🎧 Spurs Insider️ 播客: 文班能否及时摆脱状态低迷迎接圣安东尼奥的首场比赛?

Spurs Insider Podcast, 2024-10-23 19:00:00


专栏作家迈克·芬格(Mike Finger)和现场记者杰夫·麦克唐纳(Jeff McDonald)以及汤姆·奥斯伯恩(Tom Orsborn)讨论了马刺队在达拉斯的首场比赛中,季前赛的有限出场时间是否会影响维克多·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)和阵容中的其他球员。



瓦塞尔仍有望在 11 月初回归




迈克·芬格: 这里是马刺队内幕消息,从南德克萨斯州各地高度安全的绝密网络带到您的数字播放器和播客平台。本周将在达拉斯迎来赛季揭幕战,我是主持人迈克·芬格,与我一起的还有《快报新闻》的现场记者汤姆·奥斯伯恩和杰夫·麦克唐纳。这位大家翘首以盼的球员,他在季前赛中一直很轻松。每个人都期待着他能重振旗鼓,在揭幕战之夜开启开关,找回昔日的自己。所以,我不得不问问杰夫·麦克唐纳,你能做到吗?

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 呃,不。不,我做不到。你不可能就这样打开那个开关。我已经不像维克多·文班亚马那样年轻了。所以,对我来说打开那个开关更难。我想。

迈克·芬格: 好吧,如果我们只谈论第二个人,维克多·文班亚马能做到吗?

杰夫·麦克唐纳: 这很难做到。你知道,说真的,他们对他的要求很高。你指的是他参加了两场季前赛。我想他在这两场季前赛中总共出场了大约 39 分钟。看起来状态不太好,我们并不在意,因为这是季前赛,他正在解决问题,但他没有太多时间来解决这些问题。而现在我们就要迎来揭幕战了,要开始全力以赴了。这太疯狂了。当我谈到解决问题时,呃,在所有至少参加了一场以上季前赛的球员中,维克多参加了两场。呃,你能猜到马刺队季前赛中整个阵容中投篮命中率最低的是谁吗?

迈克·芬格: 这是一个诱导性问题。是维克多·文班亚马。哇。谁,呃,谁在这两场比赛中投进了他三分之一的球。所以看起来还没有进入状态。这很正常,但他就像我们暗示的那样,比赛的强度会越来越大。我的意思是,即使只是打 35 分钟或 30 分钟,对他来说也是一个考验,因为他没有像,这就是他在整个季前赛中的上场时间。所以这基本上是他自法国队,自奥运会以来参加过的竞技篮球比赛。所以这一切会是什么样子?我会很有兴趣地去发现。波波说他不会在揭幕战之夜找到节奏,他就是直截了当地这样说的。所以,我想他们也预料到会有一些生疏。汤姆,我想这也很公平。回顾一下大家都很熟悉的最近的历史,但只是提醒一下为什么维克多在季前赛中出场时间很少,这可以追溯到他在法国的最后一年之前。他在短时间内打了大量的篮球比赛。从他在那里的最后一个职业赛季到法国的季后赛,再到他被选中后的夏季联赛,再到漫长的菜鸟赛季,再到奥运会。呃,这种疯狂的做法是有道理的,对吧?

汤姆·奥斯伯恩: 是的,而且你知道,他们的医疗团队非常出色,包括他的人和马刺队的人,呃,马刺队的训练设施被吹捧为拥有 NBA 中最好的医疗设施,也许是所有运动项目中最好的。所以,我的意思是,他们为如何使用他,如何确保他保持健康,考虑到他的体型,投入了大量的脑力劳动,这个方案或计划。所以,你知道,这并不是,这只是,这是经过深思熟虑的。而且,呃,我,我,我认为他们做得对。

迈克·芬格: 对我来说,这并不,我们是不是刚刚接到了,呃,20 世纪 20 年代的广播?我本来想让它就这么过去的。我不会让汤姆解释的。那是什么,呃,那是什么提示?告诉我,伙计们,我不懂 Crack Jack Medical Outfit。Crack Jack。是的。Crack Jack,是的,Crack Jack。你有一个 Crack Jack 医疗队,看到了吗?他可以说顶级的,对吧?不,顶级货架,可能,呃,也太过时了,我不知道。向家里的孩子们解释一下什么是 Cracker Jack,汤姆。

汤姆·奥斯伯恩: 而且,有趣的是。你知道,我前几天刚看了《蒂凡尼的早餐》。我们重温了这部电影,他们在休息时吃了 Cracker Jack,是的。这是一个相当精彩的场景,有趣。是的,他得到了,这是一盒 Cracker Jack,奖品出现在电影里。他们是不是以那首 Deep Blue Something 的歌来命名那部电影的?这会让汤姆摸不着头脑,但这让我笑了。哦,我知道,我知道那首歌。呃,回到维克多。我的意思是,好吧,他并不是一直都这样无所事事。也许不一样,但他们一直在刻苦训练,一直在打对抗赛。所以,这些事情一直在幕后发生。或者说他的状态可能还不错。你知道,也许,也许他的节奏会比我们想象的要好一点。只是我们没有见过他,像我们这些公众人物,自从奥运会之后就很少见过他在球场上打球了,而且他的状态看起来也不太好。但是,他们一直在拼命训练。所以,如果,如果这有什么意义的话,你知道,他们已经做了一些事情。与维克多·文班亚马交谈的有趣之处在于,有时你会和他讨论语义。他在昨天的采访中提到,呃,有人提到了“出场时间限制”这个词。有趣的是,他说我不喜欢这个词,或者我会质疑“出场时间限制”这个词。更重要的是,呃,将我的身体推向极限。他是不是这样说的,汤姆?是的。是的。我觉得这很有趣,呃,这基本上是他的观点,这不是关于出场时间,而是关于尽量让他在不透支自己的情况下做尽可能多的事情。我认为,呃,在本赛季开始的时候,他的出场时间不会受到限制。波波不会在比赛中说他不能打超过 24 分钟、30 分钟或 34 分钟,不管是什么。但我认为,就像,就像波波说的那样,那个 Crack Jack 医疗团队已经在这方面投入了大量的思考和精力。他们可能已经为前几场比赛制定了计划。我确实当面问过波波,就在那场对阵休斯顿的比赛之后,考虑到维克多在季前赛中没有打太多比赛,本赛季开始后,你不会,你预见不到维克多的出场时间会受到字面上的限制。波波说:“不,没有任何医疗原因限制他的出场时间,但他可能会经常感到疲劳。”这基本上就是波波的意思。所以,这将是你周四观看比赛时需要注意的地方。疲惫的维克多·文班亚马。维克多状态不佳。德文没有穿队服。他们有两个新人,克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)和哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes),正在努力熟悉彼此,建立化学反应。好吧,第一周会是什么样子?

汤姆·奥斯伯恩: 他们可能会给你带来惊喜。谁知道呢。他们可能会给你带来惊喜。这是一个奇怪的情况,因为对我来说,这可以追溯到格雷格·波波维奇关于良好开局的重要性的一个古老笑话。呃,他喜欢这类问题,但,呃,赛季有一个良好的开局很重要,你不觉得吗?我的意思是,如果这个赛季真的是为了胜利,而且,呃,他们要把这两个 60 负的赛季抛在身后,而且,呃,你,你知道,你想,你想让每个人在揭幕战之后还能保持兴趣。比如你不想以 0 胜 5 负开局。是的。我,我当时,呃,这样做是有风险的。是的。或者说前四场,前四场都没有好打的对手。你要在主场背靠背对阵休斯顿,休斯顿虽然不是一支,呃,一支争冠球队,但他们是一支实力雄厚的球队。然后是客场对阵达拉斯,客场对阵俄克拉荷马城,就像他们,这,这,这,他们有可能开局不佳,尤其是考虑到汤姆提到的所有事情。而且你要在背靠背的第二个晚上去犹他爵士队。是的。是的。你知道,是的。你不能再打出 5 胜 24 负的战绩了。那就糟糕了。这就是开局。我想我们可以讨论一下这个问题。我想利用本周的节目,对本赛季做出一些大致的预测,不一定具体到,你知道,战绩预测什么的,而只是我们对本赛季的总体预期,以及,呃,哪些可能被认为是不成功的。我认为杰夫在这里提出了一个关键点,那就是,你最不希望看到这支球队发生的事情就是以 5 胜 15 负开局,这样每个人都会在前几个月就被淘汰出局。我不认为你需要在圣诞节前达到 50% 的胜率。我不认为你需要,你知道,在新的一年到来之前就进入季后赛席位。但是,你也不想在赛季开始一两个月后就被彻底淘汰出局。我,我,是的。我认为你想保持在 50% 胜率的附近。是的。你知道,就像,不要太糟糕。对。比如,不要再有 18 连败了。这是一个很好的目标。好吧,那,我,我,我想我们已经找到了一个很大的,很大的,呃,只是,只是,这会在播客中引起很多关注,当我们说,那,那,那不可能发生,再一个 18 连败。那,那,那是一个吸引眼球的点。它,它不可能发生。你是对的。好吧,不然呢?不然人们会生气的。哦,好吧,那是真的。呃,哼。看看本赛季的前三周,我们,呃,家里的观众面前没有赛程表,但是,好吧,我还没有,但是让我,呃,看看。但是,客场对阵达拉斯,主场两场对阵休斯顿,客场对阵俄克拉荷马城,然后客场对阵犹他爵士队,考虑到这两支球队的目标,今年应该会赢。马刺队正在上升,而犹他爵士队可能没有那么重视胜利。但是,正如汤姆提到的,这是背靠背的第二晚。好吧。对你来说,休斯顿在圣安东尼奥的马刺队主场揭幕战是火箭队的背靠背比赛,这重要吗?那太好了。那可能会,如果你要打其中一场,你不就得打另一场吗?我的意思是,你知道。那可能会,我预计马刺队会赢得主场揭幕战。所有围绕着这场比赛的兴奋之情。他们的第一场,好吧,你有一些稳赢的比赛,去年是在,是在主场对阵休斯顿。你会有一些稳赢的比赛,但你在 11 月份会有一些喘息的机会。好吧,好吧,你会的,但 11 月份你要在主场迎战明尼苏达森林狼队。但是,看看剩下的比赛。客场对阵快船队。拥有谁的快船队?快船队可能是西部最差的球队之一。这仍然是客场对阵快船队。那是真的。比如,这是一场客场比赛。那是真的。呃,西海岸时区,新的 Intuit 球馆,很高兴能去那里旅行。新奥尔良鹈鹕队很糟糕。你要对阵犹他爵士队,你又要对阵犹他爵士队了。你要对阵华盛顿奇才队,就像他们,你,你在一个月内要和犹他爵士队交手三次,我现在才意识到这一点。你在感恩节前基本上就把他们都打完了。这是一个好问题。这是好事还是坏事,因为你在,你没有德文·瓦塞尔的情况下与他们交手,而且你,或者你可能会有德文。但是,你,你还在解决引进新球员的问题,维克多摆脱状态低迷的问题,如果德文回来,他可能不会是 100% 的状态。你是否宁愿在今年晚些时候再赢下这些稳赢的比赛?我认为撇开这些不谈,我还是宁愿把他们分开。我不想在一个月内和同一支球队交手四次。我认为你是对的。即使你刚才说的都不是真的,我仍然不想在一个月内和同一支球队交手四次。我问你一个问题。如果,呃,在本赛季的第一周,那两场对阵休斯顿的比赛中,你,你觉得你至少要赢下一场,呃,基本上是在 10 月份德文·瓦塞尔回归之前的比赛。如果马刺队在那几场比赛中有一个英雄,不是维克多·文班亚马,而是在维克多身边挺身而出,并确保你赢下对阵火箭队的主场揭幕战,或者在俄克拉荷马城偷走一场胜利,或者在背靠背的比赛中战胜犹他爵士队,那么在这种情况下,谁会是那个挺身而出的人,并真正地改变了比赛?克里斯·保罗。是的。作为一名得分手,一名组织者,还是仅仅作为一名领袖?作为一名在关键时刻保持冷静的球员。就是你了。也许,也许在关键时刻做出贡献将是决定性的因素。杰夫,你同意吗?那正是我想说的,是的。但是,你也可能会看到朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)投进奇怪的,比如四个三分球,四五个三分球。嗯。你会看到那种随机爆发的表现。也许凯尔登替补出场打出了一场精彩的比赛。诸如此类。说到朱利安·尚帕尼,呃,呃,汤姆、杰夫和整个媒体团队都在向昨天接受采访的一些球员抛出,呃,问题,试图,试图,试图让人们确定,呃,确定一个首发阵容。虽然还没有人这样做,但在周四对阵达拉斯的比赛中,我们将看到什么,这似乎已经很明显了。控球后卫是克里斯·保罗。中锋是维克多·文班亚马。首发前锋组合是杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)和哈里森·巴恩斯。我认为这取决于,这取决于旁观者的看法,一个是三号位,一个是四号位。你可以选择你的,选择你的顺序。然后在二号位,我想你会看到朱利安·尚帕尼先生,对吧?是的,我认为这很明显。我认为这是一个很好的猜测。而且尚帕尼在季前赛中表现出色?是的,他很棒。他很棒。这是一个很好的猜测,因为在季前赛中,他们只有两次让这五个人都上场了,那就是他们的首发阵容。所以,这就是为什么,这就是为什么这是一个很好的猜测,我们这些关注季前赛的人。这就是我问你们的原因。因为我知道你们有。是的。是的。好吧,尚帕尼在季前赛中投篮神准,你知道,这对任何射手来说都可能时好时坏,但如果他能继续保持下去,那就太好了。这将为他们提供一些三分球投射能力,这支球队在纸面上看起来似乎有些缺乏三分球能力,而且可能仍然缺乏。如果他们,如果他们不缺乏三分球能力,他们就需要像尚帕尼这样的球员来投篮得分。他在季前赛中做到了。我的意思是,再说一次,这并不重要,但他在银黑对抗赛中也表现出色,就,就投篮得分而言。这正是首发阵容中第四人的工作描述。对。我的意思是,他们,你,你可以选择任何技能。唯一的一项技能就是投进空位三分球。他穿着全套的热身服做到了这一点。他做到了。我不知道这在季前赛中是否重要,但他的肢体语言真的很好。他看起来很自信。而且他在从容地投篮,我,我并不是说他在强迫自己投篮,但他投出的球并不仅仅是,你知道,大空位。就像,也许,你知道,有人在靠近,但他还是投篮了。他,而且,我,我认为这对他来说都是好兆头。他非常放松。而且他,他有那种我属于这里,我,我,我知道我属于这里的感觉,我认为。而且他可能会首发,他可能会在常规赛中以 0 中 49 开局。他会这样做的。这一切都将付诸东流,但是,他目前为止看起来不错。在达拉斯的第一场比赛中,他们将面对卫冕西部冠军,比赛将在美航中心球馆进行,替补出场的是,控球卫士特雷·琼斯(Tre Jones)。侧翼球员,效力马刺队时间最长的球员凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)。内线球员扎克·科林斯(Zach Collins)又回来了,也许这次他能保持健康一段时间。还有新秀斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stefan Castle),他可能会打一些得分后卫,也许还会防守对方球队的侧翼球员,比如三号位。他能做到,也许偶尔还能作为控球后卫组织进攻。但,但,但这是四名我们非常有信心会在赛季第一场比赛的上半场替补出场的球员。然后就是我们在之前的季前赛播客中谈到的,在德文·瓦塞尔回归之前,可能会竞争第 10 个位置的球员,他们甚至在那之后还在为轮换阵容而战。在这些球员中,你想先讨论谁,杰夫?呃,我想是布雷克·韦斯利(Blake Wesley)。原因如下。我们这些关注季前赛的人都知道,马刺队在五场比赛中只有一场比赛拥有完整的揭幕战阵容。所以,除了德文·瓦塞尔,也就是揭幕战将要受伤的那个人之外,你能叫出名字的每个人都上场了。嗯。所以,他们,呃,那是汤姆报道的迈阿密那场比赛。波波在上半场基本上是按照正常比赛的方式来打的,就是你提到的那九个人。然后布雷克·韦斯利在上半场打了大约 3 分钟。然后下半场你就能看到布雷克打得更多了,还有马穆,还有马拉基·布拉汉姆(Malachi Branham),还有查尔斯·巴斯(Charles Bassey)。诸如此类的查尔斯·巴斯。所以,这告诉我了他们的倾向。我还想说的是,当你谈论轮换阵容时,它可能会每晚,每周都发生变化。甚至在比赛过程中,这取决于比赛的进行方式、对位情况,但我认为你提到的九个人是非常,非常稳固的。然后,第 10 个人会有点,摇摆不定,你可以随便怎么说,但他们,呃,我想说的是,他们很喜欢他们在季前赛中偶尔使用的布雷克·韦斯利和斯蒂芬,斯蒂芬·C-斯蒂芬·卡斯尔的组合。为你辩护。没错。落后的时候,换上特雷·琼斯。他们,他们,他们就是喜欢那种防守。是的。你看,这完全打乱了对手的节奏。所以,我认为我们很快就会看到一些这样的阵容。也许当,当比赛看起来不顺利或者进攻停滞的时候,也许把那六个,把那,把那两个人放到,放到对方的后场,制造一些失误,通过这种方式创造一些轻松的进攻机会。这就是替补席,替补席的现状。我们在播客中很少谈论他,原因很明显。因为他受伤了,但是汤姆,我很好奇,你对查尔斯·巴斯今年有什么期待?他只是一个需要的时候才会被使用的球员吗?你知道,替补席上排在最后五位的球员,偶尔会得到,得到几分钟的上场时间,或者,或者你能看到他成为一名常规的,你知道,替补中锋吗?我认为他会是后者。除非事实证明并非如此,除非他,你知道,取得了进步,赢得了更多的上场时间,但是,前者,你是说?很少被使用的情况?第一种?是的。是的。是的。呃,不管怎样,五,你知道,他,他就是 5 分 5 个篮板,不管你,你对他做什么。他,他就像,他一直都在那里。他似乎就是这样了,你知道。我,我不知道。也许他还能做得更多,但我认为,你认为马穆在他前面吗?桑德罗·马穆克拉什维利(Sandro Mamukelashvili)?是的。我认为是的。我真的认为他们在想方设法让马穆上场,但还没有找到办法。但我认为这会发生的。我认为查尔斯·巴斯会在哪里非常有用呢?比如在扎克·科林斯再次受伤的那段时间里,他会非常有用。是的。而且,而且你需要,你需要有人来,呃,填补那个,填补那个替补的角色。既然我们正在讨论这些球员中的其他人,自从我们上次和播客的听众们交谈以来,我们非常感谢他们,他们有时会访问我们的 expressnews.com,这太棒了,网站上有很多关于当地球队的报道,他们在维克多·文班亚马的带领下迎来了关键的第二个赛季。自从我们上次和他们交谈以来,我们做出了一些合同决定,我认为这些决定都在我们的意料之中,但我们已经讨论了一段时间了。值得注意的有两件事,那就是,呃,布雷克·韦斯利和前面提到的马拉基·布拉汉姆都获得了一年的续约选项。我们怎么看这件事?我,我,我认为这是不可避免的。我想,我们在最近的播客中也说过。是的。是的。是的,他们,也许这只是为了收视率。或者我们只是想,那是为了收视率。那是假新闻。我的意思是,你以前确实提起过。而且,我,我,我想我需要纠正自己在,在,我认为是在,呃,在关于朗尼·沃克(Lonnie Walker)的现场直播中说过的话?是的。你说过球队通常都会执行第四年的选项。那是真的。那是真的。球队通常都会这样做。这是,这是便宜的钱,便宜的劳动力。我当时说,“好吧,是的,那是真的,但马刺队并不总是这样”,我提到了朗尼·沃克,但实际上那,那不是,不是真的。他们确实执行了朗尼·沃克的第四年选项。他们只是没有,呃,呃,在他第四年之后续约他。这就是我那老迈混沌的大脑里回忆起来的东西。所以,朗尼·沃克又恢复自由身了。我向大家道歉。是的。是的,我看到了。可怜的家伙。但是,在凯尔特人队没有站稳脚跟。我想他最终会去发展联盟。这很好。去发展联盟,这很好。是的。有天赋的家伙,讨人喜欢的家伙。希望他能一切顺利。这只是表明,这,这表明在 NBA 获得一个阵容名额是多么困难。就像,这是一个有天赋的家伙,球队也不错。你知道,有时候你会听到关于有天赋的球员因为,因为他们是,他们是糟糕的队友什么的而失败的故事。人们喜欢他。是的。他做得很好。他能投篮,他能跑得飞快。只是很难,很难在 NBA 找到一份工作。他偶尔会突然爆发,很快就能拿到 18 分,但这种情况少之又少。而且,是的。在防守端,他从来没有真正地,真正地融入进来。但是,有趣的是,你会听到马刺队的球迷谈论朗尼·沃克是如何被错误地使用,马刺队是如何搞砸了的,但他在其他任何地方也没有站稳脚跟,你知道吗。是的。所以,我不知道。这似乎,我的意思不是说刻薄,但这似乎更像是朗尼·沃克自己的问题,而不是教练/使用方式的问题。这听起来真的很刻薄。抱歉。只是,只是,只是落井下石。你没有提到其他的,其他的交易。所以,他们也执行了杰里米·索汉的,呃,选项。而且,而且这个,这个操作会让布莱恩·莱特(Brian Wright)获得年度最佳总经理奖,他们,呃,执行了维克多·文班亚马的第三年选项。是的。他必须努力才能做到这一点。我听说,我听说,我听说,是的。我听说,在维克多的问题上,他们不得不召开一次大型会议,就像团队中的每个人,都必须在大会议室里开会,RC、波波,还有我们从未听说过的人。而且一直拖到最后一刻才做出决定。他们只是在大喊大叫,我知道。有人真的反对这样做。但是,呃,最终,理智占了上风,他们将向维克多·文班亚马支付微薄的薪水。我听说整个管理层都飞过来了。是的。飞,飞,飞过来。从全国各地飞过来。我听说连迈克尔·戴尔(Michael Dell)都在,在,在做推销。迈克尔·戴尔,太疯狂了。好吧,他们,他们,他们让迈克尔·戴尔用,用,用人工智能模型来预测,呃,维克多·文班亚马未来的数据,以确保执行第三年的选项是值得的。它只是说,呃,他很棒。是的。是的。是的。但不管怎么说,这是一个好棋。这是一个好棋。我们必须承认这一点。在这 20 分钟里,我们几乎涵盖了整个阵容。我想我们几乎提到了每个人的名字。我,我,我是,还有一个,还有一个马刺队的球员,他在阵容中,但我们还没有提到?我们今天已经筋疲力尽了。让我们看看。我们还没有提到双向合同球员。我们没有提到莱利·迈纳斯(Riley Minus)。他得到了一份大合同的双向合同。我们找到了。这是一个好问题。莱利·迈纳斯是他们赢得两场季前赛的原因。我会,我会证明这一点。比如,垃圾时间是你赢得季前赛的方式,而莱利·迈纳斯在这两场比赛中,在垃圾时间真的帮助了他们。他已经证明了自己是一名终结者。所以,你认为他会和克里斯·保罗一起出现在终结阵容中吗?不。但是,但是他在这里,他出现在了这个位置上。我的意思是,他来了,波波声称他不知道他是谁,他,他以他的投篮能力迅速引起了波波的注意。你瞧,他得到了一份合同。双向合同。我认为你在暗示波波没有说实话。我要,我要,我要去那里看看,然后说,然后说波波真的不知道。真的不知道。是的。可能,可能他出现了。可能。我不认为双向合同的竞争是,是,是,呃,波波当时最关注的事情。但他可能在想,他们是否找到了一条通往成功的道路。他可能会成为一名出色的球员。谁,谁是双向合同球员?双向合同在联盟中并没有很长的历史。呃,那,那是刚刚开始的。也许是在过去的十年里。对吧?但是,但是有没有哪些双向合同球员,哪些球员是其中的佼佼者?也许只是在这支球队中,比如马穆在密尔沃基雄鹿队时就是一名双向合同球员。嗯。查尔斯·巴斯是一名双向合同球员。在费城 76 人队和这里都是。所以,这是有可能的。是的。是的。球员,球员们会站稳脚跟。在整个联盟中,可能还有更好,更好的例子,但我的关注点在马刺队,所以,是的。好吧,这是,我,我谷歌了一下,所以,我,我在作弊,但是邓肯·罗宾逊(Duncan Robinson)、亚历克斯·卡鲁索(Alex Caruso)。是的。亚历克斯·卡鲁索。是的。亚历克斯·卡鲁索现在突然变成了一名精英球员。是的。是的,那是一份双向合同,那份双向合同已经存在很长时间了。你是个老人,先生。我们是,还是亚历克斯·卡鲁索是一名攻防兼备的球员?不。这是,呃,让我看看。奥斯汀·里夫斯(Austin Reeves)。奥斯汀·里夫斯。兑现了,通过双向合同发了财。他们,这,这,这是有可能的。我们,我们不应该低估莱利·迈纳斯。我们提到的另一位球员,呃,关于首发阵容,他在昨天接受了一些采访,他是,呃,哈里森·巴恩斯。想再谈谈他,因为你知道他打过球,就像杰夫在播客中提到的那样,昨天有人和哈里森提到了这一点,他连续两年打了 82 场比赛。不仅如此。他第一次首发出战了 82 场比赛。首发出战了 82 场比赛,连续两年。连续两年。这种情况在圣安东尼奥马刺队并不常见。部分原因是他们,他们,他们知道如何让球员偶尔休息一下。你还得考虑到哈里森·巴恩斯在这支球队中年龄更大,绝对是年龄更大的。呃,他才 30 出头,但是,比如他会不会在未来几年成为球队的核心?如果他不是,比如,他能整个赛季都保住首发位置吗?他,他,他非常,我不知道“宽宏大量”这个词是否准确,但是当被问到这样的问题时,他总是说一些冠冕堂皇的话。他想,当夏天关于交易的讨论开始时。那笔交易让哈里森来到了这里,让德马尔·德罗赞(DeMar DeRozan)的交易得以在萨克拉门托国王队完成。你知道,哈里森同意来圣安东尼奥。要么是他,要么是凯文·赫尔特(Kevin Huerter)。哈里森·巴恩斯希望是他。他想来圣安东尼奥。我想他在交易中放弃了,呃,放弃了一笔交易保证金,以确保这笔交易能够在工资帽下完成。而且,呃,呃,当我昨天问他,波波告诉他什么,或者马刺队告诉他什么关于他在这里的角色时,他说很简单。他,他只会按照他们的要求去做,马刺队会如何使用他来赢得比赛,他就愿意怎么做。现在,我认为,仅仅因为我认为我们都了解人性,一个仍然认为自己是,呃,呃,呃,一名出色的 NBA 球员,他在前两个赛季都首发出战了 82 场比赛,连续两个赛季。我猜想他认为自己来这里是为了首发,为了打很多比赛,为了整个赛季都是首发阵容的一员。我对大家的问题是:你认为他,首先,会首发,比如说,80 场比赛吗?其次,他在三月份和四月份还会是首发球员吗?所以,首先,我认为这很有趣。我认为播客的朋友唐·哈里斯(Don Harris)是昨天问哈里森·巴恩斯这个问题的人。他提到波波是,呃,轮休管理的教父。是的。而且你知道,呃,所以对你来说,这 82 场比赛真的那么重要吗?哈里森,他,有时候解读一些言外之意是危险的。但是,哈里森·巴恩斯说的是,“是的,你,你知道波波问过我这个问题。我,我只是告诉他,我,我计划随时待命,你知道,只要,只要我能上场,我就会上场。”但后来,哈里森说,“我希望,我希望我和波波在这件事上仍然,你知道,意见一致。”在我看来,这有点暗示,“是的,当然,我想打满 82 场比赛,首发 82 场比赛。”他会,我,我,我不知道我有没有一个数字。我想先看看情况如何,然后再给出一个数字。我认为他们显然会在赛季开始时让他首发,来开始这个赛季。然后,看看情况如何。我的意思是,他是一名首发级别的球员吗?我的意思是,他是在去年之后状态一落千丈吗?我不知道。他去年在萨克拉门托国王队首发了 82 场比赛,那是一支非常优秀的球队。所以,我,我认为在看到其他情况之前,你必须说他,他有机会成为一名 NBA 首发级别的球员。我的意思是,我,我不知道我们是否会过分在意他的季前赛表现。我认为这是,这是我在本赛季前几周最感兴趣的一件事,那就是哈里森·巴恩斯和杰里米·索汉的前场组合如何运作?那,那将是你最感兴趣的事情。我认为,好吧,因为,因为我认为我,我,我对那一点一无所知。另一件事是,维克多就是维克多,克里斯·保罗,你知道你会从克里斯·保罗那里得到什么。但是,什么,你为什么认为这行不通?因为我认为如果你问他们中的任何一个人他们打什么位置,你让他们具体说明,我认为他们都会说四号位。所以,你有两个四号位球员在一起打球。在当今的 NBA,四号位和三号位有什么区别?你,你,你,你,这就是我要说的。这是一个,呃,呃,这是一个越来越不分位置的联盟,但是,你知道,那,我,我,也许我这样做是为了收视率。杰夫,我认为,我认为哈里森·巴恩斯,我,我很想看看那,那会是什么样子,因为杰里米·索汉仍然是一个谜。我,我认为这更多的是杰里米·索汉的问题,而不是杰里米·巴恩斯的问题。而不是哈里森·巴恩斯的问题。我们不知道,不知道 2024 年,2025 年的杰里米·索汉会是什么样子。也许这比他和哈里森·巴恩斯一起打球更有趣。但是,我认为那个前场组合以及他们如何融合在一起,是一个未知数。我认为哈里森·巴恩斯在过去 5 年或 6 年里一直是一名接近 40% 的三分球投手。我想他去年投进了大约 38%。如果他能保持这样的命中率,那么我认为这套阵容是可行的,因为这样你就不会有两个在那个位置上不会投篮的球员了。然后你可以随便称呼他们,但那样的话,索汉就是四号位,巴恩斯就是三号位,你知道,按照,按照,呃,旧的,旧的 NBA 术语来说。但是,我认为很多,很多契合度都取决于,取决于,取决于哈里森·巴恩斯能否保持三分球的命中率。我认为你是对的。最后一个打满 82 场比赛的马刺队球员。你能猜到这个小知识吗?是的。汤姆·奥斯伯恩知道。米尔斯和福布斯?是布林·福布斯(Bryn Forbes),在 2019 年。2019 年。而且,而且我认为马库斯接近这个数字。呃,80,80 多场。布林·福布-布林·福布斯在 2018-19 赛季打了 80 场,全部 82 场比赛,其中 81 场首发。是的,帕蒂,帕蒂·米尔斯。布林·福布斯。然后

点击查看原文:Can Wemby shake off the rust in time for San Antonio's opener?

Can Wemby shake off the rust in time for San Antonio’s opener?

Columnist Mike Finger and beat writers Jeff McDonald and Tom Orsborn discuss whether limited action in the preseason will affect Victor Wembanyama and the rest of the lineup when the Spurs take the floor at Dallas.

Suggested reading:

Spurs’ chemistry project ongoing as opener nears

Vassell remains on target for early November return

For Victor Wembanyama’s second season, some predictions to remember


Here is the transcript of the podcast:

Mike Finger: From a highly secured network of top secret locations across South Texas. This is the Spurs Insider, being brought to your digital players, podcast outlets. The week of the season opener at Dallas, I am your host Mike Finger, joined by Express-News beat writers Tom Orsborn and Jeff McDonald. And the guy everybody came to see the guy everybody came to perform. He’s been taking it easy this preseason. Everybody expecting he’s just going to turn it on, flip a switch, opening night and be what he once was. And so, I have to ask Jeff McDonald, can you do it?

Jeff McDonald: Uh, no. No, I cannot. You cannot just flip that switch. I’m I’m I’m not young anymore, like like Victor Wembanyama. So, it’s harder for me to flip that switch. I think.

Mike Finger: Well, can Victor Wembanyama do it, if we would just want to talk about the second guy?

Jeff McDonald: Um That’s pretty difficult to do. You know like Seriously, what they’re asking him a lot. What what you’re referring to is he’s played in uh two preseason games. I think he’s uh totaled about 39 minutes in those two preseason games. Hasn’t looked great, which we don’t care about because of the preseason and he’s working out kinks, but he hasn’t had a lot of time to work out those kinks. And And Here we are opening night like hit the ground running. It’s it’s it’s crazy. When I talk about working out kinks, um of of all the players that uh played in at least in more than one preseason game, so Victor played in two. Uh, can you guess who has the very worst shooting percentage on the entire roster of uh Spurs preseason?

Mike Finger: It’s a leading question. It’s Victor Wembanyama. Wow. Who uh who’ve made uh 1/3rd of his shots in those two games. So hasn’t really looked in sync. And that’s fine, but He’s like we’re alluding to It’s going to get uh you know, harder quicker. And I mean And even just playing like a like 35 minutes or 30 minutes like is that going to be a test for him since he hasn’t like That’s what he totaled basically in the entire uh preseason. So that’s basically the competitive basketball he’s played since since France. Since the Olympics, so How’s all that going to look? I’ll be interested to find out. Pop Pop says he won’t be in rhythm to start opening night like he just flat says that. So, I think they’re expecting a little bit of uh rust. And it’s It’s fair enough, I guess. And Tom, just to go back through the the recent history that I think everybody is familiar with but but just as a reminder of why he had a light preseason Victor did, going back to before his last year in France. It’s been a lot of basketball uh played in in a short period of time. From his last season as a pro there to the playoffs in France to the Summer League when he was drafted, to a long rookie season, and then the Olympics. Uh There’s been a method to this madness, at least right?

Tom Orsborn: Yeah, and and you know, they they’ve got they’ve got a pretty pretty uh cracker jack outfit medical staff, his people Spurs people you know, uh um the the Spurs practice facility was touted as having the best medical facilities in the NBA, maybe in all of sports. So, I mean, there there’s a lot of brain work that’s going into this, um this scheme or plan for how to use him and how to how to make sure you you maintain his health being uh with the frame that he has. So, you know, it’s not like it’s it’s just It’s well thought out. And uh I I think they’re doing the right thing.

Mike Finger: It It doesn’t It doesn’t to me Did Did we just get a visit from uh 1920s radio? I was going to let that slide. I’m not going to make Tom explain. What was uh what was the tip-off there? Tell me, guys, I don’t Crack Jack Medical Outfit. Crack Jack. Yeah. Cracker Jack, yeah, Cracker Jack. You got a Cracker Jack Medical Outfit, see? He could have said top shelf, right? No top shelves, probably uh dated too, I don’t know. Explain to the kids at home what Cracker Jack is, Tom.

Tom Orsborn: And Well, it’s funny. You know, I just saw Breakfast at Tiffany’s the other day. Um we rewatched that They had Cracker Jacks at that break- Yes. It’s It’s quite a scene, that’s um Interesting. Yeah, he gets a It’s a It’s a long story, but Cracker Jack a Cracker Jack box and a prize figures into the movie. Did Did they name that Did they name that movie after that Deep Blue Something song? That’s going to go over Tom’s head, but it makes me laugh. Oh, I know I know that I know that song. Uh going back to Victor. I mean Well, it’s not like he’s been just inert this whole time. Like maybe it’s not the same, but they’ve been practicing a lot and practicing hard and scrimmaging a lot. So there has been a lot of this stuff going on behind closed doors. Or maybe the conditioning might be okay. You know, maybe maybe the rhythm will be a little better than we thought. We just haven’t seen him like us us in the public have not seen him on the floor very much since since the Olympics, and it hasn’t it hasn’t looked great. But, they’ve been practicing their rear ends off. So if if that counts for anything, um you know, they’ve done something. One of the things that’s fun about um talking to Victor Wembanyama sometimes when like you get into semantics with him. And and his availability yesterday talking to us, uh someone mentioned the the term uh minutes restriction. And it was it was funny when he said I I don’t like that term or I would I would argue with the term minutes restriction. It’s more about um pushing my body to its limit. Isn’t that what he said, Tom? Yeah. Yeah. Which I found kind of interesting, and uh this basically his point was it’s it’s not about the minutes, it’s about trying to to do as much to allow him to do as much as he can without over-extending himself. And I think uh there’s not going to be a minutes restriction on him to start this season. There’s not Pop’s not going to go and do a game saying he can’t play more than 24 or 30 or 34 or whatever it is. Um But, I think there’s like like Pop like Tom said that that Cracker Jack medical staff has put a lot of thought and energy into this. And they probably have a plan for how these first few games are going to go. I I did ask Pop that um just point-blank after that Houston game like there’s not going to be uh You don’t You don’t foresee there being like a literal minutes restriction on Victor starting the season given, you know, he hadn’t done much in the preseason. And Pop said, “No, there there won’t be any medical reason for him to be restricted, but he’s probably going to be tired a lot.” Is basically what Pop said. So That’s That’ll give you something to watch on Thursday. So tired Victor Wembanyama. Victor’s out of rhythm. Devin’s out of uniform. They got They got two new guys, Chris Paul, Harrison Barnes, trying to get to know, build some chemistry. Well, what’s this first week going to look like?

Tom Orsborn: They might surprise you. You never know. They might surprise you. It’s It’s a weird situation because to me And this goes back to an age-old joke with Greg Popovich about the importance of getting off to a good start. Which uh that’s the kind of question that he loves, but uh it’s sort of important to get off to a good start to the season, don’t you think? I mean like if this season really is about winning and and they’re putting these two uh 60 loss years behind them, and uh you you know you want to you want to keep everybody’s interest beyond opening night. Like you don’t want to start O and five. Um Yeah. I I was uh There’s a danger of doing that. Yeah. Or there’s the first four, there’s no gimme in those first four. You get Houston back to back at home, and Houston’s not like a a a title contender, but that’s a solid team. Then Dallas Dallas on the road, at Oklahoma City Like they’re It’s It’s It’s There’s a potential for a not great start there, especially with everything that Tom mentioned. And you’re going to Utah on the second night of a back to back Yeah. Yeah. You know, Yeah. You can’t go like five and 24 again. That would be bad. That’s the start. I guess we can get into that. I wanted to use this week’s show, um to kind of make not necessarily specific uh number of you know, record predictions or whatever, but just in general predictions about the season, what what we expect and uh what might be considered to be less than a success. And I think Jeff hit on a key point there where like one thing you do not want to happen with this team is a 5 and 15 start where everyone’s just kind of out of it from the first couple of months. Um I I don’t think you need to be 500 at Christmas. I don’t think you need to be, you know, in a playoff spot heading into the new year. But, you don’t want to be just completely out of it a month or two into the season. I And I Yeah. I think you want to stick around like within like shouting distance of 500. Yeah. You know, like where it’s just not abysmal. Right. Like, don’t have a don’t have an 18 game losing streak again. That would be a good goal. Well, that I I I think we’ve hit on a big big uh Just just this is this is going to gain all kinds of attention in this podcast when we say that that that cannot happen, another 18 game losing streak. That’s That’s That’s an attention getter. It It cannot happen. You’re right. Well, or what? Or else people will be mad. Oh well, that’s true. Uh-huh. Um the Looking Looking at the first three weeks of the season, we uh people at home don’t have the schedule in front of them, but Well, I don’t have it yet, but let me look at it. But, at Dallas, two at home against Houston, at OKC, the at Utah should be a a win in this year, considering where those two teams are headed. Spurs heading up Utah maybe not stressing the winning so much. But, as Tom mentioned, it’s the second night of a back to back. Okay. Does it matter to you that Houston’s game in the Spurs home opener at San Antonio is a back to back for the Rockets? That’s going to be good. That could Like, if you were going to play one, don’t you have to play the other? I mean, you know. That could I expect Spurs to win the home opener. All the all the excitement that’ll be around that. Um Their first All right, you got some gimmies The last year was at was Houston at home. You get some gimmies, but You get some breaks in November, though. Well, well you do, but November starts with Minnesota at home. But, then look at the rest of it. At the Clippers. The Clippers with who? The Clippers are going to be one of the worst teams in the West probably. It’s still an at the Clippers. That’s true. Like it’s an at. That’s true. Uh West Coast time zone, the new Intuit Dome excited to be making a a trip to that. Orleans are abysmal. You get Utah you get Utah again. You get Washington Like, they’re right Did You You got Man, you play Utah three times in the first month of the season. Now is that a good thing or a bad thing? Four times. You get them all I’m just realizing this. You get them all basically before Thanksgiving. That’s a good question. That’s a good thing or a bad thing, because you’re getting them while you’re you don’t have Devin Vassell, and you’re Or maybe they should have You could have You could have Devin. But, you’re you’re still working out the kinks of bringing in new guys, of Victor shaking off the rust, of if Devin comes back, he’s probably not going to be 100%. Would you rather get those gimme wins later in the year? I think all that aside, I would just rather have them spread out. I wouldn’t want to play the same team four times in a month. I think you’re right. Just all even just even if none of what you just said was true, I still wouldn’t want a like the same team four times in a month. Let me ask you this. If uh the the first week of the season those two Houston games where you you feel like you need to win at least one of those um uh uh basically the games in in October before before Devin Vassell gets back. If the Spurs have a uh a hero in those games that’s not Victor Wembanyama, the guy who steps up and and makes sure you get you grab that home opener against the Rockets or you steal one at Oklahoma City or you win the back to back against Utah, who’s the guy that steps up alongside Victor in that in that situation then and really makes a difference? Chris Paul. Yeah. As a scorer, as a distributor, as just a leader? As a late as bringing calmness late in crunch time. There you go. Maybe Maybe making a play in crunch time will be the difference. Jeff, do you concur? That was going to be what I was going to say, yeah. But, you could also see maybe just a a weird like four three-pointer four five three-pointer game from like Julian Champagnie. Mhm. Where you just get one of those sort of like random explosions. Um Maybe Keldon has a huge game off the bench. Something like that. Speaking of Julian Champagnie, uh uh Tom and and Jeff and the whole media crew were were peppering some of the guys who talked yesterday with uh with questions trying to trying to to get people to commit on a uh on a starting lineup. And although no one has done that, it seems pretty evident what we’re going to see at Dallas on on Thursday. You’re going to have Chris Paul at point guard. You’re going to have Victor Wembanyama at center. You’re going to have starting forward tandem of Jeremy Sochan and Harrison Barnes. I think it’s up to the It’s It’s in the eye of the beholder whether whether one is the three and one’s the four. You can pick your pick your order there. And then at the two, I think you’re going to see Mr. Julian Champagnie, aren’t you? Yeah, I think that’s pretty evident. I think that’s a good guess. And Champagnie’s had a good preseason? Yeah, he’s been great. He’s been great. And and it’s a good guess, because the the two times the only two times in the preseason they had all five of those guys available, that was their starting lineup. So, that’s that’s why that’s why it’s a pretty good guess, those of us who’ve been paying attention to the preseason. That’s why I asked you too. Because I know you have. Yes. Yes. Um Well yeah Champagnie shot shot the lights out in the preseason and, you know, That That can come and go for any shooter, but if he can continue that, it would be very very nice. And it would give them some three-point shooting to a team that, you know, coming in on paper looked like it was going to lack it somewhat. And might still lack it, but like if they’re If it’s not going to lack it They need guys like Champagnie to knock down shots. And he has during the preseason. He was I mean Again, doesn’t matter, but he was really good in that Silver and Black scrimmage as well, just in terms of like just knocking down shots. That’s exactly the job description for being that fourth guy in that starting lineup. Right. I mean, they You You could pick any skill. The one skill is just knock down an open three-pointer. And he did it wearing a full warm-up. He did. And I don’t know if this matters in the preseason, but like his body language is really good. He looks confident. And he’s taking confident shots and he’s not I’m not I don’t mean to suggest he’s forcing shots, but he’s taking shots that are aren’t just you know, wide open. Like maybe you know there’s there’s there’s a guy closing in and he takes it anyway. He’s And I I think that’s that’s all a good sign for him. He’s very relaxed. And he’s he’s got that I belong I I I know I belong type of feeling right now, I think. And he might start He might start the regular season O of 49. He is going to. All this is for not, but He looks good so far. Coming off the bench in that first game at Dallas against the defending Western Conference Champions at American Airlines Center. Um, you have point guard Tre Jones. You have wing player, longest tenured Spur, Keldon Johnson. You have post player back for another year, Zach Collins, perhaps healthy for an extended period this time. You have the rookie, Stefan Castle, probably playing a little bit of off guard, maybe a little bit of uh guarding the other guy other teams wing players like threes. He can do that, maybe maybe initiating the offense every now and then as a point guard. But those those those are four guys who were really confident we’re going to see off the bench um in the first half of the first game of the season. And then there’s that uh smorgasbord that we’ve talked about in previous preseason podcasts of guys who might uh fit into that 10th role before Devin Vassell comes back and and are fighting to stay in the rotation even beyond that. Of of that smorgasbord, who do you want to pick first to discuss, Jeff? Uh Well, I guess Blake Wesley. And here’s why. Those of us who’ve been paying attention to the preseason realize the Spurs have had one game of the five where they had their entire opening night roster available. So, that’s every everybody you can name except for Devin Vassell who was going to be hurt opening night. Mhm. And so, they uh That was in Miami, the game Tom covered. Um Pop, basically in the first half played it like he would play a normal game and it was it was the nine guys you mentioned. And then Blake Wesley played like 3 minutes of the first half. And then the second half is when you got into your Blake played some more, and you got into your Mamu, and your Malachi Branham, your Charles Bassey. Charles Bassey, sort of thing. So, that that tells me where they’re leaning. I would also say like when you’re talking about a rotation, it can change night to night, week to week. Even with within the flow of the game depending on how the game’s going, how matchups look, but I think the nine guys you mentioned are pretty pretty solid. And then that 10th guy will kind of um oscillate, vacillate, whatever you want to call it, but they uh one thing I’ll say they love that look they they would use in the preseason every now and then with Blake Wesley and Stefan Stefan C- Stefan Castle. Um defending for you to say. Exactly. Trailing and throwing in Tre Jones. Like they they they just love that defensive Yeah. Look, that just disrupted everything. And And so, I think we’ll see some looks at that pretty early. Maybe when when a when a game looks like it’s not going great or the offense is stalled maybe throw those sick those those two onto a onto opposing backcourt, create some turnovers, create some easy offense that way. Um So, that’s kind of where the bench the bench is right now. We we don’t talk about him much on this podcast um for for obvious reasons. Um Because he’s He’s been hurt, but I I’m curious Tom, what do you expect from Charles Bassey this year? Is he just going to be a use when needed type of guy, you know, that that bottom five on the bench that gets a gets a like few minutes here and there, or or could you see him becoming a regular, you know, backup big guy? I think he’ll be the ladder. Um you know unless proven otherwise, unless he you know, progresses to to earning more minutes, but um The former, you mean? The the the the little used thing? The first thing? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Uh you anyway, five you know, f- he’s He’s He’s five five points, five rebounds, no matter what you you do with him. He’s He’s like he’s always there. He seems like that’s his ceiling, you know. I I don’t know. Maybe it’s a little bit more, but I think Do you think Mamu is ahead of him? Sandro Mamukelashvili? Yes. I think so. I really think they’re looking for ways to get Mamu on the floor and can’t quite figure it out yet. But, I think that’s coming. What I think Charles Bassey is going to be very useful uh where he’s going to be useful is like that inevitable stretch where Zach Collins has hurt himself again. Yeah. And And you need you need someone to uh fill that fill in for that fill in that backup role. Since we are moving to other guys in this smorgasbord, um since we last spoke to the podcast listeners, who we appreciate greatly, who sometimes visit us at expressnews.com, which is awesome, full of full of coverage of the local cages in a pivotal second season under with Victor Wembanyama. Um, since we last spoke to them, we had some contract decisions that were made that I think we all expected, but that we’ve been talking about for some time. Um, the two notable ones were that a uh another year option was picked up on both Blake Wesley and the aforementioned Malachi Branham. What do we think about that? I I I think it was inevitable. I guess um we sort of said that it wasn’t in recent podcasts. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, they Maybe That’s just for ratings. Or we just wanted That was for ratings. That was for ratings. It was fake news. Um I mean you I think you brought it up before though. And I I I I guess I need to correct myself for something I said in in the pre I think it was in the uh the in vivo um Lonnie Walker thing? Yeah. You said that that teams normally just pick up that fourth-year option. And that’s true. That’s true. Teams normally do. It’s It’s cheap cheap money, cheap labor. Um And, I kind of said, “Well yeah, that’s true, but the Spurs don’t always” and I mentioned Lonnie Walker, but that actually wasn’t wasn’t true. They did pick up Lonnie Walker’s fourth-year option. They just didn’t uh uh extend him past that fourth year. It’s what I recalled in my old and addled brain. So, Lonnie Walker is available again. I apologize to everyone. Yeah. Yeah, I saw that. Poor guy. But, did Did not catch on with the Celtics. I think he’s going to end up in the G-League. Which is nice. In the G-League, which is nice. Yes. Talented guy, likable guy. Hope it works out for him. Um It’s just that just shows it’s it’s how hard it is to to get a roster spot in the NBA. Like that’s that’s a talented dude, not a bad team. It’s you know sometimes you hear about talented dudes flaming out because they’re they’re bad teammates or whatever. People like him Yeah. He does He does things well. He can make a shot, he could run like crazy. Um It’s just hard hard to get a job in the NBA. He has those flashes where he could he could just go get 18 points really fast, but they were few and far between. And Yeah. Defensively, never really really caught on. But, it it is interesting cuz you’d hear Spurs fans talk about how misused Lonnie Walker was, and the Spurs were blowing it, but he hasn’t caught on anywhere else either, you know. Yeah. So, I don’t know. It seems like I mean, not to be harsh, but it seems like more of a Lonnie Walker issue at this point then a coaching/usage issue. And that seems really harsh. Sorry. Just Just Just kicking a guy while he’s down. You didn’t mention the other the other transactions. So, they also picked up Jeremy Sochan’s uh option. And the and the move the move that is going to get Brian Wright the Executive of the Year award is they uh picked up Victor Wembanyama’s third year option. Yeah. He’s got to work to get that. I’m I’m told like the I’m told like the I’m told yeah. I’m told that on Victor like that was like they had to call a big meeting like everybody in the staff, like had to meet in the big room, RC, Pop people we never even heard of. And it went down to the wire. They were just shouting I know. People really against it. But, uh eventually, cooler heads prevailed, and they will pay Victor Wembanyama a pittance. It took It took some Cracker Jack brainpower to make that call. Heard the whole ownership group got flu in. Yeah. F- gotten in. Got gotten in from all over the country. I even Michael Dell is in there making making pitches. Michael Dell Crazy. Well, they they they had Michael Dell used like a a a an AI model like to project uh future Victor Wembanyama stats to make sure that it would be worth it to pick up that 3rd year option. It just said uh he’s good. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um But, anyways, it’s a good move. It’s a good move. We got to give credit where credit’s due. We’ve covered darn near the whole roster in these 20 minutes so far. I think we’ve mentioned almost every name. I I I I’s There’s There’s a Spur who who who is on the roster that we have not even mentioned? We’ve been exhausted today. Let’s see. We have not mentioned the two-way guys. We did not mention Riley Minus. He’s getting a big two-way deal. There we go. That’s a good one. Riley Minus is the reason they won two of their preseason games. I will I will contend that. Like, garbage time is how you win the preseason games, and Riley Minus in those two games really picked them up in garbage time. He’s proven to be a closer already. So, do you think he’s in the closing lineup with Chris Paul? No. But But he’s here he’s here in that spot. I mean, he came in, Pop claims he didn’t know who he was, and he he got on Pop’s radar pretty quickly with his shooting. And lo and behold, he’s got a contract. Two-way. I think that you insinuated there that Pop wasn’t telling the truth there. I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to go get the grain there and think and say that Pop genuinely didn’t know. Genuinely didn’t know. Yeah. Probably Probably He showed up. Probably. Like I don’t think the the two-way race was a a a top uh uh Pop’s uh focus there back then. But He’s probably wondering if they found a right turn into something. He might turn into something. Who Who were two-way guys? The two-way thing is doesn’t have a long long history in the league. Uh that that was just started. Maybe within the past decade. Is that right? But but what have there been two-way guys who who sticks out among those? Maybe just on this roster like Mamu started as a two-way guy in Milwaukee. Mhm. Um Charles Bassey was a two-way guy. Charles Bassey. Both in Philadelphia and here. So, it can happen. Yeah. Yeah. Guys Guys come up and stick. There’s probably even better better examples across the league, but I’m Spurs-centric, so Yeah. All right, here’s I’m And I I Googled it, so I’m I’m cheating here, but Duncan Robinson Alex Caruso. Yeah. Alex Caruso. Yeah. Alex Caruso like an elite player now all of a sudden. Yeah. Yeah, that’s a two-way that two-way’s been around a long a long time. You’re an old man, sir. Are we Or is Alex Caruso a two-way player, and that he plays offense and defense? No. It’s This uh Let’s see. Austin Reeves. Austin Reeves. Cash in, got rich off of two-way deal. Um They It It can happen. We We shouldn’t discount Riley Minus yet. Now, that’s We We could need Lu Dort. Lu Dort. Tom’s just loading this podcast with names. Riley Minus should feel inspired. Another uh player who we mentioned just real quickly in terms of the starting lineup, who uh who spoke a little bit yesterday was uh Harrison Barnes. Um want to get back to him because you know he’s played as Jeff has mentioned on the podcast and somebody brought up with Harrison yesterday, he’s played 82 games two years in a row. And Not only that. He first started 82 games. Started 82 games, two years in a row. Two years in a row. That doesn’t happen with San Antonio Spurs very often. Um Part Partly because they’re they they they know how to give guys rest every now and then. Um Then you also have the dynamic that Harrison Barnes is an older on this team, definitely older. Uh he’s only in his early 30s, but um like is he going to be part of the nucleus for years to come? And if he’s not, like, does he hold on to that starting role all season? He He He’s very um I don’t know if magnanim- magnanimous is the right word, but he When asked about things like this, he says the right things. That he wants whenever the the trade discussions started over the summer. The trade that brought Harrison here um to allow the the DeMar DeRozan deal to go down in Sacramento. You know, Harrison was on board with coming to San Antonio. It was either him or Kevin Huerter. And Harrison Barnes wanted it to be him. He wanted to come to San Antonio. I think he waved um a uh a a trade kicker in his deal to make sure that it could happen under the salary cap. And uh uh when I asked him yesterday about what Pop had told him or what the Spurs had told him about his role here He said it was very simple. He He was just going to do what they were going The Spurs were going to use him however they wanted to use him to win, and he was willing to do that. Now, I think just because I think we’re all aware of human nature, a guy who still thinks he’s uh uh uh a solid NBA player who has started 82 games in two consecutive seasons in two consecutive seasons. I assume that he thinks he’s coming here to start, and to start a lot and to be part of that lineup all season long. My question for the group is: do you think that he is, first of all, going to start, let’s say, 80 games? Second of all, is he still a starting player in March and April? So, first of all, I think it was interesting. I think friend of the podcast, Don Harris, is the one that asked Harrison Barnes yesterday. He mentioned that Pop is the uh godfather of rest resting load management. Yeah. And you know, uh so really how important is this 82 games thing to you. And Harrison he There’s sometimes a danger in reading between the lines in some quotes. But, what Harrison Barnes said was like, “Yeah, you you know Pop asked me about it. I I just told him, I just I plan to be available, you know, as uh you know, every game I can be available, I’m available.” Um But then, Harrison said like, “I hope I hope Pop and I are on the still you know on the same page with that.” Kind of insinuating to me like, “Yeah, of course, I want to play all 82 and start all 82.” Um, will he I I I I don’t know that I have a number. I would like to see how it looks for a while before I put a number on it. I think they clearly are going to start him to start the season to to begin the season. And then, kind of see how it goes. And I mean is he a starting calibre, I mean Did did he fall off a cliff after last year? I don’t know. He started for Sacr- a very good Sacramento team 82 games last year. So, I I think until we see otherwise he’s you got to say he he has a chance to be a starting calibre player in the NBA. I mean, I I don’t know that we’re going to hold his preseason against him too much just yet. I think that’s one of the one of the things that I’m most interested in watching this this first few weeks of the season is how does the Harrison Barnes next to Jeremy Sochan front court work? Um That’ll That’ll be what you’re most interested in. I think well, because because I think I I I have no idea on that. The other thing like Victor is Victor, and Chris Paul, you know what you’re going to get from Chris Paul. Um But, what What is the reason you think it wouldn’t work? Um, because I think if you asked either one of them what position they play and you ask them to be specific, I think they would both say the four. So, you have two fours playing alongside each other. What’s the difference between a four and a three in today’s NBA? You’re You’re You You You That’s where I was headed. It’s It’s a uh uh It’s an increasingly positionless league, but um you know, that’s I I maybe I I’m doing this for the ratings. Jeff, like here’s what I here’s what I think. I think Harrison Barnes, I I’m interested to see how that that works, because Jeremy Sochan remains an enigma. I I think it’s more of a Jeremy Sochan thing than a Jeremy Barnes thing. Than a Harrison Barnes thing. We don’t know what what the 2024 2025 edition of Jeremy Sochan looks like. Maybe that’s more interesting than how he plays alongside Harrison Barnes. But, I think there’s an unknown with that front court and how it all fits together. I think Harrison Barnes has been close to a 40% three-point shooter here the last 5 or 6 years. I think he made like 38 last year. If he can shoot at that sort of clip, then I think it works, cuz then you don’t have two guys that can’t shoot at that position. Then you can call them whatever you want, but then Sochan’s the four and Barnes is the three, you know, in in the uh old old NBA nomenclature. But, I think a lot a lot of the fit has to do with can can can Harrison Barnes hold up from three-point range. I think you’re right. The uh the last Spurs player to play in all 82 games. Can you guess this bit of trivia? Yes. Tom Orsborn knows. Mills and Forbes? It was Bryn Forbes in 2019. 2019. And And I think Marcus played close to it. uh 80 80-something. Bryn Forb- Bryn Forbes played 80 all 82 games in 2018-19, starting 81 of them. Yeah, Patty Patty Mills. Bryn Forbes. And then