚至指出,这是赛程中一个完美的休息时间。汤姆将参加周五前往波特兰的客场之旅。接下来是周日在主场对阵森林狼队的比赛。这是我们在下一期播客之前要报道的仅有的两场比赛。所以这应该会让预测变得更简单一些。但是我们对这两场在NBA杯赛期间加入赛程的比赛怎么看?汤姆,这周我们期待什么?

汤姆·奥尔斯本: 我会预测一胜一负,在波特兰赢球,在主场输给明尼苏达。

迈克·芬格: 我认为森林狼队正在变得更好。他们有一段时间状态不好。

汤姆·奥尔斯本: 是的。是的。我就是这么想的,迈克。

迈克·芬格: 是的。没有详细说明……你这周期待什么?

汤姆·奥尔斯本: 期待……我已经有一段时间没去过波特兰了,所以那里很棒……很棒的中餐。我很期待。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 我认为波特兰现在是自带帐篷了。

汤姆·奥尔斯本: 已经有一段时间了。我喜欢……我喜欢波特兰。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 我以前也喜欢,但它已经不是以前的样子了。

汤姆·奥尔斯本: 我喜欢他们的唐人街区。很棒的地方。

迈克·芬格: 就像克里斯·保罗一样,它很真诚。杰夫,你这周的预测?

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 是的,我认为一胜一负是一个很好的预测。我的意思是,也许只是……我让他们赢下波特兰的比赛,就像我几乎都没有考虑过。但这是一场客场比赛,所以你永远不知道。而明尼苏达,就像……就像你说的,他们不是……不是几周前的那种绝对的垃圾球队。所以他们会更难战胜,但马刺队可以在主场赢下那场比赛。所以我认为最保险的做法就是说一胜一负。我可能会说他们会战胜波特兰,输给明尼苏达,但如果结果相反,我也不会太惊讶。

迈克·芬格: 是的,我认为结果也可能相反。马刺队在主场的表现比在客场好得多。波特兰队并非糟糕透顶。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 他们相当糟糕。

迈克·芬格: 就像他们称之为家的城市一样,他们经历过更好的日子。这简直是无耻,你对美国最伟大的城市之一的诽谤。我喜欢太平洋西北地区。它……那里的乡村非常美丽。山丘和绿地。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 城市……城市也很棒。

迈克·芬格: 是的。是的。我为他们祈祷。这简直是杰夫·麦克唐纳的无耻行径。我喜欢波特兰。

迈克·芬格: 我们没有……我们没有深入讨论维克多·文班亚马,他这周的比赛很少,因为下背部问题缺席了一些比赛。当在新奥尔良比赛结束后提到,媒体团中的许多老人都知道下背部受伤有多么棘手时。维克多·文班亚马笑着说他理解这一点,并且知道这很棘手,但他并不担心以后的下背部伤势,即使他是一个非常高的人,而且非常高的人往往会受伤,而且伤势不会消失。他说,他发现,在所有伤病中,这并不是最严重的,但他说这是最烦人的。有点像我对你的感觉。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 是的。

迈克·芬格: 伙计,我这周真的很努力在挽救这个播客,外面的朋友们。我希望你们能理解我所经历的一切。但是……我认为看看维克多·文班亚马在他职业生涯一年零几个月后的情况很有趣。他因为伤病缺席了一些时间。你知道,人们在他被选中之前担心的一个问题是,他会成为那些经常缺席比赛的高个子球员之一吗?他……他去年打了很长时间,打了很多分钟,有一些分钟限制。他今年已经缺席了几场比赛。我想我只是想了解一下专家组的看法,他会不会成为一个铁人?你们是否不得不接受他每年缺席五场、十场比赛?我们对……

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 我认为他缺席的大部分比赛都是球队对他小心翼翼,不过。

迈克·芬格: 对。正是如此。这就是我的问题。这就是我的……所以……但并不是说他不能在那些比赛中上场。老实说,就像对阵新奥尔良的比赛,他一开始看起来状态不好,……在比赛进行了三分钟就请求下场,我很惊讶他回来了。在那时……在那时,我所有的马刺队历史都在告诉我,他们不会让那个家伙重新上场,不会在之后有四天休息时间的情况下。果然,他在下一节回来了,我不知道他们是不是请了宫城先生回来,但是……在那之后他看起来很棒。就像,一点问题都没有。所以……

迈克·芬格: 这就是我提起这个问题的原因,因为每次他缺席比赛,你都会假设,因为你报道马刺队很久了,这不是你第一次看到一个球员……一个明星球员缺席比赛,你……我认为你假设这是马刺队格外小心,他可能可以上场,但他们不让他上场。但我认为过去这周的不同之处在于,他缺席了几场比赛,你想,哦,他们只是对他格外小心,然后结果是,在他复出的第三场比赛中,他自己请求下场,因为他真的受伤了。所以这不仅仅是……我想需要澄清的是,马刺队的确有很多格外小心的情况,这是可以理解的。但仍然有一些真正的伤病。我想我想说的是,他……我认为他不是比尔·沃顿(Bill Walton)。我认为他不是姚明。我认为他的体型不同。我认为他……他生来就是为了持久的。他……他很灵活,他状态很好,诸如此类。我认为他所受的大部分伤病都是,你知道,这些小伤,一次一场比赛。但每次发生这种情况,它都提醒我们,事情可能会朝着另一个方向发展,到目前为止,他们算是很幸运的。我的意思是,他也不是乔尔·恩比德(Joel Embiid)。切特……切特·霍姆格伦(Chet Holmgren)。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 现在不是每个人每年都缺席10场比赛吗?

迈克·芬格: 是的。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 比如,当我说有些人缺席更多比赛的时候。

迈克·芬格: 如果他开始缺席更多比赛,那么我认为这可能是个问题。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 他本来可以轻松地留在更衣室里,不打新奥尔良的比赛。

汤姆·奥尔斯本: 我尽量不被球迷在推特社交媒体上的评论带偏,但是,伙计,当他们说他软的时候,那简直……你知道,那简直太荒谬了。这……这很荒谬。这很荒谬,我无法想象有人会这么说。

迈克·芬格: 是的。任何……任何会说维克多·文班亚马软的人,从弗罗斯特银行中心上方的平台上,永远不会被邀请参加这个播客。我告诉你。

汤姆·奥尔斯本: 是吗?

迈克·芬格: 我不知道。我想我们邀请了那个人,而那个人拒绝了。也许他很软。我们拭目以待。我们拭目以待。不,我只是把这个说出来,因为我认为这是一个有趣的讨论,关于,你知道,维克多·文班亚马在他职业生涯一年零几个月后的情况。我没有任何引导的意思。我不是在暗示他很软,或者他很容易受伤,或者其他什么。

汤姆·奥尔斯本: 我认为很多想法只是回到了他被选中时,人们的担忧是,一个7英尺4英寸的家伙能保持健康吗?我想我的观点是,他做得还不错。到目前为止,他所受的所有伤病都是那种一两场比赛的小伤。而且你没有像失去杰里米·索汉、德文·瓦塞尔、甚至扎克·科林斯那样失去他那么长时间。就像……到目前为止,他们在他身上很幸运。我认为这可以继续下去。

迈克·芬格: 一开始的担忧是,他随时可能发生应力性骨折,因为他有太多的骨头。而这还没有应验。敲木头。伤病只是一些小的,比如扭伤脚踝,或者……你知道,在承担犯规后背部酸痛之类的。所以我想说,他更像……人们认为他会像……他可能会像切特到目前为止的样子,你知道,在踏上NBA球场之前就骨折了,或者……或者重重摔倒,虽然是相对正常的摔倒,但摔断了臀部,你知道,就像我奶奶一样。

迈克·芬格: 是的。不,这就是我想说的。需要澄清的是,我不是想引导播客说维克多·文班亚马很软,或者认为他会缺席很多比赛。我认为只是值得从宏观的角度来看待。……从……鸟瞰的角度来看,我认为他……到目前为止,他证明自己比大多数人认为的更耐用。而这可能会在一瞬间改变。你知道,这可能会在人们听到这个播客的时候改变。谁知道呢?这就是为什么我敲木头,因为我不希望这是我的错。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 有人……有人可能会……我想说维克多·文班亚马不会发生什么。没有人……没有记者会在从更衣室通道出来时与他相撞,因为那里有保安,一个非常……非常,你知道,严格的保安。尽职尽责的保安会确保这种情况不会发生。

迈克·芬格: 是的。我同意。是的。我认为我们应该尊重那些保护我们安全的人,尊重他们,永远不要质疑他们的权威。我认为这……这是一件好事。我不想成为……看看你。看看你。我不想说得那么绝对。我们有时会看到你的位置。我们看到……我们看到……你……你有时真正的样子。我想我在取笑杰夫·麦克唐纳质疑走廊保安的权威时说得有点过头了。我可能说得有点过头了。下周我们再次在“马刺内幕”播客上与你交谈时,我会努力做得更好。在那之前,请互相照顾,就像克里斯·保罗经常做的那样,保持真实。

点击查看原文:San Antonio Spurs point guard Chris Paul's passing prowess

San Antonio Spurs point guard Chris Paul’s passing prowess

Columnist Mike Finger and Spurs beat reporters Jeff McDonald and Tom Orsborn discuss Chris Paul jumping Jason Kidd to move into second place on the NBA’s all-time assist list and how he has adapted to playing with Victor Wembanyama.

Suggested reading:

Chris Paul’s assist total a lesson in longevity

Spurs grateful for time off after rash of injuries

Paul enjoys emotional celebration with Spurs after milestone assist

3 Takeaways as Chris Paul gets his flowers


Here is the transcript of the podcast:

Mike Finger: From a highly secure network of top-secret locations across South Texas, this is the Spurs Insider. It’s our injury epidemic edition. I am Mike Finger, joined as always by our panel of Express-News Spurs beat writers, Jeff McDonald and Tom Orsborn, with sports editor Nick Talbot. This is the first time all season, I believe, that the local cagers have underperformed our prognostications from the previous week. But it’s been a week that’s come with an asterisk because everyone is hurt. Nick Talbot, the sports editor, is under the weather, healing. You hope that the Spurs are healing. But it’s been a heck of a week. I’m going to start with Tom just to give us the rundown of all the carnage. How are things going with the Spurs, Tom?

Tom Orsborn: Well, I mean, I hope none of these are long-term, but Zach Zach went down hard against Zach Collins. Yeah, Zach Collins hit his back pretty hard on a spill. He left in the first half. Keldon Johnson left calf strained; he went out, hobbled in the first half. Wembanyama came back after missing two games but went out for a brief period to get some treatment on his back, came back and was as Wembanyama-esque as he always is. Steph Curry had a banged-up shoulder; he came out, got some treatment, and came back in with a pad on his left shoulder.

Mike Finger: And all of this happened within about a 10-minute stretch of the only Spurs victory of the week, which came at Frost Bank Center on Sunday evening against the New Orleans Pelicans. Saw old friend of the podcast, Andrew Lopez in the house, bringing all of his injuries with him. The Pelicans have been ravaged by injuries all year; the Spurs were overwhelmed by them in that game. But this is a four-game break. We’re doing this podcast in a light part of the schedule, due in part to the NBA Cup break that we all have, and so the upside here, Jeff, is there is time to heal.

Jeff McDonald: Yeah, I think you guys are being way too negative about this. I mean, they only lost two guys from that game; they could have lost four. It looked for a while like just everybody was going to be hurt, and they I think they were going to have to play Mike Finger at power forward. So, they could have done worse. There was one moment where Steph, let’s see, Steph was in the locker room, and that’s when Keldon got hurt. And I swear they had to pass each other, like Steph coming onto the floor, back onto the floor from the tunnel, and Keldon limping through the tunnel towards the locker room. I thought that was I mean, I don’t want to say it’s funny because people are getting hurt, but I thought that was kind of telling of the night. There was just this revolving door of guys in and out and kind of not knowing what’s going on. And so I guess you give them credit for figuring out a way to win that game, even though it was weird and ugly at times.

Mike Finger: Well, you know what the bright side there is, Jeff McDonald, is if they did pass each other in that hallway, the traffic control, the security in that hallway from the Spurs locker room to the floor is excellent. Don’t you agree, Tom?

Tom Orsborn: Yes, absolutely. There’s a really, really good traffic cop usher. She does a great job. A fantastic job. In my experience, Keldon is lucky he didn’t get tackled.

Mike Finger: This is way too inside of a reference here for the listeners, but Jeff McDonald, just an absolute scofflaw when it comes to obeying the laws of the tunnel. And he’s been held accountable by, I would say, admirable, diligent security employees there. And, you know, I think Jeff could learn from the rest of us in terms of following rules. That’s all I’m going to say.

Mike Finger: But the Spurs for the week, won the one game. We have to sort of go backwards to the games that Victor Wembanyama did miss, and when we last convened for the Spurs Insider, we did not have the inside intel that Victor would miss as much time as he did. And that back-to-back with the Chicago Bulls and Sacramento Kings did not go as well as the Spurs might have hoped. But I think that was sort of a long time coming. The Spurs have been playing with some house money in a way, had been sort of digging themselves into early holes over and over again and finding ways to climb out of them whether Wembanyama was in the lineup or not. And those two games, all the warning signs, the alarm bells that have been going off in previous games, kind of came to fruition there in that back-to-back. Is that worth rehashing at all?

Tom Orsborn: Well, it didn’t help that the aforementioned Zach Collins got tossed against Sacramento, and you know, left with a one-finger salute. They cost them 35 grand from the NBA.

Mike Finger: Which finger was it?

Jeff McDonald: Was it Mike’s? That would have cost him 50 grand.

Tom Orsborn: He gave the referee the old local columnist, that’s what they call it in San Antonio. And I mean, not to come down too hard on Zach Collins, who is good with the media and I think has been a solid performer for the Spurs for the last few years, but man, when Victor Wembanyama is sitting out of a game due to a lower back problem, and you’re kind of up against it, and you’re not very deep in the front court anyway, the one thing you don’t want to do as the guy starting for Victor Wembanyama is get ejected in the first half. And I think Tom, Tom, you might have mentioned to him that or talked to him since then, maybe not?

Mike Finger: No, did the back the injury that he suffered Oh, that’s right. That’s right.

Tom Orsborn: But I think Zach realizes that that probably was not the best move on his part. He really put the Spurs behind the eight ball there. The upside of all this is that Charles Bassey had another really nice performance against the Pelicans on Sunday, though.

Mike Finger: We’re going to get to Charles Bassey before we get to Chris Paul, huh?

Jeff McDonald: Well, okay. We went there, so let’s start with Charlie B.

Mike Finger: Okay.

Jeff McDonald: Um, yeah, he had a great game, and they needed it because at one point it looked like he was going to be the only big man freaking available for them the rest of the night against the Pelicans because we talked about how those injuries all happened at once. It was Wembanyama left the game like three minutes in. And it was like two minutes later that Zach, you know, Zach comes in, it’s like two minutes later that Zach falls on his backside and leaves the game, and you’re thinking the only guy taller than 6’8" on this roster now really is Charlie B., Charles Bassey. And if you notice, Mitch didn’t want to go to him immediately. The first sub there was to make Jeremy Sochan the small-ball center, but they quickly realized that wasn’t going to work. And you kind of don’t know I was going to say you don’t know what you’re going to get with Charles Bassey. I mean, you know he’s going to play hard. You do know that, but the rest of it can be a mixed bag. Whether he plays hard and helps you or plays hard and does not help you, but this was an instance where he played hard and helped you. He had a matched a career high with 16, had a bunch of rebounds, four blocks. And really came through for them on a night where the rest of the front court was banged up or unavailable. So hats off to our guy Charlie.

Tom Orsborn: His shot blocking is always consistent. I mean, he protects the rim pretty well, I think.

Jeff McDonald: I mean, he doesn’t know what he’s doing. He doesn’t know It’s instinct. It’s all instinct, yeah. But I mean, that that can help you in short bursts in a lot of games. You don’t want to get to a situation where you’re playing him 20 minutes a night, which I don’t think the Spurs aim to do.

Mike Finger: I would venture to say that if the if the Spurs played him 20 minutes a night for the next 12 games, he might not have another line like 16 points, eight rebounds, four blocks. I think that’s just that’s the best-case scenario. Take it where you can get it. In terms of statistics though, Jeff McDonald, there was a milestone reached. And I know this is a surprise to you that we talk about this. But Chris Paul, man, we haven’t mentioned Chris Paul yet. I can’t believe that. And he passed Jason Kidd for number two on the all-time assist chart in the NBA. The game wasn’t stopped, but during a timeout, the PA guy at Frost Bank Center called it to everyone’s attention. His long-time admirers from the San Antonio from Spurs Nation rose in unison to give him a rousing ovation. It was a nice little moment. And like we say it every week, but man, it’s fun watching Chris Paul. He’s perfect for this team. And Jeff, you wrote about him in the San Antonio Express-News this week on expressnews.com. What was your general impression of the Chris Paul milestone?

Jeff McDonald: My favorite little nugget that I keep bringing up is that his first assist went to PJ Brown, who is 55 years old now. And we discovered after the game that is older than Victor Wembanyama’s dad. So the guy Victor is 20; he caught the not the record-breaker but the Jason Kidd passer, passing assists. He’s 20. His dad is 51, and the guy that caught Chris Paul’s first assist is 55 now. That was just fun to me. I mean, it’s it and you don’t get it’s a testament to his longevity, and you don’t get those kinds of milestones without playing in the league a long, long, long, long long time. And Chris has been doing it for 20 years, putting up about 10 assists a night for 20 years, and that’s how you apparently that’s how you get within like 3,000 of John Stockton.

Mike Finger: Chris Paul, in addition to being a perfect on-and-off-court match for this young Spurs team, just one of my favorite he’s quickly becoming one of my favorite interview subjects ever. Not just because of what we made up of what we made fun of before about how many No, no, you’ve been doing this a long time.

Jeff McDonald: Yeah, I’ve been doing this a long time. It’s not like I’ve ever talked to the number two man in assists before. I mean, come on. That’s part of what I enjoy talking to Chris Paul about. Another thing is just how he has this way of of just being a being what some might consider a wordsmith. Our friend of the podcast, Mike Monroe, asked him about John Stockton and about how John Stockton played forever and ever and ever and only missed 19 games in his career. And what did Chris Paul say? He said, “That ain’t my ministry.” Playing every night. He’s had five dang hand surgeries. He’s missed a lot of action. And that Chris Paul is self-deprecating in a lot of ways. That’s very endearing. But on that same note, even if playing every night for 20 years ain’t Chris Paul’s ministry, if you look around at this team, at this Spurs team in which Victor Wembanyama and Keldon Johnson and Devin Vassell and Zach Collins and name your young guy are all missing games, who’s the guy that’s played every night so far? Thirty-nine-year-old Chris Paul.

Mike Finger: Are are the only two starters who have started every game Chris Paul and Harrison Barnes?

Jeff McDonald: I believe you’re correct. The old guys. So that might be their ministry.

Tom Orsborn: I guess Steph Curry has not missed a game, correct? He just

Mike Finger: Right. He has not but he hasn’t started every game.

Jeff McDonald: But you’re right, you’re right, Mike. He’s so he’s so genuine. It’s a very endearing quality. I mean, he’s not he’s not trying to be anyone but himself when he’s It’s a really great quality and something that’s been neat too is to see hear Spurs fans who who probably, I mean, hated him, now come around and say, “Gosh, you know what? I hate to say it, but you know, this guy’s making me like him a lot.”

Mike Finger: My my new favorite little verbal thing that he does is he’s always talking to somebody. Like, I was just talking to LeBron about this the other day, or I’m friends with Russell Westbrook, and we were talking about this the other day.

Tom Orsborn: That’s a good one, yeah.

Jeff McDonald: I like that that’s another good one. He’s friends with

Tom Orsborn: Well, he is always talking, as we said before in the podcast. And he has a lot of friends in the league.

Jeff McDonald: He has a lot of friends. And I liked that he points out when he wasn’t friends with someone. Like he was like, “Yeah, I didn’t know Vince Carter very well, but”

Mike Finger: Yeah. It’s not the thing is, it’s all endearing, and it’s like um his his little Chris Paul-isms, they’re hilarious, but Tom is Tom is correct. He is who he is. He’s not playing a part. And he’s not exaggerating for exaggeration’s sake, like we do on this podcast. He keeps it real. I think he might listen to the podcast because he takes care of his teammates, and he always keeps it real. So, I mean, he should be our mascot. He embodies everything that we that we preach on this podcast. Listen to Chris Paul.

Tom Orsborn: One of our previous mascots was Thad Young, I believe.

Mike Finger: That’s true. I wonder how Thad is. I miss him a little bit. I mentioned this in the press room the other night, but my favorite Chris Paul assist from his milestone night, I mean the one he got to pass Jason Kidd was like, “I could have done it.” He just inbounds to Victor, and he shoots a three immediately. But I like the one where they’re on on the he was kind of leading a fast break and then stopped at about the free-throw line, with his guy like on his hip. Like, “Why didn’t you just you could have gotten to the rim maybe if you kept going?” And Victor was kind of sprinting left of him. And I was like, “Oh, then you just dish to Victor.” Like, Victor was kind of in the corner almost. But he just stopped for some reason. And I’m like, “What he was doing? What is he doing?” And like a beat there’s like a beat and a second beat, and here comes Sochan just trailing right down the middle of the lane, and Chris just drops it for him, and there’s a dunk. And to me, that was my favorite assist of the night because it was one it’s just one of those where like he’s the only one that saw that coming.

Mike Finger: Yeah.

Jeff McDonald: And those are my favorite Chris Paul assists, the ones where like, you know, “I’ve been doing this a long time. I’ve watched a lot of basketball,” and so I can normally see where the pass is supposed to go. And so when the pass goes somewhere you’re not expecting, and it turns out to be exactly the right spot, um that just makes me happy. And so that was that was my favorite favorite moment of that that Chris Paul assist fest the other night.

Mike Finger: Well, there there are different types of Chris Paul assists. There’s there’s those types which are absolutely enjoyable to watch. There’s also the one that Spurs fans were begging for someone to throw all of last year, Victor Wembanyama’s rookie year, and we’ve seen a couple, at least I think two or three from Chris Paul this year, where it’s the inbound from under the basket, and you just throw it above the rim, and Victor drops it in. Like, it seems like it’s one that Jeff McDonald could almost pull off that we could almost pull off. But there’s there’s sort of a skill to to not making it so obvious what’s coming, even though everyone should see that coming. I think in the one against New Orleans on Sunday, Victor was kind of battling Meece for position under the basket. He started that inbound inside the restricted area, inside that circle. And all Victor had to do from from the baseline there was just lob the ball above the rim, and Victor, you know, drops it into the basket. It should not be that easy. But I think the Spurs should get one or two of those every game.

Jeff McDonald: The key to that one is Victor getting position that close to the basket, which is which is hard to do. I mean, teams aren’t going to just let you do that if they’re paying attention. And I think the Chris Paul end of it is actually noticing what Victor has done and rewarding it, whereas I think last year those guys were just too young to realize sometimes, like Victor the it doesn’t happen all the time. It’s like one or two opportunities, and you have to make the most of them. And last year, I don’t think they were so great at recognizing those one or two opportunities for that again. Whereas Chris Paul is going to be more adept at recognizing those kinds of mismatches immediately and exploiting them.

Mike Finger: Did you mention that friend of the podcast Dan Weiss pointed out that

Jeff McDonald: We have a lot of friends.

Mike Finger: We’re going to do this again soon. CP is 37 steals behind, way from passing Kidd in the second place on the all-time theft chart.

Tom Orsborn: The all-time theft chart. We’ll be doing it again soon.

Mike Finger: I think the assist means a little more.

Jeff McDonald: Yeah, sure. That’s that’s interesting.

Mike Finger: Sure, but you know, we’ll get to this when that happens. It probably will make something that I’ve been wanting to talk about on the podcast that makes sure our Actually, when that happens, he’s going to say, “You think I never passed Jason Kidd before?”

Jeff McDonald: Yeah. That’s right.

Mike Finger: When it happens, it will be mentioned in something that Tom and Jeff do after every game. Oftentimes it’s Jeff, sometimes it’s Tom, it’s something called the Triple Take. After every game, there’s three takeaways on expressnews.com that listeners of this podcast, I shoot everybody out there can log on and find out, you know, the three takeaways from each night’s game. It’s always a fun read. And Tom and I have been wanting to talk about this on the podcast because what the what the readers don’t know, what the listeners don’t know, is when Jeff McDonald does a Triple Take, there’s there’s there’s some fuel to that time. And I’m going to let you explain what it is.

Jeff McDonald: I have a drinking problem.

Tom Orsborn: Three he and it occurs during pregame. He lines up three

Jeff McDonald: I think it’s during halftime. Halftime. If you do it pregame, you lose the ice.

Tom Orsborn: Three filled to the rim. Filled to the rim, Diet Cokes, right, Jeff?

Jeff McDonald: Coke, yeah, Coke Zero. If you if you walk into the media workroom, the media lounge at the Frost Bank Center at halftime of any Spurs game that Jeff McDonald is covering, you will notice the most peculiar thing. You will notice Jeff McDonald take two plastic cups over to the fountain drink area, fill those two plastic cups with ice, fill each of those plastic cups with Diet Coke, walk all the way over to his desk, down the hallway over to his desk, then come back and grab another plastic cup, fill it with ice, fill it with Diet Coke, and take that to his desk because the fountain drink area is closed postgame. It’s inaccessible. And for each one of the brilliant takeaways that comprise each game’s Triple Take, Jeff McDonald has to consume one Diet Coke. I just find it fascinating. Can I can I can you ruin your theory for a second?

Jeff McDonald: Yeah. I almost never drink all three. That’s only when I’ve got severe writer’s block that I actually get to the third one.

Mike Finger: Is it generally but does it generally average out to one Diet Coke per take?

Jeff McDonald: No, it doesn’t. It doesn’t.

Mike Finger: You’re ruining a sponsorship opportunity.

Jeff McDonald: Well, I mean, per take. If they just leave the thing on, then I wouldn’t have to hoard them like a squirrel before the game is over, but they don’t leave the fountain on. It’s a fun thing to And if I if I don’t have anything to drink while I’m writing, I don’t know what’s going to happen. I mean, I might spontaneously combust.

Mike Finger: Yeah. We’ve got It’s a weird tick. It’s a weird you’re like we’re getting into therapy right now.

Jeff McDonald: Like it’s a weird tick. There’s something wrong with me.

Mike Finger: Well, this was a lull in the podcast, I suppose, because it’s a lull in the season. The Spurs don’t play again until Friday. We’re four full days off. It allowed the injured guys to heal up a little bit. Mitch Johnson even pointed out the other day that this was a perfect time in the schedule to have some time off. Tom will be on the trip to Portland on Friday. It will be followed by a home game against the Timberwolves on Sunday. Those are the only two games that we’re going to cover before the next edition of the podcast. So this should make prognostications a little simpler. But what do we think about those two that were added to the schedule during the NBA Cup? What are we looking forward to this week, Tom?

Tom Orsborn: I’m going to go one and one, a win in Portland and a loss at home to Minnesota.

Mike Finger: I think the Timberwolves are are getting better. They were going through it there for a while.

Tom Orsborn: I do. I do. That’s how I see it, Mike.

Mike Finger: Yeah. No elaboration on on anything you’re looking forward to this week?

Tom Orsborn: Looking forward to I haven’t been to Portland in a while, so great great Chinese food there. I’m looking forward to that.

Jeff McDonald: I think Portland is bring your own tent now, though.

Tom Orsborn: It’s been a while. I like I like Portland.

Jeff McDonald: I did too, but it’s not what it used to be.

Tom Orsborn: I love their Chinatown section. Wonderful place.

Mike Finger: Like Chris Paul, it’s very genuine. Jeff, your your prognostication for the week?

Jeff McDonald: Yeah, I think one and one’s a pretty good one. I mean, maybe it may be that I’m just I give them the Portland game, like I almost don’t even think about that. But it is a road game, so you never know. And Minnesota, like like you said, they’re they’re not absolute trash fire they were a couple of weeks ago. So they’re they’re going to be harder to beat, but the Spurs could win that game at home. So I think just the safe thing to do is just say one and one. And I probably would say they’d beat Portland and lose to Minnesota, but if it’s flipped-flopped, I wouldn’t be super shocked either.

Mike Finger: Yeah, I think it could be flipped-flopped too. Spurs have been a lot better home than they’ve been on the road. Portland’s not atrocious.

Jeff McDonald: Well, they’re pretty atrocious.

Mike Finger: Much like the city they call home, they’ve seen better days. This is just outrageous, the slander that you have of one of the great cities in America. I love the Pacific Northwest. It is it is very the countryside there is very beautiful. The hills and the greenery.

Jeff McDonald: City’s city’s great, too.

Mike Finger: Yeah. Yeah. I pray for them. This is just an outrageous display from Jeff McDonald. I love Portland.

Mike Finger: We have we have not we have not gone deep into Victor Wembanyama, who had a light week, missed some games with a lower back problem. When that was when it was mentioned after the New Orleans game that many of the old people in the media corps know about how tricky lower back injuries can be. Victor Wembanyama laughed and said he understood that and knows that it’s tricky, but he’s not worried about a lower back injury moving forward, even though he’s a really tall guy, and really tall guys tend to get injuries and that don’t go away. He said he finds it really of all the injuries, it’s not the most serious, but he said it’s the most annoying. And kind of what I think about you.

Jeff McDonald: Yeah.

Mike Finger: Boy, I’m I’m really working hard to save this podcast this week, people out there. I hope you appreciate what I go through. But the I think it is interesting to to look at at Victor Wembanyama a year and a couple months into his career. He has missed some time with injury. You know, the one thing that people worried about before he was drafted was is he going to be one of those tall guys that misses a lot of time? He he was he played a lot last year, played a lot of minutes, there were some minute restrictions. He’s missed a few games out so far this year. I guess I just want to get the panel’s feel for is is he going to be an Ironman? Are you going to have to live with what, five, 10 games that he misses every year? What do we feel about how

Jeff McDonald: I think the bulk of those games he’s missing are the team treating with kid gloves, though.

Mike Finger: Right. Exactly. That’s my question. That’s my so but it’s not like he can’t play in those games. And and to be honest, like the game against New Orleans when he did not look right to start the game, way like asked out of the game three minutes in, I’m shocked he came back. At that point at that point, all my Spurs history is telling me they’re not putting that guy back in the game, not with four days off after this. And sure enough, he comes back the next quarter and I don’t know if they got Mr. Miyagi back there or what, but um he looked great after that. Like, no problem at all. So

Mike Finger: Well, this is my this is why I bring it up because on the every time he misses a game, you assume because you’ve been covering the Spurs a long time, and this ain’t your first time watching a guy a star player sit out, you I think you assume that it’s the Spurs just being extra careful, and he probably could play, but they’re not letting him play. But I think what was different about this past week is he sits out a couple of games, and you think, oh, they’re just being extra careful with him, and then it turns out in the third game after he comes back that he asks out of the game himself because he’s really hurt. And so it’s not just I think there is a lot to be clear, there is a lot of Spurs being extra careful and understandably so. But there are still some legitimate injuries in there. And I think the point I wanted to make is he’s he’s I don’t think he is Bill Walton. I don’t think he is Yao Ming. I think he’s a different body type. I think he’s he’s built to last. He’s he’s flexible, he’s in good shape, all that type of stuff. And I think most of the injuries he’s had have been, you know, these little one-game here and there type of deals. But it’s just every time this happens, it’s a reminder that things can go the other way, and that they have sort of been lucky so far. I mean, he’s not Joel Embiid either. Chet Chet Holmgren.

Jeff McDonald: Well, doesn’t doesn’t doesn’t everybody miss 10 games a year these days?

Mike Finger: Yeah.

Jeff McDonald: Like when I’m saying some people miss more.

Mike Finger: Well, if he starts to miss more, then I think it might be a problem.

Jeff McDonald: He easily could have stayed in the locker room against New Orleans and called it a night.

Tom Orsborn: I try not to get pulled offside by these Twitter social media comments by fans, but man, when they call him soft, that just you know, that that’s just ridiculous. It’s it’s ridiculous. It’s ridiculous, and I can’t imagine anyone who would say that.

Mike Finger: Yeah. Anyone anyone who would say that Victor Wembanyama is soft from the platform above Frost Bank Center never will get invited onto this podcast. I’ll tell you that.

Tom Orsborn: Is that right?

Mike Finger: I don’t know. I think we invited that person, and that person has declined. Maybe he’s soft. We’ll see. We’ll see. No, I just threw that out there just because I think it’s an interesting discussion to have about, you know, Victor Wembanyama a year and a few months into his career. I was not leading in any way. I was not suggesting that he’s soft or that he’s injury-prone or whatever.

Tom Orsborn: I think a lot of it is just thinking back to when he was drafted, and the worry was can a seven-foot-four guy stay healthy. I think that my point is he’s done pretty well. All the injuries he’s had so far have been kind of one-game, two-game type of deals. And you haven’t lost him for as long as you’ve lost like a Jeremy Sochan or a Devin Vassell or even like a Zach Collins. Like they they’ve been lucky with him so far. And I think that that can continue.

Mike Finger: The worry coming in was that he was a stress fracture waiting to happen because he’s just got so much bone. And that hasn’t born out yet. Knock on wood. It’s the injuries have been just a little like roll an ankle type thing or you know, sore back after taking a charge type thing. So I’d say he’s been more more like people were thinking he was going to be what he could possibly be what Chet has kind of been so far, you know, broken foot before even steps on an NBA floor or takes a hard but relatively normal fall and breaks a hip, you know, like my grandma.

Mike Finger: Yeah. No, that’s the point I was making. And and to be clear, I was not trying to lead the podcast into calling Victor Wembanyama soft or thinking he’s going to miss a bunch of games. I think it’s just worth looking big-picture-wise. The the bird’s-eye view of how I think he’s he’s so far proven to be more durable than most people thought he’d be. And that could change on a dime. You know, that could change by the time people listen to this podcast. Who knows? That’s why I knocked on wood, because I don’t want it to be my fault.

Jeff McDonald: Someone someone could like I’d say what’s not going to happen to Victor Wembanyama. Nobody’s going no reporter is going to collide with him coming out of the locker room tunnel because there’s security there, a very very, you know, strict security. Aggressive security that is going to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Mike Finger: Yeah. I agree. Yeah. I think we should honor people who protect our security and respect them and never question their authority. I think that’s that’s that’s a good thing. Well, I don’t want to be Look at you. Look at you. I don’t want to go that far. We see where you are sometimes. We see what we see where you how you really are sometimes. I think I think I went too far there in trying to make fun of Jeff McDonald for questioning the authority of hallway security. I probably went too far. I will try to do better next week when we talk to you again on the Spurs Insider podcast. Until then, take care of each other, and like Chris Paul always does, keep it real.