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Stephon Castle’s big push for Rookie of the Year
Columnist Mike Finger and Spurs beat reporters Jeff McDonald and Tom Orsborn discuss Stephon Castle’s ascension to Rookie of the Year favorite and how De’Aaron Fox is adjusting to playing without Victor Wembanyama.
Suggested reading:
At home in San Antonio, De’Aaron Fox navigates a tricky Spurs transition
Spurs’ Stephon Castle making Rookie of the Year push
For Spurs, it’s ‘wait until next year’ season again
Biyombo grateful for unexpected chances with Spurs
Wembanyama ‘super connected’ with teammates after blood clot diagnosis
Here is the transcript of the podcast:
From a highly secure network of top secret locations across South Texas, this is the Spurs Insider March edition. I’m your host Mike Finger, joined as always by Express News Spurs beat writer Jeff uh Tom Orsborn, with Sports editor Nick Talbert, and the irrepressible effusive Jeff McDonald, who overcame obstacles, adversity, all kinds of issues to make it to a different undisclosed location this morning to join us. Jeff, showing the spirit of the team you cover, showing the can do can do attitude in the face of of just all kinds of negativity. Thank you so much for being here today.
You’re welcome. I noticed you went out of your way to introduce me last. I appreciate that.
Well, because I had I had something to I stumbled there as I often do. I’m going to choose to believe it’s like it’s going to be like when you know they announce the starting lineup, you know, they save the best for last, the most popular for last.
Exactly. When Victor Wembanyama is healthy, they introduce Victor Wembanyama last, so.
Well, you sound you sound great on the podcast. so nice of you to be here. I know it was not an easy thing for you. and to on that note, the things have not been easy for the local cages lately. They’ve they’re they’re sticking with it. They they gave you a stirring rousing victory to cover in Memphis over the weekend, but then back to the usual trend of letting games slip away down the stretch against the Oklahoma City Thunder after letting that happen twice in New Orleans. Just what is the state of your Spurs here in the first week of March, Jeff McDonald.
Those are two different animals, right? Like losing a lead against New Orleans and losing the lead on the second night of a back-to-back against the best team in the West. Like I don’t know. I don’t know if we ding them too much for losing to Oklahoma City because I remember sitting around the press room in in Memphis going, they’re going to lose by like 35 tomorrow. So the fact that they were actually in that thing for so long is is I’m not going to say impressive, but it was more than I expected.
Really game effort. Right. And I think they I think they just shot the lights out and that’s what kept him in the game for a while uh against Oklahoma City. What is the state of the Spurs?
Well, they’re just we’re just uh I don’t want to say playing out the string, but we’re just kind of winding down here. Like there’s nothing really to play for since Victor’s been out. You know, they’re not going to make a play in run. Um probably the front office wouldn’t mind seeing a few losses to enhance those lottery odds. Um we’re probably watching Atlanta to see how badly they fall and what that lottery pick looks like. Um, but other than that, I don’t know that you can judge a whole lot. I mean we’re we’re seeing we’re seeing some players play really well. We want to talk about Stefan Castle later and what what he’s uh what his bounce back has looked like. But as far as the state of the team, it’s it’s it’s hard it’s hard to judge what a team is supposed to look like when the centerpiece is in street clothes for the rest of the year.
Um, I do want to mention the the the tanking thing which has been a recurring theme on this podcast going back several years. This year, it’s it’s a lot harder to tank both with both picks that the Spurs have. There’s and Atlanta’s, like Atlanta, they’re not good. They’ve they’ve lost Jaylen Johnson for the year to an injury, but they’re still going to make the playing in the east because someone has to. Um, like that that pick isn’t going to be as great as as I guess the odds for that pick isn’t going to be as great as you you might have hoped it would be. The Spurs are kind of in a in a spot right now where uh where Portland has passed them, but then making that next drop uh is probably not going to happen. So, I think as much as fans like to talk this time of year about tanking and and what have you. Like it seems pretty clear that the Spurs are going to have two of those picks uh lottery odds wise in that like 8 to 12 range. That’s where both the Spurs and Hawks picks are going to end up. Um if something crazy happens, maybe it gets to seven or on one end, 14 on the other, but I don’t think that unlike a a couple of years ago, the Victor tanking year. Um there there’s there’s not this uh uh uh nightly, oh you if you lose, you you maximize your your odds type of deal. I think that’s just kind of going to happen naturally as it has before.
I mean, I don’t even like the term, I don’t even like the term tanking. Like they’re just going to go out and play with this pretty mediocre team and they’re going to lose a ton of games.
Right, exactly. Like I I don’t think it’s going to change the the lottery ball mix too much. Um they kind of have their combinations. Those combinations is going to remain the same. Uh we’re recording this on Tuesday morning, the night of a game against the Brooklyn Nets who have right now have more lottery ball combinations than the Spurs do. And the outcome of this game is probably not going to affect much either way. Uh so and that’s fine. That’s that’s a good way to kind of spend the last six, seven weeks of the season is not freaking out one way or the other. Um a win isn’t going to hurt your odds too much, a loss isn’t going to make you feel too sad, I don’t think either way. Um there is some fun stuff in the middle of this. Unlike a couple of years ago when we were watching guys who probably didn’t have a long-term future with the Spurs. They were guys who uh were kind of space fillers. You didn’t know what was going to happen if they won the Victor Wembanyama lottery or not. Now, uh with the Aaron Fox, with Stefan Castle, with Jeremy Sohan, with uh Devin Vassell, you have guys who are going to be part of what the Spurs become in coming years. And there is Tom, some reason for optimism about that, especially with the clear cut favorite as Tom Orsborn mentioned months ago for Rookie of the Year, Stefan Castle.
Yeah. Yeah, and um the neat thing about this 32 point performance against the Thunder. You know, we saw two aspects of his game that haven’t been, you know, one one that was supposed to be a weakness. He hits a uh season high four three-pointers and then they challenged him to rebound and he ends up with eight, which is one shy of his season high. So, you know, it was kind of a uh snapshot of what what they anticipate seeing from him down the road when everything comes together. Um, you know, as we’ve said before, it’s going to be pretty darn good this Stefan Castle and we we got a good glimpse of that the other night.
It’s such a um it’s not what you talk about when you talk about Stefan Castle the the three-point shot. and it’s still, I think he’s still below 30% for the year. Yes. But it’s so much more of a confidence stroke uh than it was a couple months ago. and and talking about it after the game, he said that he doesn’t feel more confident necessarily. He’s always felt confident. But it it seems like the arena is more confident when he shoots now because it just looks like it’s going in. And I’ll give also give him some credit for so many guys in this league and and Jeff and Tom, you guys have covered this league a long time. And you know what it’s like when a guy grabs a rebound or gets the ball at half court or farther away and those last couple of seconds are are ticking off the clock at the end of a quarter and you see guys hold on to it just a little bit uh longer than they need to to make sure they throw that heave after the buzzer so they’ll they don’t get dinged for that miss. like Stefan Castle’s trying to improve his three-point percentage. He’s trying to show that he can do it and he he he missed two of them at the end of the first quarter and the end of the second quarter the other night. Uh but he made the genuine effort to get them off before the buzzer. They were like uh 60 foot shots. So, in a way like it it it dings his uh his percentage. But he’s trying to win.
He’s been doing that since day one, since day one. I bet he leads the team in in uh end of quarter like three quarter court heaves. And maybe if he doesn’t try any of those, maybe he is over 30%. I don’t know. I think so. Like we could probably do the math on it and look it up if we if we had that kind of uh.
We’re not going to do that. Ever. But uh, but yeah, like uh uh I I I think uh as an aside, I don’t think those attempts should count um as your percentage. Like that’s that that doesn’t tell you if if the percentage tells you a story, if it’s supposed to give you a gauge of how good of a shooter somebody is. Like those those aren’t really three-point attempts uh when you heave them from over half the court.
So so the ones that go in, you don’t count those as attempts either. Well, that’s that’s there therein lies the rub. Um, I don’t have solutions for everything in this world on this podcast. I’m sorry Jeff, as much as I would like to. Um, did you want to add anything Jeff on Stefan Castle aside from the the the trivial nonsense about his half court heaves that I interjected there?
Well, I well, I would just go back to what you just said. I think it’s probably a good rule of thumb for those of us that consider ourselves leaders of society that if you don’t have solutions for things, you shouldn’t uh, you know, you don’t tinker with things.
I agree. Leave things alone, leave things alone. Um, how about Steph? I think I think we’ve pretty much covered it. Like he’s he’s I guess one thing that’s interesting to me is I think was it just a week ago we were on here talking about what’s wrong with Steph Castle coming out of the All Star break and. Yeah. I that that didn’t last very long. I I think he figured it out. He’s he’s got three straight games over over 20 points. He’s looked really good. Um, doing really well drawn drawn fouls for rookie. He’s getting a lot of foul calls now for rookie, probably not even as many as he deserves. But he’s doing well getting to the foul line, which is I think is a going to be a huge part of his game going forward. Um, so a lot a lot to like there.
He’s got Chris Paul helping him out every step of the way.
Yeah. Uh good segue there Tom because uh he is he thrives as he has in several stretches this year. He’s been thriving in his bench role, getting uh quality minutes. I believe in the back-to-back at Memphis at home against Oklahoma City, he was over 30 minutes in both of those games. I believe he played more minutes than Chris Paul in both of those games. So, um again, it’s a podcasty internetty type of uh uh ruckus that’s out there about uh like is it should should Stefan Castle be starting over Chris Paul. I I don’t think it’s really that relevant. He’s Chris Paul Stefan Castle has been really good as a starter. He’s been really good off the bench. He’s getting his minutes either way. And uh I think that’s fine. I I don’t want to dedicate a whole segment to that same tired uh argument when I don’t think it really matters.
It does not matter at all at this point of the year.
Yeah. And and something I’ll point out. I I think I’ve mentioned this before, but um when Stefan Castle comes off the bench, he has an opportunity to kind of run the show when Chris Paul and Deran Fox are out and I even if the Spurs don’t see him as a long-term starting point guard. I think that suits him to have those minutes where he’s kind of initiating the offense and uh and getting those reps. I think that’s a good thing and I think that’s one of the positives of bringing him off the bench is when he does take the floor and Paul and Fox are out, he is running the show and I think that that will pay off long term. In a way like it did not pay off long term to have Jeremy Sohan do that last year, right? Like that was a a failed experiment, but the the castle thing I think could be great for him. And he’s just like Jeff said, they’re you’re sort of playing out the string here. Um, these games aren’t going to be the most compelling NBA games in history over the last six weeks, but that’s a fun thing to watch. As is uh Deran Fox and talking to Mitch Johnson before the Oklahoma City game. Um, or I guess after the Oklahoma City game, about the way that Deran Fox’s role on this team is going to evolve. He he said there’s still he’s still a new guy and it would have evolved if Victor Wembanyama was still around. It’s certainly going to evolve now and and just I think this watching the way the Spurs are are figuring out ways to use him to best use that speed and that clutch gene which Jeff can talk about and in in in the shot he hit against Memphis. I think that’s going to be a fun thing to watch too.
Yeah. the shot against Memphis. my favorite part of that actually happened two possessions before. Um, and and Memphis were on the floor. It’s one of the few uh arenas left where they still have media on the floor where you can like hear things and see things that you might not be able to see from like the mezzanine level. And uh Chris Paul is not closing that game. He’s not in he’s not in the game. He’s he’s on the bench except he’s not on the bench. He’s standing up and coaching like through the whole end of that game. Like Chris Paul and Mitch Johnson are both on their feet coaching guys. And there was a possession, you know, the Spurs are just holding on for dear life in that game going down the stretch against Memphis. They have not scored a a field goal in like five minutes and they just need one to kind of hold off this last charge from the Grizzlies. And there was a possession about three possessions, two possessions before the end where Devin Vassell tried to make that shot. And he he took some turning around uh fade away that airballed. And when it when the when the game goes back to the other end, the Grizzlies have the ball. Chris Paul is off the bench. He’s come all the way to mid court standing right in front of us and he’s yelling at Deran Fox who was on at the opposite corner. So about as far away as you can be. He’s yelling, Fox, Fox, go get the ball. So, um, you can take that how you want. I’ll say it’s confidence in Deran Fox, but it was kind of to me it was like, why is anybody but Deran Fox running the show right now? And sure enough Deran went and got the ball in the next possession and took a quick quick three I think and missed. Uh but the next time it it came down to Deran with the ball and what was interesting about the last possession was and and the Spurs had talked about this in the huddle. Deran said, like they knew they were going to double team Fox because of course you do. He’s the only guy really that can really beat you in that situation. So the Grizzly’s come to double team, gives it to Vassell and instead of Vassell going nuts with it, he gives it right back to Deran who out runs the second double team to get to a spot and make make the shot. So like all of that was just fascinating to me to watch it unfold, you know, 10 feet in front of me. And uh shout out to the Memphis Grizzlies for giving us that that chance to sit close enough to to see that stuff.
I got to make an admission in the middle of that story when you were uh quoting Chris Chris Paul and screaming starting starting the uh the thing that he screamed. I thought we were going to have our producer Mani Bach have to come in here and uh bleep some stuff or change our uh our rating to uh to MA or one of those things. I thought this was about to become a I thought this was about to become an adult podcast. I have no idea what he was saying Fox. I see. I I notice Chris Coulson by his last name. Everybody else in the league has some sort of nickname or you use their initials or or a shortened version of their name or you add a to the end like Maddie. Um they just call him Deran Fox.
Not Foxy. Not Foxy. Yeah, Foxy would be one that they would use. no it’s Fox. Uhhuh. It’s very that’s another odd thing to me. another neat thing about that. um Foxy, Foxy Fox. Um, you know that that game that game against Memphis came two nights after he was really had a bad closing stretch in New Orleans. Um he finished with six turnovers. Last three minutes he has three turnovers and a missed three. It’s just uh it’s just neat how these guys, you know, in that position can just put, you know, have that short memory, put it put it behind them and come out and and get the job done the next night or a few nights later.
And and it’s going to be harder for him in those situations as with everybody when Victor’s not there. Yeah. Like having Victor is a threat. Like you can just load up on Deran Fox in those situations. the fact that he gets it done at all in this situation um any amount of times is is pretty impressive.
And just think about his last month. Um he he’d played in Sacramento for a long time, enjoyed it there. Um had one really, really great year there as a player and as a as a team where where you know, they’re like the beam thing became a phenomenon and um they had their first playoff run in in forever and uh and he asks out basically and gets to go to the place where he wanted to go. and he’s on the road for a month because he was on on a road trip with the Kings that led directly into the Rodeo road trip with the Spurs. And before he ever gets to play his first game in his new home, the home that he chose, um one of the main reasons why he chose this new home is now out for the season. Um I I’m not saying this is a hardship or this is like he just he merits any sympathy or anything like that, but that’s got to be kind of wild. to have asked to come to a place and then immediately like that place uh endures what the Spurs did with the Victor Wembanyama situation. Um uh I’m I’m sure I I guess as a long way of saying I’m sure his head has been spinning. And we sort of asked him about that and he’s tried not to make it about him and and he’s been very positive about all this. He’s here for the long term. Uh he’s where he wanted to be, but God what a what a what a month February was for that guy.
Yeah, they had that one. the Spurs had that one uh day home in between Houston and Memphis on the Rodeo trip. like they got to come home for a night. And uh Deran used that to move into his house. Right. He he’d been on the team for weeks, but that was moving day. like the Uhaul showed up at at his house in San Antonio. And um yeah, that’s just been kind of the whirlwind it’s been for that dude. And I I kind of kind of had that thought as you watched him maybe not look so great in some of these games on the Rodeo trip. He must just be exhausted. Yeah. Like it just must and again, it’s basketball exhaustion. It’s not it’s not real world hardship, but just like mentally and physically exhausted and so it’s not surprising if he has a poor shooting night or uh um, you know, an off game. It’s just. And then more more to come. You know, he’s going back to Sacramento for the first time since the trade for Friday’s game. He’s bracing himself for you know, maybe an uneven welcome, some booze, but back back to Mike’s point about a positive Fox. He said, we don’t care about bitter people.
We don’t care about bitter people. If they boo, they boo, we don’t care about bitter people. He was looking right at Tom when he said that. I found that weird.
Well, cuz I asked the question. I don’t know. I don’t know. I think he looked away and then he and then he looked back and said, we don’t care about bitter people. Boy. This is going to I’m just trying to feed the I’m trying to feed the uh the the the internet conspiracy theorists about how much we dislike each other.
But you’re failing to mention you were sitting behind me. Oh, that’s true too. He was looking, yeah, he was looking right at you.
I see. Uh, well, I tell you what, if there is uh uh uh uh acrimony, if there is negativity going on, I think the person who will come in and be a peacemaker, the new peacemaker for the San Antonio Spurs, the local cages, the guy who settles things down is one Jeremy Sohan, who did it again on uh on on Sunday night. He got a technical which he insists Tom that he did not deserve. But uh when when when when a fracus broke out, uh three people got ejected and uh and Jeremy mentions he just ran over to see what was going on. And uh that was that was kind of interesting for a while.
They went through him like a magnet. It was incredible they they they try, you know, he goes he gets with him vicinity and everyone rushes to him like a magnet.
He’s he’s been a little better. Uh he had I think he shot seven and nine, 17 points in that Oklahoma City game. Um we we’ve sort of been figuring out what Jeremy Sohan is as an NBA player and it’s a useful guy. Uh probably not an all star um at any point in his career. I’m not going to rule that out completely. But uh he’s finding a role and he’s been put in a bit of a tough spot um with Victor out. The Spurs have been playing nine guys uh including only one center, Bismack Biyombo, who by the way was signed to a contract for the rest of the season after performing ably with his two 10-day deals. But uh Jeremy’s kind of having to be the big man out there in really small lineups against some big teams and uh the the Spurs continue to be sort of overwhelmed on the glass and that’s probably not going to change over the next six weeks.
Yeah, that’s been a that’s been a Mitch Johnson kind of uh uh part of his stump speech before almost every game you hear him talk about this. that’s just something that’s the rebounding, the size. That’s just something that’s going to be an issue every night for the rest of the year and if you they’re going to overcome it, it’s going to be this this gang rebounding mentality, but you know, sometimes you can’t overcome just everybody on your team is 6-6. Yeah. Like you can want it, you can try as hard as you want, but like teams with any kind of size are have the potential to give the Spurs problems. Which is a little why I was surprised they were able to win that game in Memphis because that team is freaking huge. They’re just a huge team. Um, like like Bismack Biyombo is the starting center for the Spurs, I guess. And Jeren Jackson just just dwarfs him. Just dwarfs him and then they bring in Zach Edy who dwarfs everyone and it was just so that was an admirable win for them. but it’s going to be a night tonight issue for the Spurs and it’s a lot of it is on Jeremy. little poor Jeremy having to play kind of you talk you talked about him playing out of position at point guard last year. now he’s kind of out of position by necessity playing like that that second team center role and at at some point it would be nice for him just to get to be what he is and not have to do all these extra things.
Well, he’s been he’s been uh I’ve been impressed with his attitude all season long. Um kudos to him. Uh in that I I I should mention that little uh uh mix up that the Spurs and Thunder had the other night. Um we did not get uh we we we got a good explanation at the at the scores table from who was the uh who was the official Tom uh James Edwards, James Williams who uh who who explained everything very well. But but in the NBA, I I want to let our listeners in on on some behind the scene stuff. They every night there’s a what’s called a pool reporter who who has the option of uh if if necessary to go to the uh officials afterwards for further clarification. And on that night, the pool the assigned pool reporter by the league was Tom Orsborn. And I’m sorry to put your business out there, Tom, but it’s it’s a great story. Uh there was a question during that game is do do we need a pool report here on this little mix up which really wasn’t that big of a deal. Do we need more clarification?
Well, the pool reporter, I just said, it’s it’s the guy who goes and talks to the officials, asks a question about a a call that needs more clarification. And uh and so that wasn’t that big of a deal, but we kind of like to bust Tom’s chops when he’s the he’s a pool reporter saying you need to go talk to the officials. And Tom very seriously says, we do not need a pool report. there’s more important things in the world. like what in the world happened to Gene Hackman. And so uh yeah, that’s that’s good perspective. I I sort of wanted Tom to ask the uh officials for their theory on what happened to Gene Hackman, but uh anyway.
Well, James Williams would have had a great uh no matter what the answer would have been, he would have delivered it uh really well. I mean, I could. He would have broken it down. Uh yeah, and uh you know, you got to make You have no theories on that Tom? You got to make I know this isn’t a true crime podcast, but but Gene should be. Gene Hackman meant a lot to should be. Gene Hackman meant a lot to everybody on this podcast. just brilliant performances throughout his career and it is a it is it is a pertinent question, I think. Yeah, you know, I I was thinking about him last night. you know, there’s been so many you can just pick so many great films and so many great roles, so many great performances, but I was thinking of Get Shorty last night too. I loved his uh performance in Get Shorty. Um it’s not one that, you know, jumps out right away, but you know, it came to mind last night. Uh so anyway.
You should have had that pool report.
Yeah, yeah. Well, uh you got to make decisions, Mike. Number one, no one no one no one uh uh requested one to me and number two, I had things to do after the game that I deemed Uh-huh. a little more important. but.
Takeaways, the triple take. Yeah, and talking to Fox about his return to Sacramento and so forth, but I don’t know. Yeah. So anyway, yeah, I’m like a Hack man, but. Well, I I’ll I’ll say this. Like the this is another way the sports reporting uh uh I I I think trains you to do all kinds of stuff. I think if if Tom was on that beat in Santa Fe, trying to find out what happened. I think uh Tom would be Tom would do a great job on that. because his history as a pool reporter as uncovering uh uh all kinds of stuff in the in San Antonio Sports. I think he I think you’d do a fine job. Well, I think a good show would be uh Tom and James Williams on the road like uh figuring out uh different crime scenarios. Like like buddy a million dollar idea new broadcast.
Yeah. Um That I’m not sure how to segue from that, but the Spurs do have the uh the Brooklyn Nets after we record this on Tuesday night uh at Sacramento as Tom mentioned on Friday, uh then a back-to-back next week at Minnesota. It seems like have they have a lot of those back-to-backs involving a home game that sort of uh lessens the uh advantage of the home game, right? When you play the home game on the second night of a back-to-back, that’s not really a home game. There’s another one of those next week at Minnesota at home against Dallas. Um, don’t need I guess official predictions anymore because they’re sort of irrelevant, but uh what just what what do you guys see about the week ahead?
Well, I I know you just asked about the week ahead. I don’t know we don’t like to do long-term things, but a game we were playing at uh George Paul’s last call in Memphis after that game uh in Memphis was, can the Spurs get to 30 wins this year? Oh, that’s that’s that’s a good podcast topic. now. So they need they need They need five more. I’m going to give you a list of uh wible games. you tell me if they can win five of them. This is what the rest of the season. Uh tonight they’re playing Brooklyn, which we’ll know the answer to that pretty pretty you know by the time this is out. They’ve got home games next week against Charlotte and New Orleans. Those are. Also two home games against Dallas who who lost everybody. Yeah Yeah, I wasn’t going to list them but but with Dallas and the Irving stuff probably. They got a home game against Philadelphia. Uh-huh. And then you flash forward uh to April and uh uh they they finish against Toronto at home. I don’t know what you think about Phoenix at this point. They do have a game at Phoenix and they have beaten Phoenix without Victor Wembanyama and Phoenix seems to be circling the drain, so maybe that’s able one. can you see them winning five of those? Well, I I think they’re going to win five more um, and I think they’re probably going to win one that you didn’t like there’s always one that you like who would who would have seen the at Memphis thing happening? Like that that’s not. Right. They actually have two games against Toronto as well. Both games against Toronto are coming up, so. And they they go to like at Portland. um, like I I think they’re going to get to to 30. It’s interesting because yeah, they do they do. It’s a offline of question. They do pop off and win games like at Memphis, but then they’ll they’ll lose two in a row to New Or. Like they’re capable of losing any game that I just mentioned.
And if you remember the last two years, the the quote unquote tank years, which weren’t really tank years. Um, in both of those seasons they played some of their best basketball in in March and April, right? Like they they were they were playing pretty well. Uh, winning some what what was the game the uh Devonte Graham the hero game against Yeah they get like screwed the nuggets at the end of the the regular season last year. Like there’s they’re always good for one or two of those. I I think the 30’s going to happen. Um Now getting to 32 or 33, not sure, but I I I would feel pretty comfortable about them getting to 30. Well, if they win 30, if they win 30 this year giving that Victor will have missed like a third of the season. I I think you got to I don’t want to say give them kudos, but that feels like that feels like progress. Fine. It’s fine. Yeah, it’s progress. Sure.
Tom, anything you’re looking forward to this week aside from uh true crime investigations? Oh Yes, Sacramento. that’ll be it’s one of my favorite venues to watch a game. I like I like the arena. Uh that’ll be fun seeing Fox go back. um Harrison Barnes go back. So, it’ll be fun. Yeah. You know what they like in Sacramento is the salt on their chocolate chip cookies. and I don’t get it at all. They’re so proud of their chocolate chip cookies. and they’re they’re fine. It’s. They’re fine chuck. they’re fine chuck. They’re fine chocolate chip cookies, but they are they they are not worth uh, you know, hanging your head on. I just want to put that out there. I really want to cause a beef with Sacramento. James Williams by the way, um looking at his bio here on NBAsrefereeassociation.net has a bachelor’s degree from Purdue in law and society and history. There you go. That is not surprising me at all. He lists uh one of his hobbies is movies, listing the Shawshank Redemption as his favorite movie. So, I think he well suited to be paired with me on this investigative piece.
You should if you would have done the dang pool report, you could have established a report. I know. and started this. That was a missed opportunity. So worried about your dang triple take. Yeah. Um and and and and your Sacramento advance that you missed out on the chance to start this podcast. That’s true. Shoot it could be a it could be an HBO long form documentary. Yeah. Tom Orsborn and James Williams traveling the country, getting to the bottom of stuff. I want to see that. I I think the homework for the week should be someone come up with a name for this podcast. Something and something. like it it’s two guys’ names but like nicknames kind of things, you know. Uhhuh. Like Cagny and Lacy or whatever. Yeah, I think we need to be better than that, but Yeah, I’m sorry. that’s your homework for the week. Okay. better better name for the.
In the in the meantime, the best way to read Tom Orsborn, Jeff McDonald and occasionally the host of this podcast is expressnews.com. Get on that. Um uh sign up for the Spurs Nation newsletter. We got the Spur Subtext, which I don’t have the number on me right now, but probably could be mentioned in the uh in the notes for this show. That’s still a thing. Uh we still have all that coverage going. Triple takes after the games from Tom and Jeff. Appreciate you reading that. Um and yeah, keep just just just just do what you can do the next week. And until then, next to see you next time. Take care of each other and keep it real.