By Pedro_Orthez | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-01-25 07:36:15
自从维克多·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)被誉为一代天才以来,关于他的潜力已经有了很多讨论。甚至在他踏上 NBA 球场之前,勒布朗·詹姆斯就称他为“外星人”,将他与之前定义独特篮球运动员的“独角兽”区分开来。
文班亚马身高 7 英尺 5 英寸,拥有后卫般的技巧和令人难以置信的 8 英尺臂展,即使只有 21 岁,他已经确立了自己是有史以来最有天赋的防守者之一的地位。他的新秀赛季和第二个赛季都有着详尽的记录,充满了破纪录的表现和卓越的新标杆。
文班的特殊天赋毋庸置疑,任何拥有 2023 年 NBA 选秀状元签的球队都会毫不犹豫地选择他。正如命运的安排,马刺队赢得了乐透抽签,获得了队史第三个状元签——以及又一位超凡的大个子。
马刺队建立了超越篮球的东西。作为德克萨斯州的一支小市场球队,在一个已经拥有另外两支 NBA 球队的州,他们培养了当地自豪感、全球雄心和坚定价值观的独特融合。他们对国际人才的接纳为全球粉丝群铺平了道路,用全球追随者平衡了他们较小的美国市场。
如果我们必须将马刺文化的精髓提炼成三个特质,那就是 勤奋 、 谦逊 和 忠诚 。这些品质定义了球队场内场外的精神。如果马刺队是一个人,他们将是一个稳重而踏实的人,因其追求卓越的承诺、团队至上的心态以及面对挑战时的韧性而备受钦佩。
早在 2019 年,法国体育媒体就注意到了文班罕见的智慧和沉稳气质的结合,强调谦逊将是他成功的关键。2019 年 11 月,RMC 体育的一位法国记者写道:“年仅 15 岁的维克多·文班亚马正处于职业生涯的初期。他拥有与其身高(2.18 米/7 英尺 1 英寸)不相称的惊人轻松感,罕见的智慧以及预示着无限命运的潜力。这位法国中锋已经让 NBA 球探垂涎三尺。这是一位注定要在球场上占据主导地位的天才的画像,如果他能保持谦逊的话。”
文班对自身技艺的奉献精神显而易见。甚至在被选中之前,他和他的经纪人就制定了详细的训练计划。在 2022 年 7 月聘请私人教练吉洛姆·阿尔基耶(Guillaume Alquier)是一个关键的决定,展示了他对准备工作的投入。对于一个拥有无与伦比天赋的 18 岁年轻人来说,如此努力地完善自己的比赛并为 NBA 比赛的严酷做好身体准备,需要非凡的纪律性。
马刺队意识到了这一点,并将阿尔基耶纳入团队,以确保文班发展的连续性。可以公平地说,文班是勤奋和敬业的,但选择阿尔基耶也是一个天才之举。向吉洛姆·阿尔基耶致敬,感谢他近三年来一直耐心地工作,将文班打造成一名 NBA 球员,他最终每年至少要打 72 场比赛,每场 36 分钟。
他在南特尔俱乐部度过了七年,这支球队培养了他早期的潜力,他在 10 岁时,即 2014 年加入了他们。
2023 年 5 月,在他家乡的最后一场比赛中,尽管效力于大都会 92 队,他还是与球迷们分享了一个感人的时刻,甚至流下了眼泪——这证明了他建立的深厚联系。
维克多·文班亚马在告别他的母队南特尔时,激动落泪。#BetclicELITE #LNBextra— Betclic ELITE (@ Betclic_ELITE) 2023年5月9日
点击查看原文:Victor Wembanyama has all the intangibles of a franchise player
Victor Wembanyama has all the intangibles of a franchise player
Wemby has a heart that beats Silver and Black.
Much has been said about Victor Wembanyama’s potential since he was labeled a generational talent. Even before stepping onto an NBA court, LeBron James called him “The Alien,” distinguishing him from the “unicorns” that had previously defined unique basketball players.
A 7’5 giant with guard-like skills and an unbelievable 8-foot wingspan, Wembanyama has already established himself as one of the most gifted defenders ever, even at just 21 years old. His rookie and sophomore seasons are well-documented, filled with record-breaking performances and new benchmarks for excellence.
Victor’s special talent was never in doubt, and any team with the top pick in the 2023 NBA Draft would have chosen him without hesitation. As fate would have it, the Spurs won the lottery, securing their third first overall pick in franchise history—and yet another transcendent big man.
A legacy of Spurs culture
Spurs fans know all too well the legacy of David Robinson and Tim Duncan. Their on-court brilliance was matched only by their off-court humility and character, forming the cornerstone of the team’s identity. The so-called “Spurs culture” isn’t easy to define—it’s a combination of corporate discipline, patient team-building, and an unselfish, team-oriented playing style.
The Spurs have built something bigger than basketball. As a small-market team in Texas, a state with already two other NBA franchises, they’ve fostered a unique blend of local pride, global ambition, and unwavering values. Their embrace of international talent paved the way for a global fanbase, balancing their smaller U.S. market with a worldwide following.
If we had to distill the essence of Spurs culture into three traits, it would be hardworking, humility, and loyalty. These qualities define the team’s ethos on and off the court. If the Spurs were a person, they would be a steady and grounded individual, admired for their commitment to excellence, team-first mentality, and resilience in the face of challenges.
A perfect fit for Spurs values
Although young, Victor Wembanyama has already demonstrated that he embodies the three traits Spurs fans hold dear.
Chris Paul has called Wembanyama “as humble of a star as you’d ever come across.” High praise coming from someone who’s been a league cornerstone for nearly two decades.
Even back in 2019, French sports outlets noted Victor’s rare combination of intelligence and grounded demeanor, emphasizing that humility would be key to his success. In November 2019, a French reporter for RMC Sports wrote: “At only 15 years old, Victor Wembanyama is at the dawn of his professional career. With incredible ease for his size (2.18 meters/7’1), rare intelligence and a potential that suggests a limitless destiny. The French center is already making NBA scouts salivate. Portrait of a gifted man destined to dominate on the courts, if he stays humble.”
Victor’s dedication to his craft is evident. Even before being drafted, he and his agent laid out a meticulous training plan. Hiring personal trainer Guillaume Alquier back in July 2022 was a pivotal decision, showcasing his commitment to preparation. It takes remarkable discipline for an 18-year-old with unparalleled natural gifts to work that hard to refine his game and prepare his body for the rigor of the NBA game.
The Spurs recognized this, bringing Alquier on board to ensure continuity in Victor’s development. It’s fair to say that Victor is hardworking and dedicated but choosing Alquier was also a stroke of genius. Hat off to Guillaume Alquier for the ever-patient work he has been doing for almost three years to transform Wemby into an NBA player, who will eventually play at least 72 games a year, 36 min per game.
One of Victor’s most underappreciated traits is his loyalty. Growing up in a close-knit family and developing a deep sense of empathy, he has remained fiercely devoted to those who’ve supported him.
Does it stem from the wonderful family he grew up with and the education he received from his parents? Or does it come from his better-known artistic sensibility? He often speaks of himself as an artist, or at least as someone who would like to be a cartoonist, showing off a deep sense of sensibility for the world around him. This empathy might explain his acute sense of loyalty, especially to those close to him and that have been through the trenches with him.
Credit: Nanterre
He spent seven years with Nanterre, the team that nurtured his early potential, joining them in 2014 at age 10.
In May 2023, during his final game in his hometown, but playing with Mets 92, he shared an emotional moment with fans, even shedding tears—a testament to the deep connections he builds.
L’émotion, les larmes de Victor Wembanyama pour ses adieux à Nanterre, son club formateur.#BetclicELITE #LNBextra— Betclic ELITE (@ Betclic_ELITE) May 9, 2023
The future of the Silver and Black
Victor Wembanyama has already proven he’s a special talent. But what makes him truly extraordinary—especially to Spurs fans—is his character. He’s humble, hardworking, and loyal, the very qualities that define Spurs culture.
After David Robinson and Tim Duncan, the Spurs have struck gold again. In Victor, they’ve found not just a generational big man but a young leader with a heart that beats Silver and Black.
Interestingly enough, whilst in Paris, Victor was asked how he would like to be remembered when his career is over. His answer aligns well with what we already knew. “I would like to be remembered as somebody who didn’t take shortcuts and did all the right steps,” Wemby said. “Also, as a loyal, hardworking, and innovative person.”
Victor’s self-awareness never ceases to amaze!
By Pedro_Orthez, via Pounding The Rock