[SAEN] 马刺队新星文班亚马就“文班”昵称使用提起诉讼

By Patrick Danner, Staff writer | San Antonio Express-News (SAEN), 2024-10-16 11:25:20


因被指控未经授权在咖啡杯、运动衫和其他商品上使用其昵称和肖像进行销售,马刺队球星维克托·文班亚马 (Victor Wembanyama) 对一名奥斯汀男子提起法律诉讼。

周二,文班亚马 在奥斯汀的联邦法院对詹姆斯·T·格洛迪奇 (James T. Glodich) 提起诉讼,要求其赔偿未指明的经济损失,并发布禁令,指示其停止使用这位法国巨人球员的姓名、肖像和个人特征,以及侵犯其隐私权。


诉状称,格洛迪奇注册了域名 wembysworld.com,并在该网站上“宣传和销售衬衫、蜡烛、连帽运动衫、咖啡杯、鼠标垫、磁铁、婴儿围兜、啤酒杯和包装纸”。


《圣安东尼奥快报》去年报道,企业和个人(包括格洛迪奇)正蜂拥而至,试图通过将“文班” (Wemby) 这个昵称注册商标或将其纳作品牌来利用文班亚马日益高涨的人气获利。

当时,格洛迪奇的 wembysworld.com 网站上正在销售印有文班亚马肖像的 40 美元咖啡杯、115 美元连帽运动衫和其他商品。




格洛迪奇以“迷你篮球计划”(Project Mini Hoop) 的名义开展业务,他曾试图在 2023 年 10 月将“文班的世界”(Wemby’s World) 注册为商标,此前在 2023 年 8 月还试图将“棒球文班”(El Wemby) 注册为商标。


4 月 4 日,商标局对格洛迪奇的申请提出质疑,其中包括“棒球文班”可能会错误地暗示与斯蒂芬·卡斯尔 (Stephon Castle) 存在关联,后者通常被称为“文班”。


格洛迪奇从未对该机构的调查结果作出回应,导致该商标申请于 8 月 1 日被宣布放弃。出于同样的原因,他申请的“文班的世界”商标也于 10 月 1 日被放弃。

在商标局网站上搜索发现,至少有 15 份申请试图将“文班”或其变体注册为商标。其中有 10 份申请被视为“失效”,因为它们已被放弃。

圣安东尼奥的帕洛玛餐厅公司 (Palomar Restaurants Inc.) 曾试图将“文班鸡尾酒”(The Wemby) 注册为鸡尾酒名称,但未能成功。其申请于 10 月 8 日被视为放弃。


V.What Trademarks 公司

代表文班亚马的芝加哥律师迈克尔·盖勒 (Michael Geller) 没有回应置评请求。


但盖勒已经确认,他是 V.What Trademarks 有限责任公司提交的“文班”和“维克托·文班亚马”商标申请的记录律师。该公司还申请了“维克托·文班亚马”的商标。


“维克托·文班亚马”的申请仍在审批过程中。商标局网站显示,V.What 公司申请的“文班”商标目前处于暂停状态,等待此前“文班”商标申请的结果。





点击查看原文:Spurs’ Victor Wembanyama sues over use of ‘Wemby’ nickname

Spurs’ Victor Wembanyama sues over use of ‘Wemby’ nickname

Spurs star Victor Wembanyama has taken legal action against an Austin man over the alleged unauthorized use of the player’s nickname and likeness on coffee mugs, sweatshirts and other merchandise for sale.

On Tuesday, Wembanyama filed a lawsuit in federal court in Austin against James T. Glodich seeking unspecified financial damages and an injunction directing him to cease using the towering Frenchman’s name, image and likeness, and invading his privacy.

Glodich never responded to letters from Wembanyama’s lawyers demanding that Glodich stop advertising and selling various merchandise, the lawsuit says.

Glodich has registered the domain name wembysworld.com where he “advertises and sells shirts, candles, hooded sweatshirts, coffee mugs, mousepads, magnets, baby bibs, beer mugs, and wrapping paper,” the complaint says.

On Wednesday morning, though, nothing was available for sale on the website. Visitors were greeted with the message “Coming Soon.”

The San Antonio Express-News last year reported how businesses and individuals — including Glodich — were swarming to capitalize on Wembanyama’s burgeoning popularity by trying to trademark the “Wemby” nickname or incorporating it in branding.

At the time, Glodich’s wembysworld.com was selling $40 coffee mugs, $115 hooded sweatshirts and other items bearing Wembanyama’s likeness.

Reached by email Wednesday, Glodich declined to comment on the lawsuit.

Wembanyama wants the court to order Glodich to hold in trust any profits obtained from the sale of merchandise using the player’s name and image. Wembanyama also said he’s entitled to triple damages and attorneys fees.

Trademark applications

Glodich, doing business as Project Mini Hoop, had tried to trademark “Wemby’s World” in October 2023 and, before that, “El Wemby” in August 2023.

It appears Wembanyama’s legal counsel filed a letter of protest with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office opposing it awarding registration for “El Wemby.” The agency doesn’t make letters of protest available to the public.

On April 4, the trademark office raised issues with Glodich’s application, including that “El Wemby” may falsely suggest a connection with Wembanyama, who is commonly referred to as “Wemby.”

“Although Victor Wembanyama is not connected with the goods provided by applicant under the applied-for mark, Victor Wembanyama is so well-known that consumers would presume a connection," it said.

Glodich never responded to the agency’s findings, resulting in an Aug. 1 notice that the trademark application had been abandoned. His application for “Wemby’s World” was abandoned Oct. 1 for the same reason.

A search of the trademark office’s website turned up at least 15 applications to trademark “Wemby” or some variation of it. Ten of the applications were considered “dead” because they had been abandoned.

San Antonio’s Palomar Restaurants Inc. unsuccessfully sought to trademark “The Wemby” for use as the name of a cocktail. Its application was deemed abandoned Oct. 8.

Thus far, none of the applications on file has resulted in the issuance of a trademark with the “Wemby” name.

V.What Trademarks

Michael Geller, a Chicago lawyer representing Wembanyama, didn’t respond to a request for comment.

Last year, Geller declined to say whether he had opposed the various trademark applications on Wembanyama’s behalf. Geller said it was his law firm’s policy not to comment on ongoing cases.

But Geller had confirmed he was the attorney of record on a trademark applications for “Wemby” and “Victor Wembanyama” that were filed by V.What Trademarks LLC. It also applied to trademark “Victor Wembanyama.”

Both of the applications offer a variety of intended uses ranging from footwear and jewelry to beverages.

The application for “Victor Wembanyama” is still winding its way through the application process. The trademark office’s website shows V.What’s application for “Wemby” is currently suspended pending the outcome of prior trademark applications for “Wemby.”

Wembanyama himself already has registered the trademark “Wemby” in other countries, including his home country of France, according to the World Intellectual Property Organization.

San Antonio Spurs star Victor Wembanyama, center, has sued an Austin man over the alleged “unauthorized use” of the player’s name and likeness. Wembanyama is shown sitting between his new teammates guard Chris Paul and forward Harrison Barnes during a preseason game last week in San Antonio.

Austin’s James T. Glodich had submitted this drawing to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as part of his effort to trademark “El Wemby.” Spurs star Victor Wembanyama is now suing Glodich over the use of “El Wemby” and “Wemby’s World.” The trademark applications have been deemed abandoned by the agency.

San Antonio Spurs center Victor Wembanyama wants a court to award him any profits that James T. Glodich made from selling merchandise using the player’s name and image. Wembanyama is shown shooting over Orlando Magic forward Paolo Banchero during a preseason game last week in San Antonio.

By Patrick Danner, Staff writer, via San Antonio Express-News

会赔偿多少呢? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: