[PtR] 布拉汉姆(Malaki Branham)和韦斯利(Blake Wesley)向马刺证明自己的时间可能不多了

By Marilyn Dubinski | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-07-16 03:02:38




总的来说,圣安东尼奥马刺队在选秀和自由球员市场上所做的事情正是球迷们希望他们做的。他们选中了未来潜在的控球后卫斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle),并在他们最薄弱的位置——控球后卫和前锋——上增加了老将克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)和哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes),他们也应该都能帮助马刺解决外线投篮和组织进攻方面的问题。

仅仅是这些引援就为我们展望下赛季的轮换阵容创造了一些有趣的讨论话题。我们已经知道保罗将成为首发控球后卫,这意味着特雷·琼斯(Tre Jones)将成为他的替补,但首发阵容还会如何变化呢?为了巴恩斯的交易腾出空间而幸免于被裁掉的朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)可能会被移到替补席,但谁来取代他呢?卡斯尔会立即被安排到首发阵容中担任无球的角色吗?还是巴恩斯会成为首发球员?

不管发生什么,老将的加入肯定会让马刺队比上赛季更有深度,第二阵容大概率由琼斯、凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)和扎克·科林斯(Zach Collins)领衔(称我为乐观主义者吧,但我相信他会恢复到2022-23赛季的状态),再加上卡斯尔、巴恩斯或尚帕尼的某种组合,这取决于首发阵容的安排。更不用说,还有三个空余的名单位置可以用,马刺队可以用这些位置来增加阵容深度,或者重新签下像桑德罗·马穆克拉什维利(Sandro Mamukelashvili)、查尔斯·巴斯(Charles Bassey)或赛迪·奥斯曼(Cedi Osman)这样的被放弃的球员。




在正常情况下,我们会假设布拉汉姆和韦斯利都会得到他们应得的四年时间来证明自己,然后再做打算。不幸的是,部分原因是时间线的变化,他们中的一个或两个可能无法获得完整的四年机会。随着马刺队幸运地选中了维克多·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama),重建进程加快了,而保罗和巴恩斯的加入表明,虽然马刺队没有反应过度,但他们正在加快速度,这将不会是一个完全自然而然的重建过程。


马刺队在2024-25赛季开始前还有24个小时的时间来执行他们和杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)的第四年球队选项,虽然索汉肯定会被执行,但布拉汉姆和韦斯利中的一个或两个可能就没有那么幸运了。据悉,马刺队似乎正在按照一年的时间线运作,假设他们希望在2025年自由球员市场更加激烈的情况下保持薪资空间的清洁。




点击查看原文:Time may be running short for Branham and Wesley to prove themselves to the Spurs

Time may be running short for Branham and Wesley to prove themselves to the Spurs

Phoenix Suns v San Antonio Spurs

As the Spurs get deeper, two of their three third-year players have plenty to prove if they want to stay long-term.

For the most part, the San Antonio Spurs have done what fans wanted them to do in the draft and free agency. They drafted their potential point-guard-of-the-future in Stephon Castle and added veteran help at their weakest positions — point guard and forward — in Chris Paul and Harrison Barnes, who should also both help with the Spurs’ outside shooting and playmaking woes.

Just those additions alone have created some intriguing rotation discussions when looking ahead to next season. We already know that Paul will be the starting point guard, which means Tre Jones will be his backup, but how else will the starting lineup change? Julian Champagnie, who survived being waived to make room for the Barnes trade, will likely be moved to a bench role, but who will replace him? Will Castle immediately get thrown into a starting role off the ball, or will Barnes be a starter?

Whatever happens, the veteran additions certainly make the Spurs much deeper than last season, with a second unit presumably led by Jones, Keldon Johnson, and Zach Collins (call me an optimist, but I have faith he will return to his 2022-23 form) plus some combination of Castle, Barnes or Champagnie, depending on how the starting lineup shakes out. Not to mention, there’s still three open roster spots to work with, which the Spurs could use to bring in more depth or re-sign renounced players such as Sandro Mamukelashvili, Charles Bassey or Cedi Osman.

That being said, I have found myself guilty of forgetting a couple of names when speculating about the potential rotation next season: Malaki Branham and Blake Wesley. While the latter has been in and out of the rotation his entire two-year career, the former has usually been in it, both in starting and bench roles. However, the fact that Branham in particular keeps escaping my mind when thinking about the rotation may be telling.

In both of Branham’s two seasons, he got out to a slow start before turning things around, but last season still represented a bit of a sophomore slump for him. Although his three-point shooting jumped from 30% to almost 35%, the rest of his numbers went down, including his overall shooting numbers, points per game, and minutes played. He’s not much of a playmaker, averaging just 2 assists per game, and for being drafted as a shooter, he has been more a part of the Spurs’ maligned offense the last two seasons rather than a solution.

As for Wesley, he got a pass for his rookie struggles after suffering a knee injury just two games into his career, but anyone who hoped to see more in his second season was left disappointed. With a poor 2023 Summer League showing being a precursor, nearly all of his numbers dipped in the regular season as well, with the only notable rise being in his two-point shooting (which could only going up after a disastrous rookie season, where he was in the bottom percentile of the entire league around the rim). He remains raw and undisciplined, but his athleticism and defensive instincts do provide glimmers of intrigue.

Under normal circumstances, we would be assuming that both Branham and Wesley would get their requisite four years to prove themselves, then go from there. Unfortunately, due in part to a shifting timeline, one or both of them may not get that full opportunity. With the Spurs lucking into Victor Wembanyama, the rebuild has been sped up, and the additions of Paul and Barnes show that while the Spurs aren’t overreacting, they are speeding things up a bit, and this won’t be an entirely organic rebuild.

Add the fact that the Spurs could have anywhere from two to four first round picks next year (their own and the Hawks’ pick, plus potentially the Bulls’ top-10 protected and Hornets top-14 protected) as well as two picks in 2027, and they could very quickly run out of roster spots for any young players who haven’t proven themselves. Right now, of all the players still on rookie contracts, Branham and Wesley find themselves closest to that precarious position.

The Spurs have right up until 24 hours before the 2024-25 regular season starts to exercise the fourth-year team options on them and Jeremy Sochan, and while Sochan is a safe bet to be picked up, one or both of Branham and Wesley may not be so lucky. It has been noted that the Spurs appear to be operating on a one-year time line, with the assumption being that they want to keep the books clean for a much deeper 2025 free agency class.

The addition of Barnes, who has two years left on his contract, puts a $17 million dent in their cap space next summer. If they don’t pick up the 4th year options of Branham and Wesley, that would be nearly $10 million in cap space saved for the 2025-26 season. Even if the Spurs do pick up their 4th year options, it’s hard to imagine them working on extensions for either player without a big leap in production. Otherwise, they would become free agents in 2026.

None of this is to say the Spurs should be giving up on either player. They each bring a unique skillset and still have another level they could unlock, but when the time comes to start trimming the roster to make room for upgrades, their weaknesses may be hard to overlook. Neither has quite proven to be a reliable point guard (should Jones move on next summer), and neither are good enough shooters to help spread the floor at shooting guard. They also lack the defensive discipline and potential upside of someone like Castle or they may pick in next year’s much deeper draft.

Of all the Spurs’ young players, the pressure is on Branham and Wesley to prove themselves more than anyone else, and this upcoming season might be their last chance to earn a spot in the Spurs’ future plans.

By Marilyn Dubinski, via Pounding The Rock