By Jeje Gomez | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-12-12 10:43:56
身高 2 米 24 的文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)是一位动作流畅的运动员,他的三分得分占比几乎与内线得分占比相同。当外线投篮命中时,要求他进入内线的声音就会减弱,但在他投丢的夜晚,人们的默认反应就是要求这位大个子像传统中锋一样打球。
对文班以外线为主的比赛风格感到沮丧是可以理解的,但在一定程度上也是被误导的。文班亚马并非不想在内线得分,而是由于自身 limitations,对手的防守方式以及队友的技术水平,他往往无法做到。
当今 NBA 中大多数运动能力出色的中锋都不是多产的低位得分手,而是通过挡拆后的空切上篮来弥补内线得分。理论上,文班亚马应该能享受到来自“控球之神”保罗(Chris Paul)的空中接力,但问题是双重的。首先,在他职业生涯的现阶段,保罗并不是一个突破到篮筐的巨大威胁,他主要是在寻找助攻机会,所以对手会切断传给文班的传球路线,放任保罗投中距离跳投。其次,圣安东尼奥的场上空间并不总是很理想,因为一些轮换球员在无球时并不能得到防守方的尊重,所以即使挡拆看起来解放了中锋,协防也总是存在。
没有必要通过低位单打或挡拆让文班在三分线内得分或创造机会。由于文班目前还不能在不失误的情况下运太多次球,而且他也不能挤开中锋,所以目标是造成错位,让他能够快速直接地进攻。马刺队设计了一些利用持球和无球掩护来制造这些错位的战术,但当对手用大前锋防守文班亚马,用中锋防守前锋时,这些战术就很难奏效了。当这种情况发生时,对方会先换防,然后再用中锋换防文班亚马,以抵消优势。即使杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)不在场上也会出现这种情况,但当他和文班同时在场时,这个问题就会变得更加严重。
那么文班亚马应该只投三分吗?当然不是。教练组在为他创造空位机会方面做得很好,他的队友们也在适时传球方面有所进步。当协防到来时,他在阅读防守方面也做得更好,能够快速出手投篮,或者在他在三分线内持球时,如果防守方真的对他进行包夹(通常情况下都是如此),他能找到空位的射手。当文班在场时,马刺队在篮下的得分更多,他 either 通过得分、助攻或吸引大量防守注意力让其他球员轻松上篮,参与创造了这些得分。
点击查看原文:Victor Wembanyama’s perimeter-oriented game is fine — for now
Victor Wembanyama’s perimeter-oriented game is fine — for now
Wembanyama is making strides as an interior scorer, but it makes perfect sense for him to look for shots on the perimeter, at least for now.
Victor Wembanyama, a fluid 7’4 “ athlete, is scoring almost the same percentage of his points from beyond the arc as from the paint. When the outside shot is falling, the cries for him to go inside subside, but on nights in which he misses, the default response is to demand the big man to play like a traditional center.
The frustration with Wemby’s perimeter-oriented game is understandable to a degree, but also misguided. Wembanyama hasn’t decided that he doesn’t want to score inside, but he often can’t due to his own limitations, how opponents defend him and the skills of his teammates.
Wembanyama can score on the block but is not a volume post scorer. He has good footwork, but he has a high center of gravity that makes bodying his way close to the paint nearly impossible. Because of his height, he also has a very high dribble that defenders can disrupt easily when he tries to get to the middle, and help defenders can often steal the ball when he puts it on the floor. That leaves Wemby with the option to spin baseline, but he’s also easily moved in those situations by smaller but stronger opponents and he has to find a cutter or a shooter before falling out of bounds. Sometimes he does, others he coughs the ball up, resulting in a live ball turnover.
Most athletic centers in today’s NBA are not prolific post scorers but make up for it by scoring inside on the pick-and-roll by being rim-runners. In theory, Wembanyama should feast on lobs thrown by The Point God himself, but the problem is twofold. First, at this point in his career, Paul is not a huge threat driving to the rim and is mostly looking for the assist, so opponents deny the pass to Wemby and live with a CP3 midrange jumper. Second, the spacing isn’t always pristine for San Antonio, as some rotation players don’t command the respect of the defense when they are off the ball, so even when it seems like the pick and roll is freeing the center, help defense is always there.
There’s no need to go to the post or the pick and roll to get Wemby in a position to score or create inside the arc. Since Wemby can’t take too many dribbles without risking a turnover at this point and he can’t push centers around, the goal is to get a mismatch that allows him to attack quickly and directly. The Spurs have several plays using both on-ball and off-ball screens to force those mismatches, but those actions are a lot trickier to pull off when opponents have their power forward on Wembanyama and their center on a forward. When that happens, the other team will just concede the switch but then switch their center to Wembanyama to negate the advantage. This occurs even when Jeremy Sochan is not around but becomes a bigger problem when he shares the court with Victor.
So should Wembanyama just shoot threes? Of course not. The coaching staff has done a good job of finding new ways of getting him open and his teammates are improving when it comes to making the right pass at the right time. He has also been doing a better job of reading when help is coming and getting a shot up quickly or finding open shooters if the defense really loads up on him when he has the ball inside the arc, which is normally the case. The Spurs get more points at the rim with Victor on the floor, and he has a hand in creating them either by scoring, assisting, or demanding so much attention that others can just waltz to the bucket.
Wembanyama is immensely talented and tall but at this point in his career and with this roster, it’s simply impossible for him to play like a traditional center. Without a ball handler who is scary enough to prevent the defense from focusing almost solely on Wemby, he can’t be a good dive man. He’s too skinny to play with his back to the basket and his height makes his dribble too easy to disrupt. And if he’s playing next to non-shooters or players that don’t scare the defense with their off-ball scoring, he’ll always run into a crowd.
The three-point shot should always be a big part of Wembanyama’s game but as he matures as a player, he’ll diversify his game to be the matchup nightmare he’s destined to become by also being unstoppable inside. The process has already started, as he has made strides as the games have passed. It will just require some patience.
For now, it’s fine for Wembanyama to take threes in volume and rely on them to get shots up. It helps him stay involved on offense, it helps create room for his teammates and it prevents him from trying to force things in settings that don’t play to his strengths, all good things for both the player and the team.
By Jeje Gomez, via Pounding The Rock