By Tom Orsborn | San Antonio Express-News (SAEN), 2025-02-18 15:43:46
圣菲利普学院院长阿德娜·威廉姆斯·洛斯顿博士(左)向圣安东尼奥马刺队前锋 哈里森·巴恩斯 (Harrison Barnes)(中)和布列塔尼·巴恩斯(右)赠送礼物,此前他们在2025年2月18日星期二在圣安东尼奥的圣菲利普学院宣布向AlamoPROMISE免学费计划捐赠25万美元。 这笔捐款将使圣菲利普学院的学生受益,该学院是阿拉莫学院区内的一所历史悠久的黑人学院和大学以及为西班牙裔服务的机构。
人们相信,这是自大卫·罗宾逊(David Robinson)和他的妻子瓦莱丽在2001年创立卡弗学院以来,马刺队球员对东区(East Side)的最大投资。
(从左至右)阿拉莫学院区校长麦克·弗洛雷斯博士,布列塔尼·巴恩斯,圣安东尼奥马刺队前锋哈里森·巴恩斯,圣菲利普学院院长阿德娜·威廉姆斯·洛斯顿博士和市长罗恩·尼伦贝格(Ron Nirenberg)与哈里森·巴恩斯为AlamoPROMISE免学费计划慷慨捐赠25万美元的支票合影,于2025年2月18日星期二在圣安东尼奥的圣菲利普学院。 这笔捐款将使圣菲利普学院的学生受益,该学院是阿拉莫学院区内的一所历史悠久的黑人学院和大学以及为西班牙裔服务的机构。
该计划已进入第五年,已招收超过23,000名学生,其中包括主修烘焙和糕点艺术的A’mya Lott,她是一位第一代大学生。
巴恩斯回馈社会的愿望与马刺大家庭成员长期以来的慈善工作相符。名单包括名人堂球员罗宾逊、乔治·格文(George Gervin)和蒂姆·邓肯(Tim Duncan)以及教练格雷格·波波维奇(Gregg Popovich)等人,还包括拉马库斯·阿尔德里奇(LaMarcus Aldridge),他于2020年捐赠了10万美元,用于在需要儿童的社区建造或修复公园。
球队总经理布莱恩·莱特(Brian Wright)表示,这样的工作使巴恩斯非常适合马刺队。
San Antonio Spurs forward Harrison Barnes announced a generous donation of $250,000 to the AlamoPROMISE tuition-free program, at St. Philip’s College on Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025 in San Antonio. The donation with benefit students at St. Philip’s College, a Historically Black College and University and Hispanic-Serving Institution within the Alamo Colleges District.
San Antonio Spurs forward Harrison Barnes, right, and Brittany Barnes, left, attend a press conference where they announced a generous donation of $250,000 to the AlamoPROMISE tuition-free program, at St. Philip’s College on Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025 in San Antonio. The donation with benefit students at St. Philip’s College, a Historically Black College and University and Hispanic-Serving Institution within the Alamo Colleges District.
(From left) Mayor Ron Nirenberg greets St. Philip’s College President Dr. Adena Williams Loston, Brittany Barnes, and San Antonio Spurs forward Harrison Barnes before a press conference where Harrison Barnes announced a generous donation of $250,000 to the AlamoPROMISE tuition-free program, at St. Philip’s College on Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025 in San Antonio. The donation with benefit students at St. Philip’s College, a Historically Black College and University and Hispanic-Serving Institution within the Alamo Colleges District.
San Antonio Spurs forward Harrison Barnes, right, and Brittany Barnes, left, announced a generous donation of $250,000 to the AlamoPROMISE tuition-free program, at St. Philip’s College on Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025 in San Antonio. The donation with benefit students at St. Philip’s College, a Historically Black College and University and Hispanic-Serving Institution within the Alamo Colleges District.
St. Philip’s College President Dr. Adena Williams Loston, in blue, receives a check from San Antonio Spurs forward Harrison Barnes, center, and Brittany Barnes, left, after they announced a generous donation of $250,000 to the AlamoPROMISE tuition-free program, at St. Philip’s College on Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025 in San Antonio. The donation with benefit students at St. Philip’s College, a Historically Black College and University and Hispanic-Serving Institution within the Alamo Colleges District.
San Antonio Spurs forward Harrison Barnes and Brittany Barnes pose for a picture with St. Philip’s College students and staff after announcing a generous donation of $250,000 to the AlamoPROMISE tuition-free program, at St. Philip’s College on Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025 in San Antonio. The donation with benefit students at St. Philip’s College, a Historically Black College and University and Hispanic-Serving Institution within the Alamo Colleges District.
A’mya Lott, an AlamoPROMISE student at St. Philip’s College, attends a press conference where San Antonio Spurs forward Harrison Barnes and Brittany Barnes announced a generous donation of $250,000 to the AlamoPROMISE tuition-free program, at St. Philip’s College on Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025 in San Antonio. The donation with benefit students at St. Philip’s College, a Historically Black College and University and Hispanic-Serving Institution within the Alamo Colleges District.
St. Philip’s College President Dr. Adena Williams Loston speaks at a press conference where San Antonio Spurs forward Harrison Barnes and Brittany Barnes announced a generous donation of $250,000 to the AlamoPROMISE tuition-free program, at St. Philip’s College on Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025 in San Antonio. The donation with benefit students at St. Philip’s College, a Historically Black College and University and Hispanic-Serving Institution within the Alamo Colleges District.
San Antonio Spurs forward Harrison Barnes announced a generous donation of $250,000 to the AlamoPROMISE tuition-free program, at St. Philip’s College on Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025 in San Antonio. The donation with benefit students at St. Philip’s College, a Historically Black College and University and Hispanic-Serving Institution within the Alamo Colleges District.
San Antonio Spurs forward Harrison Barnes announced a generous donation of $250,000 to the AlamoPROMISE tuition-free program, at St. Philip’s College on Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025 in San Antonio. The donation with benefit students at St. Philip’s College, a Historically Black College and University and Hispanic-Serving Institution within the Alamo Colleges District.
Mayor Ron Nirenberg speaks at a press conference where San Antonio Spurs forward Harrison Barnes and Brittany Barnes announced a generous donation of $250,000 to the AlamoPROMISE tuition-free program, at St. Philip’s College on Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025 in San Antonio. The donation with benefit students at St. Philip’s College, a Historically Black College and University and Hispanic-Serving Institution within the Alamo Colleges District.
San Antonio Spurs forward Harrison Barnes and Brittany Barnes announce a generous donation of $250,000 to the AlamoPROMISE tuition-free program, at St. Philip’s College on Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025 in San Antonio. The donation with benefit students at St. Philip’s College, a Historically Black College and University and Hispanic-Serving Institution within the Alamo Colleges District.
St. Philip’s College student Daveon Johnson emcees a press conference where San Antonio Spurs forward Harrison Barnes and Brittany Barnes announced a generous donation of $250,000 to the AlamoPROMISE tuition-free program, at St. Philip’s College on Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025 in San Antonio. The donation with benefit students at St. Philip’s College, a Historically Black College and University and Hispanic-Serving Institution within the Alamo Colleges District.
(Left to right) Alamo Colleges District board member Gloria Ray, Brittany Barnes, San Antonio Spurs forward Harrison Barnes, and St. Philip’s College President Dr. Adena Williams Loston attend a press conference where Harrison Barnes announced a generous donation of $250,000 to the AlamoPROMISE tuition-free program, at St. Philip’s College on Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025 in San Antonio. The donation with benefit students at St. Philip’s College, a Historically Black College and University and Hispanic-Serving Institution within the Alamo Colleges District.
St. Philip’s College student Daveon Johnson, left, greets Brittany Barnes, center, and San Antonio Spurs forward Harrison Barnes, right, at a press conference where Harrison Barnes announced a generous donation of $250,000 to the AlamoPROMISE tuition-free program, at St. Philip’s College on Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025 in San Antonio. The donation with benefit students at St. Philip’s College, a Historically Black College and University and Hispanic-Serving Institution within the Alamo Colleges District.
St. Philip’s College President Dr. Adena Williams Loston, left, San Antonio Spurs forward Harrison Barnes, center, and Brittany Barnes, right, walk through the Cybersecurity Innovations Center building before a press conference where Harrison Barnes announced a generous donation of $250,000 to the AlamoPROMISE tuition-free program, at St. Philip’s College on Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025 in San Antonio. The donation with benefit students at St. Philip’s College, a Historically Black College and University and Hispanic-Serving Institution within the Alamo Colleges District.
San Antonio Spurs forward Harrison Barnes greets students and staff before a press conference where he announced a generous donation of $250,000 to the AlamoPROMISE tuition-free program, at St. Philip’s College on Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025 in San Antonio. The donation with benefit students at St. Philip’s College, a Historically Black College and University and Hispanic-Serving Institution within the Alamo Colleges District.
点击查看原文:Barnes' donation to St. Philip's College hailed as 'game changer'
Barnes’ donation to St. Philip’s College hailed as ‘game changer’
St. Philip’s College President Dr. Adena Williams Loston left, gives gifts to San Antonio Spurs forward Harrison Barnes, center, and Brittany Barnes, right, after they announced a generous donation of $250,000 to the AlamoPROMISE tuition-free program, at St. Philip’s College on Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025 in San Antonio. The donation with benefit students at St. Philip’s College, a Historically Black College and University and Hispanic-Serving Institution within the Alamo Colleges District.
Spurs forward Harrison Barnes knows how fortunate he is to have a career in the NBA. Motivated by his strong sense of gratitude, Barnes has long been a force for good in the league.
“The game of basketball has been extremely fruitful for me and my family,” he said. “Every city we go to, my wife Brittany and I always try to make it a point to give back to the community.”
On Tuesday, the couple touched San Antonio in a big way, donating $250,000 to the AlamoPROMISE program benefiting students at St. Philip’s College, a Historically Black College and University that also serves the Hispanic community.
The gift is believed to be the biggest investment by a Spurs player to the East Side since David Robinson and his wife Valerie founded Carver Academy in 2001.
Alamo Colleges District Chancellor Mike Flores called the donation, which was made in honor of Black History Month, a “game changer.”
“It is a statement that says, 'We believe in our community, we believe in the students, in their potential, their promise, their hopes, dreams and aspirations,” Flores said.
Barnes said he and his wife began exploring different causes in San Antonio they could assist shortly after he came to town from Sacramento in a three-team trade last July. He said it was a “no-brainer” to pick AlamoPROMISE, an Alamo Colleges District program that covers tuition and fees for graduates of participating high schools.
(Left to right) Alamo Colleges District Chancellor Dr. Mike Flores, Brittany Barnes, San Antonio Spurs forward Harrison Barnes, St. Philip’s College President Dr. Adena Williams Loston, and Mayor Ron Nirenberg pose for a picture with a check from Harrison Barnes for a generous donation of $250,000 to the AlamoPROMISE tuition-free program, at St. Philip’s College on Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025 in San Antonio. The donation with benefit students at St. Philip’s College, a Historically Black College and University and Hispanic-Serving Institution within the Alamo Colleges District.
“It values the things we value, which is education and removing financial barriers to allow students to be the best versions of themselves they want to be,” Barnes said.
Barnes, a 32-year-old North Carolina alumnus, credited his mother, Shirley, for teaching him at a young age the importance of education and of helping others.
In addition to working as a secretary in the music department at Iowa State in Ames, Iowa, Shirley ran a nonprofit called Suited for Work Clothing Closet that provided clothes for unemployed people to use for job interviews.
“If you got the interview, then you were able to come back and get a few more clothes for the job,” Barnes said.
Now, he’s doing his own work to help people seeking to better themselves. Known as a “last-dollar” scholarship, AlamoPROMISE covers tuition and required fees after financial aid awards are applied for up to three years or until the completion of an associate degree or academic certificate, whichever comes first.
In its fifth year, the program has enrolled more than 23,000 students, including A’mya Lott, a first-generation student majoring in baking and pastry arts.
“I really love that big stars like (Barnes) are helping the community and contributing to people who don’t have the opportunity to go to college,” said Lott, a 19-year-old freshman who graduated from Churchill.
“The program is really good for me. I really love that I’m able to come to school without worrying about having to pay thousands of dollars.”
With an enrollment of nearly 19,000 students, St. Philip’s is the largest HBCU in the nation, according to Flores.
St. Philip’s president Adena Williams Loston said the donation will “transform lives” by helping the students “dream bigger and achieve more.”
“We are immensely grateful for Harrison and Brittany’s generosity,” Loston said.
San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg also saluted the couple.
“This isn’t just about individual success, it’s about San Antonio’s future,” Nirenberg said. "A strong education system means a strong workforce. It means economic growth. It means a city where every young person has the opportunity to thrive.
“It means we can live up to our value that diversity is our strength, equity is our mission and inclusion is the way we get there.”
Barnes’ desire to give back is in keeping with a long line of charitable work performed by members of the Spurs family. The list includes Hall of Fame players Robinson, George Gervin and Tim Duncan and coach Gregg Popovich and many others, including LaMarcus Aldridge, who donated $100,000 in 2020 to either build or rehabilitate parks in neighborhoods where children were in need.
“Coming from an outside perspective,” Barnes said, “the way the Spurs played, it was always selfless, always about making somebody else better … But more importantly, not only were they selfless on the court, they were selfless in the community.”
That’s also true of Barnes, who came to the Spurs with a well-earned reputation for community involvement and social awareness.
In Sacramento during the height of the pandemic in 2020, Barnes and his wife donated $40,000 to fund weekly groceries to families in need after COVID-19 caused the greatest economic downturn in the U.S. since the Great Depression.
Such work made Barnes a perfect fit for the Spurs, team general manager Brian Wright said.
“His reputation prior to coming here was that he was the consummate pro,” Wright said. "But it wasn’t just as a consummate pro on the floor. It was how he invests in the community, how he conducts himself at all times. And you see that with this type of donation and the research he’s done about where he wanted to impact his community, it speaks volumes to who he is and what he cares about and how he wants to leave something lasting beyond just his play on the court.
“The Alamo Colleges District is very happy and excited about it, but we’re very proud of the person Barnes is and the people his family are. You look across the league and at the type of people you want to represent the organization, and I don’t think we could ask for anything better than Harrison Barnes and the Barnes family.”
By Tom Orsborn, via San Antonio Express-News