By Bill Huan | Pounding The Rock (PtR), 2025-02-24 11:44:34
比赛一开始,很明显马刺队没有人能防住锡安·威廉姆森(Zion Williamson)。新奥尔良的球星在篮筐附近予取予求,仅仅5分钟就拿下4分和6个篮板。俾斯麦·比永博(Bismack Biyombo)尽力阻挡他冲击篮筐,但毫无效果。谢天谢地,锡安在上半场中途被换下。比永博随后也被换下,查尔斯·巴锡(Charles Bassey)替补登场后立即连续投篮命中,帮助马刺领先。
然而,朱利安·尚帕涅(Julian Champagnie)才是早期比赛的焦点。“Jules”在仅仅上半场就从替补席上投进了5个三分球,其中包括一个令人难以置信的转身压哨三分。比永博在第二节也表现得更加出色,贡献了多次盖帽,并将他的手伸到了传球路线上。凯尔登·约翰逊(Keldon Johnson)也继续保持着强势表现,不断冲击篮筐并给防守施加压力。很明显,圣安东尼奥的教练组已经授权他保持侵略性,而这得到了回报,他在不到9分钟的出场时间内贡献了12分和3次助攻。
不幸的是,马刺在下半场完全哑火。德阿隆·福克斯(De’Aaron Fox)的投篮手感不佳,因此更加专注于组织进攻,并成功地为队友创造了空位投篮机会。然而,这些机会都没有转化为得分。而在福克斯没有控球的时候,圣安东尼奥队强行出手了一些糟糕的投篮,希望能够碰碰运气。与此同时,鹈鹕队的中距离和三分球手感火热,打出了一波13-0的攻势,将比分差距缩小到只有两个回合。
- 福克斯可能打出了他作为马刺球员以来最糟糕的一场比赛,16投3中得到13分。然而,我认为当他的投篮手感不佳时,他很好地为队友创造了机会。尤其是有两次,他为德文·瓦塞尔(Devin Vassell)创造了潜在的空位投篮机会,但传球稍微有点够不着。很明显,马刺队仍在适应福克斯的风格,并学习如何与他配合。他们得到的配合机会越多,进攻就会越流畅。
- 斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle) 绝对打出了他迄今为止最糟糕的比赛之一,他糟糕地投出了10投1中,只得到两分。他在场上几乎没有存在感,我怀疑他是否有什么小伤在身,考虑到他在周五晚上的比赛中也只打了13分钟。
- 巴锡在离开比赛前打了5分49秒的稳健表现。据报道,他正在经历髌腱酸痛,这与他最近的内侧副韧带扭伤无关,但他再次因下肢受伤而缺席比赛仍然令人担忧。
- 这是马刺队四天内的第三场比赛,所以他们无精打采的表现是可以理解的。但令人费解的是他们在比赛末段表现出的斗志不足——让我们看看他们在接下来的比赛中如何回应。
— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) February 24, 2025
点击查看原文:Spurs go lifeless in second half in loss to the Pelicans
Spurs go lifeless in second half in loss to the Pelicans
The Spurs played one of their worst halves this season in their loss to the Pelicans on Sunday night.
Coming off a loss to the Pistons on Friday night, the Spurs played one of their biggest head-scratching games against New Orleans on Sunday. It was a Jekyll and Hyde performance that resulted in a 114-96 loss, including two halves that couldn’t be more different.
Right out of the gate, it was evident that no one on the Spurs could guard Zion Williamson. New Orleans’ star got whatever he wanted around the rim, as he scored 4 points while grabbing 6 rebounds in just 5 minutes of play. Bismack Biyombo tried his best to be a rim deterrent to no avail, but thankfully for San Antonio, Zion was subbed out just halfway through the first. Biyombo sat then as well, and Charles Bassey made an immediate in his stead by making back-to-back shots to put the Spurs ahead.
It was Julian Champagnie, though, who stole the show early on. “Jules” made five threes off the bench in just the first half, including an incredible turnaround triple to beat the first-quarter buzzer. Biyombo also had a much stronger second quarter, registering multiple blocks and getting his hand in passing lanes. Keldon Johnson continued his strong play, too, by constantly driving and putting pressure on the rim. It’s evident that San Antonio’s coaching staff has empowered him to stay aggressive, and it paid off to the tune of 12 points and three assists in under 9 minutes of playing time.
Unfortunately, the Spurs went completely cold in the second half. De’Aaron Fox, who struggled with his shot, focused more on playmaking and successfully found teammates for open shots. Those looks, though, simply failed to go down, and on the possessions when Fox wasn’t handling the ball, San Antonio forced bad attempts in the hopes that something might fall. Meanwhile, the Pels caught fire from the mid-range and three, resulting in them going on a 13-0 run that made it just a two-possession game.
Things went from bad to worse in the fourth. The Spurs played arguably their worst quarter of basketball of the season, as they only scored three points in the first six minutes of the fourth. That allowed New Orleans to go on another 11-0 run which essentially sealed the game, and San Antonio was outscored 39-17 overall in the final quarter. The team looked lethargic and played with no passion, which was a stark contrast to the first half. Fox tried to rev it up at times but his engine was malfunctioning along with the rest of the team, resulting in a disappointing 114-96 loss that looked like a surefire win at halftime.
Game notes
- Fox had perhaps his worst game as a Spur by finishing with 13 points on 3-16 shooting. However, I thought that he did a good job of getting teammates good looks in the first half when his shot wasn’t falling. There were two times in particular where he set up Devin Vassell for a potential open shot, but the pass was just a bit out of reach. It’s evident that the Spurs are still adjusting to Fox’s style and learning how to play off of him, and the more reps they get, the better the offense will hum.
- Steph Castle definitely had one of his worst games to date, as he shot a horrid 1-10 from the field and finished with just two points. He was barely noticeable on the court, and I wonder if he’s got something nagging considering he only played 13 minutes on Friday night too.
- Bassey played 5:49 solid minutes before leaving the game. It’s reported that he’s experiencing patellar tendon soreness, which is unrelated to his recent sprained MCL, but it’s still concerning that he’s once again sidelined with a lower-body injury.
- This was the Spurs’ third game in four nights, so their lethargic play makes sense. What doesn’t is how little fight they showed down the stretch — let’s see how they respond in the upcoming games.
Play of the game
Biyombo had a very solid defensive game, and if Bassey’s out for an extended period, he’ll continue to get a run of good minutes.
Block City
— San Antonio Spurs (@ spurs) February 24, 2025
Next game: at New Orleans on Tuesday
Let’s see how the Spurs bounce back to finish their baseball series again the Pelicans on Tuesday.
By Bill Huan, via Pounding The Rock