🎧 Spurs Insider️ 播客: 圣安东尼奥的权力交接

Spurs Insider Podcast, 2025-02-12 06:55:00


专栏作家迈克·芬格(Mike Finger)以及马刺队的随队记者杰夫·麦克唐纳(Jeff McDonald)和汤姆·奥斯本(Tom Orsborn)讨论了德埃隆·福克斯(De’Aaron Fox)如何迅速融入马刺队,克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)如何留在阵容中,以及斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)的进步和扣篮能力。







来自北美各地高度安全的顶级秘密地点的网络,这是马刺内幕播客。这是牛仔竞技巡回赛的中途版本,全明星周末前的版本,以及东海岸严寒暴风雪的版本。我是你的主持人迈克·芬格,一如既往地有我们完整的《Express News》马刺队随队记者小组,杰夫·麦克唐纳和汤姆·奥斯本,以及体育编辑尼克·塔尔博特。对于马刺队来说,这周的客场之旅相当精彩。杰夫在那里,汤姆也在那里,我也在路上。我们看到了一些令人心跳加速的比赛,连续三场一分险胜。我们看到了未来的新控球后卫福克斯在他的新球队中确立了自己的关键角色。我们看到了一些令人心碎的时刻,杰夫,我想从你开始。你身处一个严寒的高度安全的地方。你如何总结自从我们上次与大家交谈后发生的事情?


因此,收听播客的人,我不认为他们只是在等待你每周的小比分汇总。我认为他们想要的是洞察力,他们想要的是观点,他们想要的是激烈的讨论。好吧,比分是什么?他们正在收听。球队的情绪如何?这是一支正在崛起的球队吗?还是正在衰落的球队?你想知道球队的情绪?我不认为一切都在崩溃并走向休息。我不认为它会改变。我认为他们昨晚非常兴奋和高兴。桑德罗驾驶着一个该死的东西,不管你叫它什么,在走廊里转来转去。“力量车”。用于重现20世纪90年代的旧电影。当时奥斯汀· powers驾驶着那辆无法前后移动的车辆穿梭于走廊中。昨晚在华盛顿特区首都球馆的正是桑德罗·马穆克拉什维利(Sandro Mamukelashvili)。他们在胡闹,但即使是在奥兰多一分惜败,他们也在胡闹。在夏洛特一分惜败,他们也很兴奋。我不知道这是否是好事还是坏事,但球队的情绪似乎并没有太大的变化。如果这是你的问题的话。



但让我们这样做吧。德埃隆·福克斯。这就是我写的关于篮球的内容。福克斯就是我们认为的那样。是的。这并不是什么热门观点。但他很适合,他速度非常快。杰夫、我和一些在 Capital One Arena 的人都谈论过,27岁的福克斯和27岁的托尼·帕克(Tony Parker)一样快吗?没有人能够肯定地说“是”或“否”的事实。我的意思是,这说明了一些问题。他到达了球场边缘,这是马刺队很久以来没有人能做到的。他在第四节的关键表现在所有这些势均力敌的比赛中都很明显,即使是他们输掉的比赛。你知道,他在对阵夏洛特的比赛中,在还剩7.9秒时投进了一个潜在的制胜球,又投进了一个原本可以赢得比赛的球,但晚了两秒十分之一。在奥兰多,他把球传给了文班,我们稍后再谈。在与华盛顿的比赛中,他和维克托轮流接管比赛。让我们从我们目前看到的福克斯开始。我认为这个人很适合,而且他就是我们认为的那样。有人对此有异议吗?


汤姆,当你回到夏洛特,在赛后与文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)交谈时,他是唯一一个似乎对失利感到非常难过的人。杰夫开玩笑说他们对待胜负的态度很平静。但失利仍然让文班心碎。但他在那场对阵黄蜂的令人心碎的比赛之后提到的一件事是,福克斯在这支球队中拥有的即时信誉,我无法想象走进更衣室,走进一个暂停,即使福克斯拥有这样的履历,然后说,我将在关键时刻投所有的球。我将在关键时刻成为那个人。似乎可能会有些尴尬,或者我不该说一定会有。但马刺队引进他就是为了这个。是的。这就是福克斯对自己的看法,正如文班亚马当晚所说的那样,汤姆,如果我们信任他,我们就会100%信任他。对我来说,福克斯的第一周最突出的就是他立刻得到了周围人的信任。是的,影响力是存在的。毫无疑问,在关键时刻,而且,我不知道这是否言过其实,但他的个性很有力量。他个性很好。是的。他立刻走进了更衣室。他在开玩笑,在说笑,他对斯蒂芬·卡斯尔开玩笑,说他不遵守新秀必须为老将做某些事情的规定。这是一个由来已久的传统。我的意思是,他,是的,个性很好。所以我认为把所有这些加在一起,这就是为什么他能立刻融入并完美契合的原因。


这就是我要说的。我写关于附加赛的文章是,如果我们在年底仍然坐在这里,而马刺队没有进入附加赛,你可能可以指出二月份的三个特定投篮。巴姆·阿德巴约(Bam Adebayo)对阵马刺队的热火队的制胜球。你知道,挑选一个对阵夏洛特的,那是福克斯投出的只是晚了一点点的球。然后是文班在奥兰多没有投进的球。我知道这样做是不公平的,但球迷喜欢这样做。如果我们一切顺利,我们本可以赢得这三场比赛。好吧,那么你必须换个角度看你赢得的那些比赛。无论如何,如果这三个投篮的结果对马刺队有利,他们现在就超过500胜率了。所以,我认为我们可能会回头看看,如果季后赛附加赛是某人的目标,或者他们为马刺队在季后赛附加赛中的表现而活着,我认为你可能会回顾那周和二月份的这周,认为这是它可能溜走的时候。但除此之外,就像你说的,我不认为这对今年的这支球队来说是最重要的。这让我想到了另一件事。我们必须讨论这个问题,因为如果你在社交媒体上,马刺队的球迷正在尖叫,他们中的一些人是你说的那个群体。那就去做吧。为什么你要让福克斯和保罗一起上场?他们都是1米91的家伙。你们的后场不会太矮吗?马刺队为什么要这样做?我认为你有一篇文章即将在《Express News》以及所有你可以获得它的地方发表,包括你可能想谈谈他们正在做的短信服务。但我认为你有一篇关于这个的专栏文章,我想谈谈它,因为我认为这对人们来说是一件重要的事情。

我震惊于你突如其来的专业精神,这太不符合你的性格了。好吧,我有几个可以做好的地方。你参与了我们的伟大制作人曼尼·巴克(Manny Buck)想要我做的关于子文本的宣传。而子文本不再像我在几十年前的英语课上学到的那样意味着子文本了。子文本现在是一件事,马刺队的球迷可以通过短信发送 GSG(即 Go Spurs Go)来注册。将 GSG 发送到 210 934 9628,你就可以通过短信收到我们所有关于马刺队的文章,还有一些人。再说一遍?再说一遍。将 GSG 发送到 210 934 9628。如果你在我们录制这篇文章的那天关注了子文本,你就会收到杰夫关于福克斯和文班亚马之间蓬勃发展的协同作用的警报。你也会收到一条关于我的专栏文章的短信,说实话,我很喜欢写保罗的专栏,我希望人们能读读它,因为我非常喜欢保罗。我认为我们都很喜欢保罗,因为他是一个很成熟的人。他会告诉你他所想的东西。在华盛顿,我有机会和他进行了一对一的谈话。基本上是问他为什么还在这里?讨论为什么马刺队要让他首发?为什么他想和福克斯一起首发?为什么马刺队要让他和福克斯一起首发?这很吸引人。正如杰夫所说,这值得更深入的讨论,因为保罗去年夏天与圣安东尼奥签约,基本上是因为他们是唯一一支保证他首发位置的球队。正如他一遍又一遍地说的那样,他想打球。他对文班亚马很感兴趣,对为波波维奇(Gregg Popovich)效力很感兴趣,诸如此类。但这基本上是关于机会。在过去的三个月里,他发挥了巨大的作用。即使是那些尖叫着说保罗应该被贬为替补的人,我认为每一个看过这支球队的人都承认这个小家伙迄今为止对球队产生了多么大的影响。在很多方面,不仅在于释放了文班,还在于他的自信,他的信念具有感染力。他让其他人相信。如果你喜欢今年观看斯蒂芬·卡斯尔的比赛,保罗在这方面发挥了巨大的作用。他们两个在更衣室里形影不离。保罗很喜欢他,他叫他“和尚”。所以关键是,保罗产生了马刺队希望继续产生的影响。是的,他们交易得到了未来的控球后卫。是的,保罗可能会在马刺队再次争夺总冠军之前离开,但他们仍然可以从他身上获得更多。保罗方面,他告诉我他根本没有去过马刺队。他甚至没有想到在截止日期前把他送走,让他去一支有竞争力的球队。既然他已经重新建立了自己的地位,你知道,他参加了每一场比赛。他基本上是个铁人。我相信如果情况允许,一支有竞争力的球队会接纳他,会找到他的用武之地。但他没有提出这样的要求。他没有问过,杰夫,说出他们的名字。拉马库斯·阿尔德里奇(LaMarcus Aldridge),鲁迪·盖伊(Rudy Gay)。最近有多少人,保罗·加索尔(Pao Gasol)也许也是。最近有多少人被马刺队放弃、交易或允许加盟能让他们追逐戒指的球队。他们很乐意这样做。保罗在他合同的最后一年挣的钱和特雷·琼斯(Trey Jones)差不多。他们本可以在交易福克斯时轻松地把保罗送走,保留特雷·琼斯,他会很乐意成为福克斯的替补。他们在这方面不必做太多的改变。他们想让保罗留下来,很大程度上是因为保罗想留下来,我认为这可能会让我听起来很理想主义,或者无论什么。人们在尖叫,那么战术呢?那么他们作为搭档的缺点呢?但我认为让这个人想留下来并继续在暂停中、更衣室里、比赛中产生影响是值得的。不仅仅是他们帮了保罗的忙。他们让保罗留下来,让那种声音留下来,也是在帮他们自己。杰夫和球队周围的很多人都谈过。继续说,马刺队有很多他们喜欢的球员,这些球员正在成长为领袖,他们有自己的声音,但没有人能像保罗那样有分量的声音。我的意思是,你说的没错。他来这里对他们来说是一种帮助。现在,你可以说马刺队也帮了他一个忙,给了他一个重要的角色,但这是一种君子协定,对吧?所以你不能把他放到板凳席上,也不能反悔。你不能这样做。我认为如果这个组织今年的目标是,我们必须进入附加赛。该死。我们必须不仅仅是竞争,我们必须进入附加赛,我们必须尽可能多地赢得比赛。我认为如果你不以这种方式组织你的轮换阵容,那么你的战术就不奏效。你不会让克里斯和德埃隆一起首发。但我认为马刺队在组织上并不是这样的。我认为他们很乐意进入附加赛,如果他们运气好能进入附加赛,但我认为这并不是他们今年做出每一个决定的首要目标。所以如果你处于那种情况下,你就可以遵守你和保罗达成的君子协定,让他打球,因为他也给了你很多。而且我想说的是,他不必来这里。我会更进一步说,拥有一个快乐且投入的保罗实际上让他们今年变得更好。我认为他们在季后赛席位方面没有任何损失,因为他们让他在场上打球。因为我只是认为他是他们最初进入附加赛的原因。让那个人参与进来,投入进来,在他身边,并做出贡献。正如他昨晚告诉我的那样,他相信他可以投篮。他一直想打无球。这是一个他一直想要的角色,他认为他可以在那里发挥作用。能够打更长时间的比赛,并从他过去不常进攻的不同区域进攻,因为他一直没有控球权。我认为对阵夏洛特的第一节非常糟糕,也许那是因为保罗和福克斯搭档的缺点。但昨晚他们对阵华盛顿也取得了巨大的领先优势,对吧?他们派出了那些球员。你知道,最终会有一个时候你想看到这一点,这和我们上周的争论正好相反,我当时说你改变主意了。我的意思是,我认为我一直都很一致。是的,我改变了主意。我很高兴你逐渐接受了这个观点。我看到了它的好处。基本上我看到的是,它没有太大的弊端。因为最糟糕的是,有一些战术上的问题,它会对他们造成一点伤害。我不认为它有巨大的弊端。我不认为它真的会导致他们输掉比赛。就像把斯蒂芬·卡斯尔从首发阵容中拿出来,换成一个小个子。这会影响你的篮板。这会影响你的防守。这就是。我看不出有什么办法可以避免这一点。但我就是不这么认为。我认为斯蒂芬·卡斯尔的处境已经发生了变化。本周我们有很多事情要谈。我认为他可能会再次成为年度最佳新秀的竞争者,领导者。他替补席上的表现非常出色。他得分了吗?我们这是在改变方向吗?我们现在是在讨论斯蒂芬·卡斯尔吗?是这样吗?是的,为什么不呢?好吧,好的。你知道。在结束关于克里斯的讨论之前,我只想说,他们没有另一个像他一样有影响力的人,或者用今天的词来说,有分量的人,或者用福克斯的话来说,有实质的人?他所说的一切都是有实质的。你知道,如果你走到暂停时的板凳席上,在克里斯之前,马刺队没有一个人会真正说话。他们有很多安静的家伙。即使哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes)是一位伟大的领袖,他也更像是一位以身作则的人。克里斯是唯一一个会说话的人,几乎到了有时暂停结束了,但米奇还没来得及说话的地步。因为克里斯已经讲了太长时间了。如果你和球队周围的人交谈,他们会说这群人需要他,现在仍然需要他。他们需要那个人。总有一天他会离开的,希望有人能接过他的衣钵。但在那之前,马刺队想依靠他。非常依靠他。我不认为这是一个理由,马刺队赢得了昨晚的第23场比赛。我不认为这是值得庆祝的事情,但他们已经三年没有在一个赛季中赢得23场比赛了。所以如果他们今年取得了任何进展,有很多原因,但克里斯·保罗绝对是其中最重要的原因。他就在更衣室里,在他身边,向人们展示他是如何做到的,不仅仅是告诉人们他该怎么做,而且还在场上向人们展示他该怎么做。如果他们取得了任何进展,那就是他的功劳。是的。主场更衣室的座位表在这个讨论中也很重要。克里斯就坐在斯蒂芬旁边。这不是偶然发生的,你知道。好吧,是的,这支球队发生的任何事情都不是偶然发生的。一切都经过精心策划。是的。这也是我在专栏中提出的观点,任何认为这只是米奇·约翰逊(Mitch Johnson)随心所欲做出的决定,如果格雷格·波波维奇执教,情况就会有所不同的人。当然,是的。主教练填写阵容卡。是的,这是米奇·约翰逊的决定。但是,在过去四分之一个世纪里,你一直在关注这个组织,你觉得他们会突然做出这样的决定,整个组织都没有参与进来,并且可能在交易之前就已经考虑了很长时间了吗?这似乎真的太天真了。这不是米奇·约翰逊擅自行动。我想我们不会谈论这件事,但我不太确定波波维奇现在有多大的影响力。但我只是想说,米奇每天都和波波维奇交谈。他就是这么说的。差不多。是的。这是一件令人鼓舞的事情。我不认为这是擅自行动。如果有什么不同的话,那就是波波维奇支持这件事,甚至可能是幕后推手。是的。汤姆有一个重要的周末。杰夫和我还在东海岸。希望我们能回去。我们不打算谈谈比姆博吗?我们有一个新球员。关于比姆博,你只有12秒的时间。他还没有上场。等他上场了,我们再谈论他。怎么样?好的。好的。当他抢到篮板时,我们再谈论他。杰夫和我希望能够回来,并战胜另一场冬季风暴,但汤姆在本周末在旧金山湾区有一个重要的马刺队活动,包括在旧金山和奥克兰的一些活动。就像我一直在想,维克托·文班亚马首次入选全明星队。他将与克里斯·保罗一起参加技巧挑战赛。斯蒂芬可以参加所有的三个晚上,对吧,汤姆?是的。他将参加新秀赛。他将参加扣篮大赛。是的。如果他在新秀赛中的球队获胜,他将成为全明星赛的一部分。我为他加油。我认为你提到的中间那一个是最受组织和他自己期待的,也就是扣篮大赛。杰夫可以证明这一点。关于他在扣篮大赛中的阵容,他将要做什么,比诺曼底登陆的秘密还要多。一切都非常保密。任何看到或从训练中获得任何信息的人都被要求保密。我在洛杉矶被别人强迫了,不是别人,正是克里斯·保罗的叔叔。我亲眼目睹了其中一个扣篮,克里斯·保罗说,你千万不要把它写出来。你知道,有很多秘密,但卡斯尔对此感到非常兴奋。

你会写他扣篮了吗?是的,对,对。他做了什么,怎么做的。是的,没错。就像汤姆和我去年经历的那次旅行一样,当时我们被要求对维克托·文班亚马的新鞋保密,汤姆和我一百万年都不会注意到。如果你想隐藏新鞋的发布,你找对了两个记者。关于洛杉矶扣篮的故事是,他从站在文班亚马肩膀上的克里斯·保罗头上飞过,但我不想买。同时烤了一整只烤鸡。没错。我真正期待全明星周末的事情是文班亚马将如何对待它。我们昨晚甚至和他谈论过这件事,关于他们没有真正比赛,只是在胡闹,然后放弃扣篮的事情。文班亚马并不喜欢这样,他是这么说的。他的意思是说,如果他们想那样做,我将成为展示对比的人。我将成为争抢松散球的人。我想问米奇,你们是否同意文班亚马在全明星赛中争抢松散球?但无论如何,但如果其他人都半途而废,就像他们一直做的那样,而文班亚马得到27次盖帽,这将会非常有趣。你知道NBA球员。你知道一般的运动员都是竞争者。如果有一个人在努力,那么本能就是反击那个人,也许只需要一个人努力,一切都会好起来。我不会指望它。但我认为这是有可能的。那会很有趣。在昨晚的讨论中,我问他,所以你的意思是说你会在全明星赛中防守?他看着我,好像我在问他,你要呼吸氧气吗?当然,你这个白痴。你为什么要问我这个问题?我从他那里得到了这样的眼神。所以观看那场比赛将会很有趣。我们会拭目以待。是的,他已经说过他不是去那里交朋友的。文班亚马的朋友已经够多了。他不想在那里交朋友。就像每一个真人秀节目一样。就像我看到的几乎每一个顶级厨师或者我都没有看过。不。任何真人秀节目,回到诱惑岛。我不去诱惑岛是为了找到金单身汉。我不去金单身汉。90天未婚夫。去寻找。好吧。无论如何,那就是文班亚马。我必须做我们之前承诺过的无聊的事情吗,汤姆?哦,是的,是的,你必须讲一下索汉的故事。我们必须这样做。说到食物,快速提醒一下,给波士顿一个小贴士。你们在节目开始前谈论过这件事,如果你今晚去北区的意大利餐厅吃饭,跳过奶油甜馅煎饼卷,然后问服务员要意大利乳清干酪派。我告诉你,你不会后悔的。意大利乳清干酪派。谢谢。汤姆,你前几天也在观察这件事,你不能保证我没有编造这件事。不。但是,这个节目的听众可能会惊讶地得知,这个自命不凡、口若悬河的世界主持人可能不是这个星球上最时尚的人。我知道这可能会让人感到震惊。但我想你的官方服装被形容为玉米面包时髦。也许当你和TNT和ESPN做他们为球员进场做的时尚装扮秀时,当《圣安东尼奥快报》的专栏作家走下走廊时,摄影师实际上会背过身去。他们不想把那个拍下来。我理解为什么。无论如何,在对阵夏洛特的比赛结束后,我们正在等待文班亚马在他的更衣柜前发言。与此同时,杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)这位可爱而健谈的年轻人正在穿一双我估计比我的车还贵的靴子。它们是皮革绒面革的。大脚趾处有一个开口或者凹痕。它们和我以前见过的任何东西都不一样,但他告诉我设计师的名字,是意大利的,我很抱歉,我

点击查看原文:San Antonio's changing of the guard

San Antonio’s changing of the guard

Columnist Mike Finger and Spurs beat reporters Jeff McDonald and Tom Orsborn discuss how De’Aaron Fox is already fitting in with the Spurs, how Chris Paul stayed in the lineup and Stephon Castle’s progress and dunk prowess.

Suggested reading:

Why is Chris Paul still a Spur? He knows where he’s needed.

Chemistry building for Spurs’ Fox and Wembanyama

In the battle of Champagnies, the Spurs’ version owns bragging rights

Spurs’ first title team, original Coyote Tim Derk make S.A. Sports Hall of Fame


Here is the transcript of the podcast:

From a highly secure network of top secret locations across North America, this is the Spurs Insider podcast. It’s a mid rodeo road trip edition, a pre-all-star weekend edition, a frigid snowstorm ice storm on the East Coast edition. I am your host, Mike Finger, joined as always. This time by our complete panel of Express News Spurs beat writers, Jeff McDonald and Tom Orsborn with sports editor Nick Talbot. It has been quite a week on the road with the Spurs. Jeff’s been out there, Tom’s been out there on the road, I’ve been on the road. We have seen some nail biters, three one-point games in a row. We have seen new point guard of the future De’Aaron Fox settle into his clutch role with his new team. We’ve seen some heartbreakers and Jeff I’m going to start with you. You are in a frigid highly secure location. Just how do you sum up what has happened since we last talked to the people?

What has happened since we last talked to the I can’t remember the last time we talked to the people. Where was I? It was I believe it was I was in Memphis. I was in Memphis. It was Memphis. Yes. So they were ages ago. They were blown out in Memphis, but then like you said, incomes De’Aaron Fox. First game is against Atlanta. That’s a one-point win for the Spurs. His next game is a one-point loss for the Spurs in Charlotte. The game after that is a one-point loss for the Spurs in Orlando. And then last night it was a relative blowout in Washington. A 10-point victory for the Spurs. So yes, it’s been an interesting week for sure.

So the people tuning into the podcast, I don’t think that they, they are waiting for just you little scores after week. I think they want insight, they want opinion, they want hot takes. Well what are the scores were? They’re listening to this. How about the mood of the team? Is this is this a team on the rise? Is this is it a team on the fall? You want to know about the mood of the team? I don’t think everything is falling apart and heading into the break. I don’t think it ever changes. I think they were very giddy and happy last night. You got Sandro driving a freaking whatever you call those things, cart around on the hallways. The Powers mobile. for the re-rendering of old movies from the 1990s. When Austin Powers was driving that vehicle that couldn’t go forward or backwards in a hallway. That was Sandro Mamukelashvili last night Capital Arena for the one arena in Washington DC. They’re goofing off, but like even one-point loss in Orlando, they’re goofing off. One-point loss in Charlotte, they’re giddy. I don’t know if that’s good or bad, but the team mood of the team does seem to change very much. So if that was your question.

What doesn’t seem to change that much. How about the maybe mood is the wrong word? How about outlook? Is that what you want? Outlook? Like I will tell you something. I’m going to bring in Tom here in a little bit because we missed him last week. And he always brings more gravitas to the discussion. But one thing that has changed around this team in recent weeks, not necessarily just this week, but it seems like the play-in discussion, the play-in possibility is is growing a little more tenuous. Like there there’s a long time when the Spurs were right there in it either in the 10th spot, a game out of the 10th spot, what have you. Now it seems like there’s been a little bit of separation and I’m going to bring in Tom for his gravitas and for his opinion as to whether we we still should be talking about the playing heading into All-star. Our week ahead. Is that still something that you’re local cager should be vying for?

Well, the outlook long term is rosy after getting Fox. Short term it’s still a couple of 1, 2, 3, 10, 20 rebounds away. Yeah. So yeah, it’s it’s you know, if you crunch the numbers, they got to they got to go, you know, pretty far above 500 the rest of the way to get get back into the play. Well, to get a play in position. So I don’t know about that. But one thing also in your introduction, Mike, you were talking about things we witnessed and maybe we can get to this later, but I witnessed one of the greatest offers from a Spurs player to a member of the media probably in. Let’s let’s call that a teaser for later. I don’t think we’re going to get to that. Well, that’s what I’m saying. I said that. Tease it for later. Okay, we’ll tease it for later. I I introduced you as the guy who’s going to get serious. I did. And you’re we’ve had this we’ve had this impact on you all the the all the idiots around you, the numbskulls. We brought you down to our silly level. But we’ll get into the silly we’ll get into the silly offer that I may or may not be able to refuse later. Um, long term it’s great. Fox, I mean.

But let’s do that. The Aaron Fox. Well, here’s what here’s what I wrote about to talk basketball right now. De’Aaron Fox is who we thought he was. Yeah. And that’s not a hot take here necessarily. But he fits, he’s super fast. Jeff and I and and some people up at Capital One Arena were talking last night about like is 27-year-old De’Aaron Fox as fast as 27-year-old Tony Parker was. The fact that nobody could say yes or no with authority. I mean that that tells you something right there. That dude gets to places uh he he gets to the rim like nobody the Spurs have had in a long time. Uh his fourth quarter clutch G like that’s been evident so far in in all these close games they played even the once they’ve lost. Um, you know, he hit he had a potential game winner with 7.9 seconds left against Charlotte and hit another one that would have won the game with it was maybe two tenth of a second too late. Uh he’s he made the pass to Wby in Orlando. We’ll talk about that a little bit. Uh made all plays down the stretch trade taking turns with with Victor against Washington. Like let’s just go with the De’Aaron Fox what we’ve seen so far. I I think that this is a guy who fits and is is is who we we thought he was. Anybody dispute that?

I mean yeah you’re going to have to be careful that this doesn’t get aggregated into some some hot take. That’s the hottest take I’ve ever heard. The De’Aaron Fox trade was a good idea, Mike Finger says. Yeah. A genius. That’s gravitas. It’s gravitas for you. What did anything about yeah, I mean like it’s it’s almost like it’s almost that that kind of was um one of the things he was built as is this fourth quarter like Saot. You know, like he won the clutch player of the year um a couple years ago and like um you know, since 2020 he’s got the third most clutch points in the league. Um and then then he comes in and like first game in Atlanta, there he was. And then the the game in Charlotte he basically won it twice. Like it’s not his fault that the uh the the the there wasn’t two tenth of a second more. but um Or Orlando, we Yeah, Orlando like you mentioned, we can talk about whether that was a good play or not. The Spurs seem to think it was. And then again last night, him and Wby just took over that fourth quarter in Washington. They had all their points for a seven minute span of the fourth quarter when the game was in balanced just going back and forth, back and forth. Uh sometimes it was Wimby, sometimes it was Deren. Sometimes it was Wimby to Deren, sometimes it was Deren to Wimby. Like and I think when you watch that fourth quarter and yes there’s the big asteris that it was the worst team in the league they were playing. But when you watch that fourth quarter, you kind of see where the Spurs at least hope this is going between those two. Um just playing off one another, uh running pick and rolls to where the other team has to pick a really bad option to uh to guard it. And then the next step eventually, and this is more of a team building thing for the off season, is when you start to put guys around them at their you’re going to hit 40% from three. So then when defenses do sort of figure out a way to half guard that pick and roll, now you’re kicking into a guy that’s like just just a dead eyed shooter. That’s when this offense is really going to take off. But you could see it last night in Washington. Um, the the the bones of it, the skeleton of of what they’re looking at and it’s it should be really exciting if you’re a Spurs fan.

When you go back to Charlotte, Tom, um post game talking to Wby who is the one guy who does seem to take losses pretty hard. Jeff jokes about how they healed wins and losses. He the losses still tear Wby apart. Um, but one thing that he mentioned after that just just heartbreaker against the Hornets was sort of the instant credibility that De’Aaron Fox has with this team and like I I can’t imagine just walking into a locker room, walking into a huddle even with the resume that De’Aaron Fox has and saying, I’m going to take all these shots down the stretch. I’m going to be the guy down the stretch. Like there has to be some kind of awkwardness or I shouldn’t say there has to be. I it seems like there could be. But the Spurs that’s what the Spurs got him for. Yeah. Uh that’s what De’Aaron Fox thinks of himself and as as Wby said that night, Tom, like we we don’t trust halfway. We trust him 100 per if we’re going to trust him, we’re going to trust him 100%. And that to me has has stood out about this first week of De’Aaron just immediately being trusted by the guys around him. Yeah, the gravitas is there. Uh without question, you know, in clutch situations, but also, you know, I I don’t I’m this might be overstating it, but the the force of personality. He’s got a great personality. He does. And he came right into that locker room. He’s joking, he’s kidding, he’s giving uh Step on Castle a hard time about not observing the uh the rookie uh got to got to do certain tasks for the vets. Uh a long standing tradition. I mean he was um, yeah, just a great personality. So I think you add all that together and that’s that’s part of why he stepped in right away and and was a perfect fit.

And part of the part of of covering a season like this is you have two very different types of Spurs fans in terms of their reaction to a season like this. There’s probably way more than two types. There’s you know all different sorts of shades of gray, but the extremes are um, this season does not matter at all. It’s all about the future. We never expected them to compete for the playoffs anyway and we’re just building and it’s okay that they’re not winning every game. And the other side is, oh my god, fire the coach. Uh redo everything about the lineup because they’re blowing this chance getting to the play in. And I understand sort of degrees of both of those extremes. Um, like the it’s it it would be good to compete for the play in this year. It would be good to play meaningful basketball into April and I think the Spurs still hope to do so. Um, and when you look at a week like this past week, uh they won a couple of times, but this was even though it’s the Rodeo road trip, like this was a a soft spot in the schedule. You had the Hornets and the uh Wizards who are two of the worst teams in the league. You had the the Hawks and the Magic who have not been playing great over the past month or so. Like those they’re not powerhouse teams. Um, you want to do a little better than two and two in that stretch. Uh and and that’s totally fair to think that. Um, like Charlotte, you you say the Spurs were breaking in new guys against Charlotte. Well, Charlotte had traded half their team. and and uh then the Lakers sent one of their guys back. And and Charlotte still got him that night. So it’s very fair to to quibble with some of the games they’ve let get away, but I think the best way to watch a season like that like this, navigate a season like this is to realize it’s you’re it’s kind of a little bit about the future, a little bit about the present. Um, take progress where you can find it. And uh there’s plenty of negative to talk about it like if we want to get into rebounding, if we want to get into second chance points, some defense stuff like all kinds of things those those guys can improve off.

That’s. That’s what’s on back. What I what I what I wrote about the play chase is if we’re sitting here at the end of the year and the Spurs have not made the play in, you can probably point to like just three specific jump shots in February. The Bama adabayu um game winner for the heat over the Spurs. You know, pick one against Charlotte that’s that’s that’s the the Fox one that’s just a tick too late. And then um the one that Wby couldn’t couldn’t pull off in Orlando. And I you know it isn’t fair to do this I fans like to do this. Like we could have won all three of those games if everything goes our way. Well, then you have to like you have to do the other thing for you know you have to look at the other way for the games that you won that way. But anyway, if the if those three jump shots had gone the other way for the Spurs, they’d be over 500 right now. Yeah. So it’s it’s it’s I think we’re going I think we’re probably going to look back at the if if the playing was someone’s like goal or like they’re they’re living and dying with the Spurs in the playing, I think you’re probably going to look back at that week and this week in February is being the time that it probably slipped away. But besides that, like you said, I don’t know that it’s all about that for this team this year. Which brings me to the thing. We got to talk about this I think cuz cuz if you were on social media. Spurs fans are like some of them, some of the some of the group that you’re talking. That one do this, but go ahead. is screaming about this. But how do you play or why do you play De’Aaron Fox and Chris Paul together? They’re two 63 guys. Aren’t you aren’t you a small back court that way? And why would the Spurs do this? And uh I think you have a uh piece coming out um in the Express news and in all the places you can get that including you might want to talk about the text uh thing that they’re doing. But I think you have a you have you have a column about this and I I would like to talk about it because I think it’s important thing for uh for for people to to think about.

I am just stunned at your just out of the blue professionalism, which is so uncharacteristic of you. Like. Well I had a couple that comes really well. Um to you worked in the promo that uh our our great producer Manny Buck wanted me to do about the uh subtext. And subtext just does not mean subtext anymore in the way that I’d learned about it like uh in uh an English class back in decades and decades ago. Subtext is now a thing that Spurs fans can sign up for by texting GSG as in go Spurs go. Text GSG to 210 934 9628 and you get all our stuff that we write about the Spurs sent to you via SMS and some people. What’s that number again? That number again. Text GSG to 210 934 9628. And if you’d have been on the subtext uh the day that we recorded this, you would have got Jeff’s uh alert to Jeff’s flying story about the budding uh synergy, the budding uh uh relationship on court uh chemistry between De’Aaron Fox and Victor Wenyama. You would have got also a text, I think about a a column that I honestly, I’m I’m all this sounds disingenuous, but I sincerely enjoyed doing the Chris Paul column which I hope people read because uh I like Chris a lot. I think we all like Chris a lot just he’s he’s an he’s an adult in the room. Uh he tells you what you think, what he thinks. Um, and had a chance to have a one-on-one with him for a while in Washington. Basically asking why are you still here? Uh covering the topic of why the Spurs are starting you? Why do you want to start next to De’Aaron Fox? Why do the Spurs want him starting next to De’Aaron Fox? And it’s sort of fascinating. And um, as Jeff said it’s it’s it’s it’s worth a larger discussion because Chris Paul signed in San Antonio last summer basically because they were the one team that guaranteed him a starting spot. Um, he wanted to hoop as he said over and over again. Uh, he was intrigued by Wby, uh, intrigued by playing for Pop, all that type of stuff. Uh, but it was basically about the opportunity. And over the past three months, he’s been a huge, huge part. Even the people who are screaming out there that Chris Paul should be benched, I think everyone who’s watched this team acknowledges how big of an impact that that little dude has had on the roster so far. Uh in so many ways, like not only in unleashing Wby, but in just like his his confidence, his belief is it it it it it’s contagious. Uh the other guys he makes other dudes believe. If you’ve enjoyed watching Stefan Castle this year, like Chris Paul has a huge role in that. Those two are are are joined at the hip in the locker room. Chris Paul loves his he calls him monk. Um, and so the the the point is like Chris Paul has had an impact that the Spurs hope continues. And yes, they traded for their point guard of the future. And yes, Chris Paul is probably going to be gone before he competes before the Spurs compete for another title, but they can still get more out of him. And the and the the Chris Paul side of it is, he’s he did not he told me he did not go to the Spurs at all. He did not mention, he did not even dream of mentioning the idea of sending him off to a contender at the deadline. Now that he’s kind of built himself up again, you know he’s played in every game. Uh he’s basically been an Iron Man. Uh I’m sure a contender would would take him, would find use for him if if uh if that was possible. But he didn’t ask for that. He didn’t ask like name the names, Jeff. LeMarcus Aldridge, Rudy Gay. Um how many guys recently have uh Pao Gasol, maybe. How many guys recently have the Spurs kind of either waved or traded or allowed to move on to teams that will allow them to chase a ring. Um, they would have gladly done that. Um, he makes Chris Paul makes about the same salary in the last year of his deal as Trey Jones did. Um, he could have they could have easily sent off Chris Paul in uh in the De’Aaron Fox trade, hung on to Trey Jones who would have been happy backing up um De’Aaron Fox. They wouldn’t have had to mess with much in that regard. They wanted to keep Chris Paul around in large part because Chris Paul wanted to be around and I think this may make me sound um I don’t know, idealistic or whatever. like uh people are screaming but what about the X’s and O’s? What about the the what their their shortcomings as a duo. But I I think that having that guy want to be around and continue to make the impact that he does in huddles, in the locker room, uh during games. Like that’s worth it. And it’s not just that they’re doing a favor to Chris Paul. They’re doing a favor of themselves by keeping him around, by keeping that voice. Um, Jeff’s Jeff’s talked to a lot of people around the team. Go ahead and tell you know there’s there’s a lot. the Spurs have guys that they like in the program, guys who are turning into leaders, guys who have a voice, but nobody Jeff has the same substance to that voice that Chris has. I mean the way the way you put it is correct. He I mean he did them a favor by coming here. Now, you could say that that the Spurs did him a favor too by giving him giving him a, you know, a big role, but that was that was the kind of the handshake deal, right? Like so you’re not going to send him to the bench and just almost reneig on that. You’re just not going to do it. I I think if um if this if the goal of the organization this year was we have got to at least getting that play in. Darn it. Like we have got to like not just compete for it. We got to get there and we got to win as many games as humanly possible. I think X’s and O’s well O’s well as you don’t, you don’t um organize your your rotation that way. You don’t start Chris and De’Aaron together. But I don’t think that’s where the Spurs are organizationally. I think they would love to make the play and if they’d luck out and get there, but I don’t think that’s the overriding goal of every decision that they make this year. And so if you’re in that situation, then you’re in a position where you can basically live up to the terms of your handshake agreement with Chris Paul and let him hoop because he’s given you so much as well. And and I would know he didn’t have to just step he didn’t have to come here. I would take it a step further than that and say that having a happy engaged uh Chris Paul actually makes them better than this year. I I think that I think that they’re sacrificing nothing in terms of play in by playing him out there. because because like I I I just think he’s he’s why they were in the play in to begin with. Having that guy involved and engaged and around and and contributing by the way. And he as he told me last night, um, you know, he he he believes he can shoot. He’s always wanted to play off the ball. Um, this is a this is a role that he has always want and he thinks he can be effective there. And you know, be able to to play uh longer and and attack from different areas where he’s not used to attacking because he doesn’t have the ball in his hand the whole time. I I think that, you know, the the the first quarter against Charlotte was horrific and maybe that was because the of the downside of the Chris Paul De’Aaron Fox pairing. But but they got out to just as huge lead last night against Washington, right? with those guys out there. Yeah. Um You know, eventually there will come a point when you you want to see that and and like this is the opposite of the argument we had last week, right? Uh where I was the one saying You you’ve changed your mind. I mean I I I think I’ve been I think I’ve been uh pretty consistent. Yeah, I I I did change my mind on this. I’m glad you’re coming around of it. I see the upside. Basically what I see is there’s no huge downside to it. Because the worst thing you have because there’s known some excess of those things where it hurts them a little bit. I mean it I don’t like huge downside to it. Like take like I don’t think it really costs them games. Like taking Steph Castle out of that starting line up in favor of a smaller guy. It it’s going to hurt you rebounding. It’s going to hurt you defensively. It just is. Like I don’t see any way around around that. But I just don’t I just don’t think it’s. Well I think it’s changed stuff I’m castlewise though, by the way. we had so much to get into this week. like he I think he he might be a rookie of the year contender again, leader. Yeah. He’s he’s played really well off the bench. Yeah. Did he scored? Yeah we changing gears here? We we changing gears to Steph Castle now? Is that what we’re doing? Yeah, why not? Oh okay, sure. You know. I just want to say about I just before before we wrap up the Chris discussion, they just don’t have another person and maybe maybe this is obvious. They don’t have another person on the roster like him with his to use the word of the day gravita to what’s the word that De’Aaron Fox you substance? Everything he says is substance. Um, you know, if you go if you go down to like a like a huddle during a timeout like the Spurs don’t have a guy before Chris, without Chris, they don’t have a guy that’s really going to talk at all. Like they have a lot of quiet guys. Um, even Harrison Barnes who’s a great leader is more of a a lead by example guy. Chris is the only guy that’s going to going to talk and almost almost almost to the point like I’ve heard like sometimes like the timeout ends before Mitch gets to talk sometimes. Right? Because because Chris yeah has gone on so long. And and if you talk to the people around the team like this group needed that and still needs that. Like needs that guy. And you know, he’s going to be gone one day and hopefully someone else can take up the mantle. But until that day like the Spurs want to lean on that. Um, very much. Like he he I I don’t think it’s a I don’t think it’s like there are a million reasons the Spur like the Spurs won their 23rd game last night. I don’t I don’t know that’s not something we’re celebrating, but they haven’t won a 23rd game in a season in three years. like three calendar years. So the reason if there’s any reason they are have taken a step this year, I mean there’s many reasons, but Chris Paul’s way at the top of that list. Just him being in that locker room, being around, showing people how it’s done and not just telling people how it’s done but being on the floor and showing people how it’s done. That’s a huge reason that that if they’ve made any kind of progress and they have. Like he’s a huge reason for it. Yep. This the seating chart in the uh home locker room is significant too in this discussion. Chris Chris next to uh Step on. Yeah. That’s no you know, that didn’t happen by happen stance, you know. Well, yeah, nothing with this team happens by happen stance. Right. It’s all very manicured. Yeah. Well that’s that’s the other thing and I I made this point in the in the column that that anyone who thinks that this is just like a Mitch Johnson Willilly decision that he decided after they made this trade and that it would be different if Greg Popovich is coaching or what have you. like, do you think that any? Sure, yes. The the head coach fills out the lineup card. Yeah it’s it’s a Mitch Johnson decision. But what in the past quarter century of following this organization leads you to believe that they make that any decision like that is made just off the cuff and that the whole organization isn’t involved in taking this and probably been thinking about it for a long time leading up to the trade that they made, all that type of stuff. Like it’s not just it’s not just Mitch Johnson going rogue here. It’s uh That that that seems really naive Tom. I had I had someone I guess it’s not tweet at you Blue sky at you, whatever it is last night. Uh. On Blue sky. This would never yeah, this Blue sky. Uh this would never happen if Pop was here. I’m like, are you kidding me? It most definitely would. Yes. Like most definitely. Most like like even more so like if more so than it is now. like it would like 100 million times more. Right. Well I’m not 100% sure that that like I don’t know if we’re even going to talk about this, but I I don’t I’m not sure exactly how much input Pop is having right now. But I was just going to say we haven’t surprised the listeners lately, but but Mitch does talk to Pop every day. That’s what he says. Close to it. Yeah. Yeah. So I I I Which is an encouraging sign. I don’t I don’t think this this is like uh, you know, like you said going rogue. I think if if anything Pop is on board with this and might even be behind it. Yeah. You know. Um, Tom has a big weekend. We’re we Jeff and I are still on the East Coast. Hopefully we can get back uh. Wait are we not going to talk about Bimbo? We got a new player. You you have 12 seconds on Bimbo. I’m he hasn’t played yet. I’ll tell you what. When he plays, then we can talk about him. How’s that? Okay. Okay. Um, When he gets a rebound, we’ll talk about it. When we get uh Jeff and I hopefully get back and beat another winter storm, but Thomas Tom has a really big weekend of Spurs action in the Bay area, in San Francisco and in Oakland where there’s some events. Like I I was thinking about like Victor Wenyama made his first All Star team. Uh he’s going to be in the skills challenge with Chris Paul. Uh, but Stefan can play all three nights, right, Tom? Yes. Like like he’s in the he’s in the rookie game. He’s in the slam dunk contest. Yes. And if his team in the rookie game wins, he they’ll be he’ll be part of an All-star the All-Star tournament. I take Dig for him. Yeah, I I think you know that middle one you mentioned is the one there the organization and him are anticipating the most that the dunk contest. I mean, Jeff can attest to this. It’s there’s been more secrecy around his uh his lineup for for the dunk contest what he’s going to do than you know, the invasion of Normandy. I mean, it’s been it’s been hush hush. you know, anyone that sees or gleans anything from uh from uh the practices or or sworn to secrecy. Uh, you know, I got I got strong armed in uh LA by none other than the Uncle himself, Chris Paul. I witnessed, I witnessed one of those dunks and Chris Paul said, now don’t you go printing that. So, you know, there’s a lot of secrecy around that, but Castle is I mean he’s really excited about it.

What what would you print that that he dunked? Yeah, right, right. What he did, how he did it. Yeah, that’s right. That was like the road trip that Tom and I were on a couple of last year when the when we were sworn to secrecy about Victor Wenyama’s new shoes that Tom and I would have never noticed in a million years. Like you had the right two reporters there if you wanted to hide like a new sneaker release, same thing with the. Well the story out of that dunk in LA was that he soared over Wby with Chris Paul on Wby’s shoulders, but I didn’t want to buy. while while cooking an entire roasted chicken. Exactly. Uh, here’s what I’m looking here’s like legitimately what I’m looking forward to All Star weekend is how Wby approaches it. Uhhuh. Because we were even talking to him about this last night like this stuff where they don’t really play and they just kind of fart around and they give up dunks. Like Wby’s not really into that is what he said. Like uh he the the gist of the what he said is like um if that’s what they want to do, like I’m going to be the guy that shows the contrast. I’m going to be the guy diving for loose balls and and I was just like and hustling and just trying too hard and I was thinking, do the Spurs know this? Like I’m going to ask Mitch, are you all cool with Wby uh diving for loose balls in the All-star game? It’s but anyway, hor but he could be the guy that saves the All-Star game for out. It gimmicks that’s going to be so funny if everyone else is half assing it like they always do and Wby gets like 27 blocks. But you know NBA players. You know you know athletes in general just competitors. If there’s one guy trying then the instinct is to like go back at that guy and maybe it just takes one guy trying for it all to be fixed. I wouldn’t count on it. But I think it’s a possibility. That could be fun. Like uh in the middle of that discussion last night, I asked him, so you’re saying that you’re going to play defense in the All Star game? And he looked at me with a look like I was asking him like you’re say you’re going to breathe oxygen. Like of course, you idiot. Why would you ask that question of me? Was kind of the look I got from him. So that’s going to be fun to watch. We’ll see. Yeah, he’s already said he’s not going there to make friends. Wby’s got enough friends. He doesn’t want to make friends out there. That’s like every uh reality like I see virtually top chef or uh I I have not. No. The the any any reality like going back to like temptation Island. I don’t go to their temptation Island to make the golden Bachelor. I don’t go to the golden Bachelor. Uh 30 30 day fiance. to find. Uh-huh. Anyway, that’s that’s Wby. Do I have to do the the frivolous thing Tom since that we promised earlier? Oh yeah, yeah, you got to tell the uh Jeremy Sohan story. We got to do that. Speaking speaking of food real quick, tip for Boston. you guys were talking about that before the show, but if you go out to eat tonight Italian restaurant in the North end, skip the cannoli, skip the and ask the waiter waitress for Ricata pie. I’m telling you, you won’t you won’t regret it. Ricata pie. Thanks. All right. Tom Tom you were uh you were observing this the other night we were about to talk about and you couldn’t I guess vouch for the fact that I did not make this up. No. But um, well, uh listeners of this show might be surprised to know that the uh uh swaggering uh just uh verbacious uh man of the world host might not be the most stylish individual on the planet. Um, I know that might come as a shock. But uh, you know, I I think your the official your your your uh attire has been described as corn pone. Corn pone Chic. It might you know when how and TNT and ESPN they they they do the they have the fit cam for the for the players walking in. Like they the the cameraman actually turn their backs when the uh columnist from the San Antonio Express News walks down the hallway. They just don’t want they don’t want that on camera. And I understand why. Anyway, uh we’re waiting after the Charlotte game um for uh Victor Wema to speak at his locker. Meanwhile, Jeremy Sohan wonderfulble young fella uh is uh is putting on a pair of boots that I just assumed um cost more than my car. like they like it’s they’re like leather suede. There’s like a cut out for the big toe or there’s an indentation there. It’s it’s it’s they’re nothing like I’ve ever seen before but I he he told me the name of the designer and it was Italian and I I’m sorry I