🎧 Spurs Insider️ 播客: 圣安东尼奥的未来一片光明?

Spurs Insider Podcast, 2024-11-20 18:00:00


专栏作家迈克·芬格(Mike Finger)和马刺队随队记者杰夫·麦克唐纳(Jeff McDonald)以及汤姆·奥斯伯恩(Tom Orsborn)讨论了马刺队在关键比赛中——即使是输掉的比赛——的进步,这要归功于克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)和维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)不断发展的内外结合打法。







迈克·芬格: 这里是来自南德克萨斯州高度安全的绝密网络的马刺内幕消息。和往常一样,我是你们的主持人迈克·芬格,与我们《快报新闻》马刺队随队记者杰夫·麦克唐纳和汤姆·奥斯伯恩,以及体育编辑尼克·塔尔博特一起。如果我听起来有点疲惫,如果这期播客不像往常一样屡获殊荣、娱乐性十足、非常值得一听,那是我的错。我要承担责任。今天早上我们有点落后于计划。我们不可能总是完美,就像你们当地的球员一样。你可以在赛季初有一个很棒的、令人鼓舞的开局,然后一切都分崩离析。所以,我只想在播客开头说声抱歉,伙计们。是我的错。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 这是一个非常负责任的,非常负责任的开场白。

汤姆·奥斯伯恩: 这是一个很棒的开场白。就像你刚刚开始跑步一样。

迈克·芬格: 就像,我不知道。

汤姆·奥斯伯恩: 是的。这就像看着米奇·曼特尔宿醉后打了三个本垒打。

迈克·芬格: 是的,差不多。可能今天不会打出三个本垒打,但圣安东尼奥马刺队,他们大多数时候都是这期播客的主题——至少他们是,有时他们不是——我们没有官方的预测。我们结束了上周的节目。本来可以有很多种走向,但我认为这是2024-2025赛季的又一周。似乎我们每周做这个的时候,我们都多少知道接下来会发生什么。我认为这周也差不多。马刺队上周战胜了华盛顿奇才队,感觉像是很久以前的事了。然后连续输给了洛杉矶湖人队,一场是在AT&T中心——抱歉,是在弗罗斯特银行中心——进行的NBA杯比赛中,一场苦战失利。他们在阿联酋航空NBA杯上进行了一场精彩的比赛,然后是一场基本上没有人打的比赛,在小牛队的主场弃权了。我们像往常一样在周二录制,周三在你们的数字播放器上播出。所以这是我们不会谈论过去发生的比赛的场合之一。谁知道昨晚对阵雷霆队的比赛发生了什么?它可能是一场史诗般的比赛。但是前三场,汤姆·奥斯伯恩,和你预想的一样吗?有什么突出之处?

汤姆·奥斯伯恩: 是的,我的意思是,这并不令人意外。在与湖人队的比赛中文班亚马膝盖受伤,这令人失望。对阵俄克拉荷马城雷霆队时再次缺阵。但是,就像你说的,迈克,那场与湖人队的比赛非常精彩。是的,那真是一场艰苦的比赛,让我更加期待11月27日感恩节前夕与湖人队的比赛,届时每个人都会兴高采烈地到场。

迈克·芬格: 我认为与湖人队的比赛是我们这周要重点讨论的,因为它是最有趣的,即使马刺队输了。你可以回顾去年这两位时代巨星的第一次交锋,勒布朗·詹姆斯和自勒布朗·詹姆斯以来最受炒作的新秀维克托·文班亚马,他们在弗罗斯特银行中心相遇。那场比赛马刺队实际上赢了。但在赛后与文班的交谈中,他指出,自那以后,情况发生了很大的变化,现在马刺队几乎感觉更能掌控局面,即使马刺队输掉了这场比赛,我认为这支球队周围的氛围截然不同——这并不是什么新闻,杰夫,但是——关于今年可能发生的事情,有更多可能性。我不认为输给湖人队,一场艰苦的失利,一场势均力敌的失利会改变太多,你呢?

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 不,不,我认为,很大程度上是克里斯·保罗的效应。一小部分是哈里森·巴恩斯的效应。然后很大一部分是其他每个人都经历了一年的战斗,并且都大了一岁,包括文班本人。但那场与湖人队比赛的最后阶段,很大一部分是一个在技术上还没有经历过很多场战斗的人,斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)。就像他在与湖人队比赛的最后几分钟里一次又一次地做出关键表现。我想到的一个例子就是,他在最后几分钟里把勒布朗·詹姆斯带到篮下,并在一个非常紧张的关键时刻用左手完成了上篮。对他来说,20岁就能做到这种事情,并且已经在对阵湖人队的比赛中进入了马刺队的收官阵容,这真的很说明问题。这真的告诉你他们对他的看法,以及马刺队认为他的发展方向。对我来说,你一开始问的是关于文班的问题,但对我来说,那场比赛最突出的是新秀斯蒂芬·卡斯尔。

迈克·芬格: 是的,在马刺内幕消息节目中,我们讨厌陈词滥调,就像我们认为自己高于那些老生常谈,那些废话,你在每个播客、每个精彩片段、每个赛后新闻发布会上都能听到的东西。但整个“对他来说没有哪个时刻是太重要的”之类的东西,就像对任何事情都不感到惊讶,就像斯蒂芬·卡斯尔似乎完全符合这一点。他十几岁时就参加了NCAA四强赛,并在康涅狄格大学赢得了全国冠军。他进入这个联盟,就像你说的,面对勒布朗·詹姆斯,有史以来最伟大的球员之一,如果不是前三,前二,不管怎样。似乎并没有对它感到惊讶。这是一种可能被高估的品质——如今在体育运动中谈论这种品质时可能被过度使用——但我认为它确实准确地描述了他。我认为他从长远来看会非常出色。我认为他这个赛季会非常出色,他现在就已经非常出色了。那个选秀权可能会成功。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 一次只谈一个陈词滥调。他只是一个继续下一场比赛的人,当你正在进行NBA职业生涯的前十二场比赛时,这是一项被低估的技能。就像你说的,对任何事情都不感到惊讶或困扰。对于一个年轻人来说,这是一个巨大的进步,一项巨大的技能,他已经掌握了它。

汤姆·奥斯伯恩: 他拥有39岁的克里斯·保罗所拥有的那种品质。你认为这是我第一次面对伟大的球员吗?他已经拥有了它。这没有明说,但你能从他身上感受到。

迈克·芬格: 我们的朋友克里斯·保罗。你认为这是他第一次送出12000次助攻吗?对于在家观看和收听的观众和粉丝来说,我们已经在弗罗斯特银行中心的媒体室里有了关于克里斯·保罗的笑话。这是带着爱,带着尊重和钦佩的。克里斯·保罗,你可以问他任何问题,他以前都见过。马刺队可能喜欢他的一点是,他不会对任何事情感到惊讶。你认为这是我职业生涯中第一次送出12000次助攻吗?也许是,但我不会表现出来。很酷。我们在马刺内幕消息节目中不认可的另一件事是,我们不认可陈词滥调。我们绝对不认可体育博彩,我们也不讨论奖项。马刺内幕消息节目的老听众知道马刺内幕消息节目的主持人有多讨厌讨论奖项,尤其是在假期甚至季节——假期甚至开始之前。所以如果你想知道我们是否要讨论年轻的斯蒂芬·卡斯尔的奖项,让我告诉你,出去走走,享受生活,做一些有趣的事情。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 他们说,摸摸草,摸摸草。

迈克·芬格: 摸摸草。但是,让我告诉你。为了结合所有这些我们在马刺内幕消息节目中不喜欢的东西,如果你是一个喜欢体育博彩的怪人、流浪汉、堕落者,那么年轻的斯蒂芬·卡斯尔获得年度最佳新秀的赔率现在看起来真的不切实际。我不在乎他是否赢了。我不会谈论他赢得它,但如果他被列为名单上的第十或第十一个人,那么这可能不会一直保持下去。我认为,当我们在2月和3月被迫讨论这个问题时,我认为背景和讨论将会大不相同,因为他将继续拥有一个非常好的赛季。他不在人们的十大新秀名单上让我感到惊讶。我不会说我,你知道,我不会因为这件事而责怪我们在各个媒体的同事,但我确实点击了那些东西,然后,他甚至不在前十名,真的吗?

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 只是,很难列出这些名单。就像你列出这些名单一样,我们的同事列出这些名单是因为他们获得了点击量。这就是全部原因。因为人们喜欢点击列表。这并不是什么新闻,就像我认为,他们点击并对斯蒂芬·卡斯尔没有进入前十名感到愤怒。

迈克·芬格: 对。但他们得到了你的点击量。

汤姆·奥斯伯恩: 但很难做到这些,所以你最终不可能观看所有比赛,尤其是在赛季初的所有比赛。就像你没有认真收看马刺队对阵奇才队的比赛一样。很多这些名单可能是在他真正开始比赛之前就做好了。

迈克·芬格: 是的。你知道,所以他只是一个场均5分的替补球员,如果你只是看看数据统计,我可以理解。但这仍然值得一提,就像杰夫说的那样,去摸摸草。别担心。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 不,你应该写信,然后,也许,冲击国会大厦。

迈克·芬格: 我们不要那样做。但是,自从他开始首发以来,斯蒂芬·卡斯尔的表现相当不错,无论当每个人都回来后他是否还能留在首发位置,你知道,整个乐队重新聚在一起,我不知道,但他作为首发球员的表现相当不错。

汤姆·奥斯伯恩: 相当相当好。

迈克·芬格: 我猜有人在坏网站或好网站上问我,我记不清是哪个了——因为现在有两个——但是,问我,如果,你知道,斯蒂芬·卡斯尔会在年底成为首发控球后卫吗,对吧?我说,如果他们交易克里斯·保罗,但这有点像他的意思。是的,克里斯·保罗可能会被交易?也许吧?可能吧?这绝对是一种可能性,对吧?

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 我不确定。

迈克·芬格: 这绝对是一种可能性,对吧?我的意思是,有一种情况是,我们到了二月,他正在马刺队效力,并希望在他可能最后一个赛季的剩余时间里为一支可能进入季后赛的球队效力,而马刺队可能会为他做到这一点。如果那样的话,我认为斯蒂芬·卡斯尔将成为你的首发控球后卫。

迈克·芬格: 我认为这很好地过渡到一个引人入胜的问题。而且,我将操纵这里的情况。我将操纵规则,因为我认为如果马刺队在某个时候落后附加赛十场比赛,并且有一支季后赛球队需要一名控球后卫,那么这笔交易是很明显的。但是,让我在这里暂停一下,如果马刺队距离附加赛只有两场比赛,而且克里斯·保罗在这里过得很愉快,在这里打得很好,就像这里的比赛很重要一样。他仍然是首发控球后卫,仍然得到他的上场时间。而那些可能想交易克里斯·保罗的球队并不是为了让他成为首发控球后卫而交易他。他们在交易他们他们可能会对他有兴趣在一支可能争夺总冠军的球队中替补出场,你知道,不一定是像以前的、明显正在进入总决赛的金州勇士队,没有那样的球队。就像忘记马刺队可能想做什么,克里斯·保罗可能更喜欢什么?继续打球,在一支正在努力进入季后赛的球队中担任首发,而不是被送到某个地方替补出场。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 你认为这是我第一次否决交易吗?

迈克·芬格: 拜托。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 拜托。我只是认为有一些像你说的情况,你说的情况。

迈克·芬格: 这不是克里斯·保罗会做的事情。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 肯定有一些情况下,克里斯·保罗会在截止日期被交易到一支正在争夺总冠军的球队,但我认为也有一些情况下,克里斯·保罗会在这里打完整个赛季。我不会排除任何一种可能性。

迈克·芬格: 对。我认为很大程度上取决于他想做什么。是的。在本赛季开始的时候,很明显他想打球。这就是他与马刺队签约的原因,而且,你知道,我确信他本可以得到同样的合同在一支拥有,你知道,一支明显的季后赛竞争者或一支明显的冠军竞争者的球队中担任替补球员。所以他与马刺队签约的原因是他告诉我们的:他基本上想首发并打很多分钟。到了二月,这是否仍然适用,也许你知道,如果你想,好吧,我还有两个月的赛季,也许还有季后赛要打,也许他的想法会改变。我不知道。但随着我们越来越接近二月,这些将是问他的好问题。

汤姆·奥斯伯恩: 是的。他的队友们都希望他留下来。我的意思是,杰夫,我们昨天和特雷·琼斯谈过,谈到他在更衣室里多么受欢迎,以及,你知道,球员们已经多么喜欢他了。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 这甚至不在采访中,汤姆,就像当我们在比赛结束后进入更衣室时,总有一些激烈的讨论。凯尔登·约翰逊和克里斯·保罗在更衣室出口附近总是相对而坐。而且,伙计,那就是这两个家伙之间发生的事情的地方。

迈克·芬格: 哦,是的,他会让我抓狂。他会让我抓狂。是的,我几乎会想,在球队航班上,你们能不能坐在一起,比如在后面什么的?我们只有一个像,不停说话的区域。我的意思是带着很多钦佩,我的意思是即使在球场上。就像克里斯·保罗从不停嘴。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 从不。

迈克·芬格: 从不停嘴。而且我认为这实际上,我们之前讨论过,但我认为这实际上对一支年轻的球队有效。一支年轻的、正在学习的球队实际上想听听克里斯·保罗的意见,想吸收它。你知道,当他说些什么的时候,你的特雷·琼斯、你的朱利安·尚帕尼,还有你的,你知道,随便说一个23岁的球员,这对那些球员来说意义重大。而如果他与一群其他全明星球员在一起,我认为他们可能只想让他闭嘴。

汤姆·奥斯伯恩: 哎呀,就连米奇·约翰逊也在吸收它。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 我的意思是,米奇·约翰逊比克里斯·保罗年轻几岁。而且克里斯·保罗对挑战拥有否决权。

迈克·芬格: 没错。我想稍微谈谈你刚才提到的一个名字,我想给杰夫·麦克唐纳一个机会在这个播客上发表一些热门观点,我知道听众们喜欢。你顺便提到了朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)的名字,我想知道你对他有什么看法,杰夫。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 我的看法是,我认为他实际上是一个好球员。我认为他是一个,我认为他可以成为一支季后赛级别球队的轮换球员。如果马刺队达到了这个水平,或者在另一支季后赛级别球队,如果情况如此的话。你知道,你看看在这个时代出现过的很多球员,你知道,他们中的一些人看起来很好一段时间。很难区分他们是仅仅因为在一支糟糕的球队中得到很多上场时间并被允许做,他们想做的任何事,投很多球而看起来很好,还是他们实际上是一个好球员?我认为朱利安·尚帕尼是我,我,我可能错了,也许这是,你知道,我,我只是一个穴居人,但我认为他是一个好球员,可以帮助马刺队,当他们开始争夺季后赛席位时,或者另一支球队。我认为他是一个你有一个可能疯狂的他他让我想起他让我想起丹尼·格林在球队的第一年或第二年。而且,是的,我的意思是他们都在这里待了几年,但肯定比丹尼·格林刚来的时候要好。但就像早期的丹尼·格林。他让我想起他。投进三分,防守。就像他是一个他是一个非常好的防守者。人们,你知道,不是一个全明星级别的防守者,但在他自己的体系中,在他所做的事情上,真的很好。对于他的位置来说,又高又壮。随着他不断地投进三分,充满信心地投篮,充满信心地比赛,我喜欢他看起来像一个应该留在这里一段时间的人。

迈克·芬格: 我觉得这真的很有趣。我想给你一个机会告诉听众。我很高兴你这么做了。我认为这为我们的播客带来了一个新的维度,我们在播客中谈论篮球并做出有趣的观察。这可能是一个我们做的新的好东西。也喜欢让我为我在没有真正思考的情况下在那一刻打出的东西辩护。那也很有趣。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 是的,那很棒。

迈克·芬格: 嘿,这周有一个重要的遗漏,在这期播客的第20分钟左右,我们还没有提到。

汤姆·奥斯伯恩: 格雷格·波波维奇?

迈克·芬格: 不,不,这周有一场50分的比赛。

汤姆·奥斯伯恩: 哦,哦,一场50分的比赛。我明白你的意思了。我以为你说的是。

迈克·芬格: 所以我不知道。50分。有一场50分的比赛。

汤姆·奥斯伯恩: 伙计,我一直在这个那很有趣吗?我想我以前从来没有见过50分的比赛。

迈克·芬格: 实际上,不多,是另一支球队得到的。在马刺队不多。我想我想,我想,拉马库斯是我亲眼所见的马刺队唯一一场50分的比赛。我相信。我们的伙计,迈克·门罗报道了很久以前托尼·帕克在明尼苏达的55分比赛。

汤姆·奥斯伯恩: 那些是,是的。就马刺队而言,我相信帕克的比赛、阿尔德里奇的比赛和文班亚马的比赛是我漫长的随队记者生涯中仅有的三场50分的比赛。

迈克·芬格: 迈克和我去年说了70分。在菲利普,汤姆·奥斯伯恩会喜欢这个。我,听众们不太关心,但这是我和汤姆之间的事情。正如汤姆所知,我在一个非常小的城镇长大,距离,圣安东尼奥市中心大约50分钟车程,一个非常非常天主教的社区。每个人都去天主教堂。每个在这个小镇长大的年轻男孩都成为了祭坛侍童,而,祭坛侍童每年都有一次由,是什么,那里的协会,我不记得了,支付的郊游。但他们会,他们会,他们会送我们去郊游,我们去看马刺队的比赛。1987年,祭坛侍童郊游去了半球博览会竞技场,而且,我看到大卫·罗宾逊得了50分。

汤姆·奥斯伯恩: 你能想象吗?

迈克·芬格: 那是我第一次看到50分的比赛,和祭坛侍童们一起。

汤姆·奥斯伯恩: 87年?

迈克·芬格: 87年。哦,对不起。那不是87年。那不是80年。让我我刚刚谷歌了一下。是的,晚一点。大卫·罗宾逊50分。那是,那是,可能比那晚一点。89年,90年,诸如此类。

汤姆·奥斯伯恩: 但无论如何,你的

迈克·芬格: 那是一场大卫·罗宾逊的比赛。

汤姆·奥斯伯恩: 是的。

迈克·芬格: 就祭坛侍童的故事而言,那还不错。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 是的。还不错。

迈克·芬格: 我以为那可能会发展成其他什么,比我们能做到的更好。我以后会查一下。这可能是,当我刚刚谷歌大卫·罗宾逊50分时,它显示87年,这似乎太早了。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 是的,对我来说太早了。我想是90年代。

汤姆·奥斯伯恩: 这里列出了他比赛的清单。所以很可能是对阵夏洛特还是明尼苏达?

迈克·芬格: 哪两年?

汤姆·奥斯伯恩: 93年或94年。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 90年是93年对阵夏洛特,94年对阵明尼苏达。

迈克·芬格: 是93年。如果你是一个一岁的祭坛侍童。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 是的。

迈克·芬格: 是的。87年似乎不现实。那是,而且我说那似乎太,我最喜欢的球员在联盟中。这是整个互动中最喜欢的部分是,汤姆纠正你说他当时甚至还没有进入联盟。没错。就像这就是为什么你没有看到它。这就是为什么你没有看到它。芬格确实提前警告人们他今天不在状态。没错。这不是没有达到预期。但是,那是文班亚马符合文班亚马50分的事情非常不同,因为这是一个7英尺3英寸的球员,正如我们全年都在这个播客中谈论过的那样,并将以这里的讨论结束,他会继续待在那里。他会继续投三分。他会做他在对阵奇才队时所做的事情,而且,像下雨一样投篮。如果他投进了,另一支球队将会非常痛苦。他不会,下去,背身单打,像大卫·罗宾逊那样,像沙奎尔·奥尼尔那样,像哈基姆·奥拉朱旺那样。在对阵湖人队的比赛中,他们有一个叫马克斯·克里斯蒂的家伙,另一个侧翼球员对他进行撞击,并阻止他在那里获得空间。没关系。他会打他的比赛,而且,我,我,我会再次把它抛给你们,如果我们,我们都觉得这没问题。

汤姆·奥斯伯恩: 他,他那是文班亚马50分比赛中可能被低估的部分是他差一点就打破了那场比赛的特许经营三分球纪录。你听到人们说他不应该投三分,而他把这当成了个人恩怨,看起来是这样。我给你们看看。

迈克·芬格: 我把这当成了个人恩怨。

汤姆·奥斯伯恩: 是的,他在对阵奇才队的比赛中投进了8个,而纪录是9个,由,“神枪手”查克·珀森创造的。所以,是的,这就是他要做的。他会投那些三分球。这就是拉马库斯56分比赛的有趣之处:没有一个三分球。全是两分,全是两分和罚球。

迈克·芬格: 是的。在某种程度上,在某种程度上,这更难做到。那需要很多努力。而且我们不会在这个播客中过多地讨论文班亚马的伤势,因为担心它会立即过时。再次,我们是在俄克拉荷马城比赛之前录制的。到目前为止,他仍然出战成疑吗,汤姆?

汤姆·奥斯伯恩: 是的。他完全缺阵。他,出战成疑。我们认为他今晚不会上场,因为在那场比赛快结束时与安东尼·戴维斯撞到了膝盖。没有参加对阵达拉斯的比赛。

迈克·芬格: 我猜想他有可能像威利斯·里德那样在对阵雷霆队的比赛中出场。我认为他不会,但我也认为这不是一个长期伤病。所以当我们展望,我们不会做出正式的预测,因为它到了这个地步,我们正在预测已经发生的比赛。但展望未来,在我们再次见面之前,他们将对阵俄克拉荷马城雷霆队,主场对阵犹他爵士队,周六主场对阵勇士队,在我们再次见面之前。对我来说,我认为在我们再次见面时,马刺队将比现在多赢一场比赛。你们怎么看?

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 是的,我刚刚击败了犹他爵士队。

迈克·芬格: 是的。犹他爵士队最近,你想说什么,更有竞争力了。就像这不是一场,这不是一场可以轻松拿下的比赛。但击败犹他爵士队。就像他们击败了雷霆队,对吧?爵士队做到了,然后他们在某个时候击败了马刺队,所以这不是一场可以轻松拿下的比赛,但出场并赢得那场比赛,你们就会做得很好。

汤姆·奥斯伯恩: 好的。最高。我想我们有同样的感觉。是的,是的。一胜一负。

迈克·芬格: 好的。而且我们有点无视俄克拉荷马城雷霆队。谁知道发生了什么?好的。这就是本期节目。再次,对于,以一声巨响结束的节目感到抱歉。回到大卫·罗宾逊,很快。你知道,他,他确实,经常面框进攻。他投了很多中距离跳投,但在转换进攻中得到了很多分数,但我查了一下,他在一场比赛中的三分球职业生涯最高纪录,想猜猜吗?

汤姆·奥斯伯恩: 是的。

迈克·芬格: 三个?

汤姆·奥斯伯恩: 我本来想说两个或三个。

迈克·芬格: 一个。

汤姆·奥斯伯恩: 一个。

迈克·芬格: 哇。他一个赛季有六七次投进一个三分球。这让我感到惊讶。我本来以为可能会更多一点,不是什么离谱的数字,但

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 运气。

迈克·芬格: 你知道,他确实,他投了很多外线球。他真的,但一个18英尺,8,15,18英尺。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 是的,而且像祭坛侍童迈克·芬格这样的球迷坐在看台上说,去低位。看在上帝的份上,7英尺高。

迈克·芬格: 是的。迈克,很久以前我也是一个祭坛侍童,我记得作为祭坛侍童的好处之一是,当你做某些事情时,比如葬礼,你知道,一些不寻常的事情,你会得到一点钱。在你的小镇是这样吗?

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 我不,我不喜欢事情的发展方向。不,我没有。我,我,我从来没有,我从来没有得到过钱。

迈克·芬格: 好的。我真的很棒。敲钟,很少有人能比我在完美的时机敲钟敲得更好。敲钟有很多压力,而且如果你,如果你像我一样是一个祭坛侍童,还有迈克,你知道我在说什么。

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 是的。

迈克·芬格: 我想,有时你做到了,有时你没有。我几乎总是做到了,但在像这周这样的日子里,当我让,我觉得我在播客中让人们失望了。我在大卫的问题上弄错了那个显而易见的事实。当然,那不是在1987年。我当时太年轻了。我会,我们不说我当时有多年轻。我,我,但,但马刺队说大卫·罗宾逊当时还没有进入联盟,他说。对不起,我弄错了。而且我认为我们的听众和观众不会对我不是祭坛侍童感到惊讶。那,那,那也不奇怪。我们的制作人一直容忍我们,曼尼,伟大的曼尼·博克。对不起,我们超时了。对不起,我,我本周的表现不如最好。下次尽量做得更好。在那之前,请互相照顾,保持真实。

点击查看原文:Blue skies ahead for San Antonio?

Blue skies ahead for San Antonio?

Columnist Mike Finger and Spurs beat reporters Jeff McDonald and Tom Orsborn discuss the Spurs’ improvement in close games – even ones they lose – thanks to Chris Paul and the evolving outside-inside game of Victor Wembanyama.

Suggested reading:

With Wembanyama out, Spurs’ Bassey shows off defensive skills

With Mitch Johnson running first practice, it’s business as usual for Spurs

Thunder’s small-ball lineup could present challenges for Wembanyama, Spurs

Victor Wembanyama shows he’s still coming for LeBron James

Here is the transcript of the podcast:

Mike Finger: From a highly secure network of top-secret locations across South Texas, this is the Spurs Insider. I’m your host, as always, Mike Finger, joined by our panel of Express-News Spurs beat writers, Jeff McDonald and Tom Orsborn, along with sports editor Nick Talbot. If I sound a bit frazzled, if this podcast isn’t its usual award-winning, just entertaining, overwhelmingly worthwhile self this week, it’s my fault. I’m going to take responsibility. We’re a bit behind schedule this morning. We can’t always be perfect, much like your local cagers. You can get off to a great, encouraging start to a season and then have it all fall apart. So, I just want to open this podcast by saying sorry, guys. It’s on me.

Jeff McDonald: That was a very accountable, very accountable intro.

Tom Orsborn: That was a great intro. It’s like you just hit the ground running.

Mike Finger: It was like, I don’t know.

Tom Orsborn: Yeah. Well, it was like watching Mickey Mantle hit three home runs hungover.

Mike Finger: Yeah, something like that. Like, that’s not too far off base. Might not get three home runs today, but the San Antonio Spurs, who are the subject of this podcast most weeks—at least they are, sometimes they’re not—we didn’t have an official prediction. We ended last week’s episode. Could have gone a number of ways, but I think this is yet another week of the 2024-2025 season. Seems like every week we’ve done this, we’ve sort of known what was coming. I think this sort of qualifies again. The Spurs last week took care of the Washington Wizards, that seems like ages ago. And then suffered back-to-back losses to the Los Angeles Lakers, that one in the NBA Cup at the AT&T Center—at the Frost Bank Center, sorry—hard-fought loss. They’re entertaining game in the Emirates NBA Cup, and then a game where basically nobody played, was a punt game at the Mavericks. We’re recording this, as always, on Tuesday, hitting your digital players on Wednesday. So this is one of those occasions where we will not talk about a game that has happened in the past. Who knows what happened last night against the Thunder? It might have been an all-timer. But those first three, Tom Orsborn, kind of what you expected, what stood out from that group?

Tom Orsborn: Yeah, I mean it wasn’t wasn’t much of a surprise. Losing Wembanyama to the bruised knee in the Lakers game, that was that was disappointing. Out again against Oklahoma City. But yeah, that like you said, Mike, that Lakers game was a lot of fun. Yeah, just a really hard-fought game and made me look forward to the November 27th game against the Lakers coming up. Thanksgiving Eve, where everybody will be there with bells on.

Mike Finger: The Lakers game, I think is one that we’re going to lead with talking about in detail this week because it was the most interesting, even though it was a Spurs loss. You can go back to the first game last year when the first ever meeting of these two generational superstars, LeBron James and the most hyped rookie since LeBron James, Victor Wembanyama, when they met at the Frost last year. That was a game that the Spurs actually won. But in talking to Victor after this one, he pointed out that, you know, so much has changed in the year since and that now the Spurs almost feel more in control of things, and even though the Spurs lost this one, I think there’s just a much different—this isn’t exactly breaking news, Jeff, but—there’s just a much different vibe around this team, and there’s much more of a sense of possibility as to what can happen this year. And I don’t think that a lost to the Lakers, a hard-fought loss, down-to-the-wire loss changes that much, do you?

Jeff McDonald: No, no, and I I think um a lot of that is the Chris Paul effect. A little of that is the Harrison Barnes effect. And then a big portion of it is just everyone else having been through the battles for a year and is a year older, including including Victor himself. But also a big part of that Lakers game down the stretch was a guy who has technically not been in many of those battles in Stephon Castle. Like he made play after play down the stretch of that of that Lakers game. One that comes to mind is just he drove LeBron James to the basket and finished a left-handed layup on him in the last couple of minutes, like in a very tight spot, very key spot. And for him to be 20 years old doing that type of stuff already, and in the Spurs’ closing lineup against the Lakers already, is really um that says something. That’s that’s that that really tells you what they think of him and where they’ve the Spurs think he’s going. And that to me, you you started this by asking about Victor, but to me the thing that stood out from that game was the the new rookie, Stephon Castle.

Mike Finger: Yeah, here at the Spurs Insider, we hate clichés, like we consider ourselves above those tropes, that nonsense, the stuff you hear on every podcast, every every uh every highlight reel, every post-game news conference. But the whole like no moment is too big for him thing, like not impressed by anything, like Stephon Castle seems to meet all of that legitimately. He played in a Final Four, he won a national championship at UConn as a teenager. He comes into this league, like like you said, taking LeBron James, one of the greatest of all time, if not top three, top two, whatever. And just does not seem that impressed by it. And that’s a quality that probably gets uh that’s a description that probably gets overused by a lot in talking about sports these days, but I I think it does fit him accurately. He is a guy who I think’s going to be really good in the long term. I think he’s going to be a guy who’s going to be really good this season, and he’s already really good now. That that pick might work out.

Jeff McDonald: Just taking it one cliché at a time. He’s just a guy that moves on to the next play, and that is an underrated skill when you’re, you know, playing in the first twelve games of your NBA career. Is just, I made a bad play, go on to the next one. I made a good play, go on to the next one, just like you said, unimpressed or unbothered by anything. And that’s a huge step for a for a young kid, a huge skill for a young guy, and he’s already got it.

Tom Orsborn: He’s got that quality that uh Chris Paul had at age 39. You think this is the first time I’ve faced a great player? He’s already got it. It’s unspoken, but you can sense it with him.

Mike Finger: Our buddy Chris Paul. You think this is the first time he’s ever he’s ever uh given out 12,000 assists? For the for the viewers and listeners, followers at home, that’s we we we’ve already got Chris Paul jokes back in the media room at the Frost Bank Center. And it’s with love, it’s with respect, admiration. Chris Paul, you can ask him anything, and he’s seen it before. Something that the Spurs probably like about him, like not going to be impressed by anything. You think this is the first time I’ve ever given out 12,000 assists in my career? Maybe it is, but I’m not going to act like it. Pretty cool. Another thing that we do not endorse here at the Spurs Insider, we don’t endorse clichés. We definitely do not endorse gambling on sports, and we don’t do award talk. Like longtime listeners of the Spurs Insider know how much the host of Spurs Insider hates award talk, particularly like before the holiday even seas—holiday season even starts. So if you’re out there wondering if we’re going to talk about awards for young Stephon Castle, let me tell you like like go go outside, like like like enjoy life, do something fun.

Jeff McDonald: Touch grass, they say. Touch grass.

Mike Finger: Touch touch grass. But uh but let me tell you this. To combine all these uh these things that we don’t like here at the Spurs Insider, like if if you are one of those deviants, those those those derelicts, those degenerates who are into the the sports gambling, like uh the the odds on young Stephon Castle for Rookie of the Year seem really really unrealistically long right now. Like I I’m not I don’t care if he wins it. I’m not going to talk about him winning it, but if he’s like listed as the tenth or eleventh guy on the list, like that’s that’s probably not going to stay that way all year. And I think that when we are forced to talk about this in February and March, I think the the the context, the discussion’s going to be a lot different because he’s he’s going to continue to have a really good year. The fact that he was not on like people’s top ten rookie lists surprised me. I’m not going to say that I’m, you know, I’m not going to break our colleagues at various outlets over the coals, but I would I clicked on those things and like, he’s not even in the top ten, really?

Jeff McDonald: It’s just uh like it’s hard to do those lists. And like you do those lists, and the our colleagues who do those lists do those lists because they get clicks. That’s the whole reason. And because people enjoy clicking on lists. Like that’s not exactly breaking news, like I think uh they click and get outraged that Stephon Castle isn’t in the top ten.

Mike Finger: Right. But they get your click.

Tom Orsborn: But it’s it’s hard to do those and so what you end up you can’t possibly watch all the games, especially all the games this early in the season. Like you’re not carefully tuning into Spurs-Wizards. A lot of these lists were probably done before he was actually starting.

Mike Finger: Yeah. You know, so he’s just a bench guy averaging five points a game, I can see it if you’re not if you’re just looking at the box scores. But it’s still worth stuff about that, like go touch grass, as Jeff said. Don’t worry about it.

Jeff McDonald: No, you should write letters and uh maybe maybe storm the Capitol.

Mike Finger: Let’s not do that. But uh since he’s been starting, Steph Castle has been pretty good, and whether he stays there or not once everybody is back, uh you know, the whole the whole band is back together, I don’t know, but he’s been pretty good as a starter.

Tom Orsborn: Pretty pretty pretty good.

Mike Finger: I guess someone asked me uh on maybe the bad site or the good site, I can’t remember which one—because there’s two now—but um asked me, neither’s one, but I mean they two exist in the world. Um asked me uh um if, you know, he’ll Steph Castle be the starting point guard by the end of the year, right? And I said well, like if they trade Chris Paul, but that was kind of his point. Like, yeah, Chris Paul is going to be traded, probably? Maybe? Possibly? It’s definitely a possibility, right?

Jeff McDonald: I’m not sure about that.

Mike Finger: It’s definitely a possibility, right? I mean, there’s a scenario where we get to February and he’s putting in his time with the Spurs and would like to spend the rest of his possible final season like playing for someone that might be going to the playoffs, and the Spurs might make that happen for him. And if that does, I think Steph Castle will be your starting point guard.

Mike Finger: I think that transitions nicely into um sort of a fascinating question. And uh I’m going to manipulate the circumstances here. I’m going to manipulate the the rules because I think if the Spurs are ten games out of the play-in at some point and there’s a there’s a team in the playoffs that need a point that needs a point guard, then that trade is obvious. But uh let me let me pause at this that um what if the Spurs are within two games of the play-in and uh Chris Paul is is enjoying his time here, playing well here, like the the games matter here. Um he’s still starting at point guard, still getting his minutes. And like the teams that might want to trade for Chris Paul aren’t trading for him to be the starting point guard. They’re trading they they might be interested in him coming off the bench on a on a on a might-be championship contender, you know, not necessarily like the the old Golden State Warriors who were clearly on their way to the Finals, no team like that. Like forget what the Spurs might want to do, what might might Chris Paul prefer? Just to keep hooping, to keep playing as the starter on a team that’s fighting to get into the playoffs, as opposed to uh being sent somewhere to come off the bench.

Jeff McDonald: You think this is the first time I’ve vetoed a trade?

Mike Finger: Come on.

Jeff McDonald: Come on. I I I just think there are like like you’re reaching, you’re reaching.

Mike Finger: That’s not the thing that Chris Paul.

Jeff McDonald: Um there are definite scenarios where Chris Paul gets traded at the deadline to a team that’s in the running for a championship, but I think there are also scenarios where Chris Paul plays the whole season here. And I I wouldn’t rule either out.

Mike Finger: Right. I think a lot just depends on what he wants to do. Yeah. To start to start this season, obviously he wanted to play. That’s why he signed with the Spurs, and you know, he I’m sure he could have gotten the same deal to be a bench player at a team uh for a team that’s got a you know, a you that is an obvious playoff contender or an obvious um championship contender. So he signed with the Spurs for the reasons he told us: he wanted to basically start and play a bunch of minutes. Whether that’s still true come February, and maybe you know, if you think about, well, I got two months left in the season and and maybe maybe playoffs to come, maybe that changes in his head. I don’t know. Those will be good questions to ask him as we get closer to February, though.

Tom Orsborn: Yeah. His teammates would love to have him stay. I mean, we talked yesterday, Jeff, with Tre Jones and just talking about how popular he is in the locker room, and you know, how much affection the guys have for him already.

Jeff McDonald: Well, it’s not it’s not even in interviews, Tom, like with when when we uh venture into the locker room after games, there’s always some kind of heated discussion. There’s sort of a catty corner from each other of Keldon Johnson and Chris Paul uh around the uh the sort of one of the locker room exits. And uh that is where the action is, man, between those two guys.

Mike Finger: Oh, yeah, it’s he would drive me nuts. It would drive me nuts. Yeah, I would almost be like, could like on the team flight, could you guys just sit together, like in the back or something? And we just have this one like uh nonstop talking section. I I mean this with a lot of admiration, and I mean this even on the floor. Like Chris Paul never shuts up.

Jeff McDonald: Never.

Mike Finger: Never shuts up. And I think that actually we kind of talked about this before, but I think that actually works on a young team. A young a young learning team actually wants to hear what Chris Paul has to say, wants to absorb it. Um you know, when he says something, your Tre Joneses and your Julian Champagnies and your uh you know, name your 23-year-old guy, it means something to those guys. Whereas if he’s on a team with a bunch of other All-Stars, I think they probably just want him to shut up.

Tom Orsborn: Heck, even Mitch Johnson’s soaking it in.

Jeff McDonald: I mean, Mitch Johnson is younger than Chris Paul by by years. And Chris Paul has veto power on the challenges.

Mike Finger: That’s true. I want to get to one of the names you just mentioned in a little bit, but as a little interlude interval, I also want to talk about the sites that you mentioned. Uh the the well first of all, one site, the the main site that you need to think about is expressnews.com. That’s where all of the coverage that Jeff and Tom and uh your humble host uh that’s that’s that’s that’s the that’s the clearinghouse. That’s the place where you find all this coverage online. Expressnews.com. And that’s where the newsletter, sign up for the newsletter. It’ll come right to you.

Jeff McDonald: Sign up for the the Spurs newsletter. You can you can even uh subscribe to the dead-tree Express-News edition if you are an old soul or an old person.

Mike Finger: Or an old Mark, yeah. Yes. Like it’s it’s great. Um the the two sites just were was mentioning earlier, like like where uh people talk about sports and little snippets on the internet. One of them I is done. Like I I don’t care about it anymore, but I would really encourage sincerely like people check out Bluesky. It’s a good place. Jeff’s been uh live tweeting from there, Spurs uh live uh skeeting from uh from Bluesky.

Tom Orsborn: What is it called?

Mike Finger: Jeff and Tom or or Tom and I are both on there, people from around the league. It’s a nice little community. There’s no bots. There’s the there’s no uh there’s none of the stuff that maybe you’re into, like the the the hate and the uh and the racism and the uh and the porn bots. Like that’s that’s much less there. I think it’s a refreshing change of pace. If you want to follow your Express-News people, your Spurs Insider people, on the Bluesky, we’d welcome you. I would I would say that uh if you are really into uh like uh people showing you uh their their nudes unsolicited, not a good site. Do the other one.

Jeff McDonald: Do the other one.

Mike Finger: Yeah. If you don’t want any uh unsolicited nudes.

Jeff McDonald: I do get lots of cat photos on Bluesky, if if so.

Mike Finger: Well, that’s good too.

Jeff McDonald: Yeah. It’s a dif different kind of photo.

Mike Finger: Different yeah, different dynamic. Lots of cat photos. If if you’re into that. Like it’s it’s basically what which what it’s it’s it’s a it’s a vibe, positive positive vibe. It’s it’s a no-judgment zone. There you go.

Jeff McDonald: Yeah.

Mike Finger: Uh, I’ve honestly taken a long time. You think I’ve never been on Bluesky before? If you uh

Tom Orsborn: I think I’ve never changed to another uh app before. Come on.

Mike Finger: Uh, come on, man. Uh and Howard Beck, but anyway, you know, I wanted to Howard Beck paid you to paid you to say that. Before that uh before that interlude, yeah, Howard Beck is a big proponent of Bluesky, friend of the podcast Beck. Check him out.

Jeff McDonald: I think we’re we’re legally required to call him the Great Howard Beck, actually.

Mike Finger: There you go. What I was going to get back to and name you mentioned earlier, and this I was going to give Jeff McDonald an opportunity to have a hot take on this podcast, which I know the listeners love. You in passing mentioned the name Julian Champagnie, and I wondered if you have any takes on him, Jeff.

Jeff McDonald: Um my my take is that I think he’s an actual like good player. I think he’s a I think he’s a uh I think he can be a rotation player on a playoff level team. If the Spurs get to that or on another playoff level team if if it comes to that. You know, you look at a lot of these guys that have come through during this era, and you know some of them look good for a while. It’s hard to kind of kind of uh determine between are are they just looking good because they’re getting a lot of minutes on a bad team and being allowed to do um whatever they want, get up as many shots as they want, or are they actually a good player? And I think Julian Champagnie is one that I I I maybe I’m wrong, maybe this is you know, I’m I’m just a caveman, but I think he’s a good player that could help the Spurs when they get to be um fighting for playoff spots and or another team. I think he’s a you have a possibly crazy he he reminds me of he reminds me of like the first or second year that Danny Green was around. And may and yeah, I mean they’ve both been around a couple years, but like definitely better than Danny Green when Danny Green walked onto the scene. But an early Danny Green. He reminds me of that. Knocks down the threes, plays defense. Like he’s a he’s a really good defender. People are you know, not not a not an All-NBA level defender, but really good in their scheme and and in what he does. Big and long for his position. And as he keeps knocking down those threes and shooting with confidence and playing with confidence, I like he looks to me like a guy that that should stick around for a while.

Mike Finger: I found that really uh interesting. I wanted to give you a chance to tell the uh listeners that. I’m glad you did. I think that that I brought a new dimension to our podcast where we talk about basketball and make uh interesting observations. That might be a new that might be a neat new thing we do. Also like making me defend things that I just type in the moment without really thinking about it. That’s also fun.

Jeff McDonald: Yeah, that’s great.

Mike Finger: Hey, there was a significant omission this week that in in minute twenty whatever of this podcast, we haven’t mentioned yet.

Tom Orsborn: Greg Popovich?

Mike Finger: No, no, there was a fifty-point game this week.

Tom Orsborn: Oh, oh, a fifty-point game. I see what you said. I thought you said.

Mike Finger: So I don’t know. Fifty-piece. There was a fifty-piece.

Tom Orsborn: Man, I’ve been in this Was that fun? I think I’ve never seen a fifty-point game before.

Mike Finger: Actually, not many, it’s by the other team. Not many with the Spurs. I think I think uh I think uh LaMarcus was the only fifty-point game I saw for the Spurs with my own eyes. I believe. Our our man uh Mike Monroe covered the Tony Parker fifty-five-point game in Minnesota way back in the day.

Tom Orsborn: Those are the yeah. As far as as far as the Spurs are concerned, I believe it’s the Parker game, the Aldridge game, and the Wembanyama game are the only fifty-point games of my vast beat-writing era.

Mike Finger: Mike and I told seventy-piece last year. In Philip, Tom Orsborn will appreciate this. Uh, I grew the listeners don’t care that much, but this is this is between me and Tom. Uh, I as Tom knows, I grew up in a very small town, about fifty minutes from uh from downtown San Antonio, a very very Catholic community. Everyone went to the Catholic Church. Every young uh boy who who grew up in that town became an altar boy, and the uh altar boys every year had an outing paid for by what was it the the uh whatever the society was there, the uh I can’t I can’t remember. Um but they would they would they would send us on an outing, and we went to see go see Spurs games. And in 1987, the altar boy outing went to HemisFair Arena, and uh uh I saw David Robinson score fifty points.

Tom Orsborn: Can you imagine that?

Mike Finger: That was my first fifty-point game with the with the altar boys.

Tom Orsborn: Eighty-seven?

Mike Finger: Eighty-seven. Oh, I’m sorry. That wasn’t 87. That was that wasn’t 80. It was let me I just Googled it. Yeah, a little bit. David Robinson fifty points. It was it was uh it probably was a little later than that. Eighty eighty-nine, ninety, something like that.

Tom Orsborn: But anyway, your

Mike Finger: It was it was a David Robinson game.

Tom Orsborn: Yeah.

Mike Finger: As far as altar boy stories go, that wasn’t so bad.

Jeff McDonald: Yeah. It was okay.

Mike Finger: I thought that might have gone somewhere else, better than we could. I’ll I’ll look that up later. It was it was probably that seemed young when I just Googled David Robinson fifty points and it showed up 87. That seemed way early.

Jeff McDonald: Yeah, it would have been really young for me. I think it was the nineties.

Tom Orsborn: Cool list of his games here. So it’s probably either was it against Charlotte or Minnesota?

Mike Finger: What year what are the two years?

Tom Orsborn: Well, 93 or 94.

Jeff McDonald: Ninety it was 93 for Charlotte and 94 for Minnesota.

Mike Finger: It was 93. If you’re a one-year-old altar boy.

Jeff McDonald: Yeah.

Mike Finger: Yeah. Eighty-seven seemed unrealistic. That was And I was saying that that seemed way too My my favorite player in the league. That’s my favorite part of this whole uh interaction is uh Tom checking you and saying he wasn’t even in the league yet. That’s true. Like that’s why you didn’t see it. That’s why you didn’t see it. Finger did warn the people ahead of time that he was off his game today. That’s true. This is not underachieved. But but uh that’s the Wembanyama fit the Wembanyama fifty-point thing was much different in that this is a seven-foot-three guy who, as we’ve talked on this podcast all year and will finish with this discussion here again, uh is going to stay out there. He’s going to stay shooting threes. He’s going to do what he did against the Wizards and uh just rain down. And if he makes them, the other team is going to be in a world of hurt. He is not going to uh go down there and uh post up back to the basket, David Robinson style, Shaquille O’Neal style, Hakeem Olajuwon style. Um against the Lakers the other night, they had a fella called Max Christie, another wing player banging on him and and preventing him from getting space down there. It doesn’t matter. He’s going to play his game, and I I I will throw it out to you guys again if we we all seem fine with that.

Tom Orsborn: He he that was the under maybe the underreported part of the Wembanyama’s fifty-point game is he darn near set the franchise three-point record in that game. You heard people say he shouldn’t throw shoot threes, and he took it personally, is is what it seemed like. I’ll show you.

Mike Finger: And I took that personally.

Tom Orsborn: Yeah, he made eight of them against uh against the Wizards, and the record is nine by uh the Rifleman, Chuck Person. So yeah, that’s what he’s going to do. He’s going to take those those three-pointers. That that was the fun part about the LaMarcus fifty-six-point game: not a single three-pointer. It was all twos, all twos and free throws.

Mike Finger: Yeah. In a way, in a way, that’s harder to do. That’s a lot of work. And we’re not going to get into the uh the Wembanyama injury too much on this podcast for fear of it being immediately outdated. Again, we are recording this before the Oklahoma City game. As of now, is he still doubtful, Tom?

Tom Orsborn: Yes. He’s completely out. He he doubtful. We don’t think he’s going to play tonight after banging knees with Anthony Davis towards the end of that game. Did not play against Dallas.

Mike Finger: I guess there’s there’s a remote possibility that he could take the floor Willis Reed style against the Thunder. I don’t think he will, but I also don’t think it’s a long-term injury. So as we look we’re not going to make official uh predictions because it it gets to this point where uh we’re predicting games that already happened. But moving forward, um before we we meet you again, they will have played Oklahoma City, home against Utah, uh Saturday home against the Warriors before we meet again. To me, I think the Spurs will have one more victory than they do as of this recording when we meet again. What what do you guys think?

Jeff McDonald: Yeah, I just beat Utah.

Mike Finger: Yeah. Utah’s been a little more um what do you want to say uh competent lately. Like it’s not a it’s not a gimme game. But just beat Utah. Like they beat the Thunder, right? The Jazz did, and then they beat the Spurs at some point here, so it’s not a gimme game, but show up and win that one, you’ll be doing alright.

Tom Orsborn: Okay. Top. I think we feel the same way. Yes, yes. One and one.

Mike Finger: Okay. And we’re we’re kind of having a disregard for Oklahoma City. Who knows what happened? Okay. Well that that’s that’s the show. Again, sorry for the the one where ending on a on a bang there. Back to David Robinson real quick. You know, he he did uh he did face the basket quite a bit. He shot a lot of mid-range jumpers, but got a lot of buckets in transition, but I looked it up, his his career high for threes, uh care to take a guess in a game?

Tom Orsborn: Yes.

Mike Finger: Three?

Tom Orsborn: I was going to say two or three.

Mike Finger: One.

Tom Orsborn: One.

Mike Finger: Wow. Six seven times he hit one in a season. That surprises me. I I was thinking maybe a little bit more, not anything outrageous, but

Jeff McDonald: Luck.

Mike Finger: You know, he did he shot a lot of outside shots. He was really but an eighteen-footer, eight fifteen eighteen-footer.

Jeff McDonald: Yeah, and fans like uh altar boy Mike Finger were in the stands saying, get your get get the post. Seven foot for God’s sake.

Mike Finger: Yeah. Mike uh I was an altar boy too way back, and I remember one of the perk one of the good things about being an altar boy, when you did certain things, like a funeral, uh you know, something out of the ordinary, you got a little money. Was that the case in your small town?

Jeff McDonald: I I don’t I don’t like where this is going. No, I didn’t. I I I never I never got money.

Mike Finger: Okay. I was I was really good though. Ringing ringing of the bells, there was there’s few that ever rang the bells better than I did at the perfect time. There was a lot of pressure in ringing the bells, and if you’re if you’re an altar boy like me and Mike, you know what I’m talking about.

Jeff McDonald: Yeah.

Mike Finger: I I think Sometimes you live up to it, sometimes you don’t. I almost always did, but on weeks like this, when I let I feel like I let the people down during the podcast. I got that obvious fact there wrong on David. Of course, it wasn’t in 1987. I would have been way too young. I would have been well, let’s not talk about how young I would have been. I I but But the Spurs said David Robinson wasn’t in the league yet, he said. Sorry, I got that wrong. And I think our listeners and viewers will not be surprised by the fact that I was no altar boy. That’s that’s that’s not a surprise either. Our producer has bore with us, Manny, the the great Manny Boc. Uh sorry we went a little over. Sorry, I was uh I was less than than my best this week. Try to do better next time. Until then, take care of each other and keep it real.