By August Bembel | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-03-09 03:00:00
2020年代初的圣安东尼奥马刺队还处于发展阶段。事实上,2025年初的圣安东尼奥马刺队仍然如此。然而,他们的首发阵容感觉更像是过时的,而不是一个正在发展的项目。 让我们面对现实吧,这套首发五虎没有未来。坦率地说,也很难为它的现在找到理由。
身高6英尺3英寸的德阿隆·福克斯(De’Aaron Fox)不得不担任得分后卫,站在一个甚至比他还矮的家伙旁边。身高6英尺5英寸的德文·瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell),既没有足够的力量也没有足够的身高来胜任超过临时上场时间的小前锋位置,却被当作全职小前锋使用。身高6英尺8英寸的哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes)是球队的大前锋,虽然他的职业生涯场均出场时间超过30分钟,但场均篮板却不足5个。俾斯麦·比永博(Bismack Biyombo)是一个锋线尺寸的中锋。带着一丝嘲讽,我称他们为“圣安东尼奥小个阵容”。我不得不说,我不太喜欢它。
现实情况是,马刺队的赛季已经彻底结束了。那些在这支球队有未来的球员被迫进入不太理想的位置,以适应一个理念:克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul)作为首发球员。 虽然保罗继续做得很好,但在更大的框架下,这对我来说毫无意义。
没有多曼塔斯·萨博尼斯(Domantas Sabonis)的萨克拉门托国王队也不是一支特别高的球队,但他们在周五晚上仍然拥有巨大的身高优势。 他们的篮板以65比46领先于马刺。 这是他们出色表现的基础——一个篮板等于一个球权。
诚然,期望没有 文班亚马 的马刺队在篮板上胜过任何人是很困难的。 但这支球队现在没有发挥出自己的优势,甚至可能没有为他们最好的未来而战。 这是令人难以接受的。
斯蒂芬·卡斯尔 很可能是目前马刺队最合适的球员。 为什么他不首发? 我能想到的唯一解释是他在替补席上表现得非常好。 尽管如此,除了维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)之外,马刺队中没有哪个球员在球队的未来比他更有保障。 从长远来看,他是一名首发球员。 问题是:他将来会在哪里首发?
如果 福克斯 和 瓦塞尔 担任一号位和二号位, 卡斯尔 可能会担任三号位。 这存在两个主要问题:马刺队的一号位到三号位身高不足,同时这三个位置都缺乏投篮能力。 福克斯 就是这样的人:他是一名三分球命中率33%(因此低于平均水平)的射手。 瓦塞尔 职业生涯至今的三分球命中率为36%,略高于平均水平,但尚未成为大多数人希望他成为的神射手。 虽然他的高阶数据令人担忧,但它们并不具有决定性,因为他没有在任何结构良好的球队中效力过。
阵容构建是马刺队最终需要解决的问题。 他们在恰当的时机彻底重建球队做得很好。 他们在包装 德章泰·穆雷 的产出方面做得非常出色,以便在老鹰队的交易中高价出售他(令人震惊的是,到目前为止,总共有五个首轮选秀权被交易来换取一个像 德章泰 这样能力有限且效率低下的球员)。 然而,最困难的任务还在前面:找到合适的球员围绕 文班亚马 建队。 来自老鹰队交易的选秀权将派上用场,第一个选秀权将在今年休赛期兑现。
如果下赛季 福克斯 、 瓦塞尔 和 卡斯尔 打一号位、二号位和三号位,马刺队必须找到一个更好的四号位。 虽然 哈里森·巴恩斯 表现出色,但马刺队需要一个投篮更好、篮板更好的大前锋。 让我这样说吧:如果马刺队要打电话给丹尼·安吉(Danny Ainge),我认为这将是一个好主意。
也许马刺队在休赛期多打一些电话是个好主意。 有传言说,如果波波维奇(Pop)不回归,米奇·约翰逊(Mitch Johnson)是主教练职位的热门人选。 考虑到波波维奇教练树最新的分支,比如埃梅·乌度卡(Ime Udoka)或威尔·哈迪(Will Hardy),米奇·约翰逊到目前为止给我的印象还不如他们。 第三年级的 文班 应该得到一位有能力建立有效体系并在比赛中以及每场比赛之间做出明智调整的教练。 到目前为止,我还没有从米奇身上看到这一点。 但我记得贝基·哈蒙(Becky Hammon)在波波维奇耳边低语的战术最终奏效了。 她至少可以被考虑担任这个角色吗? 那会让我非常开心!
点击查看原文:What We Learned From the Spurs’ Loss to the Kings
What We Learned From the Spurs’ Loss to the Kings
With conventional basketball wisdom, it’s tough to make sense of the Spurs’ starting five.
The San Antonio Spurs of the early 2020s were a work in progress. In fact, the San Antonio Spurs of early 2025 still very much are. Their starting lineup, however, feels outdated rather than a developing project. Let’s face it, this starting five has no future. And, to put it bluntly, it’s hard to make a case for its present.
6’3 De’Aaron Fox has to start at shooting guard, next to a guy who is even smaller than him. 6’5 Devin Vassell, neither strong nor long enough to play more than emergency minutes at the three, is used as a full-time small forward. 6’8 Harrison Barnes is the power forward who, though he has averaged more than 30 minutes a game for his career, also averages fewer than five rebounds per contest. Bismack Biyombo is a wing-sized center. With tongue firmly in cheek, these are the San Antonio Smalls. And I can’t say I’m a fan.
The reality is, the Spurs’ season is as dead as a doornail. And guys that have a future on this team are forced into positions that are less than ideal to accommodate one concept: Chris Paul as a starter. While Paul continues to do a good job, it just doesn’t make sense to me in the grander scheme of things.
The Sacramento Kings, without Domantas Sabonis, aren’t a particularly tall team either, but they still had a massive height advantage Friday night. They out-rebounded the Spurs 65 to 46. That was the foundation of their superior performance — one rebound equals one possession.
Granted, it’s tough to expect the sans-Wemby Spurs out-rebound anyone. But this team right now isn’t playing to its strengths, and it’s probably not even playing for the best of its future. And that’s a hard pill to swallow.
Stephon Castle is quite probably the Spurs’ best fit player right now. Why doesn’t he start? The only explanation I can come up with is that he works so well off the bench. Still, next to Victor Wembanyama, there isn’t a guy on the roster whose future in Silver and Black is as secure as his. He’s a starter in the long term. The question is: Where will he start in the future?
If Fox and Vassell start at the one and the two, Castle will probably start at the three. There are two major problems with that: The Spurs will be undersized from one through three, while lacking shooting all three positions. Fox is who he is: a 33-percent (and therefore below-average) shooter from deep. Vassell, shooting 36 percent from beyond the arc over his career so far, is slightly above average, but hasn’t turned into the deadeye most hoped he could be. And though his advanced metrics are worrying – but they’re not conclusive because he hasn’t played on any well-constructed teams.
Roster construction is something the Spurs need to eventually address. They did well to blow it up at exactly the right time. They’ve done extremely well in positioning Dejounte Murray’s production in order to oversell him in the Hawks trade (it’s staggering that a total of five first-round picks have thus far been traded for a player as limited and inefficient as Dejounte). The most difficult task is ahead, though: finding the right players to build around Wemby. That’s where the picks from the Hawks trade come in, with the first one conveying this off-season.
If Fox, Vassell, and Castle play at the one, two, and three next season, the Spurs must find a better four. While Harrison Barnes has done an admirable job, but the Spurs need a power forward who’s a better shooter and a better rebounder. Let me put it this way: If the Spurs were to call Danny Ainge, I think that would be a good idea.
Maybe it would be a good idea for the Spurs to make some more calls in the offseason. Rumor has it that Mitch Johnson is the favorite for the head-coaching job in case Pop doesn’t return. Considering the latest branches of Pop’s coaching tree, like Ime Udoka or Will Hardy, Mitch Johnson so far doesn’t strike me as a head coach of similar caliber. Year-three Wemby will deserve a coach capable of establishing a working system and making smart adjustments in-game as well as from game to game. So far, I fail to see that from Mitch. But I can remember Becky Hammon whispering tactics into Pop’s ear that ended up working. Could she be at least considered for the role? That would make me a happy Pounder!
By August Bembel, via Pounding The Rock