[PtR] 迈克尔·乔丹对乔治·格文的评价 ▶️

By GaryQfromSanJose | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-08-25 01:11:18


Syndication: Detroit Free Press



  • 一位X用户简单地引用了“这可能是我见过最喜欢的剪辑”,随之而来的是一段40秒的视频。视频一开始是乔治·格文(George Gervin)在中场休息时接受采访,当时他刚刚砍下35分——最终他得到了45分和7个篮板,三分球零出手——对手是主场作战的达拉斯独行侠队。视频中有三个亮点让这段剪辑值得反复观看:a) 迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan)如今在见证了老迈的冰人在对阵平庸的独行侠队时大杀四方后的惊叹之情;b) 格文淡定地对乔丹说***“我只是在告诉你我以前是什么样的** *”;c) 艾尔法城的歌曲《永远年轻》以比平时慢的速度作为背景音乐,贯穿了格文职业生涯的一些高光时刻。这段视频至少值得看十几遍,哪怕只是为了给格文“[马刺队史最佳球员]的称号]([PtR] PtR 调查:史上最佳和最差马刺球员)”增加一些可信度。

这可能是我见过最喜欢的剪辑 pic.twitter.com/EiMDxpn0lD

— Carson Breber (@Carsobi) 2024年8月20日


— Hubie Talks Hoops (@HubieTalksHoops) 2024年8月23日


点击查看原文:What Michael Jordan had to say about George Gervin

What Michael Jordan had to say about George Gervin

Syndication: Detroit Free Press

The beloved Iceman shows up rather randomly this week, and for action-starved Spurs fans, this is the water we needed

In my daily quest in the offseason to find any edifying Spurs material before the pre-season games commence in 40+ days, two random works of beauty showed up on the timeline to help the cause:

  • An X user simply quoted “Probably my favorite edit I’ve seen” and the ensuing 40 second video takes you rapidly from a George Gervin halftime interview whereby (a favorite Iceman-ism) he had just dropped 35 points — on the way to 45 points and 7 rebounds with ZERO threes — on the host Dallas Mavericks. From there, three standout components make this snippet repeat-worthy: a) Michael Jordan’s current day testimony in amazement of an older Iceman detonating on a middling Mavs squad interspersed with b) “Ice” coolly telling MJ “Ay, I’m was just showin’ you how I used to be,” and c) a slower-than-usual version of Alphaville’s “Forever Young” laying the soundtrack of the video in the background through some of Gervin’s career highlights. It’s worth at least a dozen rewatches, only if but to lend some credence to Gervin’s “Best Spur of All Time candidacy.”

Probably my favorite edit I’ve ever seen pic.twitter.com/EiMDxpn0lD

— Carson Breber (@Carsobi) August 20, 2024

“The Iceman” George Gervin had incredible…what is the word? I want to say skill, but I know that can’t be right since most of his years came before Michael Jordan… pic.twitter.com/ok705KYda2

— Hubie Talks Hoops (@HubieTalksHoops) August 23, 2024

Pounders, 44 (Gervin’s uniform number!) more days until the start of the pre-season!

By GaryQfromSanJose, via Pounding The Rock