By Jacob Douglas | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-02-04 12:59:00
失误和糟糕的投篮拖垮了马刺,但 reinforcements reinforcements are on the way.
对于圣安东尼奥马刺来说,这是相当忙碌的一周,而现在才到周一。当他们踏上牛仔竞技客场之旅,在对阵孟菲斯灰熊的首场比赛中,这种压力似乎一直笼罩着这支银黑军团。马刺的客场之旅开局不利,他们在以109-128的比分输掉比赛的过程中,失误频频,投篮命中率也十分低迷。但他们不应该垂头丧气太久,因为新近获得的控球后卫德阿隆·福克斯(De’Aaron Fox)即将到来。
由于一位靠近球场的球迷突发疾病,比赛延迟了近一个小时,医护人员对其进行了紧急救治。两队开局都显得有些迟缓。灰熊和马刺在比赛开始的几分钟里互有失误,直到最终找到了一些节奏。然后比赛变成了球星之间的对决,文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)和贾·莫兰特(Ja Morant)在场上你来我往,互飙得分。文班亚马本场比赛得到27分、10个篮板、5次助攻和2次盖帽。
莫兰特是灰熊三叉戟进攻的一部分。他得到25分和11次助攻,并且惩罚了马刺队放空他的三分球,6投4中。小贾伦·杰克逊(Jaren Jackson Jr.)整场比赛都势不可挡,无论谁防守他都无济于事,他最终得到了全场最高的31分,外加6个篮板和3次盖帽。孟菲斯的替补阵容由二年级侧翼球员GG·杰克逊(GG Jackson)领衔,他替补出场20投11中,砍下27分。
在第二节的大部分时间里,圣安东尼奥都表现挣扎,让灰熊一度取得了21分的领先优势。在斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)完成一次精彩的进攻后,情况发生了转变。
— 圣安东尼奥马刺 (@ spurs) 2025年2月4日
在卡斯尔隔扣桑蒂·阿尔达马(Santi Aldama)之后,他率领马刺打出一波10-0的进攻高潮,将比分追近。他在本场比赛中得到21分、6个篮板、5次助攻和5次失误。尽管他做出了努力,但圣安东尼奥还是无法保持攻势,他们由于失误让灰熊得到太多分数,或者在内线被灰熊撕裂,孟菲斯在内线得分方面以66-50领先马刺。
除了51区之外,圣安东尼奥没有从其他球员那里得到太多的进攻火力。索汉(Jeremy Sochan)替补出场贡献14分和8个篮板,并且两记三分球全部命中。马刺的其他得分手表现挣扎,克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)、德文·瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell)、凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)和朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)加起来33投9中,三分球19投4中。马刺全场投篮命中率为45.1%,三分球命中率仅为33.3%。
这场失利使得圣安东尼奥的战绩跌至21胜26负,排在西部第12位。接下来,马刺将前往亚特兰大,在周三与老鹰队进行一场比赛。福克斯和乔丹·麦克劳克林(Jordan McLaughlin)计划在周三与马刺队在亚特兰大会面,但他们是否会出场比赛还没有宣布。让福克斯穿上球衣,或许正是马刺队从背靠背的失利中反弹所需的良药。
点击查看原文:Spurs drop first game of the rodeo road trip to the Grizzlies
Spurs drop first game of the rodeo road trip to the Grizzlies
Turnovers and poor shooting sink the Spurs, but help is on the way.
It’s been quite an eventful week for the San Antonio Spurs, and it’s only Monday. That seemed to be weighing on the Silver and Black as they hit the road for game one of their rodeo road trip against the Memphis Grizzlies. The Spurs did not start off the trip well, as they struggled mightily with turnovers and shooting in a 128-109 loss. They shouldn’t keep their heads down for long, as help is on the way in the form of recently acquired point guard, De’Aaron Fox.
The biggest difference in the game was turnovers, as the Spurs either couldn’t handle Memphis’ pressure or just coughed up the ball with unforced errors. San Antonio gave the ball away 23 times, and the Grizzlies capitalized for 34 points off those turnovers. Memphis had 17 steals in the game.
Both teams came out of the gates a bit sluggish after a near-hour delay due to a medical emergency with a fan close to the court that required immediate action from paramedics. The Grizzlies and Spurs traded turnovers until eventually finding some rhythm a few minutes into the action. Then it became a battle of the stars, as Victor Wembanyama and Ja Morant traded buckets from all over the floor. Wembanyama finished the game with 27 points, 10 rebounds, 5 assists and 2 blocks.
Morant was part of a three-headed offensive attack from the Grizzlies. He had 25 points and 11 assists and punished the Spurs for leaving him open from deep, hitting four of his six threes. Jaren Jackson Jr. was unstoppable all game long, regardless of who was guarding him, as he finished the game with a game-high 31 points, along with 6 rebounds and 3 blocks. Memphis’ second unit was propelled by its second-year wing, GG Jackson who dropped 27 points off the bench on 11-20 shooting.
San Antonio spent most of the second quarter struggling, allowing the Grizzlies to build a 21-point lead. Things turned around after one big play from Stephon Castle.
— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) February 4, 2025
After his explosive finish over Santi Aldama, Castle propelled the Spurs to a 10-0 run that got them back into the game. He had 21 points, 6 rebounds, 5 assists and 5 turnovers in the loss. Despite his efforts, San Antonio couldn’t sustain a run, giving up too many points to the Grizzlies off their turnovers, or getting carved up inside as Memphis outscored the Spurs 66-50 in the paint.
San Antonio didn’t get much offensive production from anyone besides Area 51. Jeremy Sochan chipped in 14 points and 8 rebounds off the bench, and hit both of his three-point attempts. The Spurs other scorers struggled to produce as Chris Paul, Devin Vassell, Keldon Johnson and Julian Champagnie combined for 9 of 33 shooting from the field and 4 of 19 from three. The Spurs shot 45.1% from the field overall and just 33.3% from deep.
Combine the poor shooting, turnovers and paint defense and you have the recipe for a game that was decided by the midway point of the fourth quarter. The Spurs will look much different in potentially just a few days. The arrival of Fox should alleviate some offensive issues San Antonio has experienced lately. In a game like the loss to the Grizzlies, having another go-to scorer that can stop a run or extend one can be the difference between a blowout and a close game.
The loss drops San Antonio to 21-26 and 12th in the Western Conference. Next, the Spurs will travel to Atlanta for a matchup with the Hawks on Wednesday. Fox and Jordan McLaughlin are scheduled to meet with the Spurs in Atlanta on Wednesday, but it hasn’t been announced whether or not they will suit up. Getting Fox in uniform could be just what the Spurs need to bounce back from back-to-back losses.
By Jacob Douglas, via Pounding The Rock