[PtR] 克里斯·保罗在马刺险胜鹈鹕的比赛中创造历史 ▶️

By Jeje Gomez | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-12-09 11:50:16


NBA: 新奥尔良鹈鹕vs圣安东尼奥马刺


周日,马刺队以121-116战胜了缺兵少将的鹈鹕队,但比赛过程比预想的要惊险得多。克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)在本场比赛中超越了贾森·基德(Jason Kidd),升至历史助攻榜第二位。但圣安东尼奥损失了扎克·科林斯(Zach Collins)和凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson),这给庆祝活动蒙上了一层阴影。

比赛初期,马刺的形势并不乐观,他们似乎也被鹈鹕的伤病魔咒所感染。鹈鹕队缺少了布兰登·英格拉姆(Brandon Ingram)、锡安·威廉姆森(Zion Williamson)和其他几名球员。在缺席两场比赛后复出的文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama),开局状态良好,但很快就在一次对抗中倒地,不得不返回更衣室。不久之后,扎克·科林斯重重摔倒,因下背部酸痛退出了比赛,这让球队的内线人手短缺。幸运的是,尽管糟糕的外线防守让新奥尔良队频频杀入内线并站上罚球线,但凯尔登·约翰逊和查尔斯·巴塞(Charles Bassey)的挺身而出,帮助马刺在首节比赛中紧咬比分。随着比赛的进行,圣安东尼奥在开局阶段投篮过多之后,逐渐找到了进攻节奏,但首节结束时客队仍领先6分。

伤病在第二节比赛中继续出现。斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)因肩部酸痛不得不回到更衣室,但在半场结束前又回到了场上。凯尔登·约翰逊就没那么幸运了,他遭遇了小腿受伤,不得不作壁上观。在场上,马刺和鹈鹕交换了身份,圣安东尼奥试图冲击内线,而新奥尔良则在外线频频出手,并且命中率很高。马刺需要加强防守才能扭转局势并取得领先,他们也确实做到了这一点。接受治疗后返回的文班亚马在攻防两端都发挥了重要作用,带动了一波得分高潮。这位大个子并不是唯一一个提升自己表现的球员,克里斯·保罗开始不断送出助攻,超越了贾森·基德,并在历史助攻榜上排名第二,同时为队友创造了很好的得分机会。

:one::two:,:zero::nine::two: pic.twitter.com/KL1qxG1q6R

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) December 9, 2024





盖帽 & 进球:bangbang: pic.twitter.com/IgAgVpI8Dd

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) December 9, 2024


  • 科林斯的摔倒看起来很疼。根据米奇·约翰逊(Mitch Johnson)赛后所说,约翰逊的伤势可能没有当时看起来那么严重。赛程中的休息对马刺来说来得正是时候,因为有几名球员都受到了伤病困扰。
  • 尽管只打了26分钟,文班得到了25分、10个篮板和3次盖帽。关键球非常重要,维克多在防守端也产生了巨大的影响。有时他在进攻端会把机会让给后卫,但他得分效率很高。维克的又一次出色表现。
  • 斯蒂芬·卡斯尔有一些新秀的时刻,但他很好地防守了鹈鹕队的天才后卫,并得到了22分、5个篮板和4次助攻。他上半场表现有些挣扎,但在下半场焕发了活力,最终得分距离他的职业生涯最高分只差一分。
  • 克里斯·保罗送出了10次助攻,其中包括一次助攻文班亚马投进了关键三分。在比赛后期,当这位大个子看起来有些沮丧时,保罗还和他进行了很多交流。保罗正在像马刺希望的那样,为球队带来领导力和组织能力。
  • 朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)在一个他的投篮不佳的夜晚,在防守端做得很好,而哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes)在球队需要有人得分的时候接管了进攻几分钟。首发前锋们完成了他们的工作。
  • 除了最后20秒,杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)在关键时刻并没有出现在场上。这不是这位年轻前锋的最佳比赛,但他仍然做了一些贡献,并且在比赛的大部分时间里都表现出了出色的防守。他可能很快就会再次在比赛的最后时刻出场。瓦塞尔(Vassell)在比赛后期出场,但也只是替补出场,并没有什么出色的表现。
  • 查尔斯·巴塞充分利用了他延长的上场时间,得到了16分、11个篮板和4次盖帽。他已经赢得了替补中锋的机会。



点击查看原文:Chris Paul makes history in Spurs’ close win over the Pelicans

Chris Paul makes history in Spurs’ close win over the Pelicans

NBA: New Orleans Pelicans at San Antonio Spurs

The veteran point guard took the second spot in the all-time assists leaderboard and helped lead the Spurs past the injury-riddled Pelicans.

The Spurs made it more suspenseful than it needed to be but secured a 121-116 win against the shorthanded Pelicans on Sunday. Chris Paul surpassed Jason Kidd in the all-time assist leaderboard in the matchup but San Antonio lost Zach Collins and Keldon Johnson to injury, which put a damper on the celebration.

It wasn’t looking good for the Spurs early on, as they seemed to have caught the injury bug from the Pelicans, which were missing Brandon Ingram, Zion Williamson and several others. Victor Wembanyama, who returned after a two-game absence, fell to the floor early after a good start and had to head to the locker room. Soon after, Zach Collins had a hard fall and had to exit with lower back soreness, leaving the team shorthanded inside. Fortunately for the Silver and Black, Keldon Johnson and Charles Bassey stepped up to keep them in it despite some bad perimeter defense allowing New Orleans to get inside and to the free-throw line often in the opening frame. As the minutes went on, San Antonio settled into a better rhythm on offense after taking too many jumpers in the opening stretch, but the visitors were in front by six after one.

The injuries continued in the second quarter. Stephon Castle had to go to the locker room with a sore shoulder but returned before the half ended. Keldon Johnson wasn’t so lucky, as he suffered a calf injury that sidelined him. On the court, the Spurs and Pelicans switched identities, with San Antonio trying to get inside and New Orleans taking a lot of jumpers, many of which went in. The Silver and Black needed to step up on defense to come back and take over and did just that, with Wembanyama, back from receiving treatment, making a difference on both ends to fuel a big run. The big man wasn’t the only one upping his production, as Chris Paul started racking up assists to pass Jason Kidd on the all-time list and get good looks for his teammates.

:one::two:,:zero::nine::two: pic.twitter.com/KL1qxG1q6R

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) December 9, 2024

After a 42-point second quarter, the Spurs were up nine and looking for some separation that could allow them to rest the guys in pain. Unfortunately, the Pelicans’ defense tightened up and the Silver and Black didn’t make great decisions. When they played with patience on offense, they got good looks but often tried to force things. Just as it happened when the game fell into the same pattern late, Wembanyama made sure San Antonio turned things around and the guards made plays when they needed to. Still, the visitors refused to go away and fought tooth and nail to remain in it, even if they had to make the game ugly to make up for the difference in talent. They failed to fully make up the difference only because the Spurs played better defense than they had in the previous two games.

As mentioned, the Pelicans deserve plenty of credit for giving themselves a chance to pull off the upset, and came awfully close to doing it. For most of the final quarter San Antonio, which was up by as many as 11 at one point, did a good job of managing the lead and trading buckets. Then the turnovers started to pile up at the worst possible time, allowing New Orleans to fuel a comeback attempt. The visitors put together an 11-0 run to take the lead late, as the decision-making and execution on offense was questionable at best for the Spurs. As it happened in the third quarter, good defense and timely plays by Wembanyama proved to be the difference. A clutch three to regain the lead and some free throws from the star big man secured a win that snapped a three-game losing streak for the Silver and Black.

Play of the game

A block and a one-legged three. There are not many players in league history that can put together a sequence like this.

THE BLOCK & THE BUCKET​:bangbang: pic.twitter.com/IgAgVpI8Dd

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) December 9, 2024

Game notes

  • Collins’ fall was a painful one. Johnson’s injury might not be as bad as it seemed at the time, going by what Mitch Johnson said after the game. The break in the schedule the Spurs are getting comes as the perfect time, since several players are dealing with health issues.
  • Despite only playing 26 minutes, Wemby logged 25 points, 10 rebounds and three blocks. The clutch plays were huge and Victor also had a big impact on defense. At times he took a back seat to the guards on offense, but he got his points efficiently. Another great performance from Vic.
  • Stephon Castle had some rookie moments, but did a good job on defense on the Pelicans’ talented guards and finished with 22 points, five rebounds and four assists. He struggled a little in the first half but came alive in the second, finishing one point shy of his career high.
  • Chris Paul dished out 10 assists, including the one that resulted in Wembanyama’s clutch three. He also talked to Wemby a lot late, when the big man looked a little frustrated. Paul is bringing leadership and playmaking, like the Spurs hoped he would.
  • Julian Champagnie did a good job on defense on a night in which his shot wasn’t falling as often and Harrison Barnes took over on offense for a few minutes when the team needed someone to score. The starting forwards did their job.
  • Jeremy Sochan wasn’t on the floor in crunch time, except for the final 20 seconds. It wasn’t the best game from the young forward but he still did a little bit of everything and played fantastic defense most of the game. He’ll probably be closing games again soon. Vassell was on the floor late but also came off the bench and didn’t have a standout game.
  • Charles Bassey made the most out of his extended minutes, finishing with 16 points, 11 rebounds and four blocks. He’s earned a chance at the backup center role.

Next game: at Portland Trail Blazers on Friday

The Spurs will have a few days off to hopefully get healthy before visiting the young Blazers.

By Jeje Gomez, via Pounding The Rock