By August Bembel | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-12-29 00:25:37
朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)正在成为“可靠先生”。
近25年来,我最喜欢的马刺球员并不一定是最好的马刺球员。大卫·罗宾逊(David Robinson)不得不退役,蒂姆·邓肯(Tim Duncan)才能成为我的最爱。在邓肯2016年退役之前,我也有其他个人比较喜欢的球员。
也许最令人惊讶的是,当邓肯在2014年赢得他的第五个总冠军时,我最喜欢的马刺球员既不是蒂姆·邓肯,也不是马努·吉诺比利(Manu Ginobili),也不是托尼·帕克(Tony Parker),甚至不是科怀·伦纳德(Kawhi Leonard)。而是鲍里斯·迪奥(Boris Diaw)。因为在一支拥有众多经验丰富、历史级别的天才球员的球队中,鲍里斯在我看来可能是他们中最聪明的。
也许我最出乎意料的最喜欢的马刺球员是德里克·怀特(Derrick White)。在他的第二个赛季中期,他就牢牢确立了自己“个人最爱”的地位。当时他的三分球还在开发中。而且,他有一天可能会成为一名合格的射手——更不用说像现在这样成为一名“火焰喷射器”——这一事实并没有起到任何作用。德里克以他的勤奋和智慧征服了我,无论是在防守端还是进攻端。
但是,就像邓肯之后一样,自从德里克离开后,我最喜欢的马刺球员的位置出现了一些空缺。而且,尽管是出于其他原因,维克多·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)可能需要几年时间才能成为我最喜欢的马刺球员。文班或许是那个把“试探性三分”变成真正武器的人。与此同时,这不是一种我会爱上的进攻方式。
- 尚帕尼非常勤奋!我必须依靠“眼测”,因为没有每场比赛的失误统计数据,至少我不知道,但除了对阵费城比赛的最后时刻,朱利安很少犯错——而且更多的时候只是做了正确的事情。很多情况下,这是一个接球就投的三分。在其他情况下,他是一个防守端的组织者,或者只是没有漏掉自己的人。在一个许多队友都没有什么发挥的夜晚,朱利安挺身而出,三分球7投5中——而且在很多情况下,他都做了正确的事情。坦率地说,朱利安已经变成了我心目中德文·瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell)会成为的球员——一个可靠的3D球员。最有趣的是:德里克·怀特24岁时成为我最喜欢的马刺球员,而朱利安现在只有23岁。也许管理层在给他那份轰动性的4年1200万美元(某种意义上的新秀合同)合同时,把他看作是一个首轮末段的球员?这份合同还将持续两年半。无论如何,我很高兴朱利安是一名马刺球员。因为最重要的是,他是一个超级有马刺气质的马刺球员!
- 文班亚马仍然是马刺的首发五号位,还是杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)?Bk-ref的数据显示,索汉本赛季90%的上场时间都在四号位,只有10%的时间在五号位,但现在我看到索汉——在攻防两端——在内线或附近区域花费的时间远远超过10%,甚至可能比文班还要多。这可能不是对文班的最佳利用(尽管对他最好的利用很可能在 *任何地方 *),但在我看来,这是对索汉的很好利用。杰里米在他进入联盟的前两年里,个人净效率值很差(两位数的负值)。在2024-25赛季,他的进攻效率有了显著提高,现在是118(上赛季:104),而这并没有让他成为一个更好的三分射手。索汉非常擅长做大个子该做的事情——比如接球并完成终结、设置掩护、抢篮板、把握时机空切以及扣篮。
- 说到“大个子该做的事情”,米奇·约翰逊(Mitch Johnson)连续第二场比赛没有给查尔斯·巴斯(Charles Bassey)和扎克·科林斯(Zach Collins)任何上场时间。尽管输球了,但对阵联盟中进攻效率第二好的纽约尼克斯队(根据bk-ref数据)“只”丢了117分,这还不算太差。我们不要过度解读对阵缺少最强得分手的、正在摆烂的布鲁克林篮网队只丢了很少的分数,但是,再次强调,尽可能地让文班和索汉分配五号位的所有上场时间可能是一件好事。原因如下:每场比赛五个位置总共只有240分钟的上场时间。我希望斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)能获得重要的上场时间,我希望特雷·琼斯(Tre Jones)能获得重要的上场时间,我希望那个正在成为我最喜欢的球员——朱利安·尚帕尼——能获得重要的上场时间。当然,凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)也会有上场时间。当每个人都健康的时候,这就是你的九人轮换阵容——我喜欢!
- 德文·瓦塞尔似乎有点“投篮恐惧症”,就像我们在德国所说的那样,指那些似乎害怕投篮的人——在德文这里,是指害怕投三分球。自从他回到首发阵容以来,他每场比赛只投5个三分球,这不仅仅是因为在文班身边,他是默认的第二高产三分射手。他一直在放弃空位三分,选择让自己陷入困境。看来,他还没有找到自己在2024-25赛季圣安东尼奥马刺队首发阵容中的位置。另一方面(一语双关),德文最近送出了一些精妙的传球。让我们就此打住:圣安东尼奥马刺队将在新的一年里继续努力,但至少已经达到了50%的胜率。
点击查看原文:What we learned from the Spurs win over the Nets
What we learned from the Spurs win over the Nets
Julian Champagnie is turning into l Mr. Reliable.
My favorite Spur has for about 25 years not necessarily been the best Spur. David Robinson had to retire before Tim Duncan could become my favorite. And before Duncan retired in 2016, there were other personal favorites of mine.
Maybe most surprisingly, when Duncan won his fifth championship in 2014, my favourite Spur wasn’t named Tim Duncan, Manu Ginobili, or Tony Parker – not even Kawhi Leonard. It was Boris Diaw. Because on a team stacked with seasoned all-time talent, it was Boris who struck me as probably the smartest of them all.
I’m not really sure what it is that makes a player my favorite Spur, but since Diaw I’ve got the feeling that “making the right play” is becoming more important to me than being the number one option (though there were years during which Kawhi, when he had become the number one option, was my favorite Spur).
Maybe my most unexpected favorite Spur is Derrick White. He had himself firmly established Personal Favorite status midway through his second season. His three-point shot in those days was a work in progress. And the fact that one day he might become an adequate shooter – let alone the flamethrower that he is these days – played no role in that. Derrick got me with his diligence as well as his intelligence, both on D and O.
To be perfectly frank, Derrick may still be my favorite basketball player on the planet, and I watch almost as many of the Celtics’ games (tons) as I watch Spurs games (each and every). The reason: it gives me pleasure to watch Derrick White ply his trade.
But as was the case after Duncan, there’s been a bit of a vacuum when it comes to my favorite Spur since Derrick left. And, though for other reasons, it might take some years for Victor Wembanyama to become my favorite Spur. Victor might be the guy who turns the heat-check three into a legitimate weapon. Meanwhile, it’s not a type of offense I’ll fallen in love with.
Still, if last night’s game has told me anything, it’s that I might have a new favorite Spur. His name’s Julian Champagnie.
- Champagnie is just so very diligent! I’ll have to rely on the eye test since there’s no mistakes per game statistic, at least none I know of, but aside from the end of the Philly game, Julian makes very few mistakes – and so much more often just does the right thing. In many cases, that’s a catch-and-shoot three. In other cases, it’s as a defensive playmaker or just not losing his man. Julian, on a night during which many of his teammates had nothing much going, stepped in with five from seven from deep – and many, many instances in which he did the right thing. Frankly, Julian’s turned into the player I thought Devin Vassell would be – a Mr. Reliable three-and-D guy. The most fun part of it is this: Derrick White was 24 when he became my favourite Spur, Julian now is only 23. Maybe PATFO thought of him as a late first-rounder when they gave him that sensational 4-year/12-million (rookie-of-sorts) contract that is to run for another two and a half years? Anyway, I’m so very glad Julian is a Spur. Because more than anything else, he is a super-spursy Spur!
- Is Victor Wembanyama still the Spurs’ starting five, or is it Jeremy Sochan? Bk-ref has Sochan playing 90 percent of his minutes at the four this season, and only 10 percent the five, but by now I see Sochan – on both ends of the floor – spending way more time in or around the zone than 10 percent, maybe even more than Wemby. That might not be the very best use of Wemby (though his very best use might well be everywhere), but it appears to me it’s a very good use of Sochan. Jeremy had a poor (deep double-digits-poor) individual net rating over his first two years in the league. In 2024-25, his offensive rating is up significantly, it’s at 118 right now (last season: 104), and that has happened without him becoming better as a three-point shooter. Sochan is very good at doing big man things – like receiving and converting entry passes, setting exit screens, grabbing boards, timing his cuts and dunking the ball through the net.
- Speaking of “big man things”, for the second game in a row, Mitch Johnson gave zero minutes to both Charles Bassey and Zach Collins. Despite the loss, “only” conceding 117 points against the New York Knicks, the second-best offense in the league per bk-ref, wasn’t all that bad. Let’s not read too much into only conceding very few points against a tanking Brooklyn Nets team that’s missing its most potent scorers, but, again, it might be a good thing to distribute all minutes at the five between Wemby and Sochan whenever possible. Here’s why: There’s only 240 minutes to go around per game across all five positions. And I want Stephon Castle to see significant minutes, I want Tre Jones to see significant minutes, and I want the guy who’s turning into my new favorite player, Julian Champagnie, to see significant minutes. And Keldon Johnson will also see minutes. That’s your nine-man rotation when everyone is fit – and I like it!
- Devin Vassell appears to have a mild case of “Ladehemmungen”, as we say in Germany for someone who appears to be afraid to shoot – in Devin’s case, shoot from deep. Since he’s bee reinstated into the starting lineup, he’s only taking five shots per game from beyond the arc, and it’s not just because next to Wemby he’s the second-highest volume shooter from deep per default. He’s been passing up open threes, choosing to run himself into trouble instead. It appears that he is yet to find his groove as a starter on the 2024-25 San Antonio Spurs. On the other hand (pun intended), Devin’s thrown some intricate passes as of late. Let’s leave it at that: The San Antonio Spurs will swing into the new year a work in progress, but a work in progress that’s already at .500 (at least).
By August Bembel, via Pounding The Rock