[ESPN] 雷霆队的K.威廉姆斯和多尔特,马刺队的尚帕尼被驱逐

By Michael C. Wright | ESPN, 2025-03-03 12:25:00




“我们发生了争执吗?”俄克拉荷马城的杰伦·威廉姆斯(Jalen Williams)在赛后接受ESPN采访时开玩笑地问道。“这让我们重新集中注意力,搞清楚什么才是重要的。”

在事件发生后,裁判判罚肯里奇·威廉姆斯(Kenrich Williams)和朱利安·尚帕尼(Julian Champagnie)以及杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan)和吕·多尔特(Lu Dort)各两次技术犯规。威廉姆斯、尚帕尼和多尔特被驱逐出场。

在第三节还剩三分钟时,威廉姆斯在防守尚帕尼传球给斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)时,被肘击到下巴。卡斯尔找到了切入篮下的索汉完成双手灌篮。在这个回合发生的同时,威廉姆斯和尚帕尼站在记分台附近互相推搡。

“当人们表现得具有侵略性时,会有很多巧合的肘击或接触,”马刺队教练米奇·约翰逊(Mitch Johnson)说。“说实话,我真的不知道是谁的错。但看起来这就像是引发事件的原因。然后双方都做出了回应。[它]看起来只是肯里奇·威廉姆斯很有侵略性,而朱利安正在展开进攻。我不知道这是否算进攻犯规。我不知道现在允许你占据多少空间的界限在哪里。”

双方球队的球员、裁判、安保人员和教练都冲上前去制止这场冲突。但随着索汉和多尔特在超过10人的混战中互相抓住对方,局势进一步升级,包括卡斯尔、达龙·福克斯(De’Aaron Fox)、凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)、谢伊·吉尔杰斯-亚历山大(Shai Gilgeous-Alexander)、凯森·华莱士(Cason Wallace)和阿隆·威金斯(Aaron Wiggins)。


NBA裁判詹姆斯·威廉姆斯(James Williams)宣布该回合“正在因一场没有平息的冲突接受审查”。经过审查后,威廉姆斯判罚了双重技术犯规并将三人驱逐。俄克拉荷马城教练马克·戴格诺特(Mark Daigneault)说,多尔特因在冲突中说了一些话而被驱逐。教练补充说,多尔特的话并不是针对裁判的。





点击查看原文:Thunder's K. Williams and Dort, Spurs' Champagnie ejected

Thunder’s K. Williams and Dort, Spurs’ Champagnie ejected


SAN ANTONIO – A testy third-quarter scuffle nearly erupted into a full-blown fight Sunday, resulting in three ejections, during the Oklahoma City Thunder’s 146-132 win over the San Antonio Spurs.

“We had an altercation?” Oklahoma City’s Jalen Williams asked jokingly during his postgame interview on the court with ESPN. “It made us refocus, figure out what’s important.”

Officials issued double technicals to Kenrich Williams and Julian Champagnie as well as Jeremy Sochan and Lu Dort after the incident. Williams, Champagnie and Dort were ejected.

With three minutes left in the third quarter, Williams was elbowed in the jaw while guarding Champagnie as he passed to Stephon Castle, who found Sochan cutting under the basket for a two-handed dunk. As that play unfolded, Williams and Champagnie stood near the scorer’s table, shoving each other.

“When people are aggressive, there are a lot of coincidental elbows or contact,” Spurs coach Mitch Johnson said. “I don’t really know who was at fault, to be honest. But it just looked like that was what initiated it. And then there was the response on both ends. [It] just looked like Kenrich Williams was being aggressive, and Julian was opening up. I don’t know if that’s an offensive foul now. I don’t know where that line is of what space you’re allowed.”

Players, officials, security personnel and coaches from both teams rushed to break up the scuffle. But the situation escalated as Sochan and Dort grabbed each other in a scrum that involved more than 10 people, including Castle, De’Aaron Fox, Keldon Johnson, Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, Cason Wallace and Aaron Wiggins.

“I went for a dunk, and then all I see is just everyone going to one spot,” Sochan said while smiling. “So, like I had to go to the same spot. It was a little scuffle. I think it was pretty playful. It wasn’t anything too serious. Yeah, it kind of evolved. I had to react a little bit in the playful scuffle.”

NBA official James Williams announced the play was “under review for an altercation that does not dissolve.” After the review, Williams issued the double technicals and ejections. Oklahoma City coach Mark Daigneault said Dort was ejected for something he said during the scuffle. Dort’s words were not directed at the officials, the coach added.

“We have not been a team that’s retaliated very much,” Daigneault said. “We retaliated tonight. We have the worst free throw differential in the NBA. So, more fouls are being called on us than are being called on our opponents. I think there’s a cumulative frustration, and I think our guys finally got to a point where they had had enough. We have to have better poise. We don’t want to lose rotation players in big games as a result of that. We’ve done a great job of that for a long period of time, and I just think the cumulative effect of the pummeling we take on some plays boiled over in that situation.”

Kenrich Williams went scoreless in 10 minutes, while Dort contributed nine points, nine rebounds and a steal in helping Oklahoma City capture its third straight victory. Champagnie tallied eight points on 3-of-4 shooting.

On Jalen Williams’ Instagram, he posted a picture of Dort in the locker room and jokingly referred to him as “1st team all crashout.”

“I got the explanation from James Williams,” Daigneault said. “If James Williams wants to eject him for that, I think it’s justified. Again, the issue I have with that is I’ve heard with my own ears in the last two weeks other players say similar or worse things to officials with no response. The officials are saying we’re calibrating to the emotion of the game. Great. If we’re calibrating with one player, we should be calibrating with Lu Dort. If there’s zero tolerance for Lu Dort, there should be zero tolerance to everybody. They’ve got to figure that out.”

By Michael C. Wright | ESPN, via ESPN