[PtR] 从马刺输给公牛的比赛中学到了什么

By Jacob Douglas | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-12-07 00:10:13





随着维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)的缺阵,圣安东尼奥马刺队的容错率微乎其微。他无法弥补球队的防守漏洞,也无法用一记记关键得分拯救球队。在以124-139输给芝加哥公牛队的比赛中,文班亚马的缺席比以往任何一场比赛都更让人感到痛心。缺少这位年度最佳防守球员的有力竞争者,马刺队的防守受到了极大的影响,而公牛队的进攻火力又足以让他们为此付出代价。





  • 杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)是个硬汉。有很多关于他缺乏外线投射能力对进攻端的影响的讨论,但当他以如此高的积极性打球时,我愿意忽略这些缺点。自从伤愈复出以来,索汉连续第二场拿到两双,本场比赛他得到16分和14个篮板。他在本场比赛中抢下了6个进攻篮板。他已经开始更好地理解比赛了——把这种理解力与他的积极性结合起来,无论他有什么缺点,他都具备成为一名优秀轮换球员的潜质。
  • 圣安东尼奥马刺队需要找到替补中锋的解决方案。扎克·科林斯(Zach Collins)的表现并非一无是处;但他已经不是2021-22赛季末获得续约合同的那个球员了。他在周四的比赛中命中了一记三分球,并送出了几次精彩的盖帽,也许这能让他找到状态。
  • 斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)的造犯规能力可能会成为马刺队最有用的进攻武器之一。他在篮下的对抗能力非常出色。他不是在“骗犯规”,而是主动利用身体对抗迫使防守球员犯规。他获得了10次罚球机会,并罚中了8球,得到了12分中的8分。
  • 死亡、税收、以及凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)在输球的比赛中砍下高分。他17投11中,得到28分。约翰逊本赛季作为第六人的表现一直很稳定,但你更希望看到他的得分表现更加稳定。
点击查看原文:What we learned from the Spurs loss to the Bulls

What we learned from the Spurs loss to the Bulls

NBA: Chicago Bulls at San Antonio Spurs

The margin of error becomes small without Wembanyama.

Winning in the NBA is extremely hard without a superstar. Look at the Philadelphia 76ers, who have been without MVP-caliber big man Joel Embiid for a good chunk of the season. They were expected to be a contender in the Eastern Conference but are currently 5-15. They are high-impact players for a reason. It’s easy to feel when their presence isn’t on the floor.

With Victor Wembanyama out, the margin of error for the San Antonio Spurs is minimal. He can’t cover up their defensive lapses or bail them out with a back-breaking scoring run. More than most games, his absence was felt in a 139-124 loss to the Chicago Bulls. San Antonio’s defense suffered tremendously without its Defensive Play of the Year award candidate, and Chicago’s offense is just potent enough to make them pay for it.

It’s hard to imagine Nikola Vucevic having a 39-point outing against Wembanyama. That surely would have made a difference. But even with him, Chicago still may have rained down threes like they tend to do. The Bulls were 17-37 from deep on Thursday night, and most were uncontested. Ayo Dosunmu, who is a nice young player, had a triple-double with 27 points, 10 rebounds, and 11 assists.

What’s encouraging is that the Spurs offense eventually picked up. They still need to figure out these slow starts offensively, but they seemed to shake off a bit of that rust from the Phoenix loss in the second and third quarters. If Wembanyama is out for an extended period (all signs point to that not being the case), the team is going to have to find a way to stay afloat in a tight Western Conference.

We’ll see if Wemby returns on Friday for the Sacramento Kings. Without him, things will be just a bit more tough for the Spurs.


  • Jeremy Sochan is a grinder. There has been a lot of talk about what his lack of floor-stretching ability does to the offense, but I’m willing to turn the other cheek when he plays with such a high motor. Sochan had his second straight double-double since returning from injury with 16 points and 14 rebounds. He grabbed six offensive rebounds in the loss. He’s starting to understand the game better – combine that with his motor, and you have the makings of a strong rotation piece regardless of his shortcomings.
  • San Antonio is going to have to find some solution at the backup center. Collins hasn’t been all bad; he’s not quite the player who earned an extension at the end of the 2021-22 season. He hit a three and had a few emphatic blocks on Thursday, maybe that will get him going.
  • Stephon Castle’s ability to draw free throws may become one of the Spurs’ most useful offensive tools. His physicality around the basket is great. It’s not like he’s “foul-baiting” he’s taking the force to the defender and making them foul him. He got to the free throw line 10 times, where he converted 8 of his 12 points.
  • Death, taxes, Keldon Johnson having a big scoring night in a loss. He had 28 points on 11-17 shooting. Johnson has been solid in his sixth-man role this season, but you’d just like to see his scoring presence be more consistent.

By Jacob Douglas, via Pounding The Rock