By Jeje Gomez | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-02-27 14:13:25
在最近的比赛中,马刺队开局良好,但在比赛后半段崩盘。这次他们决定改变策略,在前几分钟打出糟糕表现。迟缓的轮转和有缺陷的转换防守让更有天赋和运动能力的火箭队轻松地在内线得分。与此同时,圣安东尼奥在进攻端举步维艰,因为控球者无法创造出好的、空位的机会。主队很快就建立了两位数的领先优势,如果不是效率更高的第二阵容的努力,银黑军团可能在前12分钟就出局了。一个由杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)担任中锋的小阵容进行了大量的换防,消除了对不可靠的弱侧协防的需求,休斯顿也无法真正利用错位优势。第一节结束后,火箭队领先14分。
由于索汉暂时离开了更衣室,并且显然试图找到防守的火花,米奇·约翰逊(Mitch Johnson)从板凳席深处启用了布雷克·韦斯利(Blake Wesley)参加第二节的比赛。不幸的是,无论是他还是其他人都无法阻止阿门·汤普森(Amen Thompson),后者在疲软的防守面前一次又一次地轻松投篮。幸运的是,马刺队在获得罚球机会方面做得很好,这使他们能够跟上比分。凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)以一些无畏的突破带头,其余球员也加入了进来,尤其是在阿尔佩伦·申京(Alperen Sengun)陷入犯规麻烦并且休斯顿换上小个阵容来匹配圣安东尼奥的无中锋阵容之后。感觉这是一个缩小差距的绝佳机会,但尽管一度将差距缩小到12分,银黑军团却无法获得所需的额外动力来进行一次大的反击。中场休息时,火箭队领先18分。
在早期的挣扎之后,德文·瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell)在第三节爆发,并提供了首发阵容所需的得分。不幸的是,防守在周三并没有达到标准,这注定了圣安东尼奥的机会。火箭队投进几个上篮,然后投中几个三分球,比赛就结束了。有两种看待下半场如何继续的方式。乐观的一种是,圣安东尼奥在之前的比赛中失去了两次大比分领先优势之后,有信心完成逆转。他们无法用一波攻势做出回应,但表现出了韧性。悲观的一种是,这是一支迷失了方向的球队所做的表演式努力,以及来自球员的欺骗性表现,他们在没有压力的情况下看起来不错,但在真正需要的时候却无法站出来有所作为。
- 首发阵容是一场灾难。上下半场的前几分钟都显示了两支球队之间天赋差距有多大。火箭队也更高大、更具运动能力。这只是一个糟糕的对决,比分反映了这一点。
- 在斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)在上一场比赛中只打了8分钟之后,所有人的目光都集中在他身上。米奇·约翰逊表示,在惩罚卡斯尔犯错之后,他将让卡斯尔更自由地发挥,这位新秀的22分、7个篮板和5次助攻的数据表明他已经反弹。实际上,他打了大量的垃圾时间,但他确实打得很努力。希望这种良好的表现,无论多么没有意义,都能帮助卡斯尔摆脱低迷。
- 凯尔登·约翰逊最近表现出色,看起来更像是两年前那个场均得分超过20分,并且每晚都用他的身体对抗为球队注入活力的家伙。很难说在维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)的健康问题宣布之后发生的事情是否有意义,但很高兴看到这位效力时间最长的马刺球员表现出色。
- 杰里米·索汉头部受伤,出于预防原因缺席了下半场。他在上半场表现出色,所以球队很想念他。目前尚不清楚他是否会缺席下一场比赛。
- 俾斯麦·比永博(Bismack Biyombo)无法延续他最近的出色表现。他不是问题所在,而且对于一个几周前还不在联盟中的人来说,不能期望太高。同样,桑德罗·马穆克拉什维利(Sandro Mamukelashvili)打得很努力,但表现并不出色,这很有道理,因为他是一个板凳席末端的能量型大个子。查尔斯·巴锡(Charles Bassey)不是救世主,但球队很想念他。
第一节结束 | SAS 20, HOU 34
— 圣安东尼奥马刺队 (@ spurs) 2025年2月27日
点击查看原文:Spurs' awful start dooms them against vastly superior Rockets
Spurs’ awful start dooms them against vastly superior Rockets
The Spurs found themselves in a hole early and simply didn’t have the talent to mount a comeback.
The Spurs’ skid continued with a loss in Houston. After a disastrous start, San Antonio didn’t have the firepower or the defensive acumen to string together stops to get back into the game. The 118-106 score fails to accurately depict how lopsided the affair was, as the home team led from start to finish and by as many as 28 points in the second half.
After starting out well and collapsing on the back end in recent games, the Spurs decided to shake things up this time by putting together a terrible first few minutes. Sluggish rotations and faulty transition defense allowed a more talented and athletic Rockets squad to get some easy buckets inside. Meanwhile, everything was tough for San Antonio on the other end, as the ball handlers couldn’t manufacture good, open looks. Very quickly the home team carved out a double-digit lead and if it wasn’t for the work of a much more effective second unit, the Silver and Black could have been out of the game before the first 12 minutes. A small lineup with Jeremy Sochan at center switched a lot, negating the need for weakside help that wasn’t reliable and Houston couldn’t really capitalize on mismatches. After one, the Rockets led by 14.
With Sochan momentarily heading to the locker room and clearly trying to find a defensive spark, Mitch Johnson dusted off Blake Wesley from the deep bench in the second quarter. Unfortunately, there was nothing he or anyone else could do about Amen Thompson, who got close shot after close shot against a feeble defense. Fortunately, the Spurs did a great job of getting to the line, which allowed them to keep up. Keldon Johnson led the way with some fearless drives and the rest joined in, especially once Alperen Sengun got into foul trouble and Houston went small to match San Antonio’s center-less unit. It felt like the perfect opportunity to close the gap, but despite getting the deficit down to 12 at one point, the Silver and Black couldn’t access the extra gear needed to make a big run. At the break, the Rockets were ahead by 18.
After struggling early on, Devin Vassell came alive in the third and provided the scoring the starters needed. Unfortunately, the defense just wasn’t up to par on Wednesday and it doomed San Antonio’s chances. The Rockets made a couple of layups, then hit a few threes, and that was the game. There are two ways to see how the second half continued after that. The optimistic one is that San Antonio, after losing two big leads in the games prior, had faith in pulling off the upset. They couldn’t respond with a run but showed resilience. The pessimistic one is that it was performative hustle from a team that has lost its way and a deceptive performance from players who look good when there’s nothing on the line but can’t step up and make something happen when it’s truly needed.
The truth probably lies in the middle. The comeback attempt was as fake as they come, as the Rockets were completely in control from start to finish. At the same time, it’s admirable that a team missing its head coach and its superstar and which has been on the road for a month straight could muster the energy to at least show some fight, even if it was too late.
Game notes
- The starting lineup was a disaster. The first few minutes of both halves showed just how big the talent gap between the two teams was. The Rockets were also bigger and more athletic. It was just a bad matchup and the score reflected it.
- All eyes were on Stephon Castle after he only played eight minutes in the game prior. Mitch Johnson said he was going to let Castle play more freely after punishing him for making mistakes and the rookie stat line of 22 points, seven rebounds and five assists suggests he bounced back. In reality, he played a lot of garbage time, but he did play hard. Hopefully, this good performance, as meaningless as it was, will help Castle get out of his funk.
- Keldon Johnson has been great recently, looking more like the guy who scored over 20 a game two seasons ago and energized the team with his physical play nightly. It’s hard to say if anything that happened after the announcement of Victor Wembanyama’s health issues means much, but it’s nice to see the longest-tenured Spur thriving.
- Jeremy Sochan got hit in the head and missed the second half for precautionary reasons. He had a great stretch in the first half, so the team missed him. It’s unclear if he will be out for the next game.
- Bismack Biyombo couldn’t continue his string of good performances. He wasn’t the problem and there’s not much that can be expected of someone who was out of the league a few weeks ago. Similarly, Sandro Mamukelashvili played hard but wasn’t great, which makes sense, since he’s a deep bench energy big. Charles Bassey is no savior, but the team misses him.
Play of the game
Jeremy Sochan as the screener on the pick-and-roll is always fun.
heading into the second!
END Q1 | SAS 20, HOU 34— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) February 27, 2025
Next game: at Memphis Grizzlies on Saturday
The Spurs will visit the Grizzlies before finally returning home.
By Jeje Gomez, via Pounding The Rock