By LJ Ellis | SpursTalk, 2025-03-01 15:44:24
总而言之,这对圣安东尼奥来说是又一场令人失望的失利。缺少 维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama) 固然伤士气,但缺乏竞争力更令人担忧。
数据:马刺队 vs 火箭队
马刺队 vs 火箭队 – 最终评分
福克斯(De’Aaron Fox)的状态正式陷入低迷。在过去的3场比赛中,他的投篮命中率仅为12投49中(24.5%),三分球命中率仅为3投21中(14.3%)。在对阵火箭队的比赛中,福克斯(Fox)12投3中,更糟糕的是,他没有为其他人创造机会。他的传球很差,对场上局势的判断也很糟糕。在防守端,福克斯(Fox)也没有带来太多的贡献。尽管他加入球队的时间相对较短,但这位前全明星球员需要站出来,找到摆脱低迷的方法。
瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell)连续第二场比赛在上半场表现糟糕。在中场休息前的10分钟出场时间里,他3投0中,在其他方面也表现平平。瓦塞尔(Vassell)在下半场表现好多了,但他需要开始打出完整的比赛。目前的情况是,当球队的关键武器有一半时间没有发挥作用时,马刺队不可能获胜。
火箭队对 克里斯·保罗(Chris Paul) 施加了压力,而这位39岁的老将没有做出很好的回应。他5投1中,无法像往常一样进行那么多的组织。保罗(Paul)在球场的另一端也是一个负担。只有在争抢松散球的情况下,他才算得上是一种资产。
哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes) 只打了18分钟,4投1中。他的能量水平很低,防守努力也很少。巴恩斯(Barnes)将自己的失误降到了最低(事实上,他在过去的四场比赛中都没有失误),但他需要做更多的事情来帮助他的球队。
俾斯麦·比永博(Bismack Biyombo) 投进了一些球,抢到了一些篮板,并设置了一些强硬的掩护。然而,火箭队基本上在进攻端无视了他,这缩小了他队友的进攻空间。在防守端,比永博(Biyombo)很努力,但他的影响力不足。
即使首发球员最近表现挣扎, 凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson) 也一直在蓬勃发展。他得到22分,两分球10投8中,罚球6罚6中。他的进攻很棒,他强劲的终结能力让所有人都忽略了他三分球3投0中的表现。约翰逊(Johnson)的决策一直很好,并且在防守端投入了实际的努力。
好的一面: 朱利安·尚帕涅(Julian Champagnie) 两分球3投3中,并且在防守端异常活跃,从他的三次盖帽就可以看出。我喜欢他在篮板方面的努力以及在投篮不中时保持头脑清醒的能力。不好的一面:尚帕涅(Champagnie)三分球5投1中。有几次他的传球决定慢了一两拍。
桑德罗·马穆克拉什维利(Sandro Mamukelashvili) 充分利用了他的20分钟。虽然他远非完美,但他的努力和不屈不挠的精神是毋庸置疑的。马穆(Mamu)希望他的投篮更准,但他在进攻端的掩护和跑动帮助了球队。在防守端,他完成了三次抢断,并且从未停止过拼搏。
上半场, 杰里米·索汉(Jeremy Sochan) 的篮板球表现不错,他的身体对抗给进攻带来了一股清新的空气。当他的队友退缩时,索汉(Sochan)愿意弄脏自己的双手。不幸的是,他在脸部受到撞击后,出于预防目的而缺席了下半场。
布雷克·韦斯利(Blake Wesley) 获得了一些真正的出场时间,并且表现得相当不错——考虑到所有因素。我喜欢他的传球,特别是在挡拆配合中。韦斯利(Wesley)对场上的局势看得非常清楚,通常可以指望他做出正确的判断。在得分方面,他缺乏手感仍然是一个问题。在防守端,他看起来没有平时那么快——但这可能是因为他出场时间太少。
马拉基·布兰纳姆(Malaki Branham) 获得了六分钟的垃圾时间,但只出手了一次。
乔丹·麦克劳克林(Jordan McLaughlin) 在垃圾时间打了五分钟。除了向所有人展示他是一个愿意传球的人之外,他没有做太多事情。
好吧,约翰逊(Mitch Johnson)意识到首发球员表现不佳是件好事。让他让替补席上坐更长的时间是正确的举动。展望未来,约翰逊(Johnson)可能不得不考虑改变他的首发阵容,因为用这群人赢球被证明是非常困难的。
点击查看原文:Grades: San Antonio Spurs at Houston Rockets – Game #57
Grades: San Antonio Spurs at Houston Rockets – Game #57
The San Antonio Spurs didn’t put up much of a fight in their 118-106 loss to the Houston Rockets on Wednesday night. The loss dropped the Spurs to a record of 24-33. It was San Antonio’s fourth consecutive defeat.
Things went sour for the good guys at warp speed. Eight minutes into the game, the Rockets were already up 26-9. The Spurs made some halfhearted runs but San Antonio never truly challenged again. The final score doesn’t paint the true picture of how much Houston dominated this matchup.
All in all, this was another disappointing loss for San Antonio. Being without Victor Wembanyama hurts but the lack of competitiveness is worrisome.
Stats: Spurs at Rockets
Spurs at Rockets – Final Grades
De’Aaron Fox
Fox is officially in an ugly slump. Over his last three games, he’s just 12-for-49 (24.5%) from the field and 3-for-21 (14.3%) from three-point range. Against the Rockets, he was 3-for-12 from the field and made matters worse by not making plays for others. His passing was poor and his reading of the court was really bad. Defensively, Fox didn’t bring much to the table, either. Even though he’s relatively new to the team, the former All-Star needs to step up and find his way out of his slump.
Grade: D-
Devin Vassell
For the second straight game, Vassell was terrible in the first half. In ten minutes of playing time before intermission, he was 0-for-3 from the floor and was invisible in other aspects of the sport. Vassell was much better after halftime but he needs to start putting together full games. As it stands, the Spurs can’t win when one of their go-to weapons is not playing half the game.
Grade: D
Chris Paul
The Rockets turned the pressure up on Paul and the 39-year-old didn’t respond well. He was only 1-for-5 from the field and wasn’t able to do as much playmaking as usual. Paul was also a liability on the other end of the court. Only in loose ball situations was he an asset.
Grade: D
Harrison Barnes
Barnes only played 18 minutes and was just 1-for-4 from the floor. His energy level was muted and his defensive effort was minimal. Barnes kept his mistakes to a minimum (in fact, he hasn’t turned the ball over in the last four games) but he needs to do more to help his club.
Grade: C-
Bismack Biyombo
Biyombo made a couple buckets, grabbed a few boards and set some tough screens. However, the Rockets basically ignored him on offense, which shrank the court for his teammates. On defense, Biyombo was efforting but his impact was lacking.
Grade: C-
Stephon Castle
Castle was one of the few bright spots for the good guys. He was 8-for-15 from two-point range on his way to 22 points. The rookie was very strong on the boards and worked hard on the defensive end. Even when things were going poorly, he kept the intensity high. Castle also finished without a turnover while providing much-needed playmaking. There were some negative areas (namely his 1-for-7 showing from three-point land and his overall shot-selection) but Castle continues to show his potential.
Grade: B+
Keldon Johnson
Even though the starters have struggled lately, Johnson has been thriving. He scored 22 points and was 8-for-10 from two-point territory and a perfect 6-for-6 from the free throw line. His attacking has been great and his strong finishes make everyone overlook his 0-for-3 shooting from downtown. Johnson’s decision-making has been good and he’s bringing tangible effort to the defensive end.
Grade: B+
Julian Champagnie
The good: Champagnie was 3-for-3 on twos and was exceptionally active on defense, as evidenced by his three blocked shots. I liked his effort on the boards and his ability to keep his head up when his shots weren’t falling. The bad: Champagnie was 1-for-5 from three-point range. A few times his passing decisions were a beat or two slow.
Grade: B
Sandro Mamukelashvili
Mamukelashvili made the most of his 20 minutes. While he was far from flawless, his hustle and relentlessness were unmistakable. Mamu wishes he shot straighter but his screens and movement on offense helped the cause. Defensively, he swiped three steals and never failed to scratch and claw.
Grade: B
Jeremy Sochan
In the first half, Sochan was rebounding well and his physical play was a breath of fresh air offensively. When his teammates were backing down, Sochan was willingly getting his hands dirty. Unfortunately, he missed the second half for precautionary purposes after taking a blow to the face.
Grade: B-
Blake Wesley
Wesley got some real minutes and did pretty good — all things considered. I liked his passing, particularly on pick-and-roll sets. Wesley sees the court well and can usually be counted on to make the right reads. Scoring-wise, his lack of touch continues to be an issue. Defensively, he didn’t look as speedy as normal — but that’s probably because he has played so little.
Grade: B
Malaki Branham
Branham got six garbage minutes but was only able to unfurl one shot attempt.
Grade: Inc.
Jordan McLaughlin
McLaughlin played five minutes in garbage time. He didn’t do much other than to show everyone that he’s a willing passer.
Grade: Inc.
Mitch Johnson
Well, it’s good that Johnson realized the starters were playing poorly. Riding his bench longer than usual was the right move. Going forward, Johnson might have to look at changing his starting lineup because winning with this group is proving to be quite difficult.
Grade: C-
By LJ Ellis, via SpursTalk