By Mike Finger, Columnist | San Antonio Express-News (SAEN), 2024-10-19 11:23:29
说完了免责声明,让我们来谈谈马刺队 2024-25 赛季:
11 月 4 日 :在经历了夏季足部手术后的长时间康复过程后,德文·瓦塞尔在洛杉矶快船队的新球馆 Intuit Dome 完成了本赛季的首秀。与此同时,快船队也提供了科怀·伦纳德的伤病更新,他的目标是在元旦和圣安东尼奥市中心新球馆启用之间的某个时间复出。
11 月 15 日 :马刺队将在主场迎战卫冕赛季中锦标赛冠军洛杉矶湖人队,开启今年的赛季中锦标赛,该赛事现已更名为 NBA 杯。大多数在弗罗斯特银行中心的球迷仍然不知道这意味着什么,但球场的地板又变成了奇怪的颜色。
12 月 19 日 :马刺队在主场击败亚特兰大老鹰队,增加了圣安东尼奥马刺队连续三个赛季拥有的首轮选秀权中的第一个的价值。总经理布莱恩·莱特(Brian Wright)坐在马刺队替补席上方的包厢里观看比赛,他礼貌地捂着嘴,脸上露出了笑容。
12 月 25 日 :在重返 NBA 圣诞大战的焦点之战中,马刺队在纽约取得了胜利,这要归功于那位周游世界、为遇到的每个人带来欢乐和奇迹的快乐大胡子的礼物。当然,我们指的是圣……德罗·马穆克拉什维利(Sandro Mamukelashvili),他替补出场,在对阵尼克斯队的比赛中得到 13 分。
1 月 23-25 日 :巴黎为奥运会银牌得主文班亚马的回归而疯狂,他在与印第安纳的两场欧洲分站赛中一共得到 68 分、29 个篮板和 13 次盖帽。格雷格·波波维奇(Gregg Popovich)在比赛中的电视采访中偷偷说了一句法语脏话。《圣安东尼奥快报》的随队记者杰夫·麦克唐纳(Jeff McDonald)在六家不同的人行道小酒馆点了鸡柳。
2 月 6 日 :在交易截止日期,马刺队与各支球队就保罗和哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes)进行了谈判,但最终决定留下这两位受人尊敬的老将,即使进入附加赛的可能性不大。第二天晚上,在夏洛特,新秀斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)首次进入首发阵容,巴恩斯同意担任替补角色。
2 月 16 日 :文班亚马在旧金山首次亮相全明星赛,并在第一节中途加入比赛,当他连续三次封盖胯下换手扣篮时,比赛的动态完全改变了。有那么一小会儿,防守回来了,全明星赛又回到了真正的篮球比赛。然后文班亚马回到了替补席,比赛又回到了原来的样子。
2 月 20 日 :热情的马刺球迷再次挤满了奥斯汀的穆迪中心球馆,但这一次最大的欢呼声是送给菲尼克斯太阳队前锋凯文·杜兰特(Kevin Durant)的。为了向杜兰特在德克萨斯大学的唯一一个大学赛季致敬,太阳队教练迈克·布登霍尔泽(Mike Budenholzer)整个晚上都在为场上另外四名球员布置战术。
3 月 10-12 日 :马刺队在主场与达拉斯小牛队进行的两场比赛中各胜一场,他们的战绩跌至 25 胜 40 负。保罗知道如何把握时机,他召集了一次只有球员参加的会议。
4 月 6 日 :凭借在波特兰大胜垫底的开拓者队,马刺队在近 13 场比赛中赢下了第九场,这是他们本赛季表现最好的一段时间。回到圣安东尼奥的主场,阿拉莫穹顶体育馆正在举办最终四强赛,杜克大学的库珀·弗拉格(Cooper Flagg)是那里的明星。多亏了芝加哥和亚特兰大,马刺队在即将到来的选秀大会上仍然有三次机会选中他。
4 月 13 日 :马刺队在主场击败多伦多猛龙队,以 34 胜 48 负的战绩结束了本赛季,比上赛季提高了 12 场,但在强大的西部联盟中仍然落后第 10 名 7 场胜利。文班亚马结束了本赛季的征程,他赢得了年度最佳防守球员,并入选了 NBA 最佳阵容二阵,而卡斯尔获得了足够的选票,在最佳新秀评选中排名第二,仅次于休斯顿火箭队的里德·谢泼德(Reed Sheppard)。
2024 年 10 月 15 日星期二,在迈阿密举行的 NBA 季前赛中,圣安东尼奥马刺队前锋维克托·文班亚马(1 号)带球突破迈阿密热火队后卫亚历克·伯克斯(18 号)的防守。(美联社照片/威尔弗雷多·李)
2024 年 10 月 17 日,在德克萨斯州休斯顿丰田中心举行的对阵休斯顿火箭队的季前赛下半场,圣安东尼奥马刺队的维克托·文班亚马和凯尔登·约翰逊在场边做出反应。
佛罗里达州迈阿密-10 月 15 日:2024 年 10 月 15 日,在佛罗里达州迈阿密凯斯亚中心举行的季前赛第二节比赛中,圣安东尼奥马刺队的维克托·文班亚马(1 号)在对阵迈阿密热火队的比赛中做出反应。
2024 年 10 月 9 日星期三,在弗罗斯特银行中心举行的与奥兰多魔术队的 NBA 季前赛上半场,圣安东尼奥马刺队教练格雷格·波波维奇(右)与马刺队后卫克里斯·保罗(3 号)和中锋维克托·文班亚马(1 号)交谈。圣安东尼奥以 107-97 击败奥兰多。
2024 年 10 月 9 日星期三,在弗罗斯特银行中心举行的与奥兰多魔术队的 NBA 季前赛上半场,圣安东尼奥马刺队中锋维克托·文班亚马扣篮。圣安东尼奥以 107-97 击败奥兰多。
2024 年 10 月 9 日星期三,在弗罗斯特银行中心举行的 NBA 季前赛上半场,圣安东尼奥马刺队中锋维克托·文班亚马(1 号)在奥兰多魔术队前锋保罗·班凯罗(5 号)面前投篮。圣安东尼奥以 107-97 击败奥兰多。
2023 年 10 月 9 日星期一,在俄克拉荷马城举行的 NBA 季前赛上半场,圣安东尼奥马刺队中锋维克托·文班亚马(1 号)在俄克拉荷马雷霆队后卫凯森·华莱士(22 号)面前投篮得分后庆祝。(美联社照片/莎拉·菲普斯)
佛罗里达州迈阿密-10 月 15 日:2024 年 10 月 15 日,在佛罗里达州迈阿密凯斯亚中心举行的季前赛第三节比赛中,圣安东尼奥马刺队的杰里米·索汉(10 号)带球突破迈阿密热火队的特里·罗齐尔(2 号)的防守。
2024 年 10 月 9 日星期三,在弗罗斯特银行中心举行的 NBA 季前赛上半场,圣安东尼奥马刺队前锋杰里米·索汉(10 号)与奥兰多魔术队后卫科尔·安东尼(50 号)争夺球权。圣安东尼奥以 107-97 击败奥兰多。
2024 年 3 月 29 日星期五,在弗罗斯特银行中心举行的 NBA 比赛中,圣安东尼奥马刺队以 130-126 加时赛战胜纽约尼克斯队,赛后,马刺队中锋维克托·文班亚马(右)与后卫德文·瓦塞尔拥抱。
2024 年 4 月 10 日星期三,在俄克拉荷马城举行的 NBA 篮球比赛上半场,俄克拉荷马雷霆队后卫谢伊·吉尔杰斯-亚历山大(右)带球突破圣安东尼奥马刺队后卫德文·瓦塞尔的防守。(美联社照片/凯尔·菲利普斯)
2024 年 10 月 15 日星期二,在迈阿密举行的 NBA 季前赛上半场,迈阿密热火队前锋吉米·巴特勒(22 号)和圣安东尼奥马刺队后卫克里斯·保罗追逐一个地板球。(美联社照片/威尔弗雷多·李)
佛罗里达州迈阿密-10 月 15 日:2024 年 10 月 15 日,在佛罗里达州迈阿密凯斯亚中心举行的季前赛第三节比赛中,圣安东尼奥马刺队的克里斯·保罗(3 号)在对阵迈阿密热火队的比赛中运球。
2024 年 10 月 12 日星期六,在圣安东尼奥举行的 NBA 篮球比赛下半场,圣安东尼奥马刺队主教练格雷格·波波维奇(右)与马刺队后卫克里斯·保罗(3 号)交谈。(美联社照片/达伦·阿巴特)
点击查看原文:For Victor Wembanyama's second season, some predictions to remember
For Victor Wembanyama’s second season, some predictions to remember
Spurs Victor Wembanyama and new addition Chris Paul share a mpoment after being photographed during Spurs Media Day activities Monday morning at the Victory Capital Performance Center.
These predictions, astute and well-reasoned as they might be, are not intended to make you a quick buck. They’re here only so you can remind me in six months of everything I got wrong, while completely forgetting what I got right. Please refrain from using them to contribute your hard-earned wages to those sites’ massive commercial budgets.
With that disclaimer behind us, on to the Spurs’ 2024-’25 season:
November 4: After an extended rehab process following summer foot surgery, Devin Vassell makes his season debut at the Los Angeles Clippers’ new Intuit Dome. Meanwhile, the Clippers provide an injury update on the status of Kawhi Leonard, who is targeting his return sometime between New Year’s Day and the opening of the new arena in downtown San Antonio.
November 15: The Spurs host the defending in-season tournament champion Los Angeles Lakers in the round-robin opener of this year’s in-season tournament, which is now called the NBA Cup. Most fans at the Frost Bank Center still have no idea what this means, but the floor is a weird color again.
December 19: The Spurs trounce Atlanta at home, increasing the value of the first of three consecutive Hawks’ first-round picks that San Antonio controls. General manager Brian Wright, watching from his box seat above the Spurs’ bench, is polite enough to cover his mouth while he smirks.
December 25: In their return to a marquee spot on the NBA’s Christmas schedule, the Spurs win in New York thanks to a gift from the jolly, bearded big fellow who travels the world bringing joy and wonder to everyone he meets. We are referring, of course, to San … dro Mamukelashvili, who comes off the bench to score 13 points against the Knicks.
January 23-25: Paris goes crazy for the homecoming of Olympic silver medalist Wembanyama, who racks up a combined 68 points, 29 rebounds and 13 blocks in a two-game European split with Indiana. Gregg Popovich sneaks a French curse word into an in-game TV interview. Express-News beat reporter Jeff McDonald orders chicken tenders at six different sidewalk bistros.
February 6: At the trade deadline, the Spurs engage teams in discussions about Paul and Harrison Barnes, but decide to hold on to both respected veterans even with a play-in berth unlikely. The next night, in Charlotte, rookie Stephon Castle moves into the starting lineup for the first time, with Barnes agreeing to a role off the bench.
February 16: Making his All-Star Game debut, Wembanyama enters the contest in San Francisco in the middle of the first quarter and completely changes the dynamic of the spectacle when he blocks three consecutive between-the-legs dunk attempts. For a brief moment, defense is back, and the All-Star Game resembles real basketball. Then Wembanyama goes back to the bench, and it’s gone again.
February 20: Enthusiastic Spurs fans again pack the Moody Center in Austin, but this time the biggest roar is reserved for Phoenix forward Kevin Durant. As an homage to Durant’s only college season at Texas, Suns coach Mike Budenholzer spends the evening calling plays for the other four guys on the floor.
March 10-12: The Spurs split a pair of home games with Dallas, and their record drops to 25-40. Paul, knowing how to time these things, calls a players-only meeting.
April 6: By drubbing the last-place Trail Blazers in Portland, the Spurs win for the ninth time in 13 games, their best stretch of season. Back home in San Antonio, the Alamodome is hosting the Final Four, where Duke’s Cooper Flagg is the star attraction. And thanks to Chicago and Atlanta, the Spurs still own three chances to win him in the upcoming lottery.
April 13: The Spurs beat Toronto at home to finish 34-48, a 12-game improvement from last season, but still seven victories shy of the 10th spot in the stout Western Conference. Wembanyama concludes a season in which he wins Defensive Player of the Year and lands on the All-NBA second team, while Castle gets enough votes to place second to Houston’s Reed Sheppard for rookie of the year.
Having taken an important step, the Spurs will enter a summer with cap space and lots of draft capital. The local paper will make predictions about how they’ll use it.
You probably shouldn’t bet on those, either.
San Antonio Spurs forward Victor Wembanyama (1) drives up against Miami Heat guard Alec Burks (18) during the first half of an NBA preseason basketball game, Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2024, in Miami. (AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee)
Victor Wembanyama and Keldon Johnson of the San Antonio Spurs react from the bench during the second half of a preseason game against the Houston Rockets at Toyota Center on October 17, 2024 in Houston, Texas.
MIAMI, FLORIDA - OCTOBER 15: Victor Wembanyama #1 of the San Antonio Spurs reacts against the Miami Heat during the second quarter of a preseason game at Kaseya Center on October 15, 2024 in Miami, Florida.
San Antonio Spurs coach Gregg Popovich talks to guard Chris Paul (3) and center Victor Wembanyama (1) during the first half of their NBA preseason game with Orlando at the Frost Bank Center on Wednesday, Oct 9, 2024. San Antonio beat Orlando 107-97.
San Antonio Spurs center Victor Wembanyama dunks a ball during the first half of their NBA preseason game with Orlando at the Frost Bank Center on Wednesday, Oct 9, 2024. San Antonio beat Orlando 107-97.
San Antonio Spurs center Victor Wembanyama (1) shoots over Orlando Magic forward Paolo Banchero (5) during the first half of their NBA preseason game at the Frost Bank Center on Wednesday, Oct 9, 2024. San Antonio beat Orlando 107-97.
San Antonio Spurs center Victor Wembanyama (1) celebrates after a basket in front of Oklahoma City Thunder guard Cason Wallace (22) in the first half of a preseason NBA basketball game, Monday, Oct. 9, 2023, in Oklahoma City. (AP Photo/Sarah Phipps)
Spurs Victor Wembanyama is photographed during Spurs Media Day activities Monday morning at the Victory Capital Performance Center.
Spurs Victor Wembanyama and new addition Chris Paul are being photographed during Spurs Media Day activities Monday morning at the Victory Capital Performance Center.
MIAMI, FLORIDA - OCTOBER 15: Jeremy Sochan #10 of the San Antonio Spurs drives against Terry Rozier #2 of the Miami Heat during the third quarter of a preseason game at Kaseya Center on October 15, 2024 in Miami, Florida.
San Antonio Spurs forward Jeremy Sochan (10) battles for the ball with Orlando Magic guard Cole Anthony (50) during the first half of their NBA preseason game at the Frost Bank Center on Wednesday, Oct 9, 2024. San Antonio beat Orlando 107-97.
San Antonio Spurs center Victor Wembanyama, right, embraces guard Devin Vassell at the conclusion of their 130-126 overtime victory over the New York Knicks in their NBA game at the Frost Bank Center on Friday, March 29, 2024.
Oklahoma City Thunder guard Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, right, drives past San Antonio Spurs guard Devin Vassell during the first half of an NBA basketball game Wednesday, April 10, 2024, in Oklahoma City. (AP Photo/Kyle Phillips)
Miami Heat forward Jimmy Butler (22) and San Antonio Spurs guard Chris Paul chase down a loose ball during the first half of an NBA preseason basketball game, Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2024, in Miami. (AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee)
MIAMI, FLORIDA - OCTOBER 15: Chris Paul #3 of the San Antonio Spurs dribbles the ball against the Miami Heat during the third quarter of a preseason game at Kaseya Center on October 15, 2024 in Miami, Florida.
San Antonio Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich, right, speaks with Spurs guard Chris Paul (3) during the second half of an NBA basketball game against the Utah Jazz, Saturday, Oct. 12, 2024, in San Antonio. (AP Photo/Darren Abate)
By Mike Finger, Columnist, via San Antonio Express-News