By Jeje Gomez | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-02-06 12:10:56
下半场令人紧张,但对于德阿隆·福克斯(De’Aaron Fox)来说,这看起来会是一场顺风顺水的首秀。这位新援掌控着球权,展现了马刺队为何渴望得到他——通过推进速度和命中一些跳投。圣安东尼奥在开局阶段的问题出现在防守端,特雷·杨(Trae Young)突破并找到最初轮换后的空位射手。一个暂停解决了问题,因为能量和身体对抗性得到了提升,银黑军团开始对一支无法阻止失误的老鹰队拉开显著的领先优势。随着替补球员上场,斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)迎来了闪耀时刻,这位新秀积极地冲击篮筐,要么找到空位队友,要么直接得分。第一节结束后,马刺队以35-25领先10分。
圣安东尼奥在第二节开始继续推进速度,部分原因是抢断,但也因为在进攻端早早发起攻击。他们似乎正在建立一个巨大的比分优势,但部分原因是自满,部分原因是他们缺少一个能够在维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)休息时提供篮筐保护的大个子,所以未能如愿。犯规开始堆积,老鹰队早早进入了奖励状态。尽管如此,马刺队还是成功地阻止了一支仍然松散的亚特兰大队打出任何大的攻势,但由于文班亚马陷入犯规困境,领先优势似乎会在中场休息前缩小。幸运的是,极具破坏力的防守及时回归,压制住了老鹰队,带来了一些令人印象深刻的精彩瞬间和一些急需的轻松得分。进入更衣室时,圣安东尼奥领先18分。
一个出色的上半场,紧随其后的是一个糟糕的第三节,这主要由自作孽造成?马刺队对这个剧本很熟悉,并遵循它将一场潜在的血洗变成了一场惊险的比赛。最初,圣安东尼奥似乎满足于仅仅和老鹰队互换得分,让老鹰队进入了节奏。然后,失误,尤其是在转换防守中,开始变得更加普遍。文班亚马下场,在接下来的三分钟里,亚特兰大打出了一波15-6的攻势,将领先优势缩小到仅剩5分。幸运的是,马刺队止住了颓势,并在本节结束时表现出色,但到那时,主队看起来充满活力和信心,奥涅卡·奥孔武(Onyeka Okongwu)状态火热,其他人也在帮助特雷·杨分担进攻端的负担。进入最后一节时,亚特兰大仅落后6分。
第四节双方都有亮点时刻,但马刺队从未落后。德文·瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell)在早期和保罗在后期的出色表现帮助圣安东尼奥在关键时刻阻止了亚特兰大的势头。老鹰队让多米尼克·巴洛(Dominick Barlow)提供了出人意料的出色攻防表现,而那些熟悉的名字总是能做出一些举动,为比赛增添悬念。激动人心的一节的顶点是戏剧性的最后一分钟,亚特兰大两次将比分扳平,第二次是在比赛还剩9秒时。文班亚马在接下来的回合中站上罚球线,比赛还剩2秒。文班亚马罚中第一球,并故意罚丢第二球,因为他知道老鹰队已经浪费了他们最后一个暂停,挑战犯规失败了。杨的仓促出手未能命中,马刺队惊险地赢得了比赛。
— Pounding the Rock (@ poundingtherock) February 6, 2025
- 德阿隆·福克斯表现出色,首秀就拿下24分、13次助攻和3次抢断。他在成为主要的控球者和外线得分手以及让其他人闪耀之间找到了平衡。他很少显得格格不入或迷失方向,我们只能假设他与队友在攻防两端的默契会提高,所以这笔交易目前看起来很棒。
- 维克托·文班亚马显然还没有从疾病中完全恢复。即使在状态不佳的情况下,他仍然得到24分、12个篮板和2次助攻。如果马刺队想在积分榜上有所提升,他们需要他恢复到最佳状态,所以希望他能尽快恢复健康。
- 三分球不中,但瓦塞尔在攻防两端看起来都充满信心和活力。在福克斯交易之后,一个担忧是瓦塞尔会过度让步而不是保持积极,但这种情况并没有发生。
- 老将组合保罗和巴恩斯完成了他们的工作。保罗,可能不应该成为福克斯身边的首发,但他赢得了为自己辩护的机会,他分担了控球任务,并选择了自己的得分时机。巴恩斯在他的23分钟里表现稳健,得到13分和6个篮板。
- 朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)和凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)合计只得到8分,只贡献了一个三分球。尚帕尼确实获得了5次抢断,但这两位球员需要命中他们的外线投篮,并在突破对方的封锁时表现出色,但他们没有做到。
- 卡斯尔和杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)在替补席上表现出色。最终他们中的一人可能会首发,但现在让他们在第二阵容中对圣安东尼奥来说是一种很好的奢侈。
- 马刺队拥有老鹰队在即将到来的选秀中的首轮选秀权。如果赛季今天结束,而亚特兰大在附加赛中失利,圣安东尼奥将在乐透抽签中获得第10顺位。
点击查看原文:De’Aaron Fox’s Spurs shine early, narrowly avoid second-half collapse against Hawks
De’Aaron Fox’s Spurs shine early, narrowly avoid second-half collapse against Hawks
Fox had a great performance wearing Silver and Black for the first time but the Spurs almost let the win get away due to familiar issues in the third quarter.
The Spurs almost let a game in which they led by as many as 20 slip away. After a terrible third-quarter San Antonio allowed the Hawks back in it but came through in the clutch to secure a valuable 126-125 win in a nail-biter.
The second half was stressful, but it looked like it would be a smooth debut early on for De’Aaron Fox. The newest addition had the ball in his hands and showed why the Spurs were eager to get him by pushing the pace and hitting some jumpers. San Antonio’s issues in the opening minutes came on the defensive end, where Trae Young was driving and finding open shooters after the initial rotation. A timeout fixed the problem, as the energy and physicality improved and the Silver and Black started to carve out a significant lead against a Hawks team that couldn’t stop turning over the ball. As the benches checked it was Stephon Castle’s time to shine, with the rookie aggressively attacking the rim and either finding open teammates or getting buckets. After one, the Spurs led by 10, 35-25.
San Antonio continued to push the pace to start the second quarter, fueled in part by steals but also attacking early in the offense. They seemed on their way to creating a huge buffer in the scoreboard but partly due to complacency and partly because they lack a big who can offer rim protection when Wembanyama rests, it didn’t happen. The fouls started to pile up and the Hawks got in the bonus early. Through it all the Spurs managed to prevent any big runs by a still sloppy Atlanta team, but with Wembanyama in foul trouble, it seemed like the lead would shrink before the break. Fortunately, the disruptive defense returned in time to keep the Hawks at bay, leading to some impressive highlights and some much-needed easy points. Heading into the locker room, San Antonio was up 18.
A good first half followed by a terrible third quarter largely caused by self-inflicted wounds? The Spurs are familiar with that script and followed it to turn a potential blowout into a nail-biter. Initially, San Antonio seemed content with just trading buckets, allowing the Hawks to get into a rhythm. Then the mistakes, especially in transition defense, started to become more common. Wembanyama went to the bench and over the next three minutes, Atlanta went on a 15-6 run that cut the lead to just five. Luckily the Spurs stopped the bleeding and closed the quarter well but by that point, the home team was looking energized and confident, with a red-hot Onyeka Okongwu leading the way and others also helping Trae Young shoulder the burden on offense. Heading into the final period, Atlanta trailed by just six.
The fourth quarter saw both teams have their moments, but the Spurs never trailed. Good stretches from Vassell early and Paul late helped San Antonio stop Atlanta’s momentum at key points. The Hawks had Dominick Barlow provide some surprisingly good two-way minutes and the familiar names always made a play to add suspense to the proceedings. The culmination of an exciting quarter was a dramatic last minute that had Atlanta tie the game twice, the second time with nine seconds to go. Wembanyama got to the line in the next play, with two seconds to go. Wemby sank the first free throw, and purposefully missed the second knowing the Hawks had wasted their last timeout challenging the foul and failing. Young’s heave didn’t fall, and the Spurs escaped with a close win.
Play of the game
Stephon Castle had a windmill dunk in transition that could have taken this spot, but he actually dunked on someone in this one, so it gets the nod.
It’s the wind-up for me. Vicious dunk!
— Pounding the Rock (@ poundingtherock) February 6, 2025
Game notes
- Fantastic debut for De’Aaron Fox, who finished with 24 points, 13 assists and three steals. He found a balance between being the main ball handler and perimeter scorer and letting others shine. He rarely looked out of place or lost and we can only assume the chemistry with his teammates on both ends will improve, so the trade is looking great right now.
- Victor Wembanyama is clearly still not fully recovered from his illness. Even in a diminished state, he finished with 24 points, 12 rebounds and two assists. The Spurs will need him at full strength if they want to make a push up the standings, so hopefully he’ll get back to full health soon.
- The threes weren’t falling, but Vassell looked confident and energetic on both ends. A concern after the Fox trade was that instead of staying aggressive Vassell would defer too much but it didn’t happen.
- The veteran duo of Paul and Barnes did their job. Paul, who probably shouldn’t be the starter next to Fox but has earned the chance to make a case for himself, shared ball-handling duties and picked his moments as a scorer. Barnes was solid in his 23 minutes, finishing with 13 points and six rebounds.
- Julian Champagnie and Keldon Johnson combined to score just eight points and contributed just one three. Champagnie did get five steals but those two need to hit their outside shots and be effective when attacking closeouts, and they weren’t.
- Castle and Sochan played well off the bench. Eventually one of them will likely start, but having them in the second unit for now is a good luxury for San Antonio to have.
- The Spurs own the rights to the Hawks’ first-round pick in the upcoming draft. If the season ended today and Atlanta lost in the play-in, San Antonio would be getting the 10th pick heading into the lottery.
Next game: vs. Charlotte Hornets on Friday
After a brutal schedule, the Spurs get what should be an easy win as long as they don’t get too complacent.
By Jeje Gomez, via Pounding The Rock