By Jeje Gomez | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-02-08 12:15:43
马刺队在客场挑战夏洛特黄蜂队的比赛中遭受了一场痛苦的失利。糟糕的开局让圣安东尼奥的处境变得异常艰难,尽管整体表现令人失望,但他们仍然有机会在最后时刻偷走胜利。不幸的是,德阿隆·福克斯(De’Aaron Fox)本可以绝杀的投篮慢了一步,黄蜂队以 117-116 获胜。
比赛的开局就定下了基调,这对马刺队来说可不是什么好兆头。他们一开始就试图让维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)参与进来,这在理论上是个好主意,但却导致了进攻的停滞。三分球不进也无助于圣安东尼奥的进攻。与此同时,黄蜂队则在松懈的外线防守上大快朵颐,进入到他们擅长的抛投区域,在那里他们可以轻松投篮,而不必面对文班亚马的篮筐保护。主队迅速建立起领先优势,当替补队员上场时,领先优势只会越来越大。圣安东尼奥的第二阵容表现得十分马虎,缺乏篮筐保护,因为杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)再次被安排担任替补中锋。一旦文班亚马回来,防守就有所改善,但不足以控制比赛。第一节结束后,夏洛特领先 12 分。
第二节开始,黄蜂队的三分球不断命中,而马刺队的进攻仍然显得停滞不前。他们所取得的每一个得分都是个人努力的结果,而不是团队执行力的体现。德阿隆·福克斯为马刺队提供了他们所需要的果断性,以在内线得分或在外线获得空位投篮的机会,面对的是一个不够协调,无法连续完成多次轮换的黄蜂队防守。不幸的是,马刺队的防守也在苦苦挣扎,即使是基本的任务也无法完成,无法阻止对手的得分。射手贡献甚微、尚未完全恢复健康的文班亚马,以及一支在各方面都比对手更拼命的火热的黄蜂队,这些因素共同阻止了马刺队打出一波高潮。圣安东尼奥很幸运,在中场休息时只落后 12 分。
他们差点就成功了,尽管在第四节开始时还落后 11 分,这既令人鼓舞,因为它表明他们还有另一档变速,也令人担忧,因为它表明他们缺乏格雷格·波波维奇过去所说的对对手的“适当的恐惧”。黄蜂队最初通过抢夺进攻篮板和及时得分来阻止任何高潮的出现,但德文·瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell)开始活跃起来,在攻防两端都有所表现,而斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)、索汉和福克斯则继续表现出色。圣安东尼奥不断缩小分差,直到比赛还剩三分钟时,分差只剩下 1 分。德阿隆·福克斯接管了比赛,为马刺队拿下了最后的 6 分,并在比赛还剩 8 秒时取得了领先。不幸的是,在接下来的回合中,防守出现崩溃,黄蜂队得到了一次空位三分的机会,并命中了。福克斯差点用最后一秒的投篮为马刺队带来一场完全不应得的胜利,但为时已晚,夏洛特队获胜。
一定要观看 NBA 联赛通行证上所有 2024-25 赛季的 NBA 比赛 #NBAHighlights— NBA Indonesia (@ NBA_Indonesia) February 8, 2025
- 文班亚马得到 16 分、11 个篮板、3 次助攻和 5 次盖帽,但不要被数据蒙蔽了双眼:这是他职业生涯中最糟糕的比赛之一。他的九个三分球投丢了八个,并且在很长一段时间内看起来疲惫不堪,注意力不集中。他可能仍然受到影响他的疾病或过敏的影响,但马刺队需要他们的超级明星付出更多。
- 斯蒂芬·卡斯尔替补出场得到职业生涯最高的 33 分,而且他只用了 15 次投篮就达到了这个目标。三分球不断命中,突破恰到好处,并且他可以随意走上罚球线。不幸的是,他在底角过度协防,导致黄蜂队命中了制胜球,但这对于这位新秀来说是一场伟大的比赛,他可以犯错。
- 众所周知,福克斯是第四节的杀手。试图完成的压哨绝杀晚了,但这仍然是一个令人印象深刻的投篮。
福克斯命中了制胜球… 但不算数
@ hornets 赢得了一场精彩的胜利!— NBA TV (@ NBATV) February 8, 2025
- 马刺队的三分球命中率只有 31%。文班是最大的罪魁祸首之一,但哈里森·巴恩斯、朱利安·尚帕尼和凯尔登·约翰逊合计 9 投 0 中。这些球员在进攻端的一个重要作用是命中接球投篮三分。当他们不这样做时,球队就会受到影响。与此相关的是,约翰逊本赛季的三分球命中率为 30%,他需要尽快找到手感,否则他会发现自己上场时间会减少到 20 分钟以下。
- 杰里米·索汉替补出场表现出色,再次在文班不在场时担任替补中锋,并在他们同场时防守对方最好的得分手。由于尚帕尼和约翰逊都不是决定性因素,卡斯尔和索汉不得不挺身而出,在替补席上提供得分和防守,并且做到了。
- 克里斯·保罗本赛季在防守端一直是被针对的目标,无论马刺队多么努力地隐藏他,但看到这种情况不断地发生在对阵黄蜂队的比赛中,令人感到痛苦。保罗带来了很多东西,但在这一点上可能不应该结束比赛。米奇·约翰逊过去曾在关键时刻将他放在替补席上,因此很难理解为什么他会在一场圣安东尼奥在身体对抗方面苦苦挣扎的比赛中上场结束比赛。
点击查看原文:De’Aaron Fox’s clutch brilliance almost saves Spurs from deserved loss to the Hornets
De’Aaron Fox’s clutch brilliance almost saves Spurs from deserved loss to the Hornets
The Spurs came out flat and dug themselves into a double-digit hole. They came close to completing the comeback but Fox’s would-be game-winner was late.
The Spurs suffered a painful loss on their visit to Charlotte. A terrible start made things unnecessarily hard for San Antonio, which still had an opportunity to steal it in the final possession despite a disappointing overall performance. Unfortunately, De’Aaron Fox’s would-be game-winner was late and the Hornets won 117-116.
The start of the game set the tone and it wasn’t a good one for the Spurs. They were going to Victor Wembanyama early, which was a good idea in theory but led to a stagnant offense. The threes not falling didn’t help San Antonio on that end, either. The Hornets, meanwhile, were feasting on a soft perimeter defense and getting into floater range, where they took open close shots without having to deal with Wembanyama’s rim protection. The home team quickly built a lead that only got bigger when the benches checked in. San Antonio’s second unit was sloppy and lacked rim protection, as Jeremy Sochan was once again tasked with backup center minutes. Once Wemby returned the defense improved but not enough to take control of the game. After one, Charlotte was up 12.
The threes were falling for the Hornets to start the second while the Spurs’ offense continued to look stagnant. Everything they got was done by an individual effort and not team execution. De’Aaron Fox provided the Spurs with the decisiveness they needed to get buckets inside or open looks in the perimeter against a Hornets defense that was not coordinated enough to nail several rotations in a row. Unfortunately, the Spurs’ defense was also struggling even with basic tasks and couldn’t get stops. The combination of little to no contributions from the shooters, a still not 100 percent healthy Wembanyama and a hot Hornets team that was out-hustling their opponent in every way prevented a big run. San Antonio was lucky to only be down 12 at the break.
After the game, Mitch Johnson called the lack of physicality “very disappointing,” and the inconsistent effort he was referring to was there in the third quarter. The Spurs got going on offense with Fox and Wembanyama creating for others and Chris Paul hitting a couple of shots, but defensively, San Antonio either didn’t get stops or allowed offensive boards which gave Charlotte second opportunities. The Hornets are a bad team, but they were not going to beat themselves, which is what it seemed the Silver and Black were hoping for. There were stretches of energetic play, normally spearheaded by Jeremy Sochan, but in general, the Spurs seemed content to stay within striking distance, likely believing they were going to be able to flip the switch in the final frame.
They almost pulled it off despite trailing by 11 to start the fourth quarter, which is both encouraging in that it signals they have another gear and concerning because it shows they lack what Gregg Popovich used to call “appropriate fear” for opponents. The Hornets were initially holding off any big runs with offensive boards and timely buckets, but Devin Vassell came alive, making plays on both ends, while Castle, Sochan and Fox continued to do good work. San Antonio chipped away at the deficit until it was just one point with three minutes to go. De’Aaron Fox took over, scoring the last six points for the Spurs, which grabbed the lead with eight seconds to go. Unfortunately, there was a defensive breakdown in the next play and the Hornets got an open three to fall. Fox almost gave the Silver and Black a wholly undeserved win with a last-second shot, but it was too late and Charlotte prevailed.
Play of the game
Devin Vassell had a horrendous first half but was in attack mode in the second and energized the team with his play and this nasty dunk to end the third quarter.
Devin Vassell, what a dunk
Pastikan untuk tonton semua pertandingan NBA Season 2024-25 di NBA League Pass #NBAHighlights— NBA Indonesia (@ NBA_Indonesia) February 8, 2025
Game notes
- Wembanyama had 16 points, 11 rebounds, three assists and five blocks, but don’t let the stat line fool you: he had one of the worst games of his career. He missed eight of his nine threes and looked gassed and unfocused for long stretches. He’s likely still suffering from whatever illness or allergies are affecting him but the Spurs need more from their superstar.
- Stephon Castle had a career-high 33 points off the bench and he only needed 15 shots to get there. The threes were falling, the drives were on point and he got to the line at will. It’s unfortunate he overhelped from the corner, leading to the Hornets’ game-winner, but it was a great game from the rookie, who is allowed to make mistakes.
- Fox is a killer in the fourth quarter, as everyone knows. The attempted buzzer-beater was late, but it was still an impressive shot.
What a win for the @ hornets!— NBA TV (@ NBATV) February 8, 2025
- The Spurs shot 31 percent on threes. Wemby was one of the biggest culprits but Harrison Barnes, Julian Champagnie and Keldon Johnson combined to go 0-for-9 from beyond the arc. A huge part of those guys’ role on offense is to make catch-and-shoot threes. When they don’t, the team suffers. On a related note, Johnson, shooting 30 percent from outside for the season, needs to find his stroke quickly, or he’ll find himself playing under 20 minutes more often.
- Jeremy Sochan was great off the bench, once again playing backup center when Wemby was not on the floor and guarding the opponent’s best scorer when they shared the court. With Champagnie and Johnson being non-factors, Castle and Sochan had to step up to provide scoring and defense off the bench, and delivered.
- Chris Paul has been targetted all season on defense, no matter how much the Spurs have tried to hide him, but it was painful to watch it happen constantly against the Hornets. Paul brings a lot to the table but at this point probably shouldn’t close games. Mitch Johnson has left him on the bench in crunch time in the past, so it’s hard to understand why he was out there to finish a game in which San Antonio was struggling with physicality.
Next game: Vs. Orlando Magic on Saturday
The Spurs will fly to Orlando to face the Magic on a SEGABABA. The Magic could get defensive lynchpin Jalen Suggs back and have a lot of talent in the frontcourt.
By Jeje Gomez, via Pounding The Rock