By Marilyn Dubinski | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-02-18 02:27:02
欢迎来到一周回顾:这是一个每周一发布的栏目,回顾 圣安东尼奥马刺队 过去一周的表现,展望未来一周,以及更多精彩内容。请尽情享受!
第16周 : 尽管第16周 迎来了迪阿隆·福克斯(De’Aaron Fox)的马刺首秀,但他们仍挣扎着以1胜3负的战绩开启了牛仔客场之旅,其中包括连续三场一分惜败:领先多达20分后战胜老鹰队,令人无法接受地输给了一支糟糕且人员不整的黄蜂队,以及艰难地输给了一支身体对抗强硬但状态不佳的魔术队。
回顾 : 在经历了连续三场一分惜败后,马刺队取得了一场急需的胜利,最终比分相对舒适。 比赛过程并不漂亮,像挥霍两位数领先优势和让对手获得太多二次进攻机会之类的问题仍然令人头疼,但马刺队在第四节找回了状态,击败了一支实力较弱的对手,这比他们前两场比赛的表现要好得多。
回顾 : 在一场赛前就被认为是计划性失利的比赛中,马刺队一开始的表现似乎也印证了这一点,早早就落后多达24分。值得称赞的是,他们在下半场奋起反击,甚至一度将分差缩小到个位数,但面对卫冕冠军在主场的强势表现,他们还是无力回天,他们的努力只是让最终的比分看起来稍微体面一些。 斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle) 在本场比赛表现出色。
约翰·舒曼(John Schuhmann), — 21 (上周: 21)
进攻效率: 112.4 (16) 防守效率: 114.1 (19) 净效率: -1.7 (19) 节奏: 100.0 (14)
马刺队在对手罚球率方面联盟领先(每100次投篮19.3次罚球尝试)。 维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama) 平均每次个人犯规送出1.68次盖帽,在有盖帽统计的52个赛季中,这一比率在总盖帽数至少达到100次的球员中排名第一。
在与迪阿隆·福克斯(De’Aaron Fox)搭档的五场比赛中,马刺队在福克斯和克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)同时在场的110分钟里表现更好(每100回合正5.5分),而在只有其中一人在场而另一人不在场的104分钟里,他们的表现更差(每100回合负2.7分)。
布雷特·西格尔(Brett Siegel),Clutch Points — 22 (上周: 22)
未来赛程: 2月20日(周四)主场迎战菲尼克斯太阳队(奥斯汀);2月21日(周五)主场迎战底特律活塞队(奥斯汀);2月23日(周日)客场挑战新奥尔良鹈鹕队
预测:2胜1负 —— 在全明星周末得到充分休息后,现在是时候看看一些真正的集体训练是否开始对迪阿隆·福克斯和他的新球队产生效果了。这远非一个令人畏惧的赛程,但马刺队在最近几周已经表明对手的实力并不重要。他们需要在本月最接近主场的比赛中改变这种状况,对阵两支中游球队,接下来应该是在新奥尔良赢得一场胜利。 这是本赛季的最后冲刺阶段,如果马刺队想要冲击季后赛,他们现在必须开始行动,特别是考虑到下周将迎来一个更加艰巨的赛程。
点击查看原文:Week in Review: Spurs get ugly but much-needed win ahead of All-Star Break
Week in Review: Spurs get ugly but much-needed win ahead of All-Star Break
They also lost to the defending champs, but that’s to be expected.
Welcome to the Week in Review: a Monday feature that looks back at the week that was for the San Antonio Spurs, takes a look at the week ahead, and more. Enjoy!
Week 16: Even though the week featured De’Aaron Fox’s Spurs debut, they still struggled to a 1-3 open to the Rodeo Road Trip, including three straight one-point games: a win over the Hawks after leading by as much as 20 points, an unacceptable loss to a bad, shorthanded Hornets squad, and a hard-fought loss to a physical but struggling Magic team.
Week 17: 1-1 (23-29, 12th in West)
131-121 win @ Washington Wizards
Recap: The Spurs got a much-needed win with a relatively comfortable final margin after three straight one-point games. It wasn’t pretty, and issues like blowing double-digit leads and giving away too many second-chance points still reared their ugly heads, but the Spurs got their act together in the fourth quarter to take down an inferior opponent, which was more than could be said in their previous two games.
103-116 loss @ Boston Celtics
Recap: In a game that was already chalked up as a scheduled loss, the Spurs initially came out as if they felt the same way, getting down by as much as 24 points early. To their credit, they fought back in the second half even managed to cut the deficit to single digits at one point, but it was too much to overcome against the defending champions on their own turf, and their efforts only served to make the final margin a little more respectable.
Power Rankings
John Schuhmann,— 21 (last week: 21)
OffRtg: 112.4 (16) DefRtg: 114.1 (19) NetRtg: -1.7 (19) Pace: 100.0 (14)
The Spurs are just three games in the loss column behind the eighth-place Mavs, but they’re just 5-13 since early January.
Three numbers to know
The Spurs ranked 14th defensively (111.9 points allowed per 100 possessions) when they were 18-16 and in eighth place in the West. Over their 18 games since they rank 28th on that end of the floor (118.3 allowed per 100).
The Spurs lead the league in opponent free throw rate (19.3 attempts per 100 shots from the field). Victor Wembanyama has averaged 1.68 blocks per personal foul, the highest rate for any player with at least 100 total blocks in the 52 seasons that blocks have been counted.
Over their five games with De’Aaron Fox, the Spurs have been better in their 110 minutes with both Fox and Chris Paul on the floor (plus-5.5 points per 100 possessions) than they’ve been in 104 total minutes with one on the floor without the other (minus-2.7 per 100).
For the first time in the last 13 years, the Spurs begin their post-break schedule at home, but their two “home” games this week are in Austin, and their game against the Suns on Thursday is the start of their first stretch of five games in seven days.
Brett Siegel, Clutch Points— 22 (last week: 22)
De’Aaron Fox was supposed to improve the San Antonio Spurs. Well, this team has gone 2-3 since his arrival and is seeing its playoff chances slip away. Nothing will get easier for the Spurs coming out of the All-Star break, as matchups with Phoenix and Detroit come before a tough four-game road trip, during which they will see the Rockets and Grizzlies.
Coming up: Thurs. 2/20 vs. Phoenix Suns (Austin); Fri. 2/21 vs. Detroit Pistons (Austin); Sun. 2/23 @ New Orleans Pelicans
Prediction: 2-1 — After some much needed rest from the All-Star break, it will be time to see if some real practice sessions together start paying off for De’Aaron Fox and his new team. It’s far from a daunting schedule, but the Spurs have shown strength of opponent doesn’t matter in recent weeks. They’ll need to change that against two middling teams in the closest thing they’ll have to home games this month, followed by what should be a win in New Orleans. It’s the final stretch of the season, and if the Spurs are going to make a postseason push, they have to start now, especially with a much more daunting schedule coming up next week.
By Marilyn Dubinski, via Pounding The Rock