By Marilyn Dubinski | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-12-10 04:15:00
欢迎来到“周回顾”:这是一个周一特辑,回顾 *圣安东尼奥马刺队 * 过去一周的表现,展望未来一周,以及更多内容。敬请欣赏!
第6周 : 马刺队在客场取得两胜,主场输掉一场比赛,其中包括在萨克拉门托以创队史纪录的23记三分球取得一场激动人心的胜利,为本周画上了句号。
第7周:1胜3负 (12胜12负,西部第11)
93-104 负于菲尼克斯太阳队 (NBA杯)
回顾 : 在投进前述23记三分球的两个晚上之后,均值回归定律在菲尼克斯狠狠地给了马刺队一击。马刺队三分球44投仅8中 (18%),这让他们无法利用良好的防守以及凯文·杜兰特(Kevin Durant)缺席大部分比赛的优势。这场失利也让马刺队无缘拉斯维加斯的酋长杯锦标赛,尽管考虑到所有新出现的伤病,这最终或许是件好事。
124-139 负于芝加哥公牛队
回顾 : 在马刺队终于迎来杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)从拇指手术中回归的同一天晚上,文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)却因在与太阳队的比赛后期重重摔倒而伤到背部,无法出战。没有他,马刺队对尼古拉·武切维奇(Nikola Vucevic)毫无办法,后者砍下39分摧毁了他们。即使马刺队通过更多地冲击内线改善了进攻,但他们连续第二场比赛只投进了8个三分球(这次是28次出手)。
113-140 负于萨克拉门托国王队
回顾 : 在背靠背的第二场比赛中,德文·瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell)(负荷管理)和文班一起坐在替补席上,马刺队再次被实力强大的国王队压制。国王队整个赛季的三分球都不太稳定,所以当然,他们偏偏在这场比赛中找到了手感,让朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)的职业生涯新高30分和6记三分球黯然失色。扎克·科林斯(Zach Collins)早早吃到三次犯规被驱逐出场,在离场时还“值回了票价”,这对马刺来说更是雪上加霜。
121-116 胜于新奥尔良鹈鹕队
回顾 : 除了特雷·琼斯(Tre Jones)之外,所有人都回归了,马刺队有机会击败这支NBA伤病最多的球队。然而,鹈鹕队似乎把“沼泽病毒”传染给了他们,上半场竟然有四名球员因伤离场——文班和科林斯(背部)、斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)(肩膀)和凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)(小腿)。幸运的是,文班和卡斯尔及时回归,帮助克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul) 在历史助攻榜上上升到第二位,两人都在第四节打出了关键表现,帮助球队避免爆冷,挽救了这原本糟糕透顶的一周。
John Schuhmann, — 第20位(上周:第14位)
进攻效率: 111.7 (18) 防守效率: 113.9 (17) 净效率: -2.1 (17) 节奏: 99.5 (15)
在文班亚马第一次(三场)缺席期间,马刺队每百回合仅丢107.8分,但上周没有他,他们让公牛队和国王队每百回合得到133.5分。总的来说,当文班亚马在场时,他们每百回合少丢8.3分 (108.2分),而当他不在场时则为116.5分,这一差距比上赛季(每百回合6.1分)更大。
周日第二节中段,克里斯·保罗通过一次边线球传给文班亚马,超越贾森·基德,职业生涯总助攻数升至历史第二。保罗本赛季4.77的助攻失误比将是他职业生涯第二高,虽然马刺队的防守需要这位20岁的天才,但进攻同样需要这位39岁的老将。当保罗在场时,圣安东尼奥每百回合得分比他不在场时多10分 (在场时114分,不在场时104分)。
Brett Siegel, Clutch Points — 第15位(上周:第19位)
即将到来: 12月13日,周五 @ 波特兰开拓者队;12月15日,周日 vs 明尼苏达森林狼队
预测:1胜1负 — 唉,我上周预测4胜0负真是被打脸了。考虑到赛程,这当然是可能的,但正如已经反复说过的那样,伤病和其他因素都不站在马刺这边。现在,在杯赛四分之一决赛期间,他们获得了急需的四天休息时间,希望他们能够康复并恢复元气。尽管长时间的休息对保持节奏不利,但正如米奇·约翰逊(Mitch Johnson)昨晚所说,马刺队 couldn’t have asked for it at a better time(来的正是时候/再合适不过了)。上周的“打脸”让我不敢在本周预测2胜0负,尽管赛程依然友好,但这当然是可以实现的。
点击查看原文:Week in Review: Injuries, poor defense turns Spurs’ week into a blast from the past
Week in Review: Injuries, poor defense turns Spurs’ week into a blast from the past
Tweaks, strains, sprains, opponents getting hot, and the Spurs going cold all culminated in a rough week.
Welcome to the Week in Review: a Monday feature that looks back at the week that was for the San Antonio Spurs, takes a look at the week ahead, and more. Enjoy!
Week 6: The Spurs sandwiched two road wins around a home loss, including ending the week with a thrilling victory in Sacramento on the back of a franchise-record 23 threes.
Week 7: 1-3 (12-12, 11th in West)
93-104 loss @ Phoenix Suns (NBA Cup)
Recap: Two nights after hitting the aforementioned 23 threes, the law of averages came back with a vengeance in Phoenix, with the Spurs hitting just 8-44 (18%) from downtown, preventing them from taking advantage of a good defensive effort and no Kevin Durant for most of the night. The loss also kept the Spurs from making the Emirates NBA Cup Tournament in Las Vegas, although with the all the new injuries that would arise, that might end up being a good thing.
124-139 loss vs. Chicago Bulls
Recap: On the same night the Spurs finally got Jeremy Sochan back from thumb surgery, Victor Wembanyama was out after hurting his back on a hard fall late in the Suns game. Without him, the Spurs had no answer for Nikola Vucevic, who destroyed them with 39 points, and even though they were better on offense by attacking the paint more, they still only hit 8 threes (this time on 28 attempts) for the second game in a row.
113-140 loss vs. Sacramento Kings
Recap: With Devin Vassell (load management) joining Wemby on the bench for the second night of a back-to-back, the Spurs were once again outgunned and outmatched against a talented Kings team that has struggled from three all season, so of course they found their range on this particular night, spoiling a career high of 30 points and six threes from Julian Champagnie. It also didn’t help that Zach Collins got himself ejected with three early fouls, getting his money’s worth on his way out.
121-116 win vs. New Orleans Pelicans
Recap: With everyone except Tre Jones back, the Spurs had a chance walk all over the most injured team in the NBA. However, the Pelicans seemed to inflict the Bayou Bug on them, with a whopping four players heading to the locker room in the first half with injury — Wemby and Collins (back), Stephon Castle (shoulder) and Keldon Johnson (calf). Wemby and Castle fortunately returned just in time to help Chris Paul move to 2nd all time in assists, and both had big plays in the fourth quarter to help stave off the upset and salvage what was about to be a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week.
What we learned
Power Rankings
John Schuhmann,— 20 (last week: 14)
OffRtg: 111.7 (18) DefRtg: 113.9 (17) NetRtg: -2.1 (17) Pace: 99.5 (15)
After a three-game losing streak dropped them below .500, the Spurs got Victor Wembanyama back from a two-game absence and got a rest-advantage win over the Pelicans on Sunday.
Three takeaways
The Spurs have now gone 10 games without winning the first quarter, getting outscored by 34.1 points per 100 possessions over those 120 total first-quarter minutes. They were up 13 with 2:30 left in the first period against the Kings on Friday, but that lead was gone by the end of the quarter and they were eventually in a 12-point hole midway through the second.
The Spurs allowed just 107.8 points per 100 possessions over Victor Wembanyama’s first (three-game) absence, but they allowed the Bulls and Kings to score 133.5 per 100 without him last week. Overall, they’ve allowed 8.3 fewer points per 100 possessions with Wembanyama on the floor (108.2) than they have with him off the floor (116.5), a bigger differential than they had last season (6.1 per 100).
With an inbounds pass to Wembanyama midway through the second quarter on Sunday, Chris Paul passed Jason Kidd for second in career assists. Paul’s assist/turnover ratio of 4.77 would be the second highest of his career and while the Spurs’ defense needs the 20-year-old phenom, the offense needs the 39-year-old vet. San Antonio has scored 10 more points per 100 possessions with Paul on the floor (114) than it has with him off the floor (104).
With those big on-off differentials, the Spurs’ bench ranks 25th this season. But the bench had some good minutes (without Tre Jones or Devin Vassell) in their first meeting (a 13-point win) against the Blazers. They’re in Portland for meeting No. 2 on Friday.
Brett Siegel, Clutch Points — 15 (last week: 19)
A 12-12 record is a good place for the San Antonio Spurs to be right now. Even though they let some games slip by, the Spurs are still a younger team learning one another and growing in the Western Conference. The key to the Spurs finally taking that next step forward lies on offense. More specifically, getting off to fast starts and maintaining leads heading into the second half. Should San Antonio be able to figure this out, they will be a team nobody wants to run into.
Coming up: Fri. 12/13 @ Portland Trail Blazers; Sun. 12/15 vs. Minnesota Timberwolves
Prediction: 1-1 — Woof. Did I ever get burned for going all in with 4-0 last week. It was certainly possible with the schedule, but as has already been rehashed, injuries and other factors just weren’t on the Spurs’ side. Now, they get a much needed four days off during the Cup quarterfinals to hopefully heal and recuperate. As Mitch Johnson said last night, even though long breaks are bad for rhythm, the Spurs couldn’t have asked for it at a better time. Last week’s burn is keeping me from predicting 2-0 this week despite another friendly schedule, but it’s certainly doable.
By Marilyn Dubinski, via Pounding The Rock