[PtR] 打造终极马刺 3x3 篮球队

By Marilyn Dubinski | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-08-02 22:06:14


NBA: 夏洛特黄蜂 vs 圣安东尼奥马刺

与 5x5 相比,3x3 篮球是一种不同的运动,需要特殊的技能组合。哪些马刺球员能够组成最佳阵容?

2024 年巴黎奥运会是 3x3 篮球第二次登上奥运舞台。第一次是在 2020 年 2021 年东京奥运会上,当时这项运动在很大程度上无人问津,部分原因是美国男篮甚至没有获得参赛资格,尽管由凯尔西·普拉姆领衔的美国女篮获得了金牌。然而,尽管 男女篮都获得了今年的参赛资格,但他们的表现却十分挣扎。截至本文发布时,由曾短暂效力于马刺的吉默·弗雷戴特领衔的美国男篮目前以 0 胜 4 负的战绩排名垫底,而本应拥有 WNBA 新秀卡梅隆·布林克(她在 6 月份遭遇了前交叉韧带撕裂)的美国女篮也仅取得了 2 胜 3 负的战绩,但至少还有晋级的希望。

你可能会认为,作为世界篮球强国的美国,其 3x3 篮球应该更加强大,但奥运代表队的明星球员匮乏是有原因的。Yardbarker 的这篇文章 对此作出了最佳解释,尤其是对男篮而言。基本上,你在男篮中看不到任何现役 NBA 球员,因为他们必须参加 FIBA ​​认可的 3x3 比赛才能获得参赛资格,但这些比赛是在 NBA 赛季期间举行的。与此同时,WNBA 球员更容易参加资格赛,因为她们的赛季要到 5 月份才开始(尽管这仍然会占用一些宝贵的训练时间)。

随着这项运动越来越受欢迎,看看是否会对一些规则和时间安排进行调整以允许更多职业球员参与,这将是一件很有趣的事情。但与此同时,我认为抛开这一切,看看比赛本身,并组建一支终极马刺 3x3 球队会很有趣。为了庆祝国际体育赛事,我创建了一支国际马刺队和一支美国马刺队。

首先,我们将查看 规则,以帮助确定哪些类型的球员最适合这种形式。这场比赛与你小时候在操场上玩的游戏非常相似。每支球队由四名球员组成:三名首发球员和一名替补球员,每队场上三人。比赛完全在半场进行,节奏很快,持续 10 分钟(没有节间休息或中场休息),进攻时间为 12 秒。得分后没有休息时间;控球的球队直接从半场重新开始进攻。

我们在 5x5 比赛中所称的两分球(或内线得分)在 3x3 比赛中值一分,而外线得分(或“三分球”)则值两分,考虑到它们比内线得分高出 50% 的价值(而在 5x5 比赛中则高出 33%),这实际上使它们更有价值。首先获得 21 分的球队获胜,如果双方在 10 分钟内都没有达到 21 分,则需要进行加时赛,在加时赛中,首先获得两分的球队获胜。

考虑到所有这些因素,最适合 3x3 篮球的球员类型应该是速度快、个人得分能力强(因为几乎没有时间进行进攻战术安排,更不用说防守球员更容易盯防他们的对手了),而且最好是个人防守能力强。你还需要那些擅长运球投三分的球员(而不是仅仅是接球就投)。最后,阵容通常由一名控球后卫、一名侧翼球员和一名大个子球员组成。考虑到所有这些因素,以下是我组建的两支终极马刺 3x3 球队,假设每位球员都处于巅峰状态。


德里克·怀特 (Derrick White) — 这实际上是一个挑战,因为当你真正深入研究时,你会发现马刺队最好的控球后卫要么是外国出生的,要么是防守意识太强,要么是来自三分球还不流行的时代:而你需要的是适合这种比赛形式的球员。我考虑过约翰尼·摩尔,但由于美国马刺队与他们的国际对手相比缺乏投篮能力,所以我选择了怀特,他带来了投篮创造力、外线投篮和对位防守的最佳组合。

科怀·伦纳德 (Kawhi Leonard) — 我曾考虑过让乔治·格文担任这个位置,因为祝你好运能防住他的“指尖挑篮”,但这只值一分。这支球队缺乏稳定的外线投篮点,而这并不是格文比赛的一部分。因此,请来 2018 年前的伦纳德,他可以说是当时 NBA 中最好的防守球员,他可以在球场上的任何地方创造自己的投篮机会,并且会悄无声息地造成严重破坏。爱他也好,恨他也罢,在他状态最好的时候,他可以在这种比赛形式中造成巨大的伤害。

大卫·罗宾逊 (David Robinson) — 这支球队需要一个 dominant(统治力强)、令人生畏、有身体对抗能力的球员,所以请来海军上将:梦之队的元老成员。他是 NBA 历史上最出色的防守球员之一,并且在他巅峰时期拥有覆盖防守端的良好速度和运动能力。他的进攻范围有限,但有多少防守球员能够真正地在低位挡住他?蒂姆·邓肯会带来类似的技能组合(甚至可能凭借他标志性的擦板投篮拥有更大的投篮范围),但在运动能力方面,海军上将更胜一筹。

替补:肖恩·埃利奥特 (Sean Elliott) — 替补球员需要成为一名多面手,能够在需要的时候上场并提供帮助,由于马刺队需要一些更可靠的外线投篮点,巅峰时期的埃利奥特带来了这一点,以及一些可靠的传球和防守。(我还考虑过德玛尔·德罗赞,他作为一名个人得分手在这种比赛形式中会如鱼得水,但我决定选择一名外线威胁。)


帕蒂·米尔斯 (Patty Mills)(澳大利亚)— 在这里选择帕蒂而不是马刺队的历史最佳控球后卫托尼·帕克可能会有争议,后者拥有为他自己和他人创造机会的速度和技巧,但最终,在这里忽视 FIBA 米尔斯 太难了。他曾经是 NBA 中速度最快的球员,一名神准的运球投篮手,并且已经与他下面的一名队友建立了惊人的默契。主要的弱点将是他在防守端的身高劣势,但他在这方面的好胜心在一定程度上弥补了这一点,也是促使他战胜帕克的另一个因素。

马努·吉诺比利 (Manu Ginobili)(阿根廷)— 如果说有谁能轻松地在 3x3 比赛的狭小空间内完成传球,那一定是马努。他是篮球场上终极的多面手,可以传球、投篮和防守球场上的各个位置。真的没什么好说的了;马努就是那种无论是传统的 5 对 5 还是更独特的 3 对 3,每支篮球队都需要的那种球员。

维克多·文班亚马 (Victor Wembanyama)(法国)— 虽然样本量很小,但毫无疑问,文班会在任何篮球形式中都大放异彩。尽管他在新秀赛季的三分球命中率只有 25.8%,但他令人难以置信地在运球三分球上投出了 41% 的命中率,这正是这场比赛更需要的(更不用说他在奥运会上看起来在三分线外更加精准了)。他的速度对于他的身高来说很快,并且会在内线占据统治地位,轻松获得两分,但最重要的是,他的防守覆盖范围是世界上最大的。祝你好运。

替补:戴维斯·贝尔坦斯 (Davis Bertans)(拉脱维亚)— 与埃利奥特类似,我们选择了一个可以在需要的时候上场并迅速得分的人。凭借他快速、丝般顺滑的外线出手和在替补席上保持状态的能力,贝尔坦斯将成为完美的催化剂,并且非常适合这支将成为“美丽篮球”马刺队转世阵容的一部分。

这就是我组建的两支 3x3 马刺队。美国队更注重防守,而国际队在进攻端威胁更大,考虑到篮球运动在世界各地的发展方式,这并不奇怪。这两支球队哪支会获胜,你的球队会是什么样子?欢迎在下面的评论区讨论。

点击查看原文:Building the ultimate Spurs 3x3 basketball teams

Building the ultimate Spurs 3x3 basketball teams

NBA: Charlotte Hornets at San Antonio Spurs

3x3 basketball is a different animal and requires specific skill sets compared to 5x5. Which Spurs would make the best teams?

The 2024 Paris Olympics is just the second Olympics to feature 3x3 basketball, with the first being the largely unnoticed 2020 2021 Tokyo Olympics in part because the US men didn’t even qualify, although the women’s team, featuring Kelsey Plum, won gold. However, while both the men and women’s teams qualified this year, they are severely struggling. As of the posting of this article, the men’s team, led by very briefly one-time Spur Jimmer Fredette, is currently 0-4 and sitting in last place, while the women — who should have had WNBA rookie sensation Cameron Brink before she suffered an ACL tear in June — are just 2-3 but at least have a fighting chance to advance.

You would think with the United States being the basketball powerhouse of the world, 3x3 basketball would be stronger, but there are reasons why the Olympic teams are lacking in star power. This article from Yardbarker explains it best, especially for the men. Basically, you don’t see any active NBA players on the men’s side because they must participate in FIBA-sanctioned 3x3 competitions to qualify, but those events take place during the NBA season. Meanwhile, it’s easier for WNBA players to participate in qualifiers because their season doesn’t begin until May (although it still eats into some valuable training time).

It will be interesting to see if some of the rules and timing changes as the game becomes more popular to allow more pros to participate, but in the meantime, I thought it would be fun to put all that aside, take a look at the game itself, and build the ultimate Spurs 3x3 teams. Because we are celebrating international sports, I created both an international and American Spurs squad.

First, we’ll start by looking at the rules to help determine what type of players work best for this format. The game is very similar to what you may have played on the playground growing up. Each team is made up of four players: three starters and a bench player, with three players per team on the court at a time. It takes place entirely in the half court, is fast paced, and lasts 10 minutes (no quarters or halftime) with a 12-second shot clock. There’s no break after scoring; the team in possessions just starts back out at half court.

What we know as two-pointers (or inside shots) in 5x5 are worth one point in 3x3, and outside shots (or “threes”) are worth two, which actually makes them a lot more valuable considering they are worth 50% more than an inside shot (compared to 33% more in 5x5). The first team to 21 points wins, or if overtime is required should neither team reach 21 points in 10 minutes, the first team to score two points wins.

With all that in mind, the type of player best suit for 3x3 basketball would be quick, a good individual scorer as there is little time to set up offensive sets (not to mention it’s easier for defenders to stick to their players), and a preferably a strong individual defender. You would also need players who are good at shooting threes off the dribble (as opposed to just catch-and-shoot). Finally, a lineup typically consists of a designated ball handler, wing, and big. With all that in mind, here are my two Ultimate Spurs 3x3 teams, with the assumption being that each player is in his prime.

U.S. Spurs Team

Derrick White — This was actually a challenge because when you really dig deep, the Spurs’ best point guards have either been foreign-born, too defensive-minded, or from before threes were common: something you need in this format. I was considering Johnny Moore, but because the U.S. Spurs will be lacking in shooting power relative to their international counterparts, I went with White, who brings the best combination of shot creation, outside shooting, and point-of-attack defense.

Kawhi Leonard — I thought about George Gervin for this slot because good luck stopping that finger role, but it would only be worth one point. This team is hurting for some reliable outside shooting, and that just wasn’t a part of his game. Thus, bring in pre-2018 Leonard, who was arguably the best defender in the NBA, could create his own shot anywhere on the court, and would quietly wreck havoc. Love him or hate him, at his best, he could do some serious damage in this format.

David Robinson — This team needs a dominant, intimidating, physical presence, so bring on the Admiral: an original member of The Dream Team. He’s one of the best defenders of all time and had the speed and athleticism in his prime to cover a good range on defense. His offensive range would be limited, but how many defenders would actually be able to hold him off down low? Tim Duncan would bring a similar skillset (maybe even a bit more shooting range with his patented bank shot), but athleticism wins this spot for the Admiral.

Bench: Sean Elliott — The bench player needs to be a bit of a wildcard who can come in and help when needed, and with the Spurs needing some more reliable outside shooting, prime Elliott brings that, as well as some reliable passing and defense. (I also considered DeMar DeRozan, who would thrive as an individual scorer in this format, but I decided to go with an outside threat instead.)

International Spurs Team

Patty Mills (Australia) — It may be controversial going with Patty here over the Spurs’ GOAT point guard in Tony Parker, who possesses the speed and craftiness to create for himself and others, but ultimately, it was too hard to overlook FIBA Patty here. He was at one point the fastest player in the NBA, a lights out shooter off the dribble, and already has amazing chemistry with one of his teammates below. The main weakness would be defense with his short stature, but his feistiness on that side helps make up for it a bit and is another factor that pushes him in over Parker.

Manu Ginobili (Argentina) — If anyone can make passing in the tight confines of 3x3 look easy, it would be Manu. He’s the ultimate Swiss army knife of basketball who can pass, shoot and defend all over the court. There really isn’t much more to say; Manu is just the type of player every basketball team needs whether it’s conventional 5-vs-5 or the more unique 3-vs-3.

Victor Wembanyama (France) — While the sample size is small, there’s no questioning if Wemby would thrive in any basketball format. Although he was not a great three-point shooter his rookie season at just 32.5%, he shot a somewhat unfathomable 41% on off-the-dribble threes, which is more what this game needs (not to mention he’s looking a lot more accurate from outside in the Olympics). He’s quick for his size and would dominate inside for quick one-pointers, but most importantly, his defensive reach is the greatest in the world. Good luck.

Bench: Davis Bertans (Latvia) — Similar to Elliott, we’re going with someone who can come in and provide points in a hurry if needed. With his quick, silky smooth release from outside and ability to come in cold, Bertans would be the perfect spark plug and would fit in well with what would become a re-incarnation of the Beautiful Game Spurs.

Those are my two 3x3 Spurs teams. The U.S. squad is more defensive minded, while the International one is a bigger threat on offense, which isn’t surprising considering how the game has evolved in different parts of the world. Which of these two teams would win, and what would your team look like? Feel free to discuss in the comments below.

By Marilyn Dubinski, via Pounding The Rock
