[SAEN] 马刺通过与国王、公牛的三方交易得到哈里森·巴恩斯

By Marilyn Dubinski | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-07-07 10:56:19


NBA: 萨克拉门托国王队对阵波士顿凯尔特人队


圣安东尼奥马刺队又迎来了一位经验丰富的老将和领袖。据 ESPN 的阿德里安·沃纳罗斯基(Adrian Wojnarowski)报道(他最初在推特上发布的是 2032 年,但很快进行了更正),为了促成一笔先签后换的交易,将前马刺球员德玛尔·德罗赞从芝加哥公牛队送到萨克拉门托国王队,马刺队将得到老将前锋哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes)和国王队在 2031 年不受保护的选秀权互换权。

作为回报,公牛队将得到克里斯·杜阿尔特(Chris Duarte)、两个次轮签和现金补偿。目前还不清楚除了吸收薪资空间之外,马刺队在这笔交易中到底放弃了什么。

ESPN 消息人士与 @TimBontemps 合作报道:萨克拉门托国王队已经同意了一笔先签后换的交易,德玛尔·德罗赞将签下一份为期三年的合同,哈里森·巴恩斯将被送到圣安东尼奥马刺队,而克里斯·杜阿尔特、两个次轮签和现金将被送到芝加哥公牛队。 pic.twitter.com/eopPkSPBvc

— 阿德里安·沃纳罗斯基 (@wojespn) 2024年7月7日

消息人士告诉 ESPN,国王队还将向马刺队送出 2032 年不受保护的选秀权互换权。

— 阿德里安·沃纳罗斯基 (@wojespn) 2024年7月7日

巴恩斯下赛季将迎来自己在 NBA 的第 13 个赛季,但他是一位铁人,在过去两个赛季中,他每个赛季都打了 82 场比赛,场均为国王队贡献 12.2 分和 3 个篮板,投篮命中率为 47.4%,三分球命中率为 38.7%(场均出手 4.7 次)。他在 2015 年随勇士队赢得了总冠军,现在他加入了克里斯·保罗的行列,成为另一位具有领导才能的经验丰富的老将,帮助指导以维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)为首的马刺队。在这一点上,我们很难不认为马刺队会比上赛季仅取得 22 场胜利的成绩有所提升。(另一个原因是:你最近在法国见过文班亚马吗?)

就在几小时前,马刺队交易走了德文特·格雷厄姆,这很可能是为了腾出一个球员名单位置,并为这笔交易释放他的薪资空间。巴恩斯的合同还剩两年,价值 3700 万美元,这将耗尽马刺队剩余的薪资空间,而且他们可能还不得不放弃任何剩余的薪资空间,比如塞迪·奥斯曼(Cedi Osman)、查尔斯·巴斯(Charles Bassey)和朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie),但这并不意味着他们不能把他们中的任何一个人带回来。当一切都尘埃落定后,他们应该还有空间特例和第二个空间特例可以使用。


点击查看原文:The Spurs are receiving Harrison Barnes as part of three-team trade

The Spurs are receiving Harrison Barnes as part of three-team trade

NBA: Sacramento Kings at Boston Celtics

The trade is centered around sending former Spur DeMar DeRozan from Chicago to the Kings.

The San Antonio Spurs are adding another veteran presence and leader to the team. In a move to help facilitate a sign-and-trade that will send former Spur DeMar DeRozan from the Chicago Bulls to the Sacramento Kings, the Spurs will receive veteran forward Harrison Barnes and an unprotected pick swap with the Kings in 2031, per ESPN’s Adrian Wojnarowski (who initially tweeted 2032 but corrected it soon after).

In return the Bulls will receive Chris Duarte, two second round picks, and cash consideration. It is still to be announced what exactly the Spurs are giving up, if anything, in the trade beyond absorbing cap space.

ESPN Sources with @TimBontemps: The Sacramento Kings are agreed on a sign-and-trade that will land DeMar DeRozan on a three-year deal, send Harrison Barnes to the San Antonio Spurs and Chris Duarte, two second-round picks and cash to the Chicago Bulls. pic.twitter.com/eopPkSPBvc

— Adrian Wojnarowski (@wojespn) July 7, 2024

The Kings will also send the Spurs a 2032 unprotected pick swap, sources tell ESPN.

— Adrian Wojnarowski (@wojespn) July 7, 2024

Barnes will be entering his 13th year in the NBA next season but is an iron man, having played in all 82 games each of the last two seasons while averaging 12.2 points and three rebounds for the Kings, shooting 47.4% overall and 38.7% from 3-point range on 4.7 attempts per game. He won a championship with the Warriors in 2015 and joins Chris Paul as another veteran presence with leadership qualities to help guide the Victor Wembanyama-led Spurs. At this point, it’s hard not to see the Spurs improving a pretty decent amount from just 22 wins last season. (Another reason: have you seen Wemby in France lately?)

The acquisition of Barnes comes hours after the Spurs traded away Devonte’ Graham, likely as a means to open a roster spot and release his cap hold for this exact move. Barnes has two years, $37 million remaining on his contract, which will eat up the remainder of the Spurs’ cap space, and they will also likely have to renounce any remaining cap holds, such Cedi Osman, Charles Bassey and Julian Champagnie, although that doesn’t mean they can’t bring any of them back. When all the dust is settled, they should still have the Room Exception and 2nd Room Exception to work with.

We’ll have more on what this move means for the Spurs soon, but in the meantime, welcome to San Antonio, Harrison! He has always seemed like the Spursy type.

By Marilyn Dubinski, via Pounding The Rock