[PtR] 步行者下半场强势反击,大胜马刺 ▶️

By Marilyn Dubinski | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-01-26 04:50:29


圣安东尼奥马刺 vs 印第安纳步行者


在巴黎的首场比赛中,圣安东尼奥马刺凭借强势的第三节和 dazzling display of Beautiful Basketball 的表现战胜了印第安纳步行者,他们希望在第二场比赛中能够再次上演精彩演出。不幸的是,他们遭遇了一支斗志昂扬、充满动力的步行者队。步行者队将周四的失利视为奇耻大辱,并且迫不及待地想要以牙还牙。

步行者队从一开始就在防守端展现出侵略性,利用全场紧逼战术整场比赛都给马刺制造麻烦。而在进攻端,由于 维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama) 被吸引到外线,步行者的进攻如同上篮演练一般轻松。 哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes) 是马刺队早期的主要进攻点,贡献了球队前18分中的11分。但是,马刺队漫不经心的传球以及步行者队赢得了所有五五开的球,使得马刺队无法打出进攻高潮,首节结束时以24-33落后。


马刺队在第三节开始时对步行者的全场紧逼战术做好了更充分的准备,他们迅速将球推进到前场, 斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle) 和巴恩斯各完成一次“2+1”。除了 克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul) 因 本内迪克特·马瑟林(Benedict Mathurin) 的技术犯规获得的罚球外,这两位球员包揽了马刺队本节的前18分。文班的一次突破终于帮助马刺队以77-76取得领先。不幸的是,在他几分钟后下场休息后,步行者队回敬了一波19-6的得分高潮,主要依靠 泰瑞斯·哈利伯顿(Tyrese Haliburton) 的出色发挥。马刺队为了追回比分所做的几乎所有努力都在第三节结束时付诸东流,步行者队以98-86领先进入第四节,巴恩斯在最后0.4秒的三分球才勉强挽回了一些颜面。



  • 没有 查尔斯·巴塞(Charles Bassey) 和 扎克·科林斯(Zach Collins) 的新轮换阵容效果好坏参半。在巴黎的两场比赛中,当 杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan) 替补上场时,文班在第一节早些时候下场休息,然后 桑德罗·马穆克拉什维利(Sandro Mamukelashvili) 和文班一起替补上场,换下巴恩斯。周四的比赛中这个策略很成功,因为索汉完全处于野兽模式,而马穆则展现了他与文班的默契配合,但今天的情况并非如此。这真的不能怪任何人,因为除了第三节的那一波得分高潮之外,马刺队没有任何事情进展顺利。如果索汉回到首发阵容,轮换策略可能会再次改变,但我也不介意看到更多马穆的出场时间。
  • 文班似乎对这场比赛的身体对抗感到明显沮丧,有时这是合理的。步行者队非常喜欢用手,并且破坏了马刺队的很多突破,但很难看出有多少次实际上包含了犯规动作。然而,在第三节的一次突破中,他的手肘很明显地被打了一下,却没有被吹罚,他对裁判表达了一些少见的激烈情绪。尽管马刺队最终的罚球次数比步行者队多11次,但这仍然是一场充满身体对抗、令人沮丧的比赛。
  • 对于卡斯尔来说,这是上下半场表现截然不同的比赛。他的上半场表现非常糟糕,在突破到篮下时经常被对手吞噬,在防守端也被对手轻松突破。他和巴恩斯在第三节开始时打出了一波得分高潮,帮助马刺队重新回到比赛中,但除此之外,你可以说他过于强求得分,最终以全队最高的20次出手(仅命中7球)结束比赛,而文班的出手次数为16次, 德文·瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell) 的出手次数为8次。尽管如此,卡斯尔也贡献了6个篮板和6次助攻,实际上并不是马刺队失误问题的关键所在,而且他还展示了为什么他有机会参加扣篮大赛。

斯蒂芬·卡斯尔 pic.twitter.com/WX49v53Ev1

— 圣安东尼奥马刺 (@ spurs) 2025年1月25日



为这次传球增添了一点小花样 pic.twitter.com/TDKJYKUnqo

— 圣安东尼奥马刺 (@ spurs) 2025年1月25日

下一场比赛:周三 vs. 洛杉矶快船

马刺队下周将回到主场进行三场比赛,然后开始牛仔之旅,但这并不会是一个轻松的赛程,首先要面对的是快船队,他们迎回了 科怀·伦纳德(Kawhi Leonard) ,并且看起来状态不错。球迷们会听从波波维奇的建议,克制住嘘声吗?我们拭目以待!

点击查看原文:Pacers return the favor with second half blowout of Spurs

Pacers return the favor with second half blowout of Spurs

San Antonio Spurs v Indiana Pacers

The Spurs couldn’t repeat their impressive performance from Thursday, getting blown out by the Pacers in the second half.

After using a strong third quarter and dazzling display of Beautiful Basketball in their opening performance in Paris against the Indiana Pacers, the San Antonio Spurs were hoping to put on an encore for their second act. Unfortunately, they ran into a hyped up, motivated Pacers squad who took Thursday’s embarrassment personally and were all too willing to return the favor.

The Pacers were aggressive on defense from the outset, using the full court press to bother the Spurs the entire game, while on offense it was a layup line as they drew Victor Wembanyama to the perimeter. Harrison Barnes was the main source of offense for the Spurs early with 11 of their first 18 points, but careless passing and the Pacers winning all the 50-50 balls kept the Spurs from being able to make a run, ending the first quarter down 33-24.

Wemby finally gave the French crowd something to cheer about in the second quarter with a 12-point flurry, beginning with a high flying not-quite-a-dunk throwdown and banking in a three to get the Spurs back within six, forcing a Rick Carlisle timeout. The Spurs’ effort remained high for a while, and they finally tied things up at 39-apiece, but things fell apart again from there. The threes kept falling for the Pacers, and the Spurs couldn’t keep them off the offensive glass, ceding 14 points off 11 offensive rebounds as well as 14 points off 12 turnovers in the half, and the Indiana finished on a 15-3 run to take a 65-50 lead into the break.

The Spurs started the third quarter more prepared for the Pacers’ full court press, getting the ball down the court quickly for a couple of and-1’s from Stephon Castle and Harrison Barnes. Other than a Chris Paul free throw off a technical on Benedict Mathurin, those two scored the Spurs’ first 18 points of the quarter, and a Wemby drive finally gave them their first lead at 77-76. Unfortunately, once he went to the bench moments later, the Pacers responded with a 19-6 run, mainly on the back of Tyrese Haliburton. Almost all the hard work the Spurs did to get back in the game was undone by the end of the third quarter as the Pacers took a 98-86 lead into the fourth, only saved by a Barnes three with 0.4 seconds left.

The Spurs continued to have trouble holding onto the ball in the fourth, preventing them from going on any kind of last-ditch run while handing the Pacers answers to any of their baskets. Indiana never relented and quickly put things away, outscoring the Spurs 38-12 in the fourth quarter for a blowout 136-98 loss. While the Spurs got one win out of the trip, their January struggles continue, and the schedule doesn’t get any easier next week.

Game Notes

  • The new rotation without Charles Bassey or Zach Collins has had mixed results. In the two games in Paris, Wemby subbed out a little earlier in the first quarter when Jeremy Sochan subbed in, then Sandro Mamukelashvili came back in with Wemby in place of Harrison Barnes. It was successful on Thursday, as Sochan was in full beast mode and Mamu showed off his usual chemistry with Wemby, but not so much today. It really can’t be blamed on anyone since outside of that one run in the third quarter, nothing was going right for the Spurs. It may change up again if Sochan returns to the starting lineup, but I wouldn’t mind seeing more Mamu.
  • Wemby seemed visibly frustrated with the physicality of this game, and at times it was justified. The Pacers were very handsy and stripped a lot of the Spurs’ drives, but it was hard to see how many actually included contact. However, there was one drive in the third quarter where he very clearly got whacked on the elbow with no call, and he showed some rare emotion towards the refs. Although the Spurs ended up with a 11 more free throw attempts than the Pacers, it was still a physical, frustrating game.
  • This was very much a tale of two halves for Castle. He had a very rough first half, constantly getting gobbled up as he drove to the basket and blown by on defense. He and Barnes had that big run to open the third quarter to get the Spurs back in the game, but outside of that, you could argue that he tried to force the issue too much, finishing with a team-high 20 shot attempts (with just 7 makes) compared to 16 for Wemby and 8 for Devin Vassell. Still, Castle also contributed 6 rebounds and 6 assists and actually wasn’t a big part of the Spurs turnover problem, plus he showed why he may actually have a shot at the dunk contest.

STEPH CASTLE pic.twitter.com/WX49v53Ev1

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) January 25, 2025

Play of the Game

As the Spurs were making their comeback attempt, this behind the back pass to Vassell from Chris Paul gave the Spurs hope.

sprinkled a little somethin’ on this pass pic.twitter.com/TDKJYKUnqo

— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) January 25, 2025

Up next: Wednesday vs. Los Angeles Clippers

The Spurs return home for three games next week ahead of the Rodeo Road trip, but it won’t be an easy slate, beginning with the Clippers, who have Kawhi Leonard back and looking solid. Will the fans heed Pop’s word and hold back on the boo-birds? We’ll find out!

By Marilyn Dubinski, via Pounding The Rock