[PtR] 马刺再遭心碎失利,不敌魔术 ▶️

By Zachary Colwell | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-02-09 11:40:00




对于圣安东尼奥马刺来说,这又是一个令人沮丧的夜晚。在背靠背的第二个夜晚,他们眼睁睁地看着领先优势在最后时刻溜走,最终以 112-111 惜败于奥兰多魔术。

在周五晚上于夏洛特糟糕的投篮表现之后,马刺队的三分球开局火热,其中哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes)在首节就命中了创队史纪录的 6 记三分球。圣安东尼奥创造出空位投篮的机会的效率非常高,以至于魔术队主教练贾马尔·莫斯利(Jamahl Mosley)不得不在开场几分钟就叫暂停,给他的球队进行一番训话。德埃隆·福克斯(De’Aaron Fox)对球队的影响在比赛初期就很明显,当他冲击篮筐并迫使对方防守收缩时,这一点就清晰可见。这也是巴恩斯在前 12 分钟能够命中如此多三分球的重要原因,因为他的大多数出手都是空位。尽管马刺队在进攻端取得了很大的成功,但在球场的另一端情况却截然不同。马刺在内线的身高不足在防守端伤害了他们,一旦魔术队派出一套超大阵容,他们就打出一波 11-0 的攻势,并以 32-30 领先进入第二节。

幸运的是,马刺队火热的投篮状态延续到了第二节,这帮助他们取得了多次球权的领先优势。对于魔术队来说,这一节完全属于弗朗茨·瓦格纳(Franz Wagner)。当他们的另一位球星保罗·班凯罗(Paolo Banchero)陷入挣扎时,这位德国本土球员正在伤害马刺队,他冲击马刺队内线身高不足的问题,并且如果圣安东尼奥的防守者在掩护时选择绕过,他就会在外线惩罚他们。尽管客队的小个阵容在防守端被对手打爆,但他们在进攻端继续取得成功,这让他们以 60-57 领先进入下半场。

在周五晚上对阵夏洛特的比赛中表现出色的下半场之后,德文·瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell)带着一些动力进入了这场比赛,他打得自信而富有侵略性,这是我们最近不太常见到的。而维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)则遇到了相反的问题,他找不到投篮感觉。然而,文班在第三节改变了他的方法,开始冲击篮筐并获得了一些罚球机会。银黑军团的这一节完全是关于积极主动并在篮筐附近打出表现,第三节以斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)和凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)的 2+1 进球结束。马刺队将带着 88-81 的领先优势进入最后的 12 分钟。

第四节开始是卡斯尔的接管时刻,这位来自 UConn 的新秀几次令人印象深刻的突破上篮。圣安东尼奥没能扩大他们的领先优势,因为魔术队的瓦格纳一心想要阻止他的球队输球。在比赛最后几分钟两队互有攻守之后,马刺队在比赛还剩不到 90 秒时领先 1 分。班凯罗命中了一个后撤步跳投,随后文班用他在罚球线附近的跳投回应。然后在一次有争议的暂停判罚后,奥兰多从暂停中恢复过来,班凯罗再次命中一个跳投,让主队在比赛还剩 24 秒时以 1 分的优势重新领先。在最后一次进攻中,马刺队在福克斯和文班之间跑了一个挡拆战术,他们让身材矮小的后卫换防到文班身上,当时文班在三分线内持球。在还剩不到 5 秒时,文班在防守者头上拔起跳投,但他的投篮偏离了目标,奥兰多队以 112-111 险胜,而对于马刺队来说,这是他们连续第二个令人心碎的失利。




— 圣安东尼奥马刺 (@ spurs) 2025 年 2 月 9 日


  • 让我们谈谈维克托: 是的,他生病了。是的,他精疲力竭了。是的,他的身体状况还没有恢复,但过去几周对于文班来说是艰难的。如果你不看比赛,只看数据,你可能会认为一切都很好,但事实并非如此,马刺队正在因此输掉比赛。文班的防守远不如 2025 年初对阵掘金队背靠背比赛之前的水平。他看起来很疲惫,马刺队的对手也看到了这一点,因为对方球员不再像我们过去习惯看到的那样害怕冲击篮筐。在进攻端,由于精力不足,他选择了过多的跳投,并且由于他的腿部力量不足,很多投篮都偏短。他需要休息来恢复健康,但在全明星周末期间他不会得到太多的休息,因为他将成为庆祝活动的重要组成部分,所以最好在那之前给他几天休息时间,让他错过对阵华盛顿和波士顿的比赛。然后希望在全明星赛后,我们能够看到本赛季迄今为止 90% 的时间里我们所看到的那个前十球员。
  • 让我们谈谈 CP3: 克里斯应该因马刺队本赛季的进步而受到赞扬。他一直是一位真正的职业球员,这位未来的名人堂成员肯定在这支年轻的球队中留下了自己的印记,但现在银黑军团拥有了福克斯。这两人根本不能同时上场。马刺队的阵容太小了,在篮板球上被对手打爆,而且球队还在防守端针对保罗。39 岁的他已经无法应付每晚 30 分钟的出场时间了。考虑到斯蒂芬·卡斯尔的进步以及他与福克斯搭档的潜在适配性,以及两人都是马刺队未来的重要组成部分,现在是时候做出改变,让 CP3 替补出场了。如果 CP 不愿意,那也没关系,考虑到他在夏天与球队签约时很可能被承诺了一个首发位置。感谢他,然后解雇他,让他去争夺总冠军,并继续围绕你的核心球员进行建设,在未来几年当你重返季后赛时建立化学反应。
  • 马刺队本场最佳球员: 德文·瓦塞尔;25 分(14 投 11 中,三分球 4 投 3 中),3 次助攻,2 个篮板和 0 次失误,出场 33 分钟。


在全明星赛前的倒数第二场比赛中,马刺队将对阵华盛顿奇才队。在本赛季早些时候的首次交锋中,维克托·文班亚马得到了职业生涯最高的 50 分。

点击查看原文:Spurs lose another heartbreaker as they fall to the Magic

Spurs lose another heartbreaker as they fall to the Magic

NBA: San Antonio Spurs at Orlando Magic

Back-to-back nights, back-to-back one point losses

It was another night of frustration for the San Antonio Spurs after they let a late lead slip in the final seconds as they fell to the Orlando Magic 112-111 on the second night of a back-to-back.

After a poor shooting game on Friday night in Charlotte, the Spurs started red-hot from three, including a franchise-high six three pointers in the opening frame by Harrison Barnes. San Antonio were creating open looks at such a high rate that Magic Head Coach, Jamahl Mosley had to call a timeout in the opening few minutes to deliver some choice words to his team. De’Aaron Fox’s impact on this team was evident early and can be seen clearly when he is attacking the hoop and forcing the defense to collapse. That was a big reason for why HB was able to hit so many triples in the first twelve minutes as he was wide open for the majority of the attempts. As much success as the Silver & Black was having on offense, it was a different equation on the other side of the floor. The Spurs lack of size on the interior was hurting them on defense and once the Magic brought a super-size lineup into the game they went on an 11-0 run and took a 32-30 lead into the second frame.

Fortunately, the Spurs hot shooting start continued into the second which helped them take a multi-possession lead. For the Magic, this was the quarter all about Franz Wagner. With their other star Paolo Banchero struggling it was the German native that was hurting the Spurs, attacking their lack of size inside the paint and then punishing the San Antonio defenders from outside the arc if they went under on the screens. Even though the visitors small lineup was getting cooked on defense they were continuing to have success of offense which boosted them to a 60-57 lead at the half.

After a good second-half against Charlotte on Friday night, Devin Vassell came into this contest with some momentum and he was playing with confidence and aggressiveness that we just haven’t seen enough of lately. While, Victor Wembanyama was having the opposite problem, as he couldn’t find his shot to go down. Wemby did however change his approach in the third quarter and started attacking the bucket and drawing a couple of free throws. This quarter for the Silver & Black was all about being aggressive and making plays at the rim and the third frame ended with and-one plays by both Stephon Castle and Keldon Johnson. The Spurs would go into the final twelve minutes with a 88-81 lead.

It was a Castle takeover to start the fourth with some impressive drives to the rim by the rookie out of UConn. San Antonio weren’t able to extend their lead due to the play of Franz Wagner for the Magic who was hellbent on not letting his team lose. Then after both teams went shot-for-shot in the final few minutes of the game, the Spurs were up one with under ninety seconds to play. Banchero hit a pull-up jumper before Wemby responded with his own mid-range j from the free throw line. Then after a controversial timeout call that Orlando got given they came out of the huddle and it was Paolo who nailed another jumper to put the home team back up by one with twenty-four seconds left on the shot-clock. On the final possession, the Spurs ran a PnR between Fox and Wemby where they got the smaller guard switched onto Vic who had the ball just inside the three-point arc. With under five seconds left, Wemby rose above the defender but his shot was off the mark and Orlando escaped with a 112-111 win and for the Spurs it was their second heartbreaking loss in as many nights.

Play of the game

Seemingly a highlight play every night for the rookie:

NASTY. pic.twitter.com/nwS2TDu67t

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) February 9, 2025

Game notes

  • Let’s talk about Victor: Yes, his sick. Yes, his gassed. Yes, his conditioning just isn’t back yet, but the last few weeks has been rough for Wemby. If you don’t follow the games and just look at the numbers you would think everything is just fine, but it’s not and the Spurs are losing games because of it. Vic’s defense is not anywhere close to where it was prior to the Nuggets back-to-back at the beginning of 2025. He looks gassed, and the Spurs opponents see it too, because opposing players are not afraid to attack the rim as much anymore like we have been use to seeing. Offensively, with little energy he is settling for way too many jumpers and because he doesn’t have his legs underneath him, a lot of them are short. He needs a break to get back to feeling healthy and he won’t get much of that during All-Star weekend as he will be a big part of the festivities, so it may be best to give him a few days before then and let him miss the Washington and Boston games. Then hopefully after the All-Star break we see the Top-10 player that we have watched for 90% of the season so far.
  • Let’s talk about CP3: Chris should get a lot of credit for the Spurs improvement this season. He has been a true pro’s pro and the future hall of famer has certainly left his mark on this young ball club, but now the Silver & Black have De’Aaron Fox. The two can simply not play together. The Spurs are just too small and are getting destroyed on the glass and teams are hunting Paul defensively. At 39-years-old he just can’t keep up anymore playing thirty minutes a night. With Stephon Castle’s improvement and hypothetical fit next to Fox and the fact those two are big parts of the future for the Spurs, it’s time to make the change and have CP3 come off the bench. If CP doesn’t want too, that’s fine and fair, considering he was most likely promised a starting role when he signed with the franchise in the summer. Thank him and then release him, let him go compete for a ring and continue building around your core pieces to build chemistry for the next few years when you will be back in the playoffs.
  • Spurs player of the game: Devin Vassell; 25 points (11/14, 3/4), 3 assists, 2 rebounds and 0 turnovers in 33 minutes.

Next game: @ Washington on Monday

In the Spurs penultimate game before the All-Star break they take on the Washington Wizards. In the reverse matchup earlier this season, Victor Wembanyama scored a career-high 50 points.

By Zachary Colwell, via Pounding The Rock