[PtR] 圣安东尼奥对阵芝加哥,最终比分:马刺遭公牛进攻狂潮冲击,124-139

马刺 vs 公牛 124 - 139 技术统计 | 视频集锦

By GaryQfromSanJose | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-12-06 11:37:45



圣安东尼奥在比赛还剩一节时才找到投篮感觉,为时已晚,而阿约·多孙穆(Ayo Dosunmu)则像极了马刺队曾经那位速度飞快的控球后卫。

由于当家球星维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)因背伤缺阵,圣安东尼奥的防守体系全面崩塌。芝加哥公牛队上半场投篮命中率一直保持在60%或以上,最终以139-124取得了统治性的胜利。阿约·多孙穆拿到了职业生涯的第一个三双,而他的队友们在四节比赛中每节得分都超过了30分。马刺队本场比赛没有上演任何逆转好戏,他们的投篮在超过两节的时间里都处于低迷状态,并且上半场丢掉了本赛季最多的73分。

芝加哥公牛队由老将尼古拉·武切维奇(Nikola Vucevic)(39分7篮板)、阿约·多孙穆(27分11助攻10篮板3抢断)和扎克·拉文(Zach LaVine)(11分9篮板9助攻)领衔。他们的替补席表现也优于马刺队,上半场贡献了34分,其中三人得分上双。

凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)(28分5篮板)替补登场后表现出色,而杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)(16分14篮板)则延续了他两双的表现。德文·瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell)得到17分和4次抢断,他的出场时间也在逐渐增加。


泰伦·霍顿-塔克(Talen Horton-Tucker)利用马刺队松懈的防守连续得分,帮助公牛队在第二节扩大了领先优势。桑德罗·马穆克拉什维利(Sandro Mamukelashvili)和朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)分别得到了一些分数,但马刺队未能缩小分差,状态更好的公牛队很快就突破了50分大关。在一个令人啼笑皆非的回合中,马刺队完成了一次抢断,一名公牛队员将球高高抛向空中,球恰好落入拉文手中,他迅速将球传给了马塔斯·布泽利斯(Matas Buzelis),后者完成了一记扣篮。半场结束时,马刺队落后16分。

第三节,武切维奇继续在内线肆虐,帮助芝加哥队保持着安全的领先优势。圣安东尼奥终于在得分上与公牛队匹敌,但他们仍然无法将分差缩小到16分以内。索汉和克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)在本节得分上双,试图帮助球队追赶比分。武切维奇和多孙穆则几乎回应了马刺队的每一次得分,让芝加哥队保持领先。保罗率领球队进行了一波短暂的反击,使马刺队在进入第四节时仅落后11分——不知何故,所有球员和教练都对裁判前后不一的判罚感到愤怒。


  • 我喜欢马刺队无缘杯赛决赛圈,这样他们就可以让回归的伤员获得一些练习时间,并加强防守。
  • 在比赛开始的几分钟里,很多下层看台的座位都空着。
  • 如果武切维奇被摆上交易市场……这肯定是对科林斯和巴塞的进攻升级,对吧?
  • 比赛最佳镜头 #1 :替补席需要弥补糟糕开局的局面,斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)完美地执行了一次4打2的快攻,助攻约翰逊完成了一次凶猛的“2+1”。
  • 比赛最佳镜头 #2 :第三节中段,索汉断掉了拉文的突破上篮后,克里斯·保罗带球反击,并为扎克·科林斯(Zach Collins)送出了一记漂亮的空中接力扣篮。
  • 卡斯尔高光 :上半场快结束时,他断掉了武切维奇的球,并巧妙地做了一个内外运球,完成了一次转换上篮。
  • 德文的高光时刻 :尽管球队大比分落后,他在第二节末段抢断了武切维奇的传球,并完成了一次一条龙上篮。很高兴看到他能够用运球到达他想去的地方。
  • 临时教练米奇·约翰逊(Mitch Johnson)本赛季第一次吃到技术犯规。请再多来点狠劲儿。
  • 尚帕尼,就像他在比赛初期经常做的那样,投中了圣安东尼奥队的第一个进球。在保罗完成一次跳投后,比利·多诺万(Billy Donovan)迅速叫了一个暂停,这会让波波维奇(Gregg Popovich)感到骄傲。武切维奇凭借他在内线的深度位置轻松得到两分,而多孙穆的三分球让马刺队落后7分。瓦塞尔投丢了一个空位投篮,但在武切维奇面前完成了一次高难度投篮。多孙穆和达伦·特里(Dalen Terry)的两次“2+1”让芝加哥队的得分翻了一番,而马刺队则显得毫无生气。查尔斯·巴塞(Charles Bassey)上场后,他助攻约翰逊完成了一次强力扣篮,并助攻尚帕尼完成了一次上篮。在公牛队投篮命中率高达64%的情况下,马刺队只落后14分已经是万幸了。
  • 马穆克拉什维利在第二节的第一分钟就投中了一个三分球并获得了两次罚球机会。前湖人球员泰伦·霍顿-塔克则用自己的7分予以回应。马塔斯·布泽利斯的补扣进一步打击了主场球迷的士气,并帮助公牛队取得了本场比赛的最大领先优势。马刺队逐渐找到了进攻节奏,但芝加哥队仍然能够通过各种突破和精准的投篮保持领先势头。半场结束时,公牛队以73-57领先。
  • 下半场开始后,武切维奇和索汉都完成了精彩的“2+1”。两队在前两分钟就合砍了20分。约什·吉迪(Josh Giddey)和武切维奇在连续的回合中都吃到了技术犯规。武切维奇在距离篮筐不到五英尺的地方再次完成一记抛投,芝加哥队领先优势扩大到20分。保罗在进攻时间即将结束时投进了一个三分球,科林斯在另一端完成了一次盖帽,瓦塞尔的突破上篮终于将圣安东尼奥队的分差缩小到15分。公牛队毫不畏惧,在比赛还剩四分钟时就突破了100分大关。保罗展现了控球大师的风范,他助攻索汉完成了一次扣篮,并助攻瓦塞尔投进了一个三分球。凭借着单节40分的爆发,马刺队在第三节结束时以97-108落后。
  • 哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes)在第三节和第四节的衔接段迅速得到4分。马刺队开始不断冲击篮筐,并在过程中造成了公牛队多次犯规。芝加哥队用更强硬的防守和他们今晚的主力球员——武切维奇和多孙穆的关键得分——挡住了圣安东尼奥的反扑。约翰逊疯狂冲击篮筐,得分超过20分,更重要的是,他率队打出了一波13-2的进攻高潮,将公牛队的领先优势缩小到个位数。霍顿-塔克的底角三分终结了马刺队的反扑。

圣安东尼奥将在明天晚上7:00(中部夏令时间)进行主场 背靠背 比赛,迎战达龙·福克斯(De’Aaron Fox)和萨克拉门托国王队。

点击查看原文:San Antonio vs. Chicago, Final Score: Spurs gored by Bulls’ offensive onslaught, 124-139

San Antonio vs. Chicago, Final Score: Spurs gored by Bulls’ offensive onslaught, 124-139

NBA: Chicago Bulls at San Antonio Spurs

San Antonio found its shooting touch about one quarter too late in the loss, while Ayo Dosunmu resembled a former speedy Spurs point guard

San Antonio, missing its franchise center Victor Wembanyama (back), lost its defensive way throughout, and the victorious Bulls kept their shooting percentage at or above 60% in a dominant opening half on the way to a 139-124 win that saw Ayo Dosunmu get his first career triple-double while his teammates scored above 30 points in all four quarters. There would be no Spurs comeback this evening, as their shooting betrayed them at all levels for 2+ quarters, and they shed their most first-half points this season (73).

Chicago was led by veterans Nicolva Vucevic (39 points and 7 rebounds), Ayo Dosunmu (27 points, 11 assists, 10 rebounds, and 3 steals), and Zach Lavine (11 points, 9 rebounds, and 9 assists). Their bench outshined their Spurs counterparts with 34 points in the first half and had three players with double-digits.

Keldon Johnson (28 points and 5 rebounds) had a forceful impact off the bench, while Jeremy Sochan (16 points and 14 rebounds) continued his double-double production. Devin Vassell had 17 points and 4 steals as he ramps up his minutes.

Vucevic ate his smaller defenders alive, while the Bulls’ perimeter guys had their way in the paint to the tune of 63+% shooting. San Antonio was saved by a strong bench effort late in the frame by Johnson. The 12 minutes were dominated by the Bulls’ perimeter players, as the visitors left it up 36-22.

Talen Horton-Tucker attacked the lax San Antonio defense for a flurry of points, which helped strengthen the Bulls’ advantage in the second quarter. Sandro Mamukelashvili and Champagnie netted a handful of points respectively, but the Spurs failed to eat into the deficit as the higher motor Bulls surpassed the 50-point mark quickly. In one jarring sequence, San Antonio got a deflection, which a Bull threw high into the air - falling gently into Lavine’s hands and he zipped a bullet pass to Matas Buzelis for a dunk. The Spurs went into the break down 16.

In the third period, Vucevic continued his rampage in the lane to keep Chicago safely ahead. San Antonio finally managed to match the Bulls’ output and yet, they were not able to inch closer than 16. Jeremy Sochan and Chris Paul got into double digit scoring this quarter to creep closer. Vucevic and Dosunmu answered seemingly ever Spurs bucket to keep Chicago in front. Paul spearheaded a brief comeback attempt with San Antonio going to the fourth down 11 - and somehow all players and coaches livid with the inconsistent referee crew.


  • I like the Spurs missing out on the Cup final rounds, if only to get some practice time for the returning injured players and shore up the defense.
  • A good number of lower bowl seats stayed absent throughout the opening moments.
  • If Vucevic goes on the trading block… it’s got to be an offensive upgrade on Collins and Bassey, right?
  • Sequence of the Game #1: With the bench needing to pick up the pieces of a horrendous start, Stephon Castle ran a perfect 4-on-2 fastbreak and spoonfed Johnson for a fierce and-1.
  • Sequence of the Game #2: Midway through the third, and after Sochan stripped Lavine on a drive, Chris Paul skirted the other way and laid a nice saucer in front of Zach Collins for a transition dunk.
  • Castle Hills: Late in the first half, he stripped Vucevic and niftily did an inside-out dribble to on the way to a transition lay-up.
  • Devin’s Deeds: Though his team was down by a lot, he swiped an errant Vucevic pass and took it coast-to-coast for a gliding lay-up late in the second period. It’s nice to see him get anywhere he needs to with his dribble.
  • Interim Coach Mitch Johnson was whistled for his first technical of the season. More nasty please.
  • Champagnie, as he has been doing early in games, hit San Antonio’s first field goal. After a Paul pull-up, Billy Donovan called a quick ‘T’ that would have made Pop proud. Vucevic benefitted from his deep paint position for two early buckets, and Dosunmu’s three put the Spurs down seven. Vassell missed an open attempt, but converted a difficult one over Vucevic. A pair of and-1’s from Dosunmu and Dalan Terry doubled Chicago’s score over the lethargic Spurs. Upon Charles Bassey’s entry, he found Johnson for a power dunk and fed Champagnie for a lay-up. San Antonio was fortunate to be down only 14 after the Bulls shot 64%.
  • Mamukelashvili hit a three and earned two freebies in his first minute of action in the second. Former Laker Talen Horton-Tucker answered with seven points of his own. A tip dunk by Matas Buzelis further deflated the crowd and gave the Bulls their biggest lead of the night. The Spurs found their offensive footing better, and yet Chicago was able to maintain its momentum via an assortment of drives and shotmaking acumen. The Bulls left the half up 73-57.
  • Coming out of the break, Vucevic and Sochan had equally impressive and-1s. The teams combined for a flurry (20) of points in the first two minutes. Josh Giddey and Vucevic picked up technicals on successive possessions. Chicago went up 20 on yet another Vucevic floater from less than five feet away. A shot-clock beating three by Paul, Collins’ block at the other end, and a driving Vassell lay-up finally got San Antonio within 15. Undeterred, the Bulls hit the 100-point mark with four minutes remaining. Paul, putting on a master class at Point Godding, found Sochan for a dunk and Vassell for a wing three. With the 40-point burst, the Spurs left the frame down 97-108.
  • Harrison Barnes had four quick points spanning the 3rd and 4th. The Spurs started attacking the rim persistently and netted several Bulls fouls in the process. Chicago turned back San Antonio with tougher defense and going to their horses tonight - Vucevic and Dosunmu for clutch baskets. Johnson attacked the rim furiously to get past the 20-point mark and, more importantly, ignite a late 13-2 run to get the Bulls lead down to single-digits. Horton-Tucker’s corner three ended the comeback.

San Antonio completes its home SEGABABA against DeAaron Fox and the Sacramento Kings tomorrow night at 7:00 PM CDT.

By GaryQfromSanJose, via Pounding The Rock