[PtR] PtR 调查:马刺队史上运动能力最强和最佳的角色球员 ▶️

By Marilyn Dubinski | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-09-09 22:38:37


NBA: USA TODAY Sports-Archive


欢迎回到 PtR 调查。我们正在追踪一项网络流行趋势,球迷们投票选出他们心目中的球员,以填满如下方所示的表格。最近,我们评选了马刺队史上的最佳传球手和控球手,结果如下:

继蒂姆·邓肯(Tim Duncan)之后,马努·吉诺比利(Manu Ginobili)三次入选该榜单,并且以 59% 的压倒性优势毫无悬念地赢得了马刺队史最佳传球手的称号。除此之外,无需多言,别说是马刺队,放眼整个NBA历史,也很少有球员能像吉诺比利那样仅凭传球就能贡献如此之多的精彩瞬间。他用自己非传统但令人印象深刻的球场视野戏耍防守球员、惊艳球迷,观看他的比赛是一种享受。事实上,既然说到了这里,那就让我们一起欣赏一些他的精彩集锦吧。马努的精彩时刻永远不嫌多。

此外,托尼·帕克(Tony Parker)首次入选该榜单,并以更高的 62% 得票率荣膺最佳控球手称号。同样,这也在意料之中,因为很少有像他这样身材矮小的球员能够在长人如林的内线游刃有余地得分或为其他投手创造机会。他的速度和控球能力让他几乎不可能被抢断,这也让他稳坐该项目的头把交椅。


接下来是“最佳角色球员”:他们不是球星,也不是上场时间最多或触球次数最多的球员,但他们在球队中扮演着特定的角色,并且出色地完成了自己的任务,对比赛结果产生了重大影响。多年来,马刺队中出现过很多这样的球员,在某些情况下,角色球员和准球星之间只有一线之隔。(我无法确定肖恩·埃利奥特(Sean Elliott)属于哪一种,所以我把他列入此,让大家来决定。)



点击查看原文:PtR Survey: The most athletic and best Spurs role players of all time

PtR Survey: The most athletic and best Spurs role players of all time

NBA: USA TODAY Sports-Archive

We also conclude this entire exercise with the best signature move.

Welcome back to the PtR Survey, where we are following an online trend where fans are voting on players from their team to fill out a grid like the one below. Most recently, we did the Spurs’ best passer and ball handler of all time, and these were the results:

Joining Tim Duncan with three appearances on the board is Manu Ginobili, who unsurprisingly won best passer in Spurs history with a landslide victory of 59% of the vote. There isn’t much more to say here other than forget just the Spurs, few players in NBA history have generated more highlights just by passing the ball than Manu. He was a joy to watch as he dumbfounded defenses and awed fans with his unconventional but impressive court vision. In fact, enjoy some highlights while we’re here. You can never have too many Manu highlights.

Also, making his first appearance on the board is Tony Parker, who won Best Handles with an even greater 62% of the vote. Again, no surprises as few players of his stature have been better at navigating the trees and getting off his own shot or finding other shooters. His speed and ball control made it nearly impossible to strip the ball from him, giving him the top spot in this category.

Finally, in our last entry, we have what I’ll call the miscellaneous category, with three polls that don’t necessarily fit into any particular topic. First is Most Athletic, which is exactly what it sounds like: who was the Spurs best athlete? The term is generally used to describe players who are physically fit, strong, active, fast, agile, and any other term you can use to describe and impressive specimen. While the term isn’t necessarily associated with skill, it helps when you’re impressive at both, like the players below.

Next is best role player: a player who is not a star or gets the most minutes or touches, but they fill a specific role on the team and do it well while having a significant impact on the outcome. There have been many of those for the Spurs over the years, and in some cases there is a fine line between a role player and borderline star. (I couldn’t decide which one Sean Elliott was, so I included him here and will let you all decide.)

Last but not least for this project is the best signature move, or a play that a player was best known for or even brought to the league himself. There are four pretty easily defined such plays tied specifically to Spurs that don’t even need an explanation.

Be sure to vote, and remember, if “Other” wins in either poll, I will check the comments here and on social media, and the most liked will win. Be sure to check back for the final results and to see the completed grid!

By Marilyn Dubinski, via Pounding The Rock