🎧 Spurs Insider️ 播客: 波波维奇的健康恐慌

Spurs Insider Podcast, 2024-11-06 13:17:00


专栏作家迈克·芬格(Mike Finger)和马刺队随队记者杰夫·麦克唐纳(Jeff McDonald)和汤姆·奥斯本(Tom Orsborn)与体育编辑尼克·塔尔博特(Nick Talbot)一起讨论了格雷格·波波维奇(Gregg Popovich)周六的健康恐慌以及这对马刺队和助理教练米奇·约翰逊(Mitch Johnson)的未来意味着什么。













迈克·芬格:也许不是。这是今天早上或昨晚读到的评论,我就是这么想的。米奇·约翰逊。我想如果大家关心的话,我们可以仔细研究一下这件事的细节。首先,我不确定有多少人……我认为我们可以肯定地说的一件事是,这件事的圈子真的很小,而且,你知道,在一个职业篮球组织里有很多很多人。我不确定有多少人……我认为在整个组织中,到底发生了什么并不是常识。部分原因是,就像汤姆说的,波波维奇是一个非常低调的人。我不……我不认为这是他们在公司的Slack频道上广播的事情,说波波维奇得了什么病之类的。我认为只有少数人真正了解这件事。关于米奇的评论的另一件事,是的,按照他所说的字面意思,他他会没事的。他很好。我们迫不及待地想让他回来。但是,还有一个情况是,他走进来……我们被告知他将在赛前做一个开场白,这是NBA规定的赛前主教练的例行采访。所以对于代理马刺队主教练的米奇·约翰逊或其他任何人来说,在赛前进来和我们谈谈,这并不 unusual。让我感到震惊的是,杰夫,你也可以在这里插话,米奇是以一种对波波维奇的致敬开始的,而且,这很 heartfelt。他谈到了波波维奇在圣安东尼奥的 legacy,他为球队付出了多少,他为米奇个人付出了多少,这可能只是米奇的友善和表示尊重,也可能是无害的。这类播客的部分问题是,也许我……我我我我过度解读了某些事情,但在那种场合听到这些话,这并没有……这反而向我重申,他们并不期望他下周回来。我是不是过度解读了,杰夫,或者有没有一种更恰当的方式来讨论我刚才说的这些话?


迈克·芬格:我知道。我想我们应该……这是一个完美的过渡到米奇·约翰逊所说的,他的目标是他在接替波波维奇后的目标。也许这应该是我们的目标,恢复正常的节目安排。他将传递与波波维奇相同的 message。执行相同的战术。相同的赛程安排,相同的球队聚餐,并且,试着让一切正常。但它能有多正常呢?而且,你知道,你你认为在波波维奇不在的情况下,继续保持正常的节目安排是一个合理的目标吗?

杰夫·麦克唐纳:我的意思是,是的,这正是你应该做的。我我我认为,进来后试图改变整个运作顺序可能是一个糟糕的举动。所以,尽可能地保持常规,我认为这就是克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)昨天告诉我们的,就像当你在这个行业时,一切对你来说都是例行公事,你习惯于以某种方式发生的事情,每天看到某些人,在比赛日以相同的顺序做这做那做其他事情。所以保持这一点很重要。但与此同时,就像克里斯说的,波波维奇是例行公事的一部分,或者说一直是例行公事的一部分。而且,他的缺席非常明显,就像你注意到的那样,球员们也注意到了。我不……这是否会影响场上的表现。我不知道,但它,你知道,我……为了回答你的问题,我认为试图保持一切正常状态的目标是绝对合适的,并且,你知道,是一个好主意。没有主教练在身边,你能做到多少呢?我的意思是,你不会……你不会愚弄别人,如果他们能……波波维奇在那里,你知道,对。好吧,作为一个滑稽的人,正如我们的听众和观众所期望的那样。他们保持正常的一种方式是,你在昨晚闪闪发光、令人眼花缭乱的Intuit Dome指出了这一点,我真的很想讨厌它,但实际上有点喜欢。就像,这是一个……这是一个了不起的地方。但你的主队球员就像他们在波波维奇的带领下一样,即将赢得他们本赛季的第四场比赛,他们已经取得了20多分的领先优势。第一节结束后是40比14。一年前,几乎是同一天,你的主队球员即将赢得他们本赛季的第四场比赛。我想去年他们即将取得4胜2负的战绩。昨晚他们即将取得4胜3负的战绩。然后,让那20多分的半场领先优势变成一场失利。这次是对阵快船队。去年是周日下午对阵猛龙队的比赛。这是……如果你看看这段历史,杰夫。这就是他们不希望看到常规节目安排的地方,因为去年马刺队在对阵多伦多的比赛中挥霍了领先优势之后发生了什么?

杰夫·麦克唐纳:所以,是的。他们,就像你提到的,他们在……在对阵多伦多的比赛的中场休息时,看起来他们正朝着4胜2负的战绩前进。他们将取得三连胜。我们只是……汤姆和汤姆被一位同事在那周告诉我们,我们将工作到六月。他们刚刚在菲尼克斯连赢两场,我们将工作到六月。然后他们在下半场对阵猛龙队的比赛中挥霍了领先优势,这是马刺队连续18场失利的开始,而且,哇。赛季在那之后几乎就完蛋了。所以,我不认为……我不认为今年会发生这种情况。但是,我不认为米奇需要在这方面效仿波波维奇。你还记得我们的老朋友,麦克·布朗(Mac Brown)过去常说不要让一场失利击败你两次吗?是的。马刺队……马刺队只需要不要让这场失利再击败他们17次。这将是一个进步。我熬夜了,当然。看完了比赛的结尾。嗯哼。有一会儿睡不着。醒来……哦。你你因为马刺队挥霍领先优势而失眠,是吗?世界上发生了很多事,杰夫。但是,无论如何。你今天也过得很漫长,汤姆。你昨天早上起得很早。是的。但我也得早起,处理一些事情,所以,嗯哼。我我已经忘了比赛的事了,然后我,你知道,倒了一杯……我妻子给我倒了一杯热气腾腾的咖啡。什么时候?晚上?突然,不。这是在早上。突然,我想起了比赛。你们没有注意到这里的双关语。一杯热气腾腾的咖啡。嗯哼。21分,10投8中,6投5中。哦。哦,我明白了。咖啡来了,这家伙真是不可思议。哦,我明白了。是的。你知道,每隔一段时间你就会看到,只是一个人进入了一种状态,但,是的,那是,你知道,你该怎么做才能阻止他?好吧,你可以防守他。我不是……我不是……我不是在为他们挥霍26分的领先优势而表扬他们,但是,好吧。有一次他们只是站在那里,像站在那里数数一样,像一秒,两秒,三秒,然后就看着他投三分,在他已经连续投进了三个三分之后。是的。是的。是的。詹姆斯……有一个……而且,人们可能不会收听这个播客来听我们赞扬快船队,尤其是当快船队我认为今年不是一支伟大的球队的时候。而且,我不认为,詹姆斯·哈登(James Harden)接近他的巅峰状态,但他,伙计,他有一个……他昨晚有一个防守回合,这……你不会经常这样评价詹姆斯·哈登。但是,他在一个回合中有三次抢断。这有点像是马刺队在那场比赛中开始垮台的标志。你你想要……你想要……你想要谈谈过去挥霍26分领先优势的日子吗?那将会是,你知道,一片愁云惨雾,但我认为那是,你可以在NBA中摆脱它。对于我们未来的发展,你想谈些什么,杰夫?好吧,这是,你知道,当你谈论球场上发生的事情时,我认为最重要的事情,很多马刺球迷想知道的是,维克多·文班亚马和他的三分球怎么了?他为什么……他为什么投这么多,显然他投丢了很多,而且,你知道,有什么办法可以解决这个问题吗?是的。你在叫我马刺球迷吗?因为,这就是我注意到的。我不知道你是否在,任何Helscape社交媒体应用程序上,但这也是很多,无产阶级正在谈论的事情。我的意思是,我一直在……事……事……事情是这样的。之前当当格雷格·波波维奇还在,和我们交谈的时候是……当他还在场边做赛后新闻发布会的时候,我想是他的最后一次,也许是他做的最后一次。我想我们的朋友,汤姆·奥斯本,问了他一个类似的问题,比如你希望维克多投这么多三分吗?而且,波波维奇告诉你,绝对是的。他是一个外线球员,就像他需要做的就是那样。但是,他的命中率并不理想。我认为对此可能有一些反对意见。就像他的命中率并不是你希望一个投这么多三分球的球员去年的新秀所拥有的。他他需要在最后阶段爆发才能达到32.5%左右。而今年真的很糟糕,我理解维克多的观点,我理解波波维奇的观点。你昨晚问了米奇这个问题,杰夫,他也表达了大致相同的观点,他他他提出了大致相同的想法,即他们认为这些都是不错的投篮,这是维克多比赛的一部分。仅仅因为你投丢了几个并不意味着你就停止投篮。但是,对于像他这样的球员,拥有那样身材的球员,以及他可以在其他地方找到的错位优势,我认为这有点过分了。我具体问米奇的是,是的,你希望他投一些这样的球,但有没有和他讨论过,由于时间和比分,比赛的阶段,这可能不是我们想要的?嗯。我认为这就是……这比什么都重要。并不是说维克多不应该再投三分球了。就像,如果在进攻过程中有一个空位三分,他必须投一些。但其中一些只是……这个回合没有传球。他只是运球上来,然后从logo位置投一个,或者,你知道,或者在进攻时间 early 的时候。我想当你8投1中,9投2中的时候,这些可能必须停止了。因为,他他他投了一些很多人会称之为“感觉来了”的投篮,但他并没有“感觉来了”。你明白我的意思吗?是的。所以,我我……当你看着他们打球时,昨晚也是如此。让他有点起势的是……人们想说的另一件事是,他为什么不干脆去低位单打呢?你知道,昨晚詹姆斯·哈登防守他……詹姆斯·哈登在比赛开始时防守他。他比詹姆斯·哈登高一英尺。到那里去,然后低位单打,在他头上投篮。但那不是他的比赛方式,他不会……他他不会现在就背身单打。他没有那些动作,而且说实话,有趣的是,防守他的是詹姆斯·哈登。我们记得……我们我们我们昨晚回忆起与,拉马库斯·阿尔德里奇(LaMarcus Aldridge)在他的巅峰时期谈话,关于他多么讨厌小个子在低位防守他,尤其是詹姆斯。就像,哈登并不是以防守好而闻名,但你让一个……你你是一个大个子,然后有一个像在你背上 halfway 的家伙在低位防守你。而且,当拉马库斯谈到这一点时,这是……这是……这是我们见过的最,坦率的拉马库斯·阿尔德里奇之一,因为他就像,是的,他们把球传给你,然后有一个小个子在你身上,而且,就像你能听到全场观众都在嗡嗡作响,希望你做点什么,而且,这加剧了压力,你最终只是搞砸了。是的。所以,我不知道只是到低位去,然后低位单打小个子就是我们想对维克多做的事情。在我看来,我不是教练,但是,他如今似乎打得不错的方式是让他移动到篮筐附近,然后把球传给他,是的。让他在移动中接到球,在油漆区某个地方。是的。然后你就有机会做点什么了。我想这可能是他昨晚所有得分都来自的地方,所有他的……所有他的投篮。他投进了两个三分……他投进了两个三分。但其余的都是克里斯给他空接,而且,谁……哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes)在快攻中给他一个空接,而且,那……你知道,那就是……那就是他将要做的,应该如今做的事情。而且,如果这里或那里有一个空位三分,你知道,在进攻过程中,投那个。但是他投那些,你知道,27英尺的投篮,进攻时间还剩14秒,那……那可能需要暂时停止了。你提到的文班亚马和巴恩斯之间的那个传切配合,它始于,克里斯·保罗的间接助攻,当然。但是,以文班亚马的空接扣篮结束,这真是太美了。看起来他们已经在一起打了多年了。是的。唯一的问题是,通过……今年七场比赛,这有点令人惊讶,因为在至少五场……我认为五场是正确的数字。五场比赛中,你……你大部分时间都在想,这不会是一场精彩的文班亚马的比赛。我想第二场对阵休……或者第一场对阵休斯顿的比赛是一场从头到尾都相当不错的文班亚马的比赛。对阵犹他的5x5比赛,我我……这有点符合我所说的,因为,就像你认为他他……他没有像去年那样做。他看起来可以做得更多。他投篮不好,然后每天晚上你抬头一看,他就得到了一个接近三双的数据,一个该死的三双。5x5,随便什么。就像,他正在打出数据。而且,什么……只是投篮,这就是……这给它蒙上了一层阴影。而且,我知道我正在和两位新闻专业的学生交谈,但我想测试一下你的……我想测试一下你的数学技能,当你插嘴的时候。维克多50投11中,三分球命中率是多少?22。略高于20%,是的。你只需要把它翻倍,伙计们。拜托,22%。22。50投11中,22%。这并不理想。这并不理想。其他队员的三分球命中率也不是很好,这也是一个问题。凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)在外线也没有真正找到感觉,所以这有点像是整个球队的主题。我想整个球队的命中率是31%。不太好。杰夫的人,朱利安·杰……杰夫,你有什么关于朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)的消息吗?我知道你昨晚带他出去了。没有。他做得不错。是的,他做得不错。他他一直是一个……他一直是一个亮点,不仅在投篮方面,而且在防守端也是如此。昨晚三分球10投5中。但是,回到文班亚马,我想知道部分原因是不是他只是不想被称为一个只会空接和扣篮的大个子。是的。所以,他几乎觉得……我不知道……我可能在心理分析……我可能在假设,但我不知道。我们可以推测这部分,对吧?不,我认为拥有完整的比赛是一种自豪,就像自从他长大以来,自从他年轻的时候。就像,这是他身份的一部分。他不是,一个典型的中锋。他他是一个独角兽。他是那种球员,我讨厌“独角兽”这个词,但孩子们一直用它,嗯。是的。使用这个词的孩子现在都42岁了。是的。第一个我我记得,向我提到这个词的人,就像在一次谈话中,是,穆罕默德·班巴(Mo Bamba)在德克萨斯大学的时候,我去写一篇关于他的专栏,而且,他说他想成为一个独角兽,这……这让我笑了出来。如果你在我……在我还是个小孩的时候告诉我,篮球运动员会说他们想成为独角兽,我不……我不知道我会怎么想。我知道我我我想成为一个海盗。是的。是的。但是,是的,我认为有一些这样的想法。就像它……我不不知道怎么表达。就像这太容易了。只要把球扔上去,我就会……我就会投进一个10英尺的球,因为我有7英尺5英寸高。对。就像,他……这对他来说几乎很无聊,也许吧。是的。是的,他说他必须面对这个 arch nemesis……一个现在已经三次的小个子,迪伦·布鲁克斯(Dylan Brooks)。那将是……迪……迪……迪伦·布鲁克斯。迪伦·布鲁克斯,亚历克斯·卡鲁索(Alex Caruso),詹姆斯·哈登,这些是真正困扰他的人,就像在低位。就像,他他……这是杰夫提到的拉马库斯·阿尔德里奇的事情。拉马库斯说得非常好,那就是……你你……拉马库斯实际上我我我认为承认了“压力”这个词,或者类似的词,当整个球馆都看到你对位像詹姆斯·哈登这样的球员时,他并不以防守著称,而且你比他高一英尺,而且,就像昨晚有几次维克多对位一个小个子,他把空接球传给了桑德罗·马穆克拉什维利(Sandro Mamukelashvili)。这很奇怪。这有点……

点击查看原文:Coach Popovich's health scare

Coach Popovich’s health scare

Columnist Mike Finger and Spurs beat reporters Jeff McDonald and Tom Orsborn discuss Gregg Popovich’s health scare Saturday and what is means going forward for the Spurs and assistant coach Mitch Johnson.

Suggested reading:

Loss in L.A. tests Spurs ability to bounce back

Acting coach Mitch Johnson has Spurs’ ears

Amid Gregg Popovich’s absence, his voice still carries

As bond between Paul and Wemby grows, playoffs finally in play for Spurs

Here is the transcript of the podcast:

Mike Finger: From a highly secure network of top-secret locations across North America, this is the Spurs Insider. Second week of the regular season, a lot to talk about. I’m your host Mike Finger, joined as always by Express-News Spurs beat writers Jeff McDonald and Tom Orsborn with sports editor Nick Talbot. Had had quite a week of basketball. Went sort of as we predicted on the podcast, which has been a theme on this podcast so far this season, where we’re we’re seeing what’s coming, what we did did not see coming, and what we’re obviously going to start with this week is the absence of Hall of Fame head coach Gregg Popovich who before the Minnesota game um was not with the team on Saturday. It was announced that he uh was staying at home that he was under the weather. It turns out that there was a uh health issue that has led to what the team is categorizing as an indefinite absence. In the meantime, assistant coach Mitch Johnson will take over for as long as needed. Jeff, you and I have been out here on this trip in Los Angeles headed to Houston. You’re headed to Houston later today with the team. How would you just summarize what’s kind of been a surreal few days around the Spurs?

Jeff McDonald: Um, I I would call it a surreal few days around the Spurs. It’s been pretty pretty uh, surreal.

Mike Finger: And I think I not to cut you off but I think the the the important note here is that, yes, Gregg Popovich has missed games before, uh, many of them over the years. One here, two there, dating back to I think 2012 he missed a couple games, a couple in 2016. Um, one here and there in the past few years. But this is the first time it’s been indefinite, right?

Jeff McDonald: Yeah, this is the first time. Um, usually it is it is um pretty clear when he misses his games. Hey, the Spurs make it pretty clear. Hey, he’s going to miss these two games. We expect him back uh on XYZ date. And, there’s none of that this time around because they don’t know. Nobody knows. Um, what we do know, or have been told is that um pop is okay. Um, whatever that means. I guess he’s not in any um imminent. Don’t speculate there. He’s they say he’s okay.

Mike Finger: Yeah, they say he’s okay. And, just But, what does what does that mean? Whether that means he’s okay enough to coach uh quickly, you know, soon is is we don’t know that. We just We just know that we’ve been told he’s okay. And, we have to be very careful on on the podcast not to do too much speculation, but I think one theme in talking to people throughout the organization just the general vibe of what’s going on like there there is not a sense that he’s going to be back this week before we do our next podcast. Like, I I guess that is that is a possibility because what all they’ve said for sure is he’s not on this trip which ends Wednesday in Houston. But this does not seem um Tom, you can chime in here too. You’ve been talking to people. It does not seem like something that’s going to uh to bring him back um anytime quickly.

Tom Orsborn: Yeah, um, you know, a a a good source, um, you know, and we we only talk to good sources, right? But a good source told me that you know, he’s okay. Just needs some rest. Um, the Spurs of course as is their um you know, traditional way of doing things, they haven’t disclosed what exactly is wrong with him and and pop is a very private person as we all know. But, you know, that’s you know, he’s okay. Just needs rest. Um, Mitch Johnson’s comments which you guys gathered last night seemed to be optimistic, you know, about a return at some point. It It is of course indefinite, but um, you know, he he seemed to be optimistic about a return.

Mike Finger: Well, maybe not. This is This is reading the comments this morning or last night, that’s what I thought. Mitch Mitch Johnson. You know I guess we can go through the the minutia of this um if people care. Um, first of all, I’m not sure how many people I I think the one safe thing we can say is the circle on this is really tight, and uh uh um you know, there’s there’s lots of people in a in a professional basketball organization. I’m not sure how many like it’s I don’t think it’s common knowledge throughout the whole organization of what exactly is going on. Partly because like Tom said, pop is a very tight person. Um, I don’t I don’t think this is something they’re broadcasting like on their company’s Slack channel that pop has XYZ or whatever. Um, only a few people I think are really in on this. Another thing about Mitch’s comments, yes, by the the letter of what he said uh he’s he he will be okay. He is okay. Um, we can’t wait to have him back. But uh there was also a deal where he he walked in um we were told he was going to make an opening statement pregame, and this was the typical uh uh NBA mandated pregame head coach’s availability. Um, so that wasn’t out of the out of the usual for uh Mitch Johnson or whoever was acting Spurs head coach to come in and talk to us before the game. What was kind of striking to me and Jeff, you can chime in here, was uh Mitch started it with kind of this um tribute to pop um and uh like it was it was heartfelt. He talked about the legacy that he’s had in San Antonio, uh how much he’s meant to the organization, how much he’s meant to Mitch personally, and that might have just been Mitch being nice and showing respect, and it could be that harmless lesson. Part of the problem with a podcast like this is maybe I’m I I I I am making too much of certain things, but just to to hear that in that setting that did not that that sort of reiterated to me that this they don’t expect him back next week. Did I make too much of that, Jeff, or is there a sensitive way to discuss what I just said in a better way than I just said it?

Jeff McDonald: Well, I mean, I think if you are um I can see why you make that that assumption, or have that speculation. I mean, I think if you’re if you want to read tea leaves, that’s that’s a good leaf to read. Yeah. But, also, just I would reiterate, we know nothing. Right. You know, and so it’s hard to sit here and speculate this and that. If you’re just reading people’s vibes, and um you know, reading the room. Yeah, that that did strike me as well, like you said, that that it began with this kind of three or four sentence tribute to pop about all he’s meant to the organization. Um, Mhm. And, of course, it’s second That’s That’s not a bad vibe. I mean, not a bad vibe. We should be fair on the positive side of the vibes, like the the uh no one no one no one is is morose about this, from the players to the coaches to the staffers. Like, there’s no one hanging their heads like this is uh you know, can can be worse than than anybody thinks it is. Um, it’s just a It’s just a very surreal like I said, in the opening or surreal story to be around, probably not conducive to our usual um nonsense on this podcast. We’re trying to be grownups this week. Um, And so uh I I guess to to to transition to the basketball part of it, you know, if if we’re if we’re grown if we’re grownups for this entire podcast, that’s going to freak people out too.

Mike Finger: I know. I think we should This this is a perfect segue into uh what Mitch Johnson said, his goal was his objective in taking over for Gregg Popovich. Maybe it should be our goal here, regularly scheduled programming. He’s going to give the same messages that pop gave. Run the same plays. Same uh uh uh schedule, same team dinners, and uh and just try to try to make it normal. Um, how normal can it be though, and uh you know, do do you think that’s a a a reasonable objective to to to keep on with the ra regularly scheduled programming with pop gone?

Jeff McDonald: I mean, yeah, that’s exactly what you try to do. I I I I think coming in and trying to shake up the whole order of operations is probably a bad move. So, keeping keeping the routine as much the routine as possible I think that’s what uh Chris Paul told us yesterday is like when when you’re in this business, everything’s routine to you, you’re used to um things happening in a certain way, seeing certain people every day, uh doing this this this that and the other in the same order on game day. Um, And, so keeping that is important. But at the same time, like Chris said, pop is one of those people that is part of that routine or has been part of that routine. And, for him not to be around the absence is is glaring, like you do notice it, and the players notice it. Um, I don’t whether that affects the the product on the floor. I don’t know, but it you know, I to answer your question, I think the goal of trying to keep every essence of normalcy is absolutely appropriate and um you know, a good idea. How much you can do that without the head coach around. I mean, you’re not going to You’re not going to fool people, and if they can pop’s there, you know, Right. Well, to to be a wiseacre, as our as our listeners and viewers expect us to be. Um, one way they kept it normal was, and you pointed this out at the sparkling new dazzling Intuit Dome last night, which I really wanted to hate but actually sort of enjoyed. Like, it’s a it’s a it’s an amazing place. Um, But your your local cagers just like they did under Gregg Popovich were were about to win their fourth game of the season, and they had taken a 20 something point lead. It was 40 to 14 after the first quarter. A year ago, almost to the date, your local cagers were about to win their fourth game of the season. I think last year they were about to go 4 and 2. Last night they were about to go 4 and 3. And, let that And let that 20 something point first half lead turn into a loss. This time against the Clippers. Last year it was a Sunday afternoon game against the Raptors. Um, this is This is if you look at that history, Jeff. This is where they don’t want the regular scheduled program because what happened after the Spurs blew that lead against Toronto last year.

Jeff McDonald: So, yeah. They were uh like you mentioned, they were on their like at halftime of that Toronto game, it looked like they were on their way to 4 and 2. They were going to have a three game winning streak. We just We just thought Tom and Tom and I were told by a a a colleague that week that we’re going to be working until June. They had just won two in a row in Phoenix and we’re going to be working until June. Uh then they blow that second half against the Raptors, and that was the first of 18 consecutive losses for the Spurs, and Wow. the season was pretty much uh submarined after that. So, I don’t think I don’t think that’s going to happen this year. But, I don’t think Mitch needs to follow pop’s lead on that. You remember how uh you remember how our old buddy, Mac Brown used to talk about not letting one loss beat you twice? Yeah. The Spurs The Spurs just need to not let this loss beat them 17 more times. And that’ll be an improvement. I stayed up late, of course. Watched the end of the game. Uh-huh. Couldn’t get Couldn’t get to sleep for a while. Uh, woke up Oh. You You were losing You were losing sleep over the Spurs blown lead, huh? Uh, well, there’s a lot going on in the world, Jeff. But, anyway. You’ve had a long day too, Tom. You were up early yesterday morning. Yeah. But I I had to get up early too, to take care of some things, so Uh-huh. I I had forgotten about the game, and then I had a you know poured a my wife made me a hot steaming cup of coffee. What time At night? And suddenly, no. This is in the morning. And suddenly, the game came back to me. And you guys aren’t picking up on the pun here. A hot steaming cup of coffee. Uh-huh. 21 points, eight of 10, five of six. Oh. Oh, I see. Here Here comes coffee, the guy was unbelievable. Oh, I see. Yeah. You know, every so often you see that uh just a guy getting in such a groove but uh yeah, that was uh you know, what do you do to stop that? Well, you could guard him. I’m not I’m not I’m not giving them a pat on the back for uh blowing a 26 point lead, but Well. There was the one where they just stood there and wa like stood there and counted, like one Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi, and just watched him shoot a three after he had made like three in a row. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, and James There was a And, people probably don’t tune into this podcast to listen to us praise the Clippers, especially when the Clippers I don’t think are a great team this year. And, I don’t think uh James Harden is anywhere near his prime, but he boy he had a he had a defensive sequence last night which And you don’t say that about James Harden very often. But, he had like three deflections on one possession. That was sort of the start of the downfall of the of the Spurs in that game. Um, You you want to You want to You want to talk about the old days of blowing a 26 point lead? It would have been, you know, doom and gloom, but I think that’s uh that You can shake that off in the NBA. For for where we going forward, what do you want to talk about, Jeff? Uh Well, it’s uh you know, when you’re talking about what’s happening on the court, I think the big thing um a lot of Spurs fans are wondering is uh what what’s up with Victor Wembanyama and his three-ball? Why is he Why is he taking so many, and obviously he’s he’s missing so many, and you know, is there anything to be done about that? Yeah. Are you calling me a Spurs fan, because uh that’s what I’ve noticed. Well, I don’t know if I don’t know if you’ve been on the uh any of the Helscape social media apps, but that’s what a lot of the uh uh the the proletariat are talking about as well. I mean, I’ve been Th th th here’s the thing. Uh before when when Greg Bob Popvich was still uh uh talking to us was When he was still on the sidelines doing post game news conferences, I think one of his last ones, maybe the last one that he did. I think our our buddy, Tom Orsborn, asked him a question along those lines like do you want Victor taking all these threes? And, Pop told you, absolutely, yes. That he’s a perimeter player, that like that’s what he needs to be doing. But, his percentages are not good. I would argue like maybe there’s some pushback to this. Like his percentage wasn’t what you want from a guy taking that many three-pointers last year as a rookie. He He needed a late flurry to get up to like 32 and a half percent. And this year it’s it’s really really bad, and I understand Victor’s point, I understand pop’s point. Um, you asked Mitch about it last night, Jeff, and he sort of made the same general uh he he he pushed the same general idea that that they think they’re good shots, that that’s part of Victor’s game. That just because you miss a few doesn’t mean you stop taking them. But, just with a guy like that, with a guy with that body and on the matchup edges that he could find elsewhere, I think it’s been a little excessive. Well, what I what I specifically asked Mitch was kind of about the balance between yes you want him to shoot some of these, but is there a discussion with him about, well, due to time and score, place in the game, this maybe not was maybe not the one we wanted? Mhm. And I think that’s that that I think that’s the point to dig out more than anything. It’s not that Victor shouldn’t be shooting threes at all anymore. Like, if there’s an open three in the in the in the flow of the offense, he’s got to take some of those. But some of these were just There’s There’s not a pass on the possession. He just dribbles up and takes one from the logo, or um you know, or or early in the clock. Um, I think when you’re shooting one of eight, two of nine, those probably have have to go at this point. Because, he he he takes some shots that a lot of people would call a heat check, but he’s not hot. You know what I mean? Yeah. So, I I When you watched them play and this was true last night. What got him going a little bit is Well, the other thing people want to say is uh well why doesn’t he just go post up? You know, last night James Harden was gua James Harden was guarding him to start the game. He’s got a foot on James Harden. Go down there and just post up and shoot over him. But that’s not his game, and he’s not going to He He’s not going to play with his back to the basket right now. He doesn’t have those moves, and to be fair, and it’s interesting it was James Harden in specific that was uh guarding him. We remember We We We recalled last night having a conversation with uh LaMarcus back in his prime about how much he hated it when little guys guar guarded him in the post, and James specifically. Like, Harden is not known as a good defender, but you put a a guy that’s kind of up you’re you’re a big guy, and there’s a guy that’s like halfway up your back guarding you in the post. And, when LaMarcus talked about it, it w it w- it was one of the most um uh open and honest LaMarcus Aldridge’s we ever saw because he’s like yeah they throw you the ball down there, and there’s this short guy on you, and like you can hear the whole crowd just humming, wanting you to do something and like it heightens the pressure, and you end up just screwing it up. Yeah. So, I don’t know that just go down in the post and post up the the little guy is all is really what we want to do with Victor either. It just seems to me, and I’m no coach, um, but um the way he seems to be working well now, nowadays is get him moving off the ball towards the basket, and then get him the ball Yeah. Get him the ball on the move somewhere in the paint. Yeah. And, then you have a shot to do stuff. I think that’s probably where all his points came from last night, all his all his field goals. He made two threes He made two threes. But the rest were Chris throwing him lobs, and uh who well, Harrison Barnes had him a lob on a break, and um that You know, that’s that’s that’s how he’s going to do, should be doing his scoring nowadays. And, if there is an open three here or there, you know, in the flow of the offense, take that one. But the one where he’s taking, you know, 27 footers with 14 seconds on the shot clock, that that that probably needs to go away for a little while. That give and go that you mentioned between Wembanyama and Barnes, it it started with uh Chris Paul with the hockey assist, of course. But, but it was a thing of beauty that ended with that lob dunk by Wembanyama. It looked like they’ve been playing together for years. Yeah. The The only thing is through through what seven games this year, it’s been kind of amazing in that in at least five I think five is the right number. Five of those games where you’re you’re thinking for a lot of it this isn’t going to be a great Wembanyama game. Like I think the second game against Hu or the first game against Houston was a pretty good Wembanyama game from start to finish. The the Utah 5 by 5 game, I I that that sort of follows what I’m talking about, in that like you think that he’s he’s not doing what he he did last year. He seems like he could be doing more. He’s not shooting well, and every night you look up, and he’s got like a dang near triple double, a dog-gone triple double. Um, 5 by 5, whatever. Like, he’s putting up the numbers. And, what’s Just the shooting that’s the it’s it’s it’s casting a a a bit of a shadow over it. And, I know I’m talking to two journalism majors here, but I want to test your I want to test your math skills when you pipe up. Victor is shooting 11 for 50 from three-point range. What’s that percentage? 22. It’s a little over 20, yeah. Um, all you got to do is double it, fellas. Come on, 22%. 22. 11 for 50, 22%. That’s not not ideal. It’s not ideal. The rest of the team is not exactly shooting lights out from three either, which has been problematic. Keldon Johnson hasn’t really got going from out there either, so it’s it’s been kind of a theme with the entire team. I think the entire team’s shooting 31%. Not great. Uh Jeff’s guy, Julian Ja Jeff, do you have something on Julian Champagnie coming up? I know you were taking him out last night. No. He’s doing an okay job. Yeah, he’s doing an okay job. He He’s been a He’s been kind of a bright spot, not just on the shot making, but on the defensive end as well. 5 of 10 last night from three. But, going back to Wembanyama I I wonder if part of it is he just doesn’t want to be known as a tall guy that alley oops and dunks. Yeah. So, he almost feels like I don’t know I I might be psychoanalyzing I might be putting it, but I don’t know. We can speculate on this part of it, right? No, I think there’s a pride in in having that complete game, like that’s been since he’s been growing up, since he was a youngster. Like, that was part of his identity. He’s not uh uh a prototypical center. He’s he’s a unicorn. He’s one of those guys, and I hate the term unicorn, but the kids use that um all the time. Yeah. The kids The kids that use that are like 42 now. Yeah. The first person who I I remember uh mentioning that to me to me, like in a conversation, was when uh Mo Bamba was at Texas, and I went up to do a column on him, and uh he said he wanted to be a unicorn, which like like that that made me laugh a little bit. If you’d a told me uh when I was a when I was a a young child that basketball players would say they wanted to be unicorns, I don’t I don’t know what I would thought. I know I I I wanted to be a pirate. Yes. Yes. Um, But yeah, I think there is some of that. Like it it I don’t know how to phrase it. Like it’s almost too easy. Just throw the ball up there, and I’ll just I’ll go make a a 10 footer, because I’m 7’5. Right. Like, he w- It It almost seems boring to him, maybe. Yeah. Yeah, one he said he had to face this arch nemesis a a a smaller guy going on three times now, uh, in Dylan Brooks. That’ll be Well, D- D- Well, Dylan Brooks. Dylan Brooks, Alex Caruso, James Harden, those have been the guys who’ve really bothered him, like in the post. Like, he he it it’s the LaMarcus Aldridge thing that Jeff mentioned. Um, LaMarcus put that so well that there’s this you you LaMarcus actually I I I think admitted the word pressure or or or something along those lines, of, when the whole arena sees that you have that matchup on like a James Harden, who’s not known as being a defender, and you have a foot on him, and uh like a couple of times last night with with Victor, he had that type of matchup on a smaller guy, and like he threw alley-oop passes to Sandro Mamukelashvili instead. It was it’s it’s quite strange. It’s it’s a little Little Piersons and go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go- go