[PtR] 马刺队在新赛季揭幕战的潜在首发阵容和轮换阵容是什么样的?

By Jeje Gomez, Marilyn Dubinski, Mark Barrington, J.R. Wilco | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-07-17 23:39:00





Marilyn Dubinski: 虽然我不赌博,但我愿意用十美元的大富翁钞票打赌,首发阵容会是克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)、德文·瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell)、哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes)、杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)和维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)。保罗在被承诺会首发的情况下与马刺签约,这一点已经很明确了。而且我认为巴恩斯同意放弃交易保证金来到马刺,至少在最初阶段不会接受替补的角色——尽管他肯定是那种会以优雅和专业的态度接受任何角色的人。除此之外,瓦塞尔和文班亚马在这个位置上是不可或缺的,而且我认为索汉在短期内也不会被放在替补席上。

Mark Barrington: 克里斯·保罗和维克托·文班亚马,这显而易见。剩下的阵容就不那么明朗了。我认为哈里森·巴恩斯会首发,因为他们不是把他招来打替补的。这样一来,杰里米·索汉和德文·瓦塞尔就组成了剩下的阵容,这是一个以文班亚马为中锋的一大四小阵容。除非在赛季开始前还有其他人员变动,否则科林斯、凯尔登·约翰逊、特雷·琼斯(Tre Jones)、斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)和朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)将组成第二阵容。

Jesus Gomez: 理想情况下,为了赢得比赛,首发阵容可能是克里斯·保罗、德文·瓦塞尔、朱利安·尚帕尼、哈里森·巴恩斯和维克托·文班亚马。保罗和瓦塞尔控球,尚帕尼和巴恩斯拉开空间,文班亚马做他该做的事情。但很难想象波波维奇会让杰里米·索汉替补出场,这也是合理的,因为他有成为核心球员的天赋,即使他缺乏稳定的投篮。我认为保罗、瓦塞尔、索汉、巴恩斯和文班亚马会首发,我很期待看到波波维奇如何将球员们组合起来,找到好的阵容。

J.R. Wilco: 虽然我很喜欢戈麦斯让尚帕尼进入首发阵容的想法,但我认为这根本没有悬念。揭幕战的首发阵容是保罗、瓦塞尔、索汉、巴恩斯和文班。问题是,大家是否对斯蒂芬·卡斯尔在夏季联赛中的表现太过重视了,或者说,他是否会很快变得优秀,以至于他会向杰里米或哈里森的首发位置发起冲击。


Dubinski: 巧合的是,我几天前刚写过这个,但布莱克·韦斯利(Blake Wesley),以及在较小程度上马拉奇·布拉汉姆(Malaki Branham),都有被排除在外的风险。如果阵容中没有其他值得注意的补充,布拉汉姆仍然可以进入第二阵容,但他必须证明自己可以更多地成为一个无球射手,因为他将与特雷·琼斯和斯蒂芬·卡斯尔分享上场时间,这两位球员持球能力都更强。波波维奇在上个赛季已经表明,如果布拉汉姆打球散漫,他并不惧怕将他按在替补席上,而且他还有韦斯利和西迪·西索科(Sidy Cissoko)等着抓住任何可能的机会获得上场时间。尚帕尼和桑德罗·马穆克拉什维利(Sandro Mamukelashvili)可能会争夺替补前锋的出场时间,而查尔斯·巴斯(Charles Bassey)将是第三中锋。

Barrington: 我认为布莱克·韦斯利很难获得上场时间,因为他进攻能力有限。布拉汉姆可能会获得第三阵容后卫的大部分出场时间。西迪·西索科除非能摆脱扣篮表演的标签,否则他不太可能获得垃圾时间以外的出场时间。

Gomez: 我认为布莱克·韦斯利、马拉奇·布拉汉姆和西迪·西索科三人中将有两人无法获得稳定的出场时间。除非韦斯利在休赛期练出一手可靠的外线投篮,否则他和西索科很可能会坐上替补席或去奥斯汀打球。另一个可能失去出场时间的球员是朱利安·尚帕尼,如果马穆克拉什维利表现出色,并将巴恩斯和索汉挤到小前锋位置上,但目前看来他还是安全的。

Wilco: 我同意大家的共识,现在可能被排除在轮换阵容之外的是布拉汉姆和韦斯利。上个赛季,我经常看到他们中的任何一个人在场上时,都会想知道我上一次看到他们打出精彩表现是什么时候。话虽如此,我们有多少次看到球员在进入他们的第三个赛季后,明显比夏天时有了质的飞跃?我很希望看到布拉汉姆和韦斯利因为他们在休赛期的成长而给其他球员带来压力。


Dubinski: 考虑到大多数人都认为马刺队仍然缺乏外线投篮(没有内部提升的情况下),加里·特伦特二世(Gary Trent Jr.)会是一个很好的选择,因为他还很年轻(25岁),而且会给马刺队可能缺乏外线火力的替补阵容带来三分球威胁。(而这将是那种“值得注意的补充”,很可能会把布拉汉姆挤到第三阵容。)唉,他最近以底薪与雄鹿队签约了,所以这个梦想破灭了。他们本可以进一步补充内线深度,但年轻中锋的选择并不多。考虑到已经熟悉体系和球队化学的额外优势,桑德罗·马穆克拉什维利和/或查尔斯·巴斯可能是他们最好的选择。

Barrington: 目前市场上最有趣的年轻自由球员是普雷舍斯·阿丘瓦(Precious Achiuwa),但我认为马刺队无法用空间特例来签下他,所以需要一些有趣的薪资空间操作才能签下他。艾萨克·奥科罗(Isaac Okoro)也是一个不错的选择,但他是一名受限制自由球员,我可以预见骑士队会轻易匹配马刺队开出的任何报价。在目前的薪资空间情况下,任何比马穆和巴斯强得多的球员都无法得到,所以他们能把这两位球员带回来,我并不感到意外。

Gomez: 说实话,他们想要的是那些真正引人注目的救赎型球员,而不是马刺队熟悉的那种球员。詹姆斯·怀斯曼(James Wiseman)、基利安·海耶斯(Killian Hayes)、阿莱克谢·波库舍夫斯基(Aleksej Pokusevski)——如果看到他们加入马刺队,并突然打出他们在被选中前大多数人认为的那种有前途球员的表现,那该有多棒?但更明智的做法可能是选择那些已经证明自己可以在关键时刻做出贡献的球员,比如马穆和巴斯。

Wilco: 我想要马穆。我现在很开心。

点击查看原文:What the Spurs’ starting lineup and rotation could look like on opening night

What the Spurs’ starting lineup and rotation could look like on opening night

NBA: San Antonio Spurs at Sacramento Kings

The Spurs have made some big additions this offseason, which should shake up the rotation and potentially push former contributors out completely.

Who do you think should start for the Spurs on opening night?

Marilyn Dubinski: As a non-gambler, I’d wage ten Monopoly bucks it will be Chirs Paul, Devin Vassell, Harrison Barnes, Jeremy Sochan and Victor Wembanyama. It has been made clear that Paul signed with the promise he would start, and I imagine Barnes didn’t agree to waive his trade kicker to come off the bench, at least initially — although he is certainly the type of person who would accept any role with grace and professionalism. Other than that, Vassell and Wemby are mainstays at this point, and I don’t see Sochan getting benched any time soon.

Mark Barrington: Chris Paul and Victor Wembanyama, obviously. The rest of the lineup is a little less obvious. I think that Harrison Barnes starts, because they didn’t bring him in to be a bench player. That leaves Jeremy Sochan and Devin Vassell to round out the lineup, which is a one-big lineup with Victor at center. Collins, Keldon Johnson, Tre Jones, Castle and Julian Champagnie are the second unit unless more changes are made before the season.

Jesus Gomez; The ideal lineup to win now would probably be Chris Paul, Devin Vassell, Julian Champagnie, Harrison Barnes and Victor Wembanyama. Paul and Vassell handle the ball, Champagnie and Barnes space the floor and Wemby does Wemby things. But it’s hard to imagine Pop bringing Jeremy Sochan off the bench, which makes sense because he has the talent to be a core player, even if he’s missing a reliable shot. I’m assuming Paul, Vassell, Sochan, Barnes and Wembanyama will start and I’m excited to see how Pop mixes and matches players to find good lineups.

J.R. Wilco: While I love Gomez’s idea of Champagnie in the starting five, I don’t think there’s much doubt about this at all. It’s Paul, Vassell, Sochan, Barnes and Wemby on opening night. The question is whether everybody is making too much of Stephon Castle’s performance at Summer League, or whether he’ll soon be so good that he’ll be pressing Jeremy or Harrison for a starting spot.

Who do you think is on the outside of the rotation looking in right now?

Dubinski: Coincidently, I just wrote about this a few days ago, but Blake Wesley and to a lesser extent Malaki Branham run a real risk of being left out. Without any other notable additions to the roster, Branham could still be a part of the second unit, but he will have to show he can be more of an off-ball shooter since he would be sharing the floor with Tre Jones and Stephon Castle, who are both better with the ball in their hands. Pop showed last season that he’s not afraid to bench Branham if his play gets lackadaisical, and he’ll have Wesley and Sidy Cissoko waiting to pounce on any potential opportunity to get some minutes. Champagnie and Sandro Mamukelashvili will likely be battling for backup forward minutes, while Charles Bassey will be the third string center.

Barrington: I think it’s going to hard to find minutes for Blake Wesley, because of his limited offensive ability. Branham is likely to get the majority of the third string guard rotation minutes. Sidy Cissoko isn’t likely to see anything beyond garbage time minutes until he can become more than a dunking sideshow.

Gomez: I think two of the group of Blake Wesley, Malaki Branham and Sidy Cissoko will not get regular minutes. Wesley and Cissoko are the likely candidates to sit or play in Austin, unless Wesley gets a reliable outside shot in the offseason. The other player who might see his minutes disappear could be Julian Champagnie if Mamukelashvili does well and pushes Barnes and Sochan to the small forward slot part-time, but right now he seems safe.

Wilco: I agree with the consensus that it’s probably Branham and Wesley currently on the bubble. It was far too often last season that I would see either of them on the court and wonder when the last time was that I’d seen them make a play. That said, how many times have we seen guys begin their third season and make it obvious that they’ve made a quantum leap over the summer? I’d love to see Branham and Wesley make things difficult on the rest of the roster because of how much they develop this offseason.

Is there a young free agent (25 or under) you wished the Spurs had taken a flyer on?

Dubinski: Considering most agree the Spurs are still lacking in outside shooting (without some internal improvement), Gary Trent Jr. would have been great, as he’s still young (25) and would have brought three-point shooting to a Spurs’ bench unit that may be lacking it next season. (And this would have been that type of “notable addition” that would have most likely moved Branham to the third unit.) Alas, he recently signed with the Bucks for the minimum, so that dream is dead. They could have also filled out their big man depth more, but the cupboard for young centers is pretty bare. Sandro Mamukelasvili and/or Charles Bassey were probably their best bets when considering the added bonus of already knowing the system and having team chemistry.

Barrington: The most interesting young free agent out there is Precious Achiuwa, but I don’t think the Spurs could fit his salary under the room exception, so it would require some interesting cap gymnastics to bring him aboard. Isaac Okoro would have also been a nice get, but he’s a restricted free agent, and I could see the Cavaliers easily matching any offer the Spurs could make. Nobody that’s a big improvement over Mamu and Bassey was gettable with the current cap situation, so I’m not surprised they brought them back.

Gomez: The desire to go for the really flashy reclamation projects over guys who the Spurs know was huge, if I’m being honest. James, Wiseman, Killian Hayes, Aleksej Pokusevski — how great would it be to see them join the Spurs and suddenly look like the promising players that most considered them to be before they were drafted? But it was probably smarter to go for guys who have actually proved they can contribute in a pinch like Mamu and Bassey.

Wilco: Me want Mamu. Me happy now.

By Jeje Gomez, Marilyn Dubinski, Mark Barrington, J.R. Wilco, via Pounding The Rock