
1997-05-06, By Buck Harvey


休斯顿 - 迟来了两年,特里·卡明斯(Terry Cummings) 终于对哈基姆·奥拉朱旺(Hakeem Olajuwon) 发起了挑战。在巅峰对决中。在季后赛中。从来没有过肋骨感觉如此美妙。所以即使输了比赛 - 即使火箭队以本赛季的方式大胜超音速队 - 卡明斯仍然可以穿上他的靴子,露出笑容。“那,”卡明斯说,“我一直想要的东西。”

也许马刺队应该听听他的建议。在 1995 年西部决赛中,当奥拉朱旺凭借梦幻般的投篮夺冠时,梦幻般的震颤会有什么不好呢?

周一晚上,卡明斯证明了另外一件事。老马刺球员不会消失,他们只是去了别的城市。1989-90 赛季的 8 名马刺球员仍然活跃在赛场上。那个球队的教练也保持着联系。76 人队将支付拉里·布朗(Larry Brown) 2500 万美元,让他与艾伦·艾弗森(Allen Iverson) 发生争执,并最终将他交易。

然而,没有人像卡明斯一样令人惊讶。他开始自己的职业生涯时是一名小前锋,并且表现出色,获得了年度最佳新秀称号。如今,15 年后,他成功地在与奥拉朱旺的对抗中坚持了 30 分钟。

超音速队帮助卡明斯成为了今天的他,他们在休赛期为一个名叫吉姆·麦克尔维恩(Jim McIlvaine) 的 7 英尺 1 寸的僵硬球员花费了 3500 万美元。难怪肖恩·坎普(Shawn Kemp) 为了钱而缺席训练营。

你可以随意打扮麦克尔维恩,但埃迪·墨菲(Eddie Murphy) 仍然不会给他搭便车。所以这只是时间问题。当超音速队在本赛季最后一周以 40 分之差输给火箭队时,乔治·卡尔(George Karl) 弃用了麦克尔维恩,并让卡明斯首发。

那是一个巨大的转变。在 1 月份,卡明斯仍然在北星购物中心(North Star Mall) 的美食广场上吃饭。卡明斯说,超过六支球队给他打电话,其中包括布朗的印第安纳队。卡明斯坚持自己的想法。他认为,如果要以最低工资打球,那么最好是为一支有竞争力的球队效力。

超音速队需要一位强悍的前马刺球员,至少很合情合理。他们在休赛期失去了 1989-90 赛季的另一位成员弗兰克·布里科夫斯基(Frank Brickowski)。

卡明斯的性格经常主导马刺队的更衣室,这次也不例外。当一位 NBC 评论员八卦说坎普有酗酒问题时,讨论转到了卡明斯身上。我们该怎么办?他们决定不与 NBC 谈话,直到他们道歉。

这始终是卡明斯的形象。有时,这种强烈的个性会掩盖他并不那么强大的实力。他在菲尼克斯系列赛中的自信显而易见。当其他角色球员寻找坎普或加里·佩顿(Gary Payton) 时,他大胆出手。

周一晚上也是如此。虽然他得到了 14 分,但比赛的其他方面也很出色,他获得了 8 个篮板和 4 次抢断。更重要的是:火箭队获胜的众多原因中,奥拉朱旺并非其中之一。他的得分比卡明斯多 1 分。

那么,卡明斯是否会改变 1995 年的任何事情呢?卡明斯说他去找了鲍勃·希尔(Bob Hill)。“我让鲍勃让我盯防哈基姆,”他说。“让我和丹尼斯(罗德曼) 在前三节盯住他,然后让大卫在第四节盯住他。”

格雷格·波波维奇(Gregg Popovich) 去年在犹他系列赛中也提出了相同的观点。为什么不把一切都交给罗宾逊,而是派卡迪拉克·安德森(Cadillac Anderson) 上场几分钟,狠狠地压制卡尔·马龙(Karl Malone) 呢?

波波维奇与卡明斯之间还有另外一个故事,因为卡明斯想留在马刺队。当波波维奇在 1995 年休斯顿系列赛后告诉卡明斯,球队将朝着另一个方向发展时,卡明斯对波波维奇说:“我的巅峰期没有一年了。我还有两年。”


点击查看原文:Older, happier: when Cummings got a chance

Older, happier: when Cummings got a chance

HOUSTON - Two years too late, Terry Cummings pushed Hakeem Olajuwon. In the Summit. In the playoffs. Never had a rib cage felt so good. So even after a loss - even after the Rockets routed the Sonics, as they have this season - Cummings could put on his boots and smile. That,'' said Cummings, is what I always wanted.‘’

And maybe the Spurs should have listened. In the 1995 Western Conference finals, when Olajuwon dream-shook to a title, would a dream shiver have hurt anything?

Monday night, Cummings proved something else. Old Spurs don’t fade away, they just go to other cities. Eight Spurs of 1989-90 are still around. The coach of that team remains in touch, too. The Sixers will pay Larry Brown $25 million to feud with and eventually trade Allen Iverson.

None of them, however, surprises as much as Cummings. He began his career as a small forward, and did well enough to be named rookie of the year. Now, 15 years later, he managed to last 30 minutes with Olajuwon.

The Sonics helped make Cummings what he is today, spending $35 million in the offseason on a 7-foot-1 stiff named Jim McIlvaine. No wonder Shawn Kemp sat out training camp over money.

You could dress up McIlvaine all you like, and Eddie Murphy still wouldn’t give him a lift. So it was only a matter of time. When the Sonics lost to the Rockets by 40 points in the final week of the season, George Karl dumped McIlvaine and started Cummings.

That was some switch. In January, Cummings still posted up the food court at North Star Mall. Cummings says more than a half-dozen teams called, and among them was Brown’s Indiana. Cummings held out. He figured if he was going to play for the minimum, it might as well be for a contender.

That the Sonics were the ones in need of a bruising ex-Spur was at least fitting. They had lost another member of the 1989-90 team, Frank Brickowski, in the off-season.

The Cummings persona that often dominated Spurs locker rooms affected this one, too. When an NBC commentator gossiped that Kemp had a drinking problem, debate turned to Cummings. What should we do? They decided not to talk to NBC until an apology was issued.

That’s always been the Cummings profile. And sometimes this strong personality skews his not-as-strong game. His belief in himself was clear in the Phoenix series. He took big shots when other role players would have looked for Kemp or Gary Payton.

Monday night was no different. But even as he scored 14 points, the rest of the game was there, too, with eight rebounds and four steals. Even better: Of all the reasons the Rockets won, Olajuwon wasn’t one of them. He score one more point than Cummings.

So would Cummings have changed anything in 1995? Cummings said he went to Bob Hill. I asked Bob to let me stick Hakeem,'' he said. Let me and Dennis (Rodman) take him for three quarters. Then let David have him in the fourth.‘’

Gregg Popovich argued the same last year in the Utah series. Instead of leaving everything up to Robinson, why not send in Cadillac Anderson for a few minutes to whack on Karl Malone?

Popovich is another story with Cummings, since Cummings wanted to stay a Spur. And when Popovich told Cummings after that Houston series in 1995 that the franchise was going in another direction, Cummings told Popovich: ``I don’t have one good year left in me. I have two.‘’

Now Cummings is thinking about a third. Playing will do that to you.

By Buck Harvey, via San Antonio Express-News

1997-05-08, By Jerry Briggs Express-News Staff Writer

NBA 球队追求马刺前教练——希尔可能重返奥兰多

马刺前教练鲍勃-希尔(Bob Hill)曾在多个 NBA 城市被提及为教练人选,他在周三表示,他将在寻找合适的工作时保持谨慎。“我感觉很好,”希尔说。“如果到了那一步,我准备休息一年。但如果其中一支球队有好的老板和发展好球队的资金,那我会感兴趣。”

希尔于 12 月 10 日因马刺做出的一项有争议的决定而被解雇,他证实已收到奥兰多魔术队的联系,他曾在 1993-94 年担任过该队的助理教练,以了解该球队的教练空缺情况。



据悉,在过去几周,希尔已接到波士顿凯尔特人和魔术队的联系。凯尔特人于周二聘请了前肯塔基教练里克-皮蒂诺(Rick Pitino)。


《奥兰多哨兵报》报道称,魔术还对公牛教练菲尔-杰克逊(Phil Jackson)、前底特律和新泽西教练查克-戴利(Chuck Daly)、西雅图教练乔治-卡尔(George Karl)和前菲尼克斯教练保罗-韦斯特法尔(Paul Westphal)感兴趣。


开拓者教练 P.J. 卡莱西莫(P.J. Carlesimo)的工作可能岌岌可危。金州和温哥华的主教练职位已经空缺。

“我认为 P.J. 做得很好,”希尔重复了开拓者在首轮季后赛输给洛杉矶湖人队后他在全国电视上发表的言论。



国王显然准备与前萨克拉门托助理教练埃迪-乔丹(Eddie Jordan)合作,埃迪-乔丹在上一赛季末接替了加里-圣让(Garry St. Jean)。掘金倾向于亚特兰大助理教练比尔-汉兹利克(Bill Hanzlik),尽管他们已面试了韦斯特法尔和马刺前教练约翰-卢卡斯(John Lucas)。

点击查看原文:NBA suitors court Spurs' ex-coach - Hill could be headed back to Orlando

NBA suitors court Spurs’ ex-coach - Hill could be headed back to Orlando

Former Spurs coach Bob Hill, mentioned as a coaching candidate in several NBA cities, said Wednesday he will practice caution in finding the right situation. I feel good,'' Hill said. I’m prepared to sit the year out if it comes to that. But if one of these teams has good ownership and the money to facilitate a good team, then I’ll be interested.‘’

Hill, fired Dec. 10 in a controversial move by the Spurs, confirmed that he has been contacted by the Orlando Magic, for whom he was an assistant coach in 1993-94, regarding that team’s head coaching vacancy.

He declined to say whether his former employers wanted him to interview.

It was just a phone call,'' Hill said in a telephone conversation from his San Antonio home. They wanted to know if I was interested. I have no comments beyond that.‘’

Hill is known to have been contacted by both the Boston Celtics and the Magic in the last few weeks. The Celtics hired former Kentucky coach Rick Pitino on Tuesday.

But the Magic still are in the initial stages of the search after losing a first-round playoff series to the Miami Heat.

The Orlando Sentinel is reporting that the Magic also are interested in Bulls coach Phil Jackson, former Detroit and New Jersey coach Chuck Daly, Seattle coach George Karl and former Phoenix coach Paul Westphal.

Hill wouldn’t comment on whether he had talked to officials from any West Coast teams.

The job of Portland coach P.J. Carlesimo might be in jeopardy. Head coaching positions in Golden State and Vancouver already are open.

``I think P.J. has done a good job,‘’ Hill said, reiterating remarks he made on national television after the Blazers’ first-round playoff loss to the Los Angeles Lakers.

In regard to the other potential West Coast opportunities, Hill said: ``I’m just sitting back, waiting.‘’

A pair of Midwest Division teams, the Sacramento Kings and the Denver Nuggets, are reported on the verge of finalizing their coaching situations.

The Kings apparently are prepared to go with former Sacramento assistant Eddie Jordan, who succeeded Garry St. Jean late last season. The Nuggets are leaning toward Atlanta assistant Bill Hanzlik, although they have interviewed Westphal and former Spurs coach John Lucas.

By Jerry Briggs Express-News Staff Writer, via San Antonio Express-News

1997-05-08, By Buck Harvey



尽管如此,我反对不可避免的事情,而且不是以马刺的名义。我想看看没有邓肯,皮蒂诺如何靠每年 700 万美元生活。


显然,NBA 老板们相信。他们喜欢名气教练带来的信誉。以拉里-伯德和步行者为例,这可能意味着一个新的球场。

一定有一个解释,因为薪水不仅仅是上涨,而是像约翰-卢卡斯在第四节中所做的那样不断跳跃。1988 年,马刺给了拉里-布朗当时创纪录的 70 万美元,而本周,76 人给了他 7 倍于此的薪水。查尔斯-巴克利在得知这些数字后说:“我可能需要重新考虑,成为一名教练。”

爵士教练可能只值每年 400 万美元。伯德在印第安纳州的评级很高,而且他们所了解的关于执教的所有知识就是他们很少需要任何执教。



凯尔特人赢得总冠军不是因为比尔-菲奇和 KC 琼斯比其他家伙想得多,而是因为他们幸运地拥有伯德和凯文-麦克海尔。甚至皮蒂诺也承认了这一点。这就是他 1989 年离开尼克斯队的原因之一。他厌倦了职业比赛,而帕特里克-尤因在皮蒂诺执教期间只缺席了两场比赛。

在普罗维登斯和肯塔基州,皮蒂诺的驱动式推销得到了应用。没错,皮蒂诺可以执教。但他招募得更好。他谈到了接手缓刑中的肯塔基大学。但一旦他将自己的意志注入蓝魔,建立这个冠军比他能在 FleetCenter 找到的任何事情都容易。不知何故,他在肯塔基州赢得了总冠军——仅仅只有五位第一轮选秀权。


尝试在温哥华或丹佛以一份短期合同生存将是一个挑战。波士顿,取决于 10 天后发生的事情,是有可能的。

皮蒂诺没有尤因,但他有一些可用球员。困扰他的是 M.L. 卡尔的幽灵。由于昂贵的合同花在废柴身上,皮蒂诺未来至少三年几乎没有灵活性。



点击查看原文:Ping-ponging with Pitino: Let him lose

Ping-ponging with Pitino: Let him lose

The Spurs’ lottery odds just got worse. Rick Pitino motivates everything he touches, even pingpong balls. Besides, winning Tim Duncan is probably in Pitino’s contract, since everything else is.

Still, I root against the inevitable, and not in the name of the Spurs. I want to see how Pitino lives on $7 million a year without Duncan.

In the name of John Calipari: I want to see if Pitino’s pro magic works without magical players.

NBA owners apparently believe. They like the credibility a big- name coach can bring. In the case of Larry Bird and the Pacers, it might mean a new arena.

There has to be an explanation, because salaries aren’t merely going up, they keep jumping like John Lucas once did in fourth quarters. The Spurs gave Larry Brown a then-record $700,000 in 1988, and this week the Sixers gave him seven times that. I might have to reconsider,'' said Charles Barkley after he heard the figures, and become a coach.‘’

Sir Coach might be worth only $4 million a year. Bird rates that much with Indiana, and all either knows about coaching is that they rarely needed any.

Credentials don’t seem to matter. What had Calipari done? UMass is one thing, UNets are another. And it’s gotten so crazed I would say Pat Riley is underpaid, except for Wednesday night. Now, isn’t Jeff Van Gundy worth Jordan-like money after beating Riley’s Heat? Van Gundy really dazzles ever since the Knicks bought him a new backcourt in the off-season.

Pick a myth. They all wear suits. Bad coaches can ruin a team, but bad talent ruins all of them. Rudy Tomjanovich and Phil Jackson impress every night - and might be the two bargains in the league - mostly because their Hall of Famers impress, too.

The Celtics won championships not because Bill Fitch and K.C. Jones out-thought the other guys, but because they were lucky enough to have Bird and Kevin McHale. And even Pitino has admitted as much. That’s one reason he left the Knicks in 1989. He left soured on the pro game -and Patrick Ewing only missed two games in two years while Pitino was there.

At Providence and Kentucky, Pitino’s driven salesmanship applied. Pitino can coach, all right. But he recruited even better. He talks about taking over a down Kentucky on probation. But once he plugged his will into the Blue monster, building this winner was easier than anything he could ever find in the FleetCenter. Somehow he won a title at Kentucky - with only five first-round draft picks.

Details, details. Pitino sells himself as a difference-maker, when he isn’t selling his latest book, Success is a Choice.'' Between book signings, Pitino tells everyone he rebuilt the glory of Kentucky, so the Celtics are the natural next step. He calls it his all-time challenge.‘’

Trying to survive in Vancouver or Denver with a short contract would be a challenge. Boston, depending on what happens in 10 days, has possibilities.

Pitino doesn’t have a Ewing, but he has a few usable players. What haunts him is the ghost of M.L. Carr. Because of expensive contracts spent on deadwood, Pitino will have little flexibility for at least three years.

So that brings Pitino to this lottery, where his book gets renamed. ``Success is the No. 1 Choice.‘’ Dave Cowens or Danny Ainge, two ex-Celtics who proved they can coach, could win with Duncan, too. But this would be about Pitino, his success, his magic.

And if Pitino doesn’t get Duncan . . . that’s something to root for.

By Buck Harvey, via San Antonio Express-News

1997-05-11, By Glenn Rogers Express-News Staff Writer

NBA 选秀抽签规则详解 - 马刺队历经惨淡赛季,寄望于好运

下周日,一些饱受折磨的面孔将被笑容拉开。这些面孔属于那些在过去的 NBA 赛季里跌跌撞撞、战绩惨淡、无法进入季后赛的球队代表。



大卫·罗宾逊(David Robinson)在结束这一天后可能不会感到那么糟糕。他的背部和脚部伤势导致他本赛季只打了六场比赛,加速了球队在排名中的下滑。



联盟中最糟糕的两支球队,温哥华灰熊队和波士顿凯尔特人队,拥有获得6 月 25 日选秀中前两顺位的最佳机会。

以下是 5 月 18 日在 NBA Entertainment 总部,新泽西州西考克斯,季后赛比赛中场休息时将会发生的事情。它并不像看起来那么复杂:

首先,每支没有进入季后赛的 13 支球队将获得四组数字组合——比如 1-2-3-4 或 12-9-8-6——包含 1 到 14 号。

这一步由电脑完成,一个球队得到的组合数量由其战绩决定。前 250 个组合将分配给温哥华。接下来的 200 个分配给波士顿,接下来的 157 个分配给圣安东尼奥,120 个分配给丹佛,依此类推,直到克利夫兰,最佳非季后赛球队,获得 5 个。

将会有 1000 组这样的四位数字。顺便说一下,数字组合的顺序并不固定。只要在一轮抽签中这四个数字以任何顺序出现,一支球队就可以欢呼雀跃。


是的,1 到 14 号被刻在 14 个真正的乒乓球上。这些球被倒入一个透明的容器中,并通过气压吸上来,然后可能被来自安永会计师事务所的其中一名会计师抓住。

第一个被吹出容器的四个数字的球队是 6 月选秀中第一顺位的幸运获得者,可能是维克森林大学的蒂姆·邓肯(Tim Duncan)。

当然,除非温哥华或多伦多持有这前四个数字。如果这两支扩张球队中的任何一支中奖,那么它将降至第二顺位,这是这两支球队在 1995 年加入联盟时达成的协议。在这种情况下,该球队将与持有下一组被选中的数字的球队交换位置。


一旦前三顺位确定,其余的非季后赛球队——4 到 13 号——将根据其战绩的反向顺序进行选秀。


波士顿队现在很幸运,因为它还拥有达拉斯队首轮选秀权。仅仅凭借他们自己的球数,凯尔特人队有 27.51% 的机会获得第一名。加上达拉斯队的 64 个球,波士顿队的机会上升到 36.31%。

马刺队有 21.6% 的机会获得第一顺位。但球迷们可能不会被历史所鼓励。


但是金州勇士队在 1995 年获得了第一顺位,他们在 1994-95 赛季的战绩排名第五。战绩排名第三的明尼苏达队在第五顺位选择。

1994 年,第一次使用 1000 个组合,事情更符合拉斯维加斯的赔率。达拉斯队,拥有最差的战绩,排在第二。三支并列第二差的球队最终排名第一、第三和第四。

1993 年,战绩排名第三的华盛顿队排在第六。奥兰多魔术队,战绩排名第 11,却打破了赔率,赢得了摸彩。他们的奖品?佩尼·哈达威(Penny Hardaway)。

那是最后一季,战绩最差的球队获得 11 个球(只有 11 支球队参加摸彩),第二差的球队获得 10 个球,依此类推。

尽管如此,战绩最差的球队自 1990 年以来就没有赢得过第一顺位,当时新泽西队完成了这个壮举,选中了德里克·科尔曼(Derrick Coleman)。现在,篮网队可能希望他们能赢得第二顺位,当时西雅图队获得了加里·佩顿(Gary Payton)。顺便说一下,西雅图队在那一年并列第 10 差。

在摸彩 13 年的历史中,战绩排名第三的球队只赢过一次第一顺位——第一年,1985 年,尼克斯队选中了帕特里克·尤因(Patrick Ewing)。


自 1989 年以来,战绩排名第三的球队还没有排到第三位,当时快船队和马刺队并列第三。快船队赢得了抛硬币,并在第二顺位选中了丹尼·费里(Danny Ferry)。马刺队紧随其后,选择了肖恩·埃利奥特(Sean Elliott)。


抽签将在一个无烟的后房间进行。每支球队都会派一名代表,NBA 会派两名律师,安永会派代表。

马刺队主席彼得·霍尔特(Peter Holt)已经表示他想去新泽西州,他很可能会是内部的人。球队还没有决定谁也会去旅行。


一旦选秀顺序被抽签决定,球队标志将被放入标记为 1 到 13 的信封中。这些密封的信封被迅速带到舞台上,NBA 副总裁拉塞尔·格兰尼克(Russ Granik)将把结果宣读给正在等待的篮球界。

当然,格兰尼克会从 13 号开始,以增加悬念。

点击查看原文:Pingpong, anyone? Here's how the NBA lottery works - After dismal season, Spurs hope for better luck at this game

Pingpong, anyone? Here’s how the NBA lottery works - After dismal season, Spurs hope for better luck at this game

Some long-suffering faces will be stretched wide by smiles next Sunday. The faces will belong to representatives of the teams that staggered through the past NBA season, posting miserable records and failing to get themselves into the playoffs.

All that suffering earned them a place in one of the league’s grandest showcases - the draft lottery.

Some of those faces will belong to San Antonians.

David Robinson might not feel so bad after the day is done. His back and foot injuries led to appearances in just six games this season, hastening the team’s plummet through the standings.

Bad at the time, now good. The Spurs have the opportunity to begin replenishing themselves.

They don’t have the best chance. On this stage, worst is best.

The league’s two most woeful teams, the Vancouver Grizzlies and Boston Celtics, hold the best hands to nab the top picks in the June 25 draft.

Here’s a look at exactly what will happen May 18 at the headquarters of NBA Entertainment in Secaucus, N.J., during halftime of a playoff game. It’s not quite as complicated as it appears:

First, each of the 13 teams that failed to make the playoffs will receive four-number combinations - such as 1-2-3-4 or 12-9-8-6 - consisting of Nos. 1 through 14.

This step is accomplished by computer, and the number of combos a team gets is determined by its record. The first 250 combinations spewed out will go to Vancouver. The next 200 go to Boston, the next 157 to San Antonio, 120 to Denver and so on, down to five for Cleveland, the best nonplayoff team.

There will be 1,000 such quartets of numbers. The combination of numbers, by the way, is not fixed in any order. A team can rejoice as long as its four numbers pop up in any sequence during one drawing.

The famous pingpong drawing, that is.

Yes, the Nos. 1 through 14 are inscribed on 14 actual pingpong balls. These balls are dumped in a transparent bin and are sucked up via air pressure and seized, probably, by the hands of one of the accountants from the firm of Ernst & Young.

The team holding the first four numbers blown out of the bin is the lucky recipient of the No. 1 pick in the June draft, probably Wake Forest’s Tim Duncan.

Unless, of course, Vancouver or Toronto holds those first four numbers. If either of those expansion teams hits the jackpot, it drops to the No. 2 draft pick, an agreement made when those teams entered the league in 1995. In that case, that team will swap spots with the one holding the next four numbers selected.

After each drawing, the four selected pingpong balls are dropped back into the bin. There are three drawings to determine the top three picks.

Once the top three are selected, the rest of the nonplayoff teams -Nos. 4 through 13 - will draft according to inverse order of record.

For instance, if San Antonio is as unlucky at pingpong as it was with injuries and doesn’t land among the top three, it could pick as low as No. 6. That also would require neither Vancouver nor Boston getting one of the top three choices.

Boston is sitting pretty because it also has the rights to Dallas’ first-round pick. With just their own number of balls, the Celtics have a 27.51 percent chance of coming out on top. Add in Dallas’ 64 balls, and Boston’s chances jump to 36.31 percent.

The Spurs have a 21.6 percent chance of nabbing that top pick. But fans might not be encouraged by looking at history.

The three worst teams - Philadelphia, Vancouver and Toronto - landed the top three picks last season. The third-worst, Toronto, lucked into the No. 2 position.

But the Golden State Warriors snared the No. 1 pick in 1995, and they finished the 1994-95 season with the fifth-worst record. The team with the third-worst record, Minnesota, picked at No. 5.

In 1994, the first year that the 1,000 combinations were used, matters went more according to Las Vegas odds. Dallas, with the worst record, picked second. The three teams that tied for the second worst wound up 1, 3 and 4.

In 1993, the team with the third-worst record, Washington, picked sixth. The Orlando Magic, with the 11th-worst record, beat the odds and won the lottery. Their reward? Penny Hardaway.

That was the last season in which the team with the worst record received 11 balls (only 11 teams were in the lottery), the next worst 10 and so on.

Still, the team with the worst regular-season record hasn’t won the No. 1 pick since 1990, when New Jersey turned the trick and selected Derrick Coleman. The Nets now probably are wishing they’d won the No. 2 spot, where Seattle got Gary Payton. Seattle, by the way, tied for the 10th-worst record that year.

The team with the third-worst record has won the No. 1 pick only once in the 13-year history of the lottery - the first year, 1985, when the Knicks drafted Patrick Ewing.

Those were the days, though, when just seven envelopes with team logos were dropped in a barrel and pulled out, one by one.

The third-worst team hasn’t picked as high as No. 3 since 1989, when the Clippers and Spurs tied for the third-worst mark. The Clippers won the coin flip and drafted Danny Ferry at No. 2. The Spurs went next and took Sean Elliott.

But back to the drawing this year.

The action is held in a smoke-free back room. Present will be an envoy from each team, a couple of lawyers from the NBA and representatives of Ernst & Young.

Spurs chairman Peter Holt has indicated he wants to go to New Jersey, and he’ll probably be the man on the inside. The team hasn’t decided yet who also will make the trip.

All these fellows will remain in the room throughout the entire lottery proceedings. So, one Spurs rep will know the results, but the Spurs representative out front, where the televised proceedings take place, will remain in the dark.

Once the order of the draft is ponged out, team logos will be inserted into envelopes marked 1 through 13. The sealed containers are whisked out to the stage and NBA deputy commissioner Russ Granik will read the results to the waiting hoops world.

Granik, of course, will start with No. 13 to heighten the suspense.

By Glenn Rogers Express-News Staff Writer, via San Antonio Express-News

1997-05-11, By Glenn Rogers, Pro Basketball


彼得·霍尔特(Peter Holt)周四早上可能下巴都掉到早餐桌上去了。第二天,他的额头毫无疑问地也紧随其后。








拉里·布朗(Larry Brown)可以睡在太平洋海岸的怒涛旁,却还能听到缅因州一个小村庄里的收银机响,他与76人队签下了2500万美元的合同。

里克·皮蒂诺(Rick Pitino)使用了他那狡猾的策略,与凯尔特人队签下了一份为期10年、价值6800万美元的合同。

教练新手拉里·伯德(Larry Bird)在印第安纳波利斯这个“小市场”签署了一份价值每年400万美元的协议,这个球队一直处于赤字的边缘。

谁知道菲尔·杰克逊(Phil Jackson)和查克·戴利(Chuck Daly)会得到多少钱?

勇士队据说对杰克逊感兴趣,但似乎已经恢复了理智,正在考虑布莱恩·希尔(Brian Hill)。开拓者队正在考虑迈克·邓利维(Mike Dunleavy)。被解雇教练的旋转木马总是人满为患,有些人会跳下来,接受低于天价的薪水。


霍尔特暂时安全。他与格雷格·波波维奇(Gregg Popovich)签署了一份为期三年的合同,每年的薪水约为60万美元,现在这已经很便宜了。但波波必须战胜教练的命运——任何教练都能执教多久的过/低预测。波波可能会因为在季后赛中意外失利,而大卫·罗宾逊(David Robinson)还很健康,而被突然解雇。




红·麦克莫里斯(Red McCombs)可不是傻瓜,几年前作为马刺队老板的时候,他就遇到了这种情况。当时在堪萨斯州的布朗,听到了收银机的声音。布朗似乎能感觉到球队何时会财源滚滚。


这一次,布朗认为,如果约翰·卢卡斯(John Lucas)能从费城拿走几百万,那么他就能赚到几百万。布朗的球队总是在季后赛中跌跌撞撞,但无论出于何种原因,他的名字仍然闪耀。





费城的麻烦在于他们的位置。情绪化的布朗的脸会经常变得通红,当他面对艾伦·艾弗森(Allen Iverson)拒绝传球、德里克·科尔曼(Derrick Coleman)拒绝比赛,以及杰里·斯塔克豪斯(Jerry Stackhouse)抱怨没有得到投篮机会时,他太阳穴旁边的那条血管会剧烈地跳动。






点击查看原文:Coaches now among high-price free agents

Coaches now among high-price free agents

Peter Holt’s chin must have dropped onto the breakfast table Thursday morning. His forehead undoubtedly followed suit a day later.

The reason for his probable dismay: news of the signings of three more NBA coaches to multiyear, multimillion-dollar contracts.

Holt, chairman of the Spurs and the team’s majority owner, is worried about player salaries skyrocketing during the free-agent summer of 1998.

He’s also concerned about the emergence of a $150 million player.

So, he can only wonder about the sanity of his fellow NBA bosses, the same people he continually hears complaining about the incredible costs of doing business in professional basketball.

Shrieks of pain were heard last summer when players and agents ganged up and extracted tens of millions from the jaws of numbed franchises. But the pulling was made ever so easy by the lust for talented players.

The salary cap was and is about as protective as a tent in a tornado, as the 1995 rookie crop will begin discovering this summer.

But Holt couldn’t have anticipated this sudden orgy of owners’ spending.

Larry Brown, who could be asleep by the roaring ocean on the Pacific Coast and hear a cash register ring in a Maine hamlet, signed on with the Sixers for $25 million.

Rick Pitino played his coy-boy tactics into a 10-year, $68 million deal with the Celtics.

Coaching neophyte Larry Bird signed a pact worth $4 million a season in the ``small market’’ of Indianapolis, a franchise always tottering on the edge of red ink.

Who can say how much money will be tossed in the directions of Phil Jackson and Chuck Daly?

The Warriors, thought to be interested in Jackson, seem to have come to their senses and are looking at Brian Hill. Portland is considering Mike Dunleavy. The merry-go-round of fired coaches is always full, and there are some who will jump off for less than stratospheric pay.

This underlines another point. Brown would have been sitting pretty financially even if he had stayed in Indiana. His contract there called for him to be paid $2.5 million next season and contained a clause that would have paid him at least the average of the four-highest paid coaches in the league.

Holt is safe for a while. He has Gregg Popovich under contract for three years for about $600,000 per, which is dirt cheap nowadays. But Pop has to beat the coaching odds - the over and under on how long any coach will stay employed. Pop could be sucker-punched by an unexpected loss in the playoffs with a healthy David Robinson.

It’s happened a few times in San Antonio.

Then, again, one local wag has suggested that perhaps Pop will hold out at training camp until his pay is brought more into the Brown-Pitino-Bird line.

Holt will face the day when a ``name’’ coach will be required to jack up the interest in the local franchise.

Red McCombs, no fool, met that moment several years ago as owner of the Spurs. And it was Brown, in Kansas at the time, who heard the register’s ring. Brown seems able to sense the moment a franchise is fertile with money.

Brown was the first to set a high-pay standard for coaches when he accepted McCombs’ $700,000 yearly offer.

This time, Brown figured that if John Lucas could haul a couple of million out of Philadelphia, then he could bag several million. Brown’s teams always have stumbled in the playoffs but, for whatever reason, his name remains lustrous.

The nice thing about Brown is that an owner knows he won’t last a full five years. He also knows Brown will walk from one job straight into another, meaning payments can be stopped.

Will Brown break his trend and last in Philly?

Nope. Give him three years, max.

It is a good situation for him. Brown has to have problem children. He’ll trade for them if they’re not already on the premises.

The trouble is in position in Philadelphia. The emotional Brown’s face will many times turn beet red and that vein alongside his temple will throb mightily when he confronts Allen Iverson’s refusal to pass, Derrick Coleman’s refusal to play and Jerry Stackhouse’s whining about not getting shots.

Brown cringes at the word ``nomad.‘’ He once pointed out that there were 55 coaching changes during his tenure at Indianapolis. Nobody bothered to count to verify the claim.

Pitino usually is in it for the long haul.

He bleeds earnestness. He’s among the coaching breed of evangelists, a True Believer approaching sport with religious fervor. He’s been described as a Brown wannabe, but Brown, despite his angst, retains a fine sense of humor that lances the boil of anxiety.

Pitino makes a little fun of the money he’s hauling in. He insists, like so many high-paid achievers, that cash didn’t motivate his move. But he wouldn’t have moved for much less.

He does make one fine point: It will be tough to fire him and eat that monster contract.

By Glenn Rogers, Pro Basketball, via San Antonio Express-News

1997-05-13, By Buck Harey


马刺队不应再奢求救世主。他们十年前就得到过一位,看看他们对他背部做了什么。公平地说,萨克拉门托或丹佛应该轮到他们了。尽管如此,也许没有哪个 NBA 球队像现在的马刺队那样需要蒂姆·邓肯(Tim Duncan)的服务。假设救世主一号健康,马刺队在下个赛季会赢球。但是,在圆顶球场的阴影下,在凯·特纳(Kay Turner)的迷雾中,马刺队能没有救世主二号而留在圣安东尼奥吗?

今天,他们留下的可能性与他们赢得周日彩票的可能性相差无几。然后,他们将有 21.6% 的机会,这和弗农·麦克斯韦尔(Vernon Maxwell)投进空篮的可能性一样高。

砰!十年前,当抽签大奖是另一个瘦削、高挑、礼貌的年轻人时,马刺队的机会更差。赢得大卫·罗宾逊(David Robinson)只是一个开始。很少有人认为马刺队能签下他。在菜鸟工资帽的限制下,邓肯的到来将是板上钉钉的。

也就是说,这两次选秀抽签有着相似的基调。1987 年,雷德·麦克科姆斯(Red McCombs)和安吉洛·德罗索斯(Angelo Drossos)看到球队的上座率下降速度几乎与特许经营权价格上涨的速度一样快。俱乐部吸引的球迷比 ABA 时代任何时候都要少,几乎没有理由预测会有什么大的变化。

所以,当马刺队赢得罗宾逊时,麦克科姆斯和德罗索斯与其说是兴奋,不如说是震惊。罗宾逊改变了一切计划,因此证明了他不仅仅是一个简单的 MVP。如果没有他,这支球队现在将身处圣路易斯或辛辛那提。救世主一号的唯一缺陷是他没有带着一座球馆。

现在看来,没有迹象表明会建成一座球馆。从待定的立法到城市政治再到圆顶球场的余波…今天,蒂莫西·麦克维(Timothy McVeigh)的案子看起来也差不多。另一项民意调查显示,大约四分之三的德州人不想将税收用于球馆或体育场。

人民已经发声了吗?他们在休斯顿发声了,那里已经为一座新的棒球场和休斯顿圆顶球场的翻新拨款了 7 亿多美元。休斯顿市长现在试图将篮球和曲棍球的利益相关者联合起来,共同建造另一个球馆,而休斯顿体育馆比马刺队拥有的任何球馆都要好。


一旦资金确定,一些担忧就会消失。租车税、更衣室税、冠名权。这些影响了你吗?如果马刺队为他们自己承担一部分资金——实际上是通过支付至少 15% 的费用来购买他们的比赛日期——那么请记住,在这种情况下,任何球队都不会搬到这里。罗利和纳什维尔分别获得了 NHL 和 NFL 的支持,因为他们主动出击,而不是提出要求。

但是,考虑到这种逻辑,以及一座像圣安东尼奥这样规模的城市可以使用一座中型球馆的前提,一个 75-25 的分配可能只会下降到 55-45。如果这似乎也过于一边倒,那么圆顶球场在同一阶段也面临着类似的障碍。圆顶球场的投票从未进入市议会,因为它会失败。

所以,如果举行选举,然后情况变得紧张,是什么能争取到几张选票?什么能激发人们的热情,将一切都提升大约 5 个百分点,鼓励圣安东尼奥保留它唯一拥有的、或者可能永远拥有的职业体育球队?



点击查看原文:Savior No. 2: How to swing a few votes

Savior No. 2: How to swing a few votes

The Spurs don’t deserve another savior. They were given one just 10 years ago, and look what they did to his spine. If we’re being fair, Sacramento or Denver should get a turn. Still, maybe no NBA franchise needs the services of Tim Duncan as much as the Spurs do now. The Spurs will win without him next season, assuming Savior No. 1 is healthy. But - in the shadow of the dome and the haze of Kay Turner - can the Spurs stay in San Antonio without Savior No. 2?

Today, their odds of staying aren’t much different than their odds of winning Sunday’s lottery. Then they will have a 21.6 percent chance, or as likely as Vernon Maxwell was to sink an open jumper.

Clang? The Spurs’ chances were worse 10 years ago when the lottery prize was another skinny, tall, polite kid. And winning David Robinson was just part of it. Few thought the Spurs could sign him. With a rookie salary cap, Duncan’s arrival would be guaranteed.

That said, the two lotteries have similar tones. In 1987, Red McCombs and Angelo Drossos saw attendance dropping almost as fast as the price of franchises escalated. The club had drawn fewer fans than any time since its ABA days, and there was little reason to project much change.

So when the Spurs won Robinson, McCombs and Drossos were less giddy than they were stunned. Robinson changed all plans, and thus proved to be more than a mere MVP. This franchise would be in St. Louis or Cincinnati without him. The only flaw of Savior No. 1 is that he didn’t bring an arena with him.

Nothing seems conducive now toward one being built. From pending legislation to city politics to the aftershocks of the dome . . . today, Timothy McVeigh’s case looks about as bright. Another poll reveals about three-fourths of Texans want no tax dollars spent on arenas or stadiums.

Have the people spoken? They did in Houston, where over $700 million has been earmarked for a new baseball stadium and the refurbishing of the Astrodome. The Houston mayor now tries to push the basketball and hockey parties together for yet another arena, when The Summit is better than anything the Spurs have ever had.

Perhaps Houston isn’t as economically principled as we are. Or maybe this is true: Asking in general terms about using taxes for arenas is like asking people about higher taxes. They are against them. Period.

Once funding is defined, some fears subside. Rental-car tax, locker-room tax, naming rights. What affects you? And if the Spurs fund their share - in effect buying their event dates by paying for at least 15 percent - then realize no team will ever move here under these conditions. Raleigh gets the NHL and Nashville the NFL by offering, not by asking.

But given that logic, as well as the premise that a city of this size could use a mid-sized arena, a 75-25 split might only drop to 55-45. If that, too, seems one-sided, then the dome faced similar obstacles at this same stage. A dome vote never made it to the City Council because it would have failed.

So if an election happens and then tightens, what would swing a few votes? What would be emotional enough to move everything maybe five critical percentage points, encouraging San Antonio to keep the only major-league team it has or might ever have?

He is from Wake Forest. He would have been the No. 1 draft pick any of the last three years. He is another smart, well-centered man who gives a franchise a reason to hope for a dozen years.

He is Savior No. 2. Duncan makes Sunday worth watching.

By Buck Harey, via San Antonio Express-News

1997-05-18, By Jerry Briggs


新泽西州锡考克斯——马刺队主席彼得·霍尔特(Peter Holt)摆好姿势拍照,脸上洋溢着喜悦。他微笑着,手里紧握着球队的海报标志,并竖起食指,示意“第一”的手势。

“这是献给我们球迷的,” 霍尔特说,“是他们一直支持着我们。”

周日,马刺队在第 13 届 NBA 选秀乐透抽签中赢得状元签,为他们痛苦煎熬的一年画上了一个令人惊喜的句号。

马刺队当即明确表示,他们将在 6 月 25 日于北卡罗来纳州夏洛特举行的选秀大会上用状元签选中维克森林大学中锋兼前锋蒂姆·邓肯(Tim Duncan),他是公认的 NCAA 年度最佳球员。

上赛季,一系列严重的伤病使马刺队创下了 20 胜 62 负的球队历史最差战绩。而邓肯的到来可能会使他们立即重返西部冠军的争夺行列。

“这真是太棒了,” 霍尔特说,“这是我们应得的。太棒了,真的太棒了。”

如果能与邓肯成功签约,马刺队的“梦之队”锋线阵容预计将由他和中锋大卫·罗宾逊(David Robinson)以及小前锋肖恩·埃利奥特(Sean Elliott)组成,这套阵容有一天可能会成为联盟中最强大的锋线。

球队主教练兼总经理格雷格·波波维奇(Gregg Popovich)打消了外界关于他可能会交易状元签的任何猜测。


波波维奇回答说:“不,交易蒂姆·邓肯的可能性,和(球队球探)R.C. 布福德(R.C. Buford)担任我们首发得分后卫的可能性一样大。”

波波维奇几乎没有留下任何疑问,他表示身高 6 英尺 10 英寸、体重 248 磅的邓肯是无可争议的两届全美最佳阵容一阵球员,也是唯一可选中的人选。

“你永远不想把自己逼到死角。但在这一点上,很明显,他是选秀大会上与众不同的球员,” 波波维奇说,“他和其他人之间显然存在着差距,每个人都知道这一点。”

在 NBA 娱乐公司的演播室里,波波维奇和媒体开玩笑说,他搬出了几位现役和退役的篮球巨星的名字,来证明邓肯的价值。

“我想如果你能用拉里(伯德)(Larry (Bird))、迈克尔(乔丹)(Michael (Jordan))和魔术师(约翰逊)(Magic (Johnson))打包交易,那你或许可以做成这笔交易,” 波波维奇说,“但这不会发生。”

凭借这场胜利,马刺队成为了乐透抽签历史上最幸运的球队。他们在 1987 年获得了状元签并选中了七届全明星罗宾逊。他们在 1989 年获得了探花签并选中了两届全明星埃利奥特。现在,他们又获得了自 1992 年的沙奎尔·奥尼尔(Shaquille O’Neal)以来最具统治力的状元秀。



之后,乒乓球抽签决定费城 76 人队获得榜眼签,而此前被看好的波士顿凯尔特人队(Boston Celtics)将不得不接受探花签。

根据联盟规则,剩余的选秀顺位根据球队上赛季胜负记录的反序确定。拥有两个选秀权的凯尔特人队还获得了 6 号签。但作为联盟历史上最具传奇色彩的球队,波士顿队却失望地离开了现场。

“显然,我们想要得到状元签,因为我们意识到状元签能让我们有机会得到蒂姆·邓肯,” 凯尔特人队企业发展副总裁 M.L. 卡尔(M.L. Carr)说,“但我认为我们仍然有两个非常好的选秀权。”

此前,在 1000 个能抽中状元签的四位数号码组合中,凯尔特人队拥有 264 个。这意味着,波士顿队和他们新签下的 7000 万美元主教练里克·皮蒂诺(Rick Pitino)有 36.31% 的几率抽到状元签,这是所有球队中最高的。

相比之下,马刺队拥有 157 个号码组合,获得邓肯的几率排名第二,为 21.6%。对于这一结果,波波维奇只能耸耸肩,开玩笑地谈论球队的幸运。

“我们真的很努力,” 波波维奇面无表情地说,“我们只是坐在那里看着。”

波波维奇推测,马刺队的球员人事主管萨姆·舒勒(Sam Schuler)在乐透球队代表们观看抽签的房间里耍了些花招。

“萨姆是待在后台的那个人,” 波波维奇说,“我认为他对那些乒乓球动了手脚,才让这一切发生。萨姆·舒勒是我们爱戴的人,我们要带他出去吃饭,给他食物、啤酒、金钱,一切东西。”

选秀顺序确定后,NBA 将其搬上了舞台,并在国家电视台播出。从 13 号签开始,球队标志被从信封中取出,按降序排列。

当联盟宣布温哥华灰熊队(Vancouver Grizzlies)位列第 4 位,并在第 3 位抽出波士顿队的第二张也是最后一张卡片时,波波维奇开始感到乐观。


作为球队的新老板,霍尔特无法掩饰自己的情绪。他与其他球队代表一起坐在台上,当 76 人队被宣布为榜眼时,他挥舞着拳头,留下马刺队独自一人获得状元签。“我当时在想,‘我们做到了,’” 霍尔特说,“这就是我脑子里想的东西。当我们来到这里时,我就在想,‘我能把它带回家,带给一支永不放弃的球队和他们的球迷吗?’”


这让马刺队总裁杰克·迪勒(Jack Diller)非常高兴。



自从去年夏天霍尔特购买了球队超过 31% 的股份以来,马刺队在他的掌控下分崩离析,上赛季因伤缺阵的比赛场次高达 347 场。

罗宾逊因脚伤和背伤缺席了 76 场比赛。埃利奥特因右膝肌腱炎缺席了 43 场比赛。球队八年来首次无缘季后赛。




“我认为球队的表现定下了基调,所以像邓肯这样的球员的加入可以创造更好的氛围,” 迪勒说,“球馆的建成与否取决于它对社区是否有意义,而不仅仅是因为球队赢得了乐透抽签。但这确实加强了马刺队作为一项资产的价值。”

1997 年 6 月 25 日:圣安东尼奥马刺队中锋蒂姆·邓肯在北卡罗来纳州夏洛特体育馆举行的 NBA 选秀大会上与 NBA 总裁大卫·斯特恩握手。强制来源:Craig Jones/Allsport

前维克森林大学球员蒂姆·邓肯在 1997 年 6 月 25 日星期三于北卡罗来纳州夏洛特举行的 NBA 选秀大会上被圣安东尼奥马刺队以状元秀身份选中后,摆姿势拍照。(美联社照片/NBA 照片,Andy Hayt)

1997 年 5 月 18 日星期日,在新泽西州锡考克斯,圣安东尼奥马刺队董事长彼得·霍尔特在马刺队被选中获得即将到来的 NBA 选秀大会的状元签后做出反应。(美联社照片/Bill Kostroun)

点击查看原文:Spurs win the Duncan lottery

Spurs win the Duncan lottery

SECAUCUS, N.J. — Posing for photographs and feeling euphoric, Spurs chairman Peter Holt smiled, clutched the team’s poster logo and raised his index finger to flash the No. 1 signal.

“This is for our fans,” Holt said, “who hung with us.”

The Spurs’ year of pain and suffering came to a surprisingly happy conclusion Sunday when the team won the 13th NBA draft lottery.

The Spurs immediately made it clear they would take Wake Forest center-forward Tim Duncan, a consensus NCAA Player of the Year, with the first pick June 25 in Charlotte, North Carolina.

It’s a development that could vault the Spurs back into immediate contention for the Western Conference championship after a horrible string of injuries knocked them down to a franchise-worst record of 20-62 last season.

“This is absolutely wonderful,” Holt said. “We were due. It’s great, just great.”

On a projected “dream” front line that one day could be the best in the league, the Spurs, assuming they sign Duncan to a contract, are expected to play him alongside center David Robinson and small forward Sean Elliott.

Gregg Popovich, the team’s coach and general manager, stamped out any speculation that he might trade the rights to the pick.

One reporter approached Popovich and suggested the team had “a million options” on what it could do with the No. 1 selection.

Responded Popovich: “Well, no. The chances of trading Tim Duncan are about the same as (team scout) R.C. Buford starting for us at off guard.”

Leaving little doubt that Duncan would be a Spur, Popovich said the 6-foot-10, 248-pounder and consensus two-time, first-team All-American stood alone as the best player available.

“You never want to paint yourself into a corner. But at this point, it’s pretty obviously a no-brainer that he’s the different player in the draft,” Popovich said. “There’s obviously a drop-off between him and everyone else, and everybody knows that.”

Joking with the media in the studios of NBA Entertainment, Popovich invoked the names of some of the game’s greatest current and former players to make a point about how valuable Duncan might be.

“I guess if you put a (trade) package together of Larry (Bird), Michael (Jordan) and Magic (Johnson), then you could make a trade,” Popovich said. “But that’s not going to happen.”

With their victory, the Spurs emerged as the most dominant lottery player in the event’s history. They won a No. 1 pick in 1987 and selected Robinson, a seven-time All-Star. They received the No. 3 choice in 1989 and took Elliott, a two-time All-Star. Now they have secured the rights to the most dominant No. 1 pick since Shaquille O’Neal in 1992.

Actually, the Spurs were so lucky, they won the rights to Duncan twice. In the pingpong-ball drawing, two of their four-numeral combinations came up before any other team.

“Obviously, the second one was thrown out,” a league spokesman said.

Afterward, the pingpong-selection process determined that the Philadelphia 76ers would get the No. 2 choice and the favored Boston Celtics would have to settle for No. 3.

In accordance with league rules, the rest of the draft order was cemented based on inverse order of the teams’ win-loss record last season. The Celtics, with two choices, also came up with No. 6. But Boston, the league’s most storied franchise, left the premises in dismay.

“Obviously, we wanted to get No. 1, because we realized that No. 1 gives you a shot at Tim Duncan,” said M.L. Carr, Celtics vice president of corporate development. “But I look at it and say we still have two very good picks.”

Going in, the Celtics had 264 four-number combinations out of 1,000 that would have yielded the No. 1 choice. Translated, it gave Boston and new $70 million coach Rick Pitino a 36.31 percent chance of drawing the No. 1 pick — the best of any team.

By contrast, the Spurs had the second-best shot at Duncan with 157 combinations and a 21.6 percent chance. In reaction to the outcome, Popovich could only shrug his shoulders and joke about his team’s good fortune.

“We worked real hard,” Popovich deadpanned. “We just sat there and watched.”

Popovich speculated that Sam Schuler, the Spurs’ director of player personnel, worked some magic in the room where representatives of the lottery teams witnessed the drawing.

“Sam was the guy in the back room,” Popovich said. “I think he did something to those pingpong balls to make this happen. Sam Schuler is the guy that we love and want to take out to eat, give him food, beer, money — everything.”

When the draft order was set, the NBA took its show to the stage and put it on national television. The team logos were taken out of envelopes and placed under the numbers, starting in descending order at No. 13.

Popovich began to feel optimistic when the league announced the Vancouver Grizzlies at the No. 4 spot and drew out Boston’s second and final card at No. 3.

“You knew you had a hell of a chance when you saw those weird selections early,” he said. “You really started to get hopeful. But you try to keep yourself (from) not going over the edge so you don’t get disappointed. You just try to stay calm.”

Holt, the team’s first-year owner, couldn’t hide his emotions. Sitting on the stage with the other team representatives, he thrust a fist in the air when the 76ers were announced at No. 2, leaving the Spurs alone with the top pick. “I was thinking, ‘We did it,’” Holt said. “That’s what was going through my head. When we were coming over here, I was thinking, ‘Can I bring it home to a team and its fans who didn’t give up?’”

In the end, Spurs management brought it home.

And that made Spurs president Jack Diller a happy man.

“I just flew into Houston and didn’t know the results of the lottery,” said Diller. “I called Spurs people but they were all out. Finally, somebody at the airport told me. I still haven’t talked to anybody, but this obviously is great. It was a difficult season and now some of the pain and misery means something.

“It’s not supposed to work this way, really. A team with the talent we have is not supposed to win the lottery and add somebody like Duncan. But the injuries put us in there.”

The Spurs, under Holt’s watch since he purchased more than 31 percent of the team’s stock last summer, fell apart with 347 player-games lost to injury last season.

Robinson, recovering from foot and back injuries, missed 76 games. Elliott sat out 43 with right knee tendinitis. The team missed the playoffs for the first time in eight years.

Now, as the former All-Stars rehabilitate over the summer, there is renewed hope for the future. Another franchise player, Duncan, is on the way.

“He’s a very versatile player,” Schuler said. “He can play the high post or the low post. And his character is so high. He fits right in with the kind of player that Pop wants here. He’s as close to a can’t-miss player that’s come out in the last four years.”

He’s also the kind of player that could help the Spurs in their push for a new arena.

“I think the team’s performance sets a tone so the addition of somebody like Duncan can create a better atmosphere,” Diller said. “The arena will stand or fall on whether it makes sense to the community, not just because the team won the lottery. But it does reinforce what an asset the Spurs are.”

25 Jun 1997: Center Tim Duncan of the San Antonio Spurs shakes hands with NBA Commissioner David Stern during the NBA Draft at the Charlotte Coliseum in Charlotte, North Carolina. Mandatory Credit: Craig Jones /Allsport

Former Wake Forest player Tim Duncan poses for a portrait after being selected by the San Antonio Spurs as the first pick overall in the 1997 N BA Draft in Charlotte, N.C., Wednesday, June 25, 1997. (AP Photo/NBA Photos, Andy Hayt)

San Antonio Spurs Chairman of the Board Peter Holt reacts Sunday, May 18, 1997, in Secaucus, N.J., as the Spurs were selected to receive the first pick in the upcoming NBA draft. (AP Photo/Bill Kostroun)"

By Jerry Briggs, via Express-News Archives


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