[PtR] 马刺队与俾斯麦·比永博签下第二份10天短合同 ▶️

By Marilyn Dubinski | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-02-22 04:38:08




当马刺队在2月8日与俾斯麦·比永博(Bismack Biyombo)签下一份10天短合同时,人们认为这位经验丰富的大个子只是一个临时替补,等待查尔斯·巴锡(Charles Bassey)从膝盖扭伤中恢复过来。加上之前交易了扎克·科林斯(Zach Collins),这使得马刺队在维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)身后没有任何替补中锋。13天后,马刺队在这个位置上完全捉襟见肘, 文班亚马 现在因血栓赛季报销,而巴锡仍然没有从伤病中恢复。

因此,他们与比永博签下了第二份10天短合同。全明星赛前,马刺队坚持让杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)担任替补中锋,比永博只对阵凯尔特人队打了25秒。昨晚,在奥斯汀对阵太阳队的比赛中,他终于有机会首发代替文班的位置,证明自己有留下的价值。在这场令人惊讶的胜利中,他贡献了8分、3个篮板、2次助攻和1次抢断,出场16分钟。

比永博扣篮! pic.twitter.com/TqjwIDDcwn

— 圣安东尼奥马刺 (@ spurs) 2025年2月21日

一名球员在一个赛季中只能与一支球队签订两份10天短合同,所以现在是比永博证明自己有资格获得本赛季剩余时间保障合同的机会。如果他表现不佳,马刺队可以尝试其他球员的10天短合同,或者他们可以在理论上裁掉他们的一名双向球员来签下另一名大个子(尽管没有太多理由采取这种方法)。他们也可以为 文班 申请伤病特例,以腾出一个阵容名额。

马刺队今晚将在奥斯汀再次对阵底特律活塞队,可以放心地假设比永博将再次首发。昨晚马刺队能够更多地使用 索汉 ,是因为菲尼克斯太阳队打了很多小球阵容,因此对位可能是影响比永博未来出场时间的最大的因素。

点击查看原文:Spurs sign Bismack Biyombo to second 10-day contract

Spurs sign Bismack Biyombo to second 10-day contract

Phoenix Suns v San Antonio Spurs

With the Spurs completely bereft of centers, Biyombo will get another chance to prove himself.

When the Spurs signed Bismack Biyombo to a 10-day contract back in February 8, the assumption was veteran big man was just filler while they waited for Charles Bassey to recover from a knee sprain, which along with the trade of Zach Collins, had left the Spurs without any backup centers behind Victor Wembanyama. 13 days later, the Spurs are completely bereft at the position with Wemby now out for the season with a blood clot and Bassey still not back from injury.

As a result, they have signed Biyombo to a second 10-day contract. After only playing for 25 sec against the Celtics before the All-Star break while the Spurs stuck with Jeremy Sochan as backup center, he finally got a chance to make a case to stay by starting in Wemby’s place last night against the Suns in Austin, responding with 8 points, 3 rebounds, 2 assists, and 1 steal in 16 minutes in the surprising win.

BIYOMBO THROWS IT DOWN pic.twitter.com/TqjwIDDcwn

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) February 21, 2025

A player can only sign two 10-day contracts with a team in a single season, so now is Biyombo’s chance to prove he’s worthy of a guaranteed contract for the rest of the season. If he doesn’t work out, the Spurs could try some other players on 10-days, or they could theoretically waive one of their two-ways to sign another big man (not that there’s much reason to take that approach). They could also seek an injury exception for Wemby to open another roster spot.

The Spurs play again in Austin tonight against the Detroit Pistons, and it’s probably safe to assume Biyombo will get the start again. The Spurs were able to play Sochan more last night because Phoenix played a lot of small ball, so matchup may be the biggest factor in how many minutes Biyombo gets going forward.

By Marilyn Dubinski, via Pounding The Rock