By Jacob Douglas | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-02-27 22:23:07
圣安东尼奥马刺队的代理主教练米奇·约翰逊(Mitch Johnson)本赛季一直在强调一个具体问题:身体对抗。在很多个夜晚,他都希望马刺队能将自己的意志强加给对手,无论是争抢五五开的球,掌控篮板,还是在防守端占据统治地位。周三晚上以118-106输给休斯顿火箭队的比赛,可能是圣安东尼奥队缺乏身体对抗的最佳例证。
火箭队是NBA中最具运动天赋和身体对抗性的球队之一。阿门·汤普森(Amen Thompson)可能是联盟中最好的运动员。这是他们对抗马刺队的关键优势。他们更大,更快,更强,而且很多马刺球迷可能不愿意承认这一点…但他们就是纯粹的更胜一筹。他们掌控了篮板,在防守端压制了圣安东尼奥队,并且没有让他们创造出任何突破空间或空位三分的机会。
在没有维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)的情况下,我们开始看到圣安东尼奥队目前阵容构建中的缺陷。他们现在缺少德埃隆·福克斯(De’Aaron Fox)之外的进攻火力(福克斯在周三打出了他作为马刺球员以来最糟糕的一场比赛)。他们的侧翼球员中,很少有人是优秀的防守者,而那些防守不错的球员,又存在进攻缺陷。哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes)可能是球队中最好的3D球员。现在,在没有查尔斯·贝西(Charles Bassey)和文班亚马的情况下,他们不得不依靠老将俾斯麦·比永博(Bismack Biyombo)来在内线定下基调。
圣安东尼奥队可以在本赛季余下的时间里控制和改进的一个领域,就是打得更具侵略性和身体对抗性。凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)已经开始这样做了,并且打出了他本赛季最好的一些比赛。如果他们不能在这方面有所改进,马刺队管理层真的应该考虑寻找更多能够与联盟中最好的运动员相匹敌,并能够胜任在最高水平比赛中赢得比赛所需的身体对抗强度的球员。
- 回到KJ(凯尔登·约翰逊)。他充分利用了文班亚马离开后留下的进攻真空。约翰逊在冲击篮筐方面更具侵略性,而不是沉迷于三分球或高难度跳投。他在篮板上的积极性也更高了。他永远不会成为防守尖兵,但这种进攻爆发是值得赞赏的。约翰逊在这场失利中拿下了全队最高的22分。
- 马刺队的首发阵容总共只得到27分,而对手得到了83分。这很大程度上与福克斯和德文·瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell)的进攻挣扎有关。两人合计21投7中,仅得到16分。火箭队的防守值得称赞,他们成功限制了圣安东尼奥队最好的得分手。特别是汤普森,他在防守福克斯方面做得非常出色。他正迅速成为NBA中最令人兴奋的球员之一。
- 杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)在头部受到撞击后离开了比赛。马刺队以“预防措施”为由让他休息。如果索汉长期缺阵,对于一支已经面临深度问题的球队来说,将是雪上加霜。
- 斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)打了30分钟,而在马刺队之前的比赛中,他只打了9分钟。卡斯尔在防守端表现不错,但在进攻端仍然难以找到自己的节奏。如果不是在垃圾时间的一波爆发,这位新秀的数据看起来不会那么令人印象深刻。尽管如此,22分,7个篮板,3次抢断和5次助攻,22投9中,也不是一个糟糕的反弹表现。
点击查看原文:What we learned from the Spurs loss to the Rockets
What we learned from the Spurs loss to the Rockets
Bigger, better, faster, stronger.
The San Antonio Spurs acting head coach, Mitch Johnson, has harped on a specific issue over and over again this season: physicality. There are too many nights when he’d like the Spurs to impose their will on the opponent, whether it be getting to 50/50 balls, owning the glass, or dominating defensively. Wednesday night’s 118-106 loss to the Houston Rockets may be the best example of San Antonio’s lack of physicality.
Houston is one of the most athletic and physical teams in the NBA. Amen Thompson may be the best athlete in the league. That was their key advantage against the Spurs. They were bigger, faster, stronger, and many Spurs fans may hate to admit this… but they were just flat-out better. They owned the boards, smothered San Antonio defensively, and didn’t allow them to create any space for driving lanes or open threes.
Without Victor Wembanyama, we’re starting to see the flaws in San Antonio’s current roster build. They lack offensive firepower outside of De’Aaron Fox right now (who had his worst game as a Spur on Wednesday). Too few of their wings aren’t plus defenders and the ones that are come with offensive deficiencies. Harrison Barnes is probably the best three and D players on the roster. Now, with no Charles Bassey or Wembanyama, they’re relying on an aging Bismack Biyombo to set the tone in the paint.
The one area San Antonio can control and improve at through the end of the season is to play with more aggression and physicality. Keldon Johnson has started to do it and is playing some of the best basketball of his season. If they can’t improve in that regard, the Spurs front office should really consider finding more players that can match the best athletes in the league and compete with the physicality needed to win games at the highest level.
- Back to KJ. He’s made the most of the offensive vacuum Wembanyama has left behind. Johnson has been more aggressive in getting downhill rather than settling for threes or contested jumpers. His activity on the glass has been better, too. He’s never going to be a defensive stopper, but this offensive outburst is appreciated. Johnson had a team-high 22 points in the loss.
- The Spurs starters were outscored 83-27. A lot of that had to do with the offensive struggles of Fox and Devin Vassell. The duo went 7-21 from the field and added just 16 points. The Rockets defense deserves a lot of credit for slowing down San Antonio’s best scorers. Thompson in particular did an awesome job defending Fox. He’s quickly becoming one of the most exciting players in the NBA.
- Jeremy Sochan left the game after a blow to the head. The Spurs held him out for “precautionary reasons.” Losing Sochan for an extended period of time would be tough for a team that is already experiencing depth issues.
- Stephon Castle played 30 minutes after getting just 9 minutes of playing time in the Spurs previous matchup. Castle played well defensively but still struggled to find his way offensively. If it weren’t for a surge in garbage time, the rookie’s stat line would not have looked very impressive. Still, 22 points, 7 rebounds, 3 steals, and 5 assists on 9-22 shooting from the field isn’t an awful bounce-back game.
By Jacob Douglas, via Pounding The Rock