[PtR] 从马刺输给灰熊的比赛中学到了什么 ▶️

By Charlie Thaddeus | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-02-05 03:14:22




我相信我们最不想谈论的就是又一次输给孟菲斯灰熊——尤其是在我们最近沉浸于一连串好消息的情况下。马刺队正在行动。他们正在孤注一掷。可以说,他们正处于竞争的行列中。然而,随着德阿隆·福克斯(De’Aaron Fox)周三在亚特兰大的首秀,这种“竞争”感觉还需要几天时间。这场比赛几乎像是一个事后诸葛亮,而且,嗯,它确实表现出来了。


克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)赛后说:“他们有一个体系,并且他们夜以继日地坚持着……他们加快节奏。每个人都能投篮、传球和运球。他们防守。他们是现在联盟中最顽强的球队之一。”最重要的是,我认为这恰恰说明了灰熊队知道他们是谁。他们的身份可能并不完美,但它已经根深蒂固,以至于无论谁上场,他们都知道该做什么以及对他们的期望是什么。贾·莫兰特(Ja Morant)不必成为这支球队成功的焦点。我的意思是,G.G. 杰克逊(G.G. Jackson)昨晚在圣安东尼奥砍下27分,坦率地说,这感觉像是一场任何人都可能打出的表现。

马刺队还没有做到这一点。现在,他们的身份认同是“让维克托掌控比赛”,然后期待好事发生——考虑到维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)在篮球场上做的事情会让詹姆斯·奈史密斯(James Naismith)说起方言,这可能足以让他们徘徊在0.500的胜率附近——但这几乎达不到其他任何目标。每次我们的球员谈论期望时,他们都不会拐弯抹角。他们想要打有意义的篮球。他们的目标不是附加赛;他们的目标是季后赛。他们正努力进入季后赛,并努力在季后赛中获胜。无论是否合理,这是他们的目标,无论是否合理,他们还没有完全达到目标。






  • 用基本上和我们整个赛季都在使用的相同的阵容打一场比赛,却仍然感觉我们好像缺少了什么,这种感觉确实有点奇怪。我相信这就是昨晚感觉有点不对劲的部分原因。
  • 灰熊队在过去17场对阵马刺队的比赛中赢了16场。这感觉太疯狂了?每个人都在谈论湖人队的例外主义,但我认为马刺队的例外主义在于,我发现这样的统计数据对我个人来说是一种冒犯。这曾经是马刺队对其他球队的连胜纪录,而且,让我告诉你,风水轮流转的滋味可不好受。一点也不好。还记得勇士队在圣安东尼奥基本上有30年都赢不了马刺队吗?我们得回到那个时代。NBA收视率下降的真正原因是马刺队不再掌控联盟了。铭记传奇!
  • 当宣布斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)将参加扣篮大赛时,我有点吃惊。他?我们的人?真的吗?你确定吗?我的意思是,他今年肯定有一些精彩的扣篮,但我不记得他有什么惊天动地的表现。它们只是扎实、有运动能力的扣篮。老实说,在我看来,他们有一种与伦纳德(Kawhi)相似的漫不经心。无论如何,自从宣布以来,我开始多加关注,看看我错过了什么,我的意思是,那里有一些东西。把他的扣篮称为“有运动能力的扣篮”显然是低估了他。他一点也不浮华,但他确实在扣篮中加入了一些自己的特色。他有一种创造力的火花,他明智地控制着它,但是,是的,我看到了潜力。它就在那里。我准备相信。

我的天哪,斯蒂芬·卡斯尔:bangbang: pic.twitter.com/lZFMqMpttj

— 圣安东尼奥马刺 (@ spurs) 2025年2月4日

WWL 季后赛新闻发布会

- 你能想象在赛季中期被交易到另一支球队吗?

  • 哦,你是说,作为一名作家?

*- 当然,比如,如果PTR把我交易到Brew Hoop 换取他们的一名作家和现金对价

  • 是的,我的意思是,这肯定很难。我很难理解,但是,你知道,这就是生意。对吧?这很伤人,但我感谢PTR给我的机会,我会永远珍惜在这里的时光。话虽如此,我很期待在密尔沃基的这个新机会。这是一个新的开始,我知道我有很多东西要证明,但我已经准备好把我的比赛提升到一个新的水平。我在这里尽一切努力为Brew Hoop的成功做出贡献。

- 你知道你并没有真的被交易,对吧?

  • 我只是来专注于篮球的。随着我们开始新的篇章,我会让我的比赛来说话。

- 对我来说,重要的是你要知道什么都没发生。

  • 雄鹿加油!
点击查看原文:What We Learned from the Spurs loss to the Grizzlies

What We Learned from the Spurs loss to the Grizzlies

San Antonio Spurs v Memphis Grizzlies

Grizzlies give the Spurs hype train a moment of pause

I’m sure the last thing we all want to be talking about is another loss to the Memphis Grizzlies — especially with the rash of good news we’ve been feasting on lately. The Spurs are making moves. They’re putting chips in the middle. They’re in the mix, so to speak. However, with De’Aaron Fox making his debut on Wednesday in Atlanta, that “mix” still feels a few days away. This game almost felt like an afterthought, and, well, it kind of showed.

Or maybe it didn’t? I don’t know. It would be easy to write this off as just a schedule loss and move on, but I think the idea that the Grizzlies are a Rubik’s cube the Spurs just can’t seem to solve lately isn’t a problem that’s going away — even with the new additions. It’s not just about their talent level or toughness, nor is it that they have some special game plan that gets deployed when they see Silver & Black on the court. They simply apply pressure thoroughly and relentlessly for 48 minutes, giving no quarter, and when that’s done against a team like the Spurs — known for brief lapses in focus and effort — it proves deadly.

Chris Paul said after the game, “They’ve got a system and they commit to it night in and night out… They push the pace. Everyone can shoot, pass, and dribble. They defend. They’re one of the toughest teams in the league right now.” More than anything, I think that just speaks to the idea that the Grizzlies know who they are. Their identity may not be perfect, but it is set in stone to the point that, regardless of who comes into the game, they know exactly what to do and exactly what’s expected of them. Ja Morant doesn’t have to be the focal point for this team to succeed. I mean, G.G. Jackson lit San Antonio up for 27 points last night, and frankly, it felt like a performance that could’ve come from anywhere.

The Spurs don’t have that yet. Right now, their version of an identity is “Let Victor Cook” and hope good things happen — which might be good enough to sniff around a .500 record, given that Victor Wembanyama is doing things on a basketball court that would make James Naismith start speaking in tongues — but it falls short of almost everything else. Every time one of our players talks about expectations, they don’t mince words. They want to be playing meaningful basketball. They aren’t aiming for the Play-In Tournament; they’re aiming for the Playoffs. They’re trying to get to the playoffs, and they’re trying to win in the playoffs. Reasonable or not, that is their goal, and, reasonable or not, they aren’t quite living up to it yet.

If that’s the standard they want to be held to, then it’s time to start doing the work. This was probably the last year they could’ve gotten away with still sort of figuring it out, bumbling around, and ending up with a lottery pick. Everyone was ready to give them a pass. Shoot, even the Front Office seemed willing to chalk this season up to part of the learning curve. But that’s not how it played out. Victor declared to everyone that he is here for real, and his teammates stepped up and said they wanted the smoke. Well, boys and girls, the smoke is here. The bell is waiting to be answered. The music is ready to be faced. The plate is ready to be stepped to. Other metaphors as well!

Look, I don’t expect the Spurs to win a championship right now. I don’t even really expect them to have all of this fully figured out by the end of the year. I just need them to look at these losses — like the ones to the Grizzlies — and realize that a quick influx of talent isn’t what’s going to put them over the top. They need to know who they are as a team, and they need to know exactly what they’re about.

Then? Well. Then they need to go out and do it for 48 minutes.

Every. Single. Night.


  • It did sort of feel weird to be playing a game with largely the same pieces we’ve been playing with all year but still somehow seem like we were missing something. I’m sure that is part of why last night felt a little off.
  • The Grizzlies have won 16 of their last 17 games against the Spurs. That feels insane?Everyone always talks about Lakers exceptionalism, but I think Spurs exceptionalism is that I find stats like that to be personally offensive. That’s the kind of streak the Spurs used to have against teams and, let me tell you, the shoe does not feel so good on the other foot. Not even one little bit. Remember when the Warriors basically just couldn’t beat the Spurs in San Antonio for like 3 decades? We gotta get back to that. The real reason the NBA ratings are down is because the Spurs aren’t running the league anymore. PRINT THE LEGEND!
  • When it was announced the Stephon Castle was going to be in the dunk contest, I sort of did a double take. Him? Our guy? Really? Are you sure? I mean, he definitely had some good ones this year but I don’t remember thinking he was setting the world on fire with anything. They were just solid, athletic, throw downs. In my head, they had a nonchalance that was vaguely Kawhi-ish if we’re being honest. Anyway, since the announcement, I’ve started to pay a little more attention to see what I missed and, I mean, there’s something there. To call his dunks “athletic throw downs” is, obviously, selling him quite short. He’s not flashy by any means, but he puts a little stink on them. He’s got a spark of creativity that he wisely keeps in check but, yea, I see the potential. It’s there. I’m ready to believe.

OH MY GOODNESS STEPH CASTLE​:bangbang: pic.twitter.com/lZFMqMpttj

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) February 4, 2025

WWL Post Season Press Conference

- Can you imagine being traded to another team midseason?

  • Oh, you mean, like as a writer?

- Sure, like, if PTR were to trade me to Brew Hoop for one of their writers and cash considerations

  • Yea I mean, that’d be tough for sure. I’d have a hard time wrapping my mind around it but, you know, this is a business. Yea? It hurts, but I’m grateful for the opportunity that PTR gave me and I’ll always cherish my time here. That said, I’m looking forward to this new opportunity with Milwaukee. It’s a fresh start and, I know I’ve got a lot to prove, but I’m ready to bring my game to a new level. I’m here to do whatever it takes to contribute to Brew Hoop’s success.

- You know you didn’t actually get traded right?

  • I’m just here to focus on basketball. I’m going let my game speak for itself as we start this new chapter.

- It’s important for me to know that you know that nothing has happened.

  • Go Bucks!

By Charlie Thaddeus, via Pounding The Rock