[ESPN] 约基奇的第四座 MVP 奖?2024-25 赛季 NBA 主要奖项专家预测



  • ESPN 工作室
  • 2024 年 8 月 20 日,美国东部时间上午 7:00

哪些超级巨星将在 2024-25 赛季获得 NBA 的最高荣誉?

尼古拉·约基奇 (Nikola Jokic) 会再次蝉联 MVP,还是另一位内线巨星乔尔·恩比德 (Joel Embiid) 会夺回这一梦寐以求的奖项?

在经历了被认为是令人失望的一年之后,人们对 2024 年 NBA 选秀大会新秀的期望值很低。然而,在夏季联赛中,休斯顿火箭队后卫里德·谢泼德 (Reed Sheppard) 和波特兰开拓者队中锋多诺万·克林根 (Donovan Clingan) 的几场惊艳表现,让年度最佳新秀的争夺战变得扑朔迷离。

卫冕最佳防守球员鲁迪·戈贝尔 (Rudy Gobert) 能否在一众顶级防守悍将(包括法国队友维克多·文班亚马 (Victor Wembanyama))的冲击下卫冕成功?卫冕最佳教练马克·戴格诺特 (Mark Daigneault) 能否带领俄克拉荷马雷霆队再次获得西部第一?

我们邀请了夏季预测小组——由 NBA 专家、记者、编辑和分析师组成——对 NBA 六大主要奖项的前三名进行了排名,第一名获得五分,第二名获得三分,第三名获得一分。


注:我们的 2024-25 赛季 NBA 夏季预测将于周三继续进行,届时将预测东部联盟的胜负情况。周一,我们公布了本赛季进步最大和退步最大的球队,并回答了本赛季最大的问题,包括下一位申请交易的超级巨星是谁。

谁将获得 NBA 最有价值球员?

超级巨星和篮球传奇人物通过赢得 NBA 的 MVP 奖项获得了顶级地位,而本赛季的竞争再次呈现开放态势。

独行侠后卫卢卡·东契奇 (Luka Doncic) 在 2024 年 NBA 总决赛中的出色表现使他高居榜首,他将力争在自己的第七个赛季获得他的第一个 MVP 奖。

紧随其后的是卫冕 MVP 尼古拉·约基奇,如果这位掘金队的内线大个子能够在五年内获得他的第四个 MVP 奖,他将加入勒布朗·詹姆斯 (LeBron James) 和迈克尔·乔丹 (Michael Jordan) 等 NBA 伟大球员的行列。

雷霆队后卫谢伊·吉尔杰斯-亚历山大 (Shai Gilgeous-Alexander) 紧随其后,他在上赛季的 MVP 投票中仅次于约基奇,本赛季作为这支年轻且令人兴奋的俄克拉荷马城球队的领袖,他可能会更进一步。

1. 卢卡·东契奇 (Luka Doncic),达拉斯独行侠: 61 分(48% 的第一名选票)

2. 尼古拉·约基奇 (Nikola Jokic),丹佛掘金: 40 分(10%)

3. 谢伊·吉尔杰斯-亚历山大 (Shai Gilgeous-Alexander),俄克拉荷马雷霆: 37 分(24%)

4. 安东尼·爱德华兹 (Anthony Edwards),明尼苏达森林狼: 15 分(5%)

5. 扬尼斯·阿德托昆博 (Giannis Antetokounmpo),密尔沃基雄鹿: 13 分(5%)

6. 乔尔·恩比德 (Joel Embiid),费城 76 人: 8 分(5%)

7. 杰森·塔图姆 (Jayson Tatum),波士顿凯尔特人: 5 分(5%)

8. 安东尼·戴维斯 (Anthony Davis),洛杉矶湖人: 3 分

9. 贾·莫兰特 (Ja Morant),孟菲斯灰熊: 2 分

10. 凯文·杜兰特 (Kevin Durant),菲尼克斯太阳: 1 分

谁将获得 NBA 年度最佳新秀?

维克多·文班亚马上赛季毫无悬念地获得了年度最佳新秀奖,但在今年选秀大会缺少共识状元的情况下,本赛季的最佳新秀之争在 2024-25 赛季开始前就呈现出开放的态势。

今年选秀大会的探花秀谢泼德在夏季联赛中表现出色,在本赛季的投票中遥遥领先。他在拉斯维加斯场均得到 20.0 分、5.3 次助攻和 4.8 个篮板,他将加入一支准备冲击季后赛的火箭队阵容。

在 2024 年 NCAA 全国锦标赛中相遇的一对内线球员——扎克·埃迪 (Zach Edey) 和多诺万·克林根 (Donovan Clingan) 分别在投票中排名第二和第三,他们的竞争将在 NBA 继续上演。

1. 里德·谢泼德 (Reed Sheppard),休斯顿火箭: 74 分(62% 的第一名选票)

2. 扎克·埃迪 (Zach Edey),孟菲斯灰熊: 40 分(14%)

3. 多诺万·克林根 (Donovan Clingan),波特兰开拓者: 27 分(10%)

4. 斯蒂芬·卡斯尔 (Stephon Castle),圣安东尼奥马刺: 23 分(10%)

5. 罗伯·迪林厄姆 (Rob Dillingham),明尼苏达森林狼: 10 分

并列第 6. 亚历克斯·萨尔 (Alex Sarr),华盛顿奇才: 8 分(5%)

并列第 6. 扎卡里·里萨切尔 (Zaccharie Risacher),亚特兰大老鹰: 8 分

谁将获得 NBA 最佳防守球员?


文班亚马上赛季作为一名新秀在最佳防守球员评选中排名第二,而且还在不断进步。在上赛季场均为马刺队贡献 3.6 次盖帽之后,他在 2024 年奥运会上五场比赛中场均得到 2.0 次盖帽和 2.2 次抢断,帮助法国队获得了银牌。

戈贝尔和文班亚马可能会在本赛季一直竞争这个奖项。与此同时,巴姆·阿德巴约 (Bam Adebayo) 和安东尼·戴维斯在为美国队贡献了令人印象深刻的表现后,紧随其后。

1. 维克多·文班亚马 (Victor Wembanyama),圣安东尼奥马刺: 76 分(67% 的第一名选票)

2. 鲁迪·戈贝尔 (Rudy Gobert),明尼苏达森林狼: 29 分(5%)

3. 巴姆·阿德巴约 (Bam Adebayo),迈阿密热火: 26 分(14%)

4. 安东尼·戴维斯 (Anthony Davis),洛杉矶湖人: 14 分

5. 米卡尔·布里奇斯 (Mikal Bridges),纽约尼克斯: 10 分(5%)

6. 朱·霍勒迪 (Jrue Holiday),波士顿凯尔特人: 8 分(5%)

7. 乔尔·恩比德 (Joel Embiid),费城 76 人: 5 分(5%)

并列第 8. 德雷蒙德·格林 (Draymond Green),金州勇士: 4 分

并列第 8. 奥德日·阿努诺比 (OG Anunoby),纽约尼克斯: 4 分

并列第 8. 扬尼斯·阿德托昆博 (Giannis Antetokounmpo),密尔沃基雄鹿: 4 分

并列第 9. 亚历克斯·卡鲁索 (Alex Caruso),俄克拉荷马雷霆: 3 分

并列第 9. 贾伦·杰克逊 (Jaren Jackson Jr.),孟菲斯灰熊: 3 分

并列第 9. 埃文·莫布里 (Evan Mobley),克利夫兰骑士: 3 分

并列第 10. 赫伯·琼斯 (Herbert Jones),新奥尔良鹈鹕: 1 分

并列第 10. 杰伦·布朗 (Jaylen Brown),波士顿凯尔特人: 1 分

并列第 10. 凯切奥·霍姆格伦 (Chet Holmgren),俄克拉荷马雷霆: 1 分

谁将获得 NBA 最佳第六人?

上赛季,马利克·蒙克 (Malik Monk) 在最佳第六人的评选中仅次于森林狼队的纳兹·里德 (Naz Reid)。本赛季,随着萨克拉门托国王队的复苏以及关键先生德玛尔·德罗赞 (DeMar DeRozan) 的加盟,专家小组认为蒙克最终将获得这一荣誉。如果这位得分后卫能够复制他 2023-24 赛季的职业生涯最佳表现,他将是该奖项的有力争夺者。

然而,紧随其后的是雷霆队的新任防守大闸亚历克斯·卡鲁索,他上赛季在公牛队领衔抢断 (1.7) 和盖帽 (1.0) 两项数据,并将加入上赛季排名联盟第四的防守体系。

里德在我们的投票中排名第三,而热火队新秀杰米·哈克斯 (Jaime Jaquez Jr.) 在专家小组的排名中位列第四。

并列第 1. 马利克·蒙克 (Malik Monk),萨克拉门托国王: 38 分(19% 的第一名选票)

并列第 1. 亚历克斯·卡鲁索 (Alex Caruso),俄克拉荷马雷霆: 38 分(19%)

3. 纳兹·里德 (Naz Reid),明尼苏达森林狼: 29 分(19%)

4. 杰米·哈克斯 (Jaime Jaquez Jr.),迈阿密热火: 18 分(10%)

5. 杰伦·麦克丹尼尔斯 (T.J. McConnell),印第安纳步行者: 13 分(10%)

6. 鲍比·波蒂斯 (Bobby Portis),密尔沃基雄鹿: 11 分(10%)

并列第 7. 拉塞尔·威斯布鲁克 (Russell Westbrook),丹佛掘金: 7 分

并列第 7. 博格丹·博格达诺维奇 (Bogdan Bogdanovic),亚特兰大老鹰: 7 分

并列第 8. 何塞·阿尔瓦拉多 (Jose Alvarado),新奥尔良鹈鹕: 6 分(5%)

并列第 8. 诺曼·鲍威尔 (Norman Powell),洛杉矶快船: 6 分(5%)

并列第 9. 乔什·哈特 (Josh Hart),纽约尼克斯: 5 分(5%)

并列第 9. 奥斯汀·里弗斯 (Austin Reaves),洛杉矶湖人: 5 分

并列第 10. 博扬·博格达诺维奇 (Bojan Bogdanovic),布鲁克林篮网: 3 分

并列第 10. CJ·麦科勒姆 (CJ McCollum),新奥尔良鹈鹕: 3 分

谁将获得 NBA 进步最快球员?

另一个奖项,20 岁的文班又一次获胜。除了被预测将获得他的第一个最佳防守球员奖之外,专家小组还预测文班亚马是即将到来的赛季中最有可能获得进步最快球员奖的球员。

虽然文班亚马获得了最多的第一名选票,但专家小组认为他与俄克拉荷马城的杰伦·威廉姆斯 (Jalen Williams) 并列第一,后者在大二赛季表现出色,帮助雷霆队锁定了西部第一。

芝加哥公牛队后卫科比·怀特 (Coby White) 仅落后两人一分,获得的第一名选票与文班亚马一样多,而 2021 年状元秀凯德·坎宁安 (Cade Cunningham) 排名第四。

并列第 1. 维克多·文班亚马 (Victor Wembanyama),圣安东尼奥马刺: 26 分(14% 的第一名选票)

并列第 1. 杰伦·威廉姆斯 (Jalen Williams),俄克拉荷马雷霆: 26 分(10%)

3. 科比·怀特 (Coby White),芝加哥公牛: 25 分(14%)

4. 凯德·坎宁安 (Cade Cunningham),底特律活塞: 22 分(14%)

5. 卡姆·托马斯 (Cam Thomas),布鲁克林篮网: 14 分(10%)

并列第 6. 德文·瓦塞尔 (Devin Vassell),圣安东尼奥马刺: 12 分(5%)

并列第 6. 阿尔佩伦·申京 (Alperen Sengun),休斯顿火箭: 12 分(5%)

7. 泰瑞斯·哈利伯顿 (Tyrese Haliburton),印第安纳步行者: 11 分(5%)

8. 乔纳森·库明加 (Jonathan Kuminga),金州勇士: 10 分(10%)

9. 杰伦·萨格斯 (Jalen Suggs),奥兰多魔术: 7 分

并列第 10. 小斯科蒂·巴恩斯 (RJ Barrett),多伦多猛龙: 5 分(5%)

并列第 10. 杰伦·约翰逊 (Jalen Johnson),亚特兰大老鹰: 5 分(5%)

并列第 10. 杰伦·格林 (Jalen Green),休斯顿火箭: 5 分(5%)

其他获得选票的球员:小贾巴里·史密斯 (Jabari Smith Jr.),休斯顿火箭;克里斯蒂安·布劳恩 (Christian Braun),丹佛掘金

谁将获得 NBA 最佳教练?

随着另一位 “维拉诺瓦系” 球员的加入,人们对纽约的期望很高。汤姆·锡伯杜 (Tom Thibodeau) 教练将再次执掌尼克斯队,并在夏季预测小组的投票中当选为最有可能获得最佳教练奖的人选。这将是他在 2011 年执教公牛队和 2021 年执教尼克斯队之后,第三次获得该奖项。

俄克拉荷马城的马克·戴格诺特和波士顿的乔·马祖拉 (Joe Mazzulla) 获得的第一名选票与锡伯杜相同,分列二三位。本赛季共有 10 位教练获得了该奖项的选票。

1. 汤姆·锡伯杜 (Tom Thibodeau),纽约尼克斯: 29 分(19% 的第一名选票)

2. 马克·戴格诺特 (Mark Daigneault),俄克拉荷马雷霆: 24 分(19%)

3. 乔·马祖拉 (Joe Mazzulla),波士顿凯尔特人: 22 分(19%)

4. 格雷格·波波维奇 (Gregg Popovich),圣安东尼奥马刺: 18 分(5%)

5. 肯尼·阿特金森 (Kenny Atkinson),克利夫兰骑士: 16 分(14%)

6. 尼克·纳斯 (Nick Nurse),费城 76 人: 15 分(5%)

7. 泰勒·詹金斯 (Taylor Jenkins),孟菲斯灰熊: 14 分(10%)

8. 埃里克·斯波尔斯特拉 (Erik Spoelstra),迈阿密热火: 13 分(5%)

9. 伊梅·乌多卡 (Ime Udoka),休斯顿火箭: 12 分(5%)

10. 贾马尔·莫斯利 (Jamahl Mosley),奥兰多魔术: 8 分

其他获得选票的教练:泰伦·卢 (Ty Lue),洛杉矶快船;道格·里弗斯 (Doc Rivers),密尔沃基雄鹿;迈克·布登霍尔泽 (Mike Budenholzer),菲尼克斯太阳;迈克·布朗 (Mike Brown),萨克拉门托国王;克里斯·芬奇 (Chris Finch),明尼苏达森林狼;史蒂夫·科尔 (Steve Kerr),金州勇士;贾森·基德 (Jason Kidd),达拉斯独行侠

点击查看原文:Jokic's fourth MVP? Expert predictions for every major 2024-25 NBA award

Jokic’s fourth MVP? Expert predictions for every major 2024-25 NBA award


  • ESPN staffAug 20, 2024, 07:00 AM ET

Which superstars will claim the NBA’s biggest awards in 2024-25?

Will Nikola Jokic once again seize back-to-back MVPs, or can another big man, Joel Embiid, reclaim the coveted award?

After what was considered a down year for the 2024 NBA draft class, the expectations for this season’s rookies are low. However, after a few surprising performances at summer league from Houston Rockets guard Reed Sheppard and Portland Trail Blazers center Donovan Clingan, the race for Rookie of the Year is up for grabs.

Will reigning Defensive Player of the Year Rudy Gobert protect his title against a plethora of lock-down defenders, including French teammate Victor Wembanyama? Will reigning Coach of the Year Mark Daigneault lift the Oklahoma City Thunder to another No. 1 seed in the West?

We asked our Summer Forecast panel – a group of NBA experts, including reporters, editors and analysts – to rank its top three choices for the NBA’s six major awards, with a first-place vote receiving five points, a second-place vote receiving three and a third-place vote receiving one.

Here are the results:

Note: Our 2024-25 NBA Summer Forecast continues Wednesday with win-loss predictions for the Eastern Conference. On Monday, we revealed our picks for the teams that will have the biggest turnaround this season and the teams that will drop off, and answered the season’s biggest questions, including which superstar will request a trade next.

Who will win NBA MVP?

Superstars and basketball legends have claimed top-tier status by winning the NBA’s MVP award, and this season’s race is once again wide open.

Mavericks guard Luka Doncic is at the top of our rankings after a commanding performance in the 2024 NBA Finals and will look to claim his first MVP award as he enters his seventh season in the league.

Coming in second is reigning MVP Nikola Jokic, who can join a list of NBA greats in LeBron James and Michael Jordan if the Nuggets big man can claim his fourth award in five years.

Not far behind is Thunder guard Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, who came second in last season’s vote behind Jokic and could make the leap this year as the leader of a young and exciting Oklahoma City squad.

1. Luka Doncic, Dallas Mavericks: 61 points (48% of first-place votes)

2. Nikola Jokic, Denver Nuggets: 40 points (10%)

3. Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, Oklahoma City Thunder: 37 points (24%)

4. Anthony Edwards, Minnesota Timberwolves: 15 points (5%)

5. Giannis Antetokounmpo, Milwaukee Bucks: 13 points (5%)

6. Joel Embiid, Philadelphia 76ers: 8 points (5%)

7. Jayson Tatum, Boston Celtics: 5 points (5%)

8. Anthony Davis, Los Angeles Lakers: 3 points

9. Ja Morant, Memphis Grizzlies: 2 points

10. Kevin Durant, Phoenix Suns: 1 point

Who will win NBA Rookie of the Year?

Victor Wembanyama ran away with the Rookie of the Year award last season, but following a draft without a consensus No. 1 pick, the race for this year’s award is wide open entering the 2024-25 campaign.

Sheppard, the No. 3 pick in this year’s draft, led the voting this season after a standout performance at summer league. He averaged 20.0 points, 5.3 assists and 4.8 rebounds per game in Las Vegas and should slot into a Rockets lineup ready for a playoff push.

A pair of big men who met in the 2024 national championship – Zach Edey and Donovan Clingan – finished second and third, respectively, in the voting as their rivalry hits the NBA.

1. Reed Sheppard, Houston Rockets: 74 points (62% of first-place votes)

2. Zach Edey, Memphis Grizzlies: 40 points (14%)

3. Donovan Clingan, Portland Trail Blazers: 27 points (10%)

4. Stephon Castle, San Antonio Spurs: 23 points (10%)

5. Rob Dillingham, Minnesota Timberwolves: 10 points

T-6. Alex Sarr, Washington Wizards: 8 points (5%)

T-6. Zaccharie Risacher, Atlanta Hawks: 8 points

Who will win Defensive Player of the Year?

Timberwolves big man Rudy Gobert claimed his fourth Defensive Player of the Year award last season, but it’s his French counterpart who ran away with the preseason vote this summer.

Wembanyama finished second in the DPOY last season as a rookie and is only trending upward. He averaged 2.0 blocks and 2.2 steals over five games while helping France to a silver medal at the 2024 Olympics after averaging 3.6 blocks per game with the Spurs last season.

Gobert and Wembanyama could be jockeying for the award all season long. Bam Adebayo and Anthony Davis, meanwhile, follow the French duo on the list after impressive performances for Team USA.

1. Victor Wembanyama, San Antonio Spurs: 76 points (67% of first-place votes)

2. Rudy Gobert, Minnesota Timberwolves: 29 points (5%)

3. Bam Adebayo, Miami Heat: 26 points (14%)

4. Anthony Davis, Los Angeles Lakers: 14 points

5. Mikal Bridges, New York Knicks: 10 points (5%)

6. Jrue Holiday, Boston Celtics: 8 points (5%)

7. Joel Embiid, Philadelphia 76ers: 5 points (5%)

T-8. Draymond Green, Golden State Warriors: 4 points

T-8. OG Anunoby, New York Knicks: 4 points

T-8. Giannis Antetokounmpo, Milwaukee Bucks: 4 points

T-9. Alex Caruso, Oklahoma City Thunder: 3 points

T-9. Jaren Jackson Jr., Memphis Grizzlies: 3 points

T-9. Evan Mobley, Cleveland Cavaliers: 3 points

T-10. Herbert Jones, New Orleans Pelicans: 1 point

T-10. Jaylen Brown, Boston Celtics: 1 point

T-10. Chet Holmgren, Oklahoma City Thunder: 1 point

Who will win Sixth Man of the Year?

Last season, Malik Monk came in second to the Timberwolves’ Naz Reid in the voting for Sixth Man of the Year. This season, with a revived Sacramento Kings and the addition of clutch superstar DeMar DeRozan, our panel believes Monk will finally claim that title. If the shooting guard has anywhere near the career-best season he had in 2023-24, he is a front-runner for the award.

Hot on his tail, however, is new Thunder stopper Alex Caruso, who led the Bulls last season in steals (1.7) and blocks (1.0), and joins forces with last season’s No. 4 defense.

Reid ranks third in our vote, while Heat rookie standout Jaime Jaquez Jr. claims fourth in our panel’s rankings.

T-1. Malik Monk, Sacramento Kings: 38 points (19% of first-place votes)

T-1. Alex Caruso, Oklahoma City Thunder: 38 points (19%)

3. Naz Reid, Minnesota Timberwolves: 29 points (19%)

4. Jaime Jaquez Jr., Miami Heat: 18 points (10%)

5. T.J. McConnell, Indiana Pacers: 13 points (10%)

6. Bobby Portis, Milwaukee Bucks: 11 points (10%)

T-7. Russell Westbrook, Denver Nuggets: 7 points

T-7. Bogdan Bogdanovic, Atlanta Hawks: 7 points

T-8. Jose Alvarado, New Orleans Pelicans: 6 points (5%)

T-8. Norman Powell, LA Clippers: 6 points (5%)

T-9. Josh Hart, New York Knicks: 5 points (5%)

T-9. Austin Reaves, Los Angeles Lakers: 5 points

T-10. Bojan Bogdanovic, Brooklyn Nets: 3 points

T-10. CJ McCollum, New Orleans Pelicans: 3 points

Who will win Most Improved Player?

Another category, another win for the 20-year-old Wemby. On top of being projected for his first Defensive Player of the Year award, the panel also projects Wembanyama as a favorite to win Most Improved Player in the upcoming season.

While Wembanyama received the most first-place votes, our panel has him tied with Oklahoma City’s Jalen Williams, who put together a memorable sophomore season as the Thunder secured the Western Conference’s No. 1 seed.

Chicago Bulls guard Coby White finished a point behind the pair, and received as many first-place votes as Wembanyama, while 2021 No. 1 pick Cade Cunningham finished fourth.

T-1. Victor Wembanyama, San Antonio Spurs: 26 points (14% of first-place votes)

T-1. Jalen Williams, Oklahoma City Thunder: 26 points (10%)

3. Coby White, Chicago Bulls: 25 points (14%)

4. Cade Cunningham, Detroit Pistons: 22 points (14%)

5. Cam Thomas, Brooklyn Nets: 14 points (10%)

T-6. Devin Vassell, San Antonio Spurs: 12 points (5%)

T-6. Alperen Sengun, Houston Rockets: 12 points (5%)

7. Tyrese Haliburton, Indiana Pacers: 11 points (5%)

8. Jonathan Kuminga, Golden State Warriors: 10 points (10%)

9. Jalen Suggs, Orlando Magic: 7 points

T-10. RJ Barrett, Toronto Raptors: 5 points (5%)

T-10. Jalen Johnson, Atlanta Hawks: 5 points (5%)

T-10. Jalen Green, Houston Rockets: 5 points (5%)

Others receiving votes: Jabari Smith Jr., Houston Rockets, Christian Braun, Denver Nuggets

Who will win Coach of the Year?

With another “Nova Knick” added to the roster, the hopes are high for New York. Coach Tom Thibodeau is once again at the helm for the Knicks and was voted as most likely to take home Coach of the Year by our Summer Forecast panel. The award would be his third, after winning with the Bulls in 2011 and the Knicks in 2021.

Both Oklahoma City’s Mark Daigneault and Boston’s Joe Mazzulla received the same number of first-place votes as Thibodeau and rounded out the top three. In all, 10 coaches received votes for the award this season.

1. Tom Thibodeau, New York Knicks: 29 points (19% of first-place votes)

2. Mark Daigneault, Oklahoma City Thunder: 24 points (19%)

3. Joe Mazzulla, Boston Celtics: 22 points (19%)

4. Gregg Popovich, San Antonio Spurs: 18 points (5%)

5. Kenny Atkinson, Cleveland Cavaliers: 16 points (14%)

6. Nick Nurse, Philadelphia 76ers: 15 points (5%)

7. Taylor Jenkins, Memphis Grizzlies: 14 points (10%)

8. Erik Spoelstra, Miami Heat: 13 points (5%)

9. Ime Udoka, Houston Rockets: 12 points (5%)

10. Jamahl Mosley, Orlando Magic: 8 points

Others receiving votes: Ty Lue, LA Clippers, Doc Rivers, Milwaukee Bucks, Mike Budenholzer, Phoenix Suns, Mike Brown, Sacramento Kings, Chris Finch, Minnesota Timberwolves, Steve Kerr, Golden State Warriors, Jason Kidd, Dallas Mavericks

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