By Marilyn Dubinski | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-07-23 00:26:17
此外,文班在法国队的表现或许表明他可以胜任大前锋的位置,ESPN 也预测了他的 NBA 职业生涯将如何发展。
2024 年巴黎奥运会即将开幕,耐克发布了最新广告,主题为“胜利不属于每个人”,广告中出现了参加奥运会和残奥会的签约运动员(以及大量科比·布莱恩特(Kobe Bryant)的镜头,原因不明)。其中包括将代表法国男篮出战的马刺队天才球员维克托·文班亚马。
文班在广告中出现了两次:第一次是在 25 秒处,他在解说员说出“我不尊重你”的同时完成扣篮并怒吼;第二次是在 1 分 14 秒处,他送出一记盖帽,并在几秒钟后再次发出怒吼。
胜利不属于每个人。它属于那些竭尽全力的人。#WinningIsntForEveryone #Paris2024 @Olympics
— 耐克 (@Nike) 2024 年 7 月 19 日
另一个潜在的收获是:也许他在未来真的可以打大前锋。赛季初,当文班和扎克·科林斯(Zach Collins)搭档时,马刺队在大前锋位置上遇到了麻烦,虽然这其中有很多原因——没有控球后卫,文班和科林斯的糟糕外线投篮等等——但他今年夏天与鲁迪·戈贝尔(Rudy Gobert)并肩作战的表现令人鼓舞。戈贝尔没有射程,但由于文班自身的进步,他在与戈贝尔搭档时表现出色。例如,在昨天对阵澳大利亚队的热身赛中,他先是自己持球进行挡拆,然后送出一记空中接力传球给戈贝尔完成扣篮。
对阵 | NBA 应用程序— NBA (@NBA) 2024 年 7 月 21 日
我认为文班在 NBA 生涯的大部分时间里仍然会出现在中锋位置上,但如果他能胜任大前锋的职责,马刺队将更加全面,并能够在未来做出更多调整。(想想 2014 年,他们是如何根据对手的不同,在蒂姆·邓肯(Tim Duncan)身边轮换使用蒂亚戈·斯普利特(Tiago Splitter)和鲍里斯·迪奥(Boris Diaw)的。)
最后,ESPN 召集了一个由作家、记者、编辑和分析师组成的小组,预测这位 NBA 下一位超级巨星的未来。问题包括文班何时会成为 NBA 最佳球员,他会赢得多少个总冠军、MVP 和奥运金牌,以及对马刺球迷来说也许更重要的是,他是否会整个职业生涯都留在圣安东尼奥?他们在那里的回答有点模棱两可。马刺球迷很容易认为他会留下,但有时我们只需要记住,现在和以前已经不一样了。(但无论别人怎么说,答案仍然是肯定的。)
马刺队历史上最成功的几名球员都在圣安东尼奥度过了他们的整个职业生涯,并赢得了无数奖杯。名人堂成员大卫·罗宾逊(David Robinson)、蒂姆·邓肯和马努·吉诺比利(Manu Ginobili)终身效力马刺,而科怀·伦纳德(Kawhi Leonard)和托尼·帕克(Tony Parker)——他在夏洛特黄蜂队度过了他的最后一个赛季——则在格雷格·波波维奇(Gregg Popovich)教练的带领下取得成功后离开了。文班处于传承圣安东尼奥内线传奇的独特位置,但有几个因素在他的德州前景中起着作用。波波维奇还会执教多久?球队将如何围绕这位未来的全明星球员建队?我们的小组成员对文班在这支球队的长期未来几乎持平分。
会: 52.6%
不会: 47.4%
点击查看原文:Victor Webmanyama appears in Nike ad ahead of Olympics
Victor Webmanyama appears in Nike ad ahead of Olympics
Plus perhaps his time in France shows he can play power forward, and ESPN predicts how his NBA career will play out.
The 2024 Paris Olympics are just days away, and Nike has released its latest ad featuring clients who are participating in both the Olympics and Paralympics (plus a lot of Kobe Bryant for some reason), with a theme of “Winning isn’t for everyone”. It includes Spurs phenom Victor Wembanyama, who will be playing for the French Basketball Team.
His cameos come at the 25 sec mark, where he dunks and yells while the narrator says “I don’t respect you”, and again at 1:14 with a block and seconds later repeating his yell.
Winning Isn’t For Everyone. It’s for those who do whatever it takes. #WinningIsntForEveryone #Paris2024 @Olympics
— Nike (@Nike) July 19, 2024
Speaking of the Olympics, Wemby’s time with Team France has been eye-opening. Granted, it has just been in scrimmages, but he looks like he’s on another level than just a few months ago when the regular season ended, with his improved handles and shooting touch on full display. (And France desperately needs it considering guard play is considered a weakness of the team.)
Another potential takeaway: maybe there is some power forward in his future after all. The Spurs struggled with Wemby at power forward next to Zach Collins early in the season, and while that was due many different factors — no point guard, poor outside shooting from both Wemby and Collins, etc. — his play next to Rudy Gobert this summer has been encouraging. Gobert has no shooting range, and yet Wemby has done fine next to him thanks to his own improvements. To wit, here he is running the pick-and-roll himself before sending an alley-oop pass to Gobert in yesterday’s tune-up against Australia.
Wemby runs the pick & roll and lobs it to Gobert for the slam!
vs. | NBA App— NBA (@NBA) July 21, 2024
I imagine Wemby will still spend a lot of his NBA career at center, but if he can handle power forward duties, the Spurs will be much more versatile and able to make more adjustments in the future. (Think 2014 and how they were able rotate between Tiago Splitter and Boris Diaw next to Tim Duncan, depending on the matchup.)
Finally, ESPN put together a panel of writers, reporters, editors and analysts to predict what the future holds for the the NBA’s next superstar. Questions included when Wemby will be the NBA’s best player, how many titles, MVP’s and Olympic Gold Metals he will win, and perhaps more importantly to Spurs fans, will he remain in San Antonio his entire career? Their answer there left it a bit up in the air. It’s easy for Spurs fans to assume yes, but sometimes we just have to remember it’s a different climate than previous eras. (But the answer is still yes not matter what anyone says.)
Several of the Spurs’ most successful players spent their entire careers in San Antonio and had plenty of trophies to show for it. Hall of Famers David Robinson, Tim Duncan and Manu Ginobili were Spurs for life, while others such as Kawhi Leonard and Tony Parker — who spent his final season with the Charlotte Hornets — moved on after achieving success under coach Gregg Popovich. Wembanyama is in the unique position of carrying on the San Antonio big man legacy, but several factors are at play in projecting his future in Texas. How long will Popovich continue to coach? And how will the franchise surround the future All-Star? Our panel was nearly split on Wemby’s long-term future with the franchise.
Yes: 52.6%
No: 47.4%
Be sure to click the link to find out what they think on the rest of the topics.
By Marilyn Dubinski, via Pounding The Rock