[PtR] 更新:马刺球员名单、薪资、薪资空间、可用选秀权等

By Jeje Gomez | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2024-08-01 08:10:32


NBA 照片插图

在我们 SalarySwish 的朋友的帮助下,我们整理了所有你需要了解的关于马刺薪资帽和选秀权情况的信息。

要理解 NBA 球队如何组建阵容可能很困难。规则可能令人困惑,而且关于薪资细节和选秀权的信息并不总是容易被那些希望深入了解管理层运作方式的球迷所获得。

我们找到了解决方案,与 SalarySwish 合作,为你提供了一种访问其数据的简便方法,并对你需要了解的有关薪资、资产等的知识进行简单解释。从现在开始,你可以回到此页面获取最新信息,并希望找到有关 NBA 球队组建如何运作的最紧迫问题的答案。



以下是包含马刺所有薪资信息的表格,由我们 SalarySwish 的朋友提供:



我的主队什么时候可以从马刺挖走维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)?



截至 2024/25 赛季,是德文·瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell)。这位得分后卫签署了一份 五年 1.48 亿美元的续约合同,其中 1.33 亿美元的薪水得到保障。这是一大笔钱,但与他这种经验年限的球员的顶薪合同相去甚远,而且他似乎正在朝着配得上每一分钱的方向前进。在文班亚马签署顶薪续约合同或马刺通过交易获得一名球星之前,似乎不太可能有人比瓦塞尔的收入更高。


没有什么太不寻常的。最有趣的合同是凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)的合同,因为他 签署了一份续约合同,随着时间的推移,合同价值会减少。约翰逊上赛季的收入为 2000 万美元,但下赛季将降至 1900 万美元,最后两年的合同价值为 1750 万美元。这是一笔非常划算的交易,因为随着时间的推移,他将在工资帽中占据的比例会越来越小。如果他继续进步,这将使他成为一笔宝贵的财富,如果马刺选择交易他,这也会使他很容易被交易。



马刺在 2024/25 赛季开始前没有薪资空间,因为他们用它签下了克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)并在三方交易中吸收了哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes)的合同。在那之后,他们与查尔斯·巴斯(Charles Bassey)和桑德罗·马穆克拉什维利(Sandro Mamukelashvili)签署了底薪合同,从而超过了工资帽。他们是联盟中薪资最低的球队之一,今年不必担心奢侈税或第一道工资帽线。

马刺拥有价值 790 万美元的房间特例,他们可以将其用作交易特例,从弃权名单中认领一名球员,或在交易中吸收价值低于 790 万美元的合同。圣安东尼奥用完了他们的薪资空间,并拥有完整的球员名单,但通过保留特例来保留了在赛季中进行补充的灵活性。

至于下个休赛期,根据目前账面上的合同,马刺可以腾出超过 5000 万美元的薪资空间。从现在到 2025 年夏天,情况可能会发生变化,但圣安东尼奥很可能成为明年自由球员市场上的一个重要参与者。



  • 亚特兰大老鹰队 2025 年首轮选秀权 - 无保护
  • 夏洛特黄蜂队 2025 年首轮选秀权 - 受 1-14 位保护。如果它在 2025 年没有兑现,黄蜂队将欠马刺 2026 年和 2027 年的次轮选秀权
  • 芝加哥公牛队 2025 年首轮选秀权 - 2025 年受 1-10 位保护,然后到 2027 年受 1-8 位保护。如果到那时还没有兑现,公牛队将把他们 2028 年的次轮选秀权送给马刺
  • 亚特兰大老鹰队 2027 年首轮选秀权 - 无保护
  • 明尼苏达森林狼队 3031 年首轮选秀权 - 无保护


  • 亚特兰大老鹰队 2026 年首轮选秀权交换权
  • 波士顿凯尔特人队 2028 年首轮选秀权交换权 - 前 1 顺位保护
  • 达拉斯独行侠队 2030 年首轮选秀权交换权
  • 明尼苏达森林狼队 2030 年首轮选秀权交换权


  • 2025 年公牛队的选秀权
  • 2026 年独行侠队、雷霆队或 76 人队的选秀权 - 较不利
  • 2026 年爵士队的选秀权
  • 2026 年开拓者队或鹈鹕队的选秀权 - 较不利
  • 2028 年掘金队的选秀权 - 受 31-33 位保护
  • 2028 年森林狼队的选秀权
  • 2028 年鹈鹕队的选秀权
  • 2029 年快船队的选秀权
  • 2029 年鹈鹕队的选秀权
  • 2030 年骑士队的选秀权


马刺队在 2024 年选秀大会上用第 36 顺位选中了胡安·努涅斯(Juan Nuñez)。这位 20 岁的西班牙控球后卫是欧洲大陆最有前途的年轻球员之一,最近与欧洲豪门巴塞罗那俱乐部签署了一份为期三年的合同。据报道,他的合同中包含 NBA 买断条款。


点击查看原文:UPDATE: Spurs Roster, Salaries, Cap Space, Available Draft Picks and More

UPDATE: Spurs Roster, Salaries, Cap Space, Available Draft Picks and More

NBA Photo Illustrations

With the help of our friends at SalarySwish, we rounded up everything you need to know about the Spurs’ salary cap and draft pick situations.

It can be hard to understand how NBA teams build their rosters. The rules can be confusing and the information about cap minutia and draft picks is not always easily available to the fans who want insight into how things work in the front offices.

We’ve found the solution by partnering with SalarySwish to offer you an easy way to access their data and a simple explanation of everything you need to know about salaries, assets, and more. From now on, you can get back to this page to get updated information and hopefully the answers to the most pressing questions about how team-building works in the NBA.

Now, onto the info…

Spurs Roster, Salaries, Draft Picks, Cap Space and More

Here is a table with all of the Spurs’ salary information, courtesy of our friends at SalarySwish:

San Antonio Spurs - SalarySwish - NBA Salary Caps

Above you have everything you need to know about the Spurs’ contract and draft pick situations, but it can be hard to process it all at once. With that in mind, let’s dive into the most notable aspects and try to answer the more common questions.


When can my favorite team pry Victor Wembanyama away from the Spurs?

Sorry to crush your dreams, fans of other teams, but not for a while. Wembanyama is going to enter the second year of his rookie contract. After his fourth year, he’ll become a restricted free agent. That means the Spurs can offer him more money on a contract extension than anyone trying to sign him outright and they can match any offer another team makes. Wemby will be a Spur for a long time unless something strange happens.

Who makes the most money on the Spurs?

As of the 2024/25 season, Devin Vassell. The shooting guard was signed to a five-year, $148 million extension, with $133 of his salary being guaranteed. It’s a lot of money but it’s not close to the maximum contract for a player with his years of experience and he seems well on his way to deserving every penny. It feels unlikely anyone will make more than Vassell until Wembanyama signs a max extension or the Spurs target a star on a trade.

Do the Spurs have any unusually structured contracts?

There’s nothing too unusual. The most interesting contract is Keldon Johnson’s, as he signed an extension that decreases in value as the years go by. Johnson made $20 million last season but will make $19 million next season and then $17.5 in the final two of his contract. It’s a really good deal because he’ll take up a smaller percentage of the cap sheet as the years pass. It should make him a steal if he continues to improve and easy to trade if the Spurs choose to move on.

With the most specific topics out of the way, let’s answer some big-picture questions about the Spurs’ salary cap and draft picks moving forward.

Do the Spurs have cap space heading into the season? How about next offseason?

The Spurs do not have cap space heading into the 2024/25 season, as they used it to sign Chris Paul and absorb Harrison Barnes’ contract on a three-team trade. After that, they went over the cap with the signings of Charles Bassey and Sandro Mamukelashvili for the minimum. They have one of the cheapest rosters in the league and shouldn’t have to worry about the luxury tax or the first apron this year.

The Spurs do have the room exception worth $7.9 million at their disposal, which they can use as a trade exception to claim a player off waivers or absorb a contract worth less than $7.9 million in a trade. San Antonio used its cap space and has a full roster but retained the flexibility to make an in-season addition by saving the exception.

As for next offseason, the Spurs could carve out over $50 million in cap space, going by the contracts currently on the books. Things can change between now and the summer of 2025, but San Antonio will likely be a free agency player next year.

What first-round draft picks do the Spurs own?

The Spurs own all of their future first-round picks, along with some extra picks they received via trade. Some are more likely to convey than others, due to protections. Let’s go through them:

  • Atlanta Hawks 2025 first-round pick - Unprotected
  • Charlotte Hornets 2025 first-round pick - Protected 1-14. If it doesn’t convey in 2025, the Hornets will owe the Spurs second-rounders in 2026 and 2027
  • Chicago Bulls 2025 first-round pick - Protected 1-10 in 2025, then 1-8 until 2027. If it doesn’t convey by then, the Bulls will send the Spurs their 2028 second-round pick
  • Atlanta Hawks 2027 first-round pick - Unprotected
  • Minnesota Timberwolves 3031 first-round pick - Unprotected

Additionally, the Spurs have the rights to swap first-round picks with several teams in different years. Let’s go through them:

  • Atlanta Hawks 2026 first-round pick swap rights
  • Boston Celtics 2028 first-round pick swap rights - Top 1 protected
  • Dallas Mavericks 2030 first-round pick swap rights
  • Minnesota Timberwolves 2030 first-round pick swap rights

The Spurs also own the following second-round draft picks (swap rights not included):

  • 2025 Bulls pick
  • 2026 Mavericks, Thunder or 76ers pick - Less favorable
  • 2026 Jazz pick
  • 2026 Trail Blazers or Pelicans - Less Favorable
  • 2028 Nuggets pick - 31-33 protected
  • 2028 Timberwolves pick
  • 2028 Pelicans pick
  • 2029 Clippers pick
  • 2029 Pelicans pick
  • 2030 Cavaliers pick

Do the Spurs have rights to any notable players competing in Europe?

The Spurs used the 36th pick of the 2024 draft to select Juan Nuñez. The 20-year-old Spanish point guard is one of the most promising young players in the continent and recently signed a three-year contract with European giant Barcelona. His contract reportedly has an NBA buyout clause.

If you found this page useful, please bookmark it and/or share, and if you have any questions or information you’d like to see included, let us know in the comments below!

By Jeje Gomez, via Pounding The Rock

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