By GaryQfromSanJose | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-12-30 01:53:35
杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)和朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)得到了“母舰”(ESPN)的认可。
在本周假期早些时候, 的尼尔·佩恩(Neil Paine)整理了一份 25 岁以下的 NBA 球员名单,根据下文详述的一些因素,这些球员正在为各自的球队打出所谓的“突破性”赛季。
由于这篇文章需要 ESPN/迪士尼的付费订阅才能阅读,以下列出了佩恩生成该名单时考虑的因素: *年龄小于 25 岁,预计每 82 场比赛至少达到 2 的胜利贡献值 (WAR),2024-25 赛季之前的职业生涯 WAR 低于 10,之前从未有过单赛季 2.5 WAR 的表现,本赛季 WAR 步调(每 82 场比赛)提升至少 2.5 个胜场 *。
也许我们并不感到意外,前九号秀 杰里米·索汉 入选了“前十顺位”类别,原因如下:
弄清楚如何最好地发挥索汉的天赋,最初对马刺队的教练来说是一个难题。上赛季,他们尝试让他与另一位独特的天才,当时的菜鸟维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)搭档,利用他多功能的 6 英尺 8 英寸的身高在组织前锋的位置上发挥作用,但结果远未达到预期。当索汉在场时,尤其是当他和文班亚马一起打球时,圣安东尼奥的表现明显更差(净效率值为-3.8)。然而,本赛季,索汉(2022 年选秀的 9 号秀)在健康的情况下效率和效果都提高了很多,他的 RAPTOR 预估值从-3.0 提升到+1.0。 关键数据: 索汉本赛季减少了无谓的球权损失。他的失误率从 14.3% 下降到 12.8%,他的中距离出手比例从 38% 下降到 32%。
索汉的表现被比作格雷格·门罗(Greg Monroe)和朗戴·霍利斯-杰弗森(Rondae Hollis-Jefferson)。
也许令我感到惊讶的是(但可能不会让奥古斯特·本贝尔(August Bembel)感到惊讶),朱利安·尚帕尼也入选了这份榜单,具体原因如下:
与榜单上一些早早被选中的球员不同,尚帕尼在 2022 年落选,不得不从发展联盟一路拼搏,才获得了稳定的 NBA 出场时间。起初,他是凭借防守做到的,由于盖帽率和抢断率都超过 1.5%,他上赛季的 RAPTOR 预估值为+0.5。但本赛季,尚帕尼的进攻效率也有所提高——他的使用率更高(现在达到 16.8%),两分球命中率大幅提升,三分球命中率也达到了 35% 左右。尚帕尼仍然是一名 3D 侧翼球员,他的大部分得分来自接球就投的三分球,但每支球队都需要这种类型的球员才能获胜。 关键数据: 当尚帕尼防守时,对手在各个区域的投篮命中率都会降低。
尚帕尼被与超级替补特伦斯·罗斯(Terrence Ross)、卡姆·约翰逊(Cam Johnson)和马特尔·韦伯斯特(Martell Webster)联系在一起。
- 亚特兰大的戴森·丹尼尔斯(Dyson Daniels)被拿来与早期版本的克莱德·德雷克斯勒(Clyde Drexler)和斯科蒂·皮蓬(Scottie Pippen)以及杰伦·萨格斯(Jalen Suggs)进行非常有利的比较。
- 底特律的状元秀凯德·坎宁安(Cade Cunningham)则与朱万·霍华德(Juwan Howard)、布兰登·英格拉姆(Brandon Ingram)和保罗·班凯罗(Paolo Banchero)联系在一起。
- 多伦多的奥侪·阿巴吉(Ochai Agbaji)与炙手可热的卡姆·约翰逊(再次出现)、亚伦·内史密斯(Aaron Nesmith)以及杰克·莱曼(Jake Layman)联系在一起。
- 丹佛的大个子克里斯蒂安·布劳恩(Christian Braun),有趣的是,他被比作职业生涯早期的吉米·巴特勒(Jimmy Butler)、亚伦·威金斯(Aaron Wiggins)和埃德·平克尼(Ed Pinckney)。
- 阿巴吉的队友格雷迪·迪克(Gradey Dick),每个不成熟的社交媒体用户的梦中情人,被比作杰夫·马龙(Jeff Malone)和前马刺球员德玛尔·德罗赞(DeMar DeRozan)。
- 孟菲斯的杰克·拉拉维亚(Jake LaRavia)与约什·麦克罗伯茨(Josh McRoberts)、职业生涯后期的夸梅·布朗(Kwame Brown)和格兰特·朗(Grant Long)联系在一起。
- 新奥尔良的布兰登·波士顿(Brandon Boston)(在新奥尔良鹈鹕队伤病满营的情况下)是唯一上榜的二轮秀,他被比作老将温斯顿·加兰德(Winston Garland)、富兰克林·爱德华兹(Franklin Edwards)和(我个人最喜欢的)布莱恩特·史蒂斯(Bryant Stith)。
点击查看原文:Two Spurs made it to ESPN’s list of under-25 players having breakout seasons
Two Spurs made it to ESPN’s list of under-25 players having breakout seasons
Jeremy Sochan and Julian Champagnie were recognized by the mothership.
Earlier in the holiday week,’s Neil Paine compiled a list of NBA players under-25 who, using some factors detailed below, who are having what are considered ‘breakout ‘seasons for their appreciative teams.
Since the article sits firmly behind the ESPN / Disney paywall, here are factors considered in how Paine generated that list: are under the age of 25•, are on pace for at least 2 WAR per 82 games, had under 10 career WAR before 2024-25, never previously had a season of 2.5 WAR, improved their WAR pace (per 82 games) by at least 2.5 wins this season.
The two Spurs that made the list are covered along with a brief rundown of the other young stars-in-the-making, as well. Players listed were also given by Paine production comparisons to recent and current players.
The interesting approach Paine took was to separate these players into the following categories: Top Ten draft picks, first-round selections from 11 and beyond, second-round inclusions, and finally, undrafted contributors.
Perhaps to none of our surprise, Jeremy Sochan, the former #9 pick, made it to the ‘Top Ten’ category for:
Figuring out how best to deploy a player of Sochan’s talents had initially been a struggle for Spurs coaches. They tried using his versatile, 6-foot-8 skill set at point forward last season next to another unique talent, then-rookie Victor Wembanyama, but the results were far from successful. San Antonio was markedly worse with Sochan on the court, especially when he played with Wembanyama (-3.8 net rating). This season, though, Sochan (the No. 9 pick in the 2022 draft) has been far more efficient and effective when healthy, raising his estimated RAPTOR from minus-3.0 to plus-1.0. Key stat: Sochan is cutting down on wasted possessions this season. His turnover rate is down from 14.3% to 12.8%, and his share of shots from the midrange has dipped from 38% to 32%
Sochan was compared production-wise to Greg Monroe and Rondae Hollis-Jefferson.
And perhaps to my surprise, (but probably not August Bembel’s) Julian Champagnie made it onto the list, specifically for:
Unlike some on this list who were picked early, Champagnie went undrafted in 2022 and has had to fight his way out of the G League and into consistent NBA minutes. At first, he did that through his defense, which rated as a plus-0.5 in estimated RAPTOR last season thanks to block and steal rates both in excess of 1.5%. But this season, Champagnie has also become more efficient on offense — he has a higher usage rate (now up to 16.8%), has a far better shooting percentage on 2-pointers and is hitting about 35% of his 3s. Champagnie still profiles as a 3-and-D wing who does most of his damage on catch-and-shoot 3s, but every team needs that archetype to win. Key stat: Opponents shoot for a lower FG percentage at every range when guarded by Champagnie.
Champagnie was linked to super-sub Terrence Ross, Cam Johnson, and Martell Webster.
Other players featured:
- Atlanta’s Dyson Daniels was compared very favorably to earlier versions of Clyde Drexler and Scottie Pippen, along with Jalen Suggs.
- Former #1 pick, Detroit’s Cade Cunningham, was linked to Juwan Howard, Brandon Ingram, and Paolo Banchero.
In the later draftees list, there were:
- Toronto’s Ochai Agbaji was connected to the highly coveted Cam Johnson (again) and Aaron Nesmith along with Jake Layman.
- Denver big man Christian Braun, who interestingly was compared to early-career Jimmy Butler, Aaron Wiggins, and Ed Pinckney.
- Agbaji’s teammate Gradey Dick, every immature social media poster’s dream guy, was compared to Jeff Malone and former Spur DeMar DeRozan.
- Memphis’ Jake La Ravia was linked to Josh McRoberts, late-career Kwame Brown, and Grant Long.
- New Orlean’s Brandon Boston (amidst the Pelicans’ too-many-to-count injuries) was the lone second-rounder who made it and compared to OG veterans, Winston Garland, Franklin Edwards, and (personal favorite) Bryant Stith.
Pounders: Happy Holidays and what do you make of these two entries?
By GaryQfromSanJose, via Pounding The Rock