[PtR] 文班亚马在法国战胜德国的比赛中再次惊艳全场

By Jacob Douglas | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-07-07 05:36:29


法国vs土耳其 - 国际友谊赛


对于圣安东尼奥马刺队的球迷来说,7月6日是充满篮球的一天。球队夏季联赛队伍将在晚上7:30参加在萨克拉门托举行的首场比赛。这将是马刺队首轮秀斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)身披银黑战袍的首秀。他们还有幸见证了去年状元秀维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)在法国国家队的统治级表现。


势不可挡 pic.twitter.com/elIkdrgPCg

—— 凯文·奥康纳(Kevin O’Connor) @KevinOConnorNBA

文班亚马和鲁迪·戈贝尔(Rudy Gobert)的组合再次成为法国队的进攻核心。比赛初期,法国队尝试让戈贝尔和文班分别占据高低位。拥有两名身高7英尺、既能传球又能终结进攻的内线球员,使得对手难以防守。文班亚马在处理球和为戈贝尔输送炮弹时显得游刃有余。这位效力于明尼苏达森林狼队的内线悍将最终得到13分、7个篮板和1次盖帽。

马刺球迷都知道,文班亚马能够在挡拆战术中游刃有余。在马刺队的进攻体系中,通常是由特雷·琼斯(Tre Jones)这样的后卫来进行掩护。而拥有一位既能在短时间内完成终结,又能及时分球的大个子球员,将使挡拆战术更加高效。文班亚马在挡拆战术中多次为戈贝尔送出妙传。


未来已来,老伙计。 pic.twitter.com/I9bqjERc12

—— azmatlanba @azmatlanba

这不禁让人遐想,文班亚马和劳里·马尔卡宁(Lauri Markkanen)组成的锋线组合将会是怎样一番景象。这位犹他爵士队前锋一直身处交易流言之中,并与圣安东尼奥联系在一起。马尔卡宁身高7英尺,是一名身体素质出色的终结者,上赛季差点就进入了“180俱乐部”。他能控球,也能在挡拆战术中得分。文班亚马和马尔卡宁的组合将复制法国队文班和戈贝尔组合的许多优势,而且拥有更强的全面性。他们可以进行无球掩护、挡拆后撤、空切和顺下。如果防守方选择绕过掩护来保护篮下,文班亚马和马尔卡宁都能在外线给予惩罚。这将是天作之合的进攻组合。


德国队缺少了弗朗茨·瓦格纳(Franz Wagner)和莫里茨·瓦格纳(Moe Wagner)两兄弟,如果他们参赛,或许可以对法国队的内线进攻造成一定的阻碍。NBA后卫丹尼斯·施罗德(Dennis Schroeder)在德国队的失利中表现顽强,得到23分、6次助攻和1次抢断。法国队的下一场热身赛将于7月12日对阵塞尔维亚队,这将是他们迄今为止遇到的最强对手。尼古拉·约基奇(Nikola Jokic)是否会代表塞尔维亚队出战尚未确定。如果约基奇出战,文班亚马将迎来他今年夏天迄今为止最艰难的防守考验。



世界前十球员 pic.twitter.com/JyFOfNB2eu

—— BKB @brayknowball

点击查看原文:Wembanyama impresses again in France win over Germany

Wembanyama impresses again in France win over Germany

France v Turkiye - International Friendly Match

The Spurs rookie looks like the best player on the floor in a dominant win.

San Antonio Spurs fans have a loaded day of basketball on July 6th. The team’s Summer League team will suit up for its first game in Sacramento at 7:30 p.m. CT. It will be the first time we see Spurs first round pick, Stephon Castle, play for the Silver and Black. They also got to see last year’s first overall pick, Victor Wembanyama, dominate for the French National Team.

After destroying Turkey in its first friendly match, France bullied Germany in a 90-66 win. Once again, Wembanyama led the way with 25 points, 5 rebounds, 3 assists and 1 steal in just 19 minutes. The Spurs star put on a shooting display, knocking down 5 of his 9 three-pointers. He got into his shot off the dribble and spotting up. In the first half, he attempted to get downhill on a German defender before immediately changing directions for a between-the-legs step-back jumper that splashed home. He put on an awesome display of shotmaking.

Unstoppable pic.twitter.com/elIkdrgPCg

— Kevin O’Connor (@KevinOConnorNBA) July 6, 2024

Once again the combination of Wembanyama and Rudy Gobert was a focal point for France. Early in the game the French attempted to get into a high-low set with Gobert and Wemby occupying either spot. Having two 7-foot big men who can pass and finish makes the action difficult to guard. Wembanyama looked extremely comfortable handling the ball and making post entry passes to Gobert. The Minnesota Timberwolves big man finished with 13 points, 7 rebounds and 1 block.

Spurs fans know that Wembanyama can handle the ball in the pick-and-roll. Typically in San Antonio’s offense, guards like Tre Jones are the ones setting the screen. This action is made better by a big man who can finish and pass out of the short roll. Wembanyama found multiple passes to Gobert in the pick-and-roll.

Un Pick&Roll avec Victor Wembanyama comme porteur de balle et Rudy Gobert comme poseur d’écran.

The future is now, old man. pic.twitter.com/I9bqjERc12

— azmatlanba (@azmatlanba) July 6, 2024

It makes you wonder what a Wembanyama-Lauri Markkanen front court could look like. The Utah Jazz forward has been involved in trade rumors and linked to San Antonio. At 7-foot, Markkanen is a physical finisher who was nearly a 50/40/90 shooter last season. He can handle the basketball and score out of the pick-and-roll himself. A combination of Wembanyama and Markkanen would emulate a lot of what France can do with Wemby and Gobert, only with more versatility. They could run ghost screens, pick-and-pops, slips and rolls. If the defense goes under the screen to protect the paint, both Wembanyama and Markkanen are capable of pulling from deep. It’s an offensive match made in heaven.

Wembanyama’s shooting stroke looked good on Saturday. He hit spot up threes, shots off movement and a deep pull-up in the second half. The big man has been focused on building his body and honing his three-point shot. Last season he shot 32.5% from deep, but his shot this summer has looked smoother and more compact. Adding a consistent deep ball to his game will make Wembanyama an even more lethal offensive weapon.

Germany was missing Franz and Moe Wagner, who could have provided some resistance to France’s interior game. NBA guard, Dennis Schroeder was feisty with 23 points, 6 assists and a steal for Germany in the loss. France’s next exhibition match will come against Serbia on July 12, which will be a tougher opponent than they’ve faced thus far. It’s still to be determined whether Nikola Jokic will play. Wembanyama will face his toughest defensive assignment this so far this summer if he does.

Victor Wembanyama today for France

27 PTS
11/16 FG
5/9 3P
84.4 TS%

  • 18
    19 MIN

Top 10 player in the world pic.twitter.com/JyFOfNB2eu

— BKB (@brayknowball) July 6, 2024

By Jacob Douglas, via Pounding The Rock