马刺 vs 太阳 120 - 109 技术统计 | 视频集锦
By Mark Barrington | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-02-21 13:15:58
在一个让马刺球迷震惊的夜晚,维克托·文班亚马因严重的医疗问题不得不赛季报销,很难让人想到篮球。但马刺球员和教练们今晚对阵菲尼克斯太阳时,拿出了专注的表现。马刺在前三节建立起了很大的领先优势,虽然太阳在第四节过半时将比分迫近,但达龙·福克斯挺身而出,带领马刺强势收尾,以 120-109 获胜。
- 今天下午,我被文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)被诊断出患有深静脉血栓的消息深深震撼。我只希望这孩子能完全康复。他本赛季已经报销,我希望他明年能回来打球,但健康和拥有完整的人生比打球更重要,我相信他和他的家人会为他自身的福祉做出最好的选择。
- 俾斯麦·比永博进入了首发阵容。很明显,他在今晚之前为马刺效力的25秒内给教练们留下了深刻印象。他在今晚的比赛中表现出色,看看马刺是否会与他签订第二份10天短合同来弥补文班缺阵的影响,这将很有趣。
- 马刺打出8-0的开局,而太阳的开局就像球馆外的天气一样寒冷。他们将领先优势扩大到13-7,迫使布登霍尔泽教练叫了暂停来稳定球队。谁知道教练还能叫暂停?太令人震惊了!
- 我担心球队在文班亚马的消息传出后可能会表现平平,但事实并非如此,他们开局迅速,第一节后以31-21领先。球队的能量水平令人鼓舞,队员们在球场上倾尽所有,并且在太阳之前抢到了每一个五五开的球。
- 马刺的攻势在第二节有所减缓,杜兰特带领太阳打出13-0的攻势,将比分追至45平。太阳最终凭借奥尼尔的三分球短暂地重新取得领先约3秒钟,随后裁判将福克斯的两分球改判为三分球,比分再次变成平局。马刺在第二节末段表现强劲,索汉在半场结束前投中三分,以60-54领先。
- 戴夫·菲兹戴尔是太阳的助理教练之一,他曾担任灰熊主教练,并以拥有历史上最好的赛后发布会之一而闻名。这个数据怎么样?他在博尔·博尔的球员发展方面做得非常出色,博尔终于看起来像一个NBA大个子了。
- 尚帕尼经历了一段赛季中期的低迷,但今晚他作为替补挺身而出。
- 马刺在第三节压制了太阳,比永博控制了油漆区并惩罚了侵入者,第三节以34-25击败菲尼克斯,以94-79的领先优势进入第四节。
- 一个有争议的对福克斯的恶意犯规判罚给了太阳队缩小差距的机会,格雷森·艾伦故意绊倒福克斯,并在福克斯试图带球逃脱时与福克斯的腿缠在了一起。不知何故,这是一个对达龙的恶意犯规。也许我戴着马刺的眼镜看问题,但这似乎是一个错误的判罚。突然间,原本15分的领先优势缩小到仅剩5分,马刺在比赛还剩约8分钟时以98-96领先。暂停后,福克斯重新回到比赛中,并熄灭了太阳的反扑,太阳无法阻止他得分。
- 凯尔登·约翰逊最近有点被人遗忘,但他今晚是替补席上的关键球员,有一些关键表现,并且制造了犯规,马刺顶住了太阳的最后冲击。
- 斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)的投篮之夜表现不佳,但他通过防守和组织影响了比赛,最终仍然是球队获胜的关键贡献者。
马刺队将于明晚在穆迪中心迎战凯德·坎宁安和底特律活塞。比赛将于美国中部时间晚上 7:30 在 KENS 播出,所以圣安东尼奥地区的球迷可以免费观看 —— 只要你有一个天线并且知道如何使用它。
点击查看原文:San Antonio vs Phoenix, Final Score: Spurs extinguish the Suns 120-109
San Antonio vs Phoenix, Final Score: Spurs extinguish the Suns 120-109
After losing Wembanyama, the short-handed Spurs put forth a focused effort to ruin Durant’s homecoming to Austin.
On a night when Spurs fans were rocked by the news that Victor Wembanyama had to be shut down for the season with a serious medical issue, it was hard to think about basketball, but the Spurs players and coaches came up with a focused effort tonight against the Phoenix Suns. The Spurs built a big lead in the first three quarters, and while Phoenix was able to make the game close halfway through the fourth quarter, De’Aaron Fox took over the game late as the Spurs finished strong and won 120-109.
On a night when it should have been hard to concentrate on basketball, the team stepped up and rose to the occasion, treating the Austin fans to an inspiring win. It was an impressive effort as the short-handed team played hard on a night when they couldn’t be expected to.
- I was hit hard with the news about Wembanyama’s diagnosis with deep vein thrombosis this afternoon. I just hope the kid gets fully healthy again. He’s out for the season, and I hope he can come back to play next year, but being healthy and having a full life are more important than playing a game, and I trust the kid and his family to make the best choice for his own welfare going forward.
- Bismack Biyombo was in the starting lineup. Clearly, he really impressed the coaches in the 25 seconds he’s played so far with the Spurs before tonight. He played well in tonight’s game, and it will be interesting to see if the Spurs bring him back for a second 10-day contract to help cover for Victor’s absence.
- The Spurs rushed out to an 8-0 lead as the Sun started out as cold as the weather outside the arena. They extended the lead to 13-7 halfway through the first, forcing Coach Bud to take a timeout to settle his team. Who knew that coaches could call timeouts? Mind-blowing!
- I was worried the team might come out flat after the Wembanyama news, but that was not the case as they got off to a fast start, leading 31-21 after the first quarter. The energy level was inspiring as the good guys left it all on the court and got to every 50-50 ball before the Suns.
- The Spurs’ surge sagged a bit in the second quarter as Durant led the Suns on a 13-0 run to lead the game at 45 apiece. The Suns eventually retook the lead for about 3 seconds with an O’Neale triple, which turned into a tie when the referees corrected a Fox two-point shot to a three-point score. The Spurs finished out the quarter strong and led 60-54 on a Sochan triple just before halftime.
- Dave Fizdale is one of the assistant coaches for the Suns, and he’s memorable for having one of the best post-game conferences in history when he was head coach of the Grizzlies. How’s that for data? He’s doing a great job with player development with Bol Bol, who is finally looking like an NBA big.
- Champagnie has had a bit of a midseason slump, but he stepped up tonight in a bench role.
- The Spurs bullied the Suns in the third quarter as Biyombo patrolled the paint and punished trespassers, outscoring Phoenix 34-25 in the third to take a 94-79 lead going into the fourth.
- A questionable flagrant foul call on Fox gave the Suns a chance to cut into the lead as Grayson Allen intentionally tripped Fox and got tangled up in Fox’s leg as he tried to escape with the ball. Somehow, that was a flagrant foul on De’Aaron. Maybe I’m seeing this with Silver and Black glasses, but it seemed like a backward call. Suddenly, what had been a 15-point lead was cut to just five as the Spurs led 98-96 with about 8 minutes left. After a timeout, Fox re-entered the game and extinguished the comeback as the Suns could not keep him from scoring.
- Keldon Johnson has been a bit of a forgotten man lately, but he was a key performer off the bench tonight and had some key plays and drew fouls as the Spurs held off the Suns’ late charge.
- Stephon Castle didn’t have a great shooting night, but impacted the game with his defense and playmaking, resulting in him still being a key contributor to the win.
The Spurs will be back in action tomorrow night at the Moody Center against Cade Cunningham and the Detroit Pistons. It’s going to be a 7:30 PM start on KENS, so it’ll be a free watch for fans in the San Antonio area — as long as you have an antenna and know how to use it.
By Mark Barrington, via Pounding The Rock