[PtR] 马刺正式赢得了 2022 年德章泰·穆雷的交易

By Marilyn Dubinski | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-06-30 03:48:53



老鹰队为了得到穆雷送出了很多筹码,但得到的回报却少之又少,这使得马刺队成为了 2022 年这笔交易的最终赢家。

自由球员市场开启仅剩一天多的时间,一些重磅交易已经达成。也许最引人注目的一笔交易并不令人意外:老鹰队交易走了德章泰·穆雷(Dejounte Murray)。此前有传言称,老鹰队的两位球星后卫中的一位,如果不是两位都会被交易,因为他们要么寻求重建,要么试图通过自由球员市场来提升实力,但令人惊讶的是他们用穆雷换回了什么。

据 ESPN 的阿德里安·沃纳罗夫斯基(Adrian Wojnarowski)报道,老鹰队将穆雷送到新奥尔良鹈鹕队,换来了小拉里·南斯(Larry Nancy, Jr)、戴森·丹尼尔斯(Dyson Daniels)、湖人队 2025 年的首轮选秀权,以及鹈鹕队和雄鹿队 2027 年首轮选秀权中顺位较低的一个。

ESPN 完整交易内容:德章泰·穆雷换小拉里·南斯、戴森·丹尼尔斯、2025 年首轮选秀权(来自湖人队)、2027 年首轮选秀权(雄鹿队和鹈鹕队中顺位较低的一个)https://t.co/4BLEuDodqT

——阿德里安·沃纳罗夫斯基 (@wojespn) 2024 年 6 月 28 日

用一位正值巅峰状态的双能全明星后卫换来两名角色球员和两个预计在中下游的未来首轮选秀权,这似乎并不划算,但别忘了当初他们为了从马刺队得到穆雷付出了什么代价:他们 2025 年、2026 年和 2027 年的首轮选秀权,这些选秀权要么是无保护的,要么是可以由马刺队进行互换的(此外还有达尼罗·加里纳利(Danillo Gallinari),马刺队已经放弃了他,由于伤病史,他自那以后在 NBA 的出场时间也很少)。

虽然在当时,这笔交易让马刺球迷有些心碎,因为它表明球队正在进入摆烂模式,但最终的结果却如他们所愿,他们在接下来的那个夏天赢得了史上竞争最激烈的选秀大会状元签,选中了维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama),这立即回击了穆雷关于马刺队将在未来 20 年重建的说法。与此同时,老鹰队得到穆雷后,只收获了一次首轮出局和一次彻底无缘季后赛的经历,虽然这让他们在今年赢得了球队历史上第一次选秀大会状元签,但这届新秀的整体水平并不高,扎卡里·里萨谢(Zacharrire Risacher)的上限究竟如何还有待观察。

目前看来,老鹰队至少会尝试围绕特雷·杨(Trae Young)重建(所以那些担心老鹰队会交易杨的马刺球迷可以放心了),但这又引出了一个问题:他们难道不能为穆雷争取到更多吗?如果目标是围绕杨进行重组,那么在马刺队拥有他们首轮签的那两年里,获得两个首轮选秀权对他们来说可能意义重大,但他们是否进行过任何谈判,试图在球场上获得更多帮助呢?据报道,鹈鹕队正在追求布兰登·英格拉姆(Brandon Ingram),那么他是否可以交易呢?


尽管布莱恩·赖特(Brian Wright)的一些决定遭到了被宠坏的马刺球迷的诟病,但有一点不可否认:很多事情似乎都在朝着好的方向发展,随着他带来的球员中有更多人变成了可用的资产,他将会赢得越来越多的尊重。至少就目前而言,穆雷的交易是他最大的成就。

点击查看原文:The Spurs have officially won the 2022 Dejounte Murray trade

The Spurs have officially won the 2022 Dejounte Murray trade

NBA: San Antonio Spurs at Atlanta Hawks

The Hawks gave a lot to the Spurs for Murray and got less in return, making the Spurs the official winners of the 2022 trade.

With the start of free agency just over a day away, some notable trades have already been made. Perhaps the most significant one is a trade that isn’t too surprising: the Hawks moving Dejounte Murray. There have been rumors that one, if not both of their two star guards would be traded as they either head for a rebuild or try to improve via free agency, but the surprising part is what they got for Murray in return.

In sending him to the New Orleans Pelicans, the Hawks are getting Larry Nancy, Jr, Dyson Daniels, the Lakers’ 2025 first round pick, and the least favorable of the Pelicans’ and Bucks’ first-round picks in 2027, per ESPN’s Adrian Wojnarowski.

Full trade on ESPN: Dejounte Murray for Larry Nance Jr., Dyson Daniels, 2025 first-round pick (via Lakers), 2027 first-round pick (least favorable of Bucks-Pels) https://t.co/4BLEuDodqT

— Adrian Wojnarowski (@wojespn) June 28, 2024

While two role players and what should be two mid-to-low future first round picks may not seem like much for a two-way All-Star guard coming off a career-high season, also consider what they gave up to acquire him from the Spurs in the first place: their 2025, 2026 and 2027 first round picks, all either unprotected or swapable in the Spurs’ favor (plus Danillo Gallinari, whom the Spurs waived and has seen minimal playing time in the NBA since due to his injury history).

While at the time the trade was a bit heartbreaking for Spurs fans as it indicated they were entering tank mode, it ultimately worked out exactly as hoped as they won one of the most coveted lotteries ever the very next summer to draft Victor Wembanyama, immediately countering Murray’s claims that the Spurs would be rebuilding for the next 20 years. Meanwhile, all the Hawks have to show for acquiring Murray is one first round exit and missing the playoffs entirely, and while that led them to winning the draft lottery for the first time in franchise history this year, this wasn’t exactly the strongest draft, and the jury is still out on exactly what Zacharrire Risacher’s ceiling will be.

For now, it sounds like the Hawks are going to at least try to rebuild around Trae Young (so Spurs fans who were terrified they would try and trade for him can rest assured), but it begs the question, could they not have gotten more for Murray? While it might mean more to them to get two first round picks in the two years that the Spurs will own theirs, was there any negotiations to try and get more on-court help if the goal is to try and retool around Young? The Pelicans are reportedly shopping Brandon Ingram, so was he available?

Ultimately there’s no way of knowing what negotiations went on or what the Hawk’s end game is right now, but the bottom line is at least as far as this chapter in Murray’s career goes, the Spurs (and possibly the Pelicans) are the winners in all this. The Hawks essentially mortgaged their future to them for an awkward guard pairing that didn’t work and now are trying to retool without many assets, while the Spurs have possibly the best prize of all in Wemby while being flush with draft assets, cap space, and many promising young players.

As much flack as Brian Wright gets for some of his decisions from a spoiled Spurs fan base, one thing can’t be denied: a lot of things seem to keep going right, and as more of the acquisitions he acquires turn into usable assets, the more respect he will continue to earn. At least for now, the Murray trade is his greatest achievement.

By Marilyn Dubinski, via Pounding The Rock