By Michael C. Wright | ESPN, 2025-02-18 22:00:00
旧金山——在莫斯康中心巨大的地下室球场上,圣安东尼奥马刺队的球星维克托·文班亚马(Victor Wembanyama)凝视着不断涌来的人群。
他刚刚向在场的孩子们传授了篮球秘诀,建议他们“努力弥补弱点,让它们变成你的优势”。文班亚马随后形容他的首次NBA全明星体验是“紧张的”,并在周五的NBA Crossover活动闭幕式上,以一场令人愉悦的自信展示,进一步加深了这种感受。
文班亚马出场 36分钟,在周三以116-103负于波士顿的比赛中得到17分,13个篮板和2个盖帽,这是圣安东尼奥连续第六个客场比赛,也标志着俱乐部一年一度的牛仔竞技表演之旅的中点。
因此,在一次训练、赛后采访和一次理疗之后,文班亚马当晚与队友斯蒂芬·卡斯尔(Stephon Castle)一起在波士顿登上飞往旧金山的航班,而球队的其他成员则回家休息,度过全明星假期。
- 下午2:30: 在与耐克完成试衣后,文班亚马前往2K Games公司,这是广受欢迎的NBA 2K视频游戏的制作商。他与在场的各种比赛获胜者一起玩游戏,此外还与多位社交媒体网红拍摄内容。上个赛季,文班亚马在该游戏的历史上被评为评分最高的新秀(84分)。
- 下午5点: 文班亚马离开2K Games的活动现场,前往NBA的内部媒体渠道。在那里,他参与了联盟的照片拍摄,以及一些社交媒体频道的内容制作。
- 晚上7:30: 在与他的经纪公司Comsport举行鸡尾酒会后,文班亚马在旧金山市中心享用了私人晚餐。消息人士告诉ESPN,他在晚上9点前返回瑞吉酒店,并在酒店过夜。
在旧金山联合广场希尔顿酒店外 ,一阵阵喇叭声在穿过市中心的寒风中飘荡。数十辆黑色面包车和巨大的黑色SUV占据了街道两侧和代客泊车区。
— 迈克尔·C·莱特 (@ mikecwright) 2025年2月14日
文班亚马的队伍乘坐面包车离开了科技峰会,30分钟后抵达莫斯康中心。他留在面包车里近10分钟,吃午饭并换上一件耐克Nocta运动服,以参加小NBA活动和NBA Crossover。
几分钟后,他出现在莫斯康中心底层参加NBA Crossover活动,该活动在一个小的复制球场上进行,球场周围环绕着连锁围栏,粉丝们兴奋地抓住围栏,试图一睹这位划时代超级巨星的风采。
- 早上6点: 文班亚马醒来后发现他有整个上午的空闲时间。因此,他在瑞吉酒店吃了早餐,并在酒店闲逛,直到该出发去参加科技峰会。
- 下午4点: 在莫斯康中心的活动结束后,文班亚马前往奥克兰观看耐克EYBL学院的比赛。在阿拉巴马大学的承诺球员戴维昂·汉纳的带领下,林克学院以40-39险胜蒙特维德学院。汉纳得到15分、4个篮板和2次抢断,赢得了MVP奖杯,该奖杯由文班亚马颁发。
- 晚上7:30: 文班亚马以一顿市中心的晚餐结束了这一天。消息人士告诉ESPN,他没有参加新秀挑战赛,卡斯尔被评为MVP,因为他不想抢走队友的风头。
一位身穿黑色西装的NBA官员 将NBA技巧挑战赛的规则表递给文班亚马和队友克里斯·保罗,而大通中心的人群则发出嘘声。这位官员告诉他们,马刺队已经被取消了比赛资格。
- 早上9点: 文班亚马离开瑞吉酒店,前往奥克兰竞技馆参加NBA家庭招待活动和早午餐会,在那里他将穿着他的全明星队服与朋友和家人合影。
- 上午11:08: 文班亚马抵达奥克兰竞技馆,参加他在练习前的首次NBA全明星媒体日。文班亚马在他的采访中重申,他“不是来交朋友的”。
- 下午1点: 文班亚马返回他在旧金山的酒店,然后于下午2:30出发前往大通中心,开始周六的庆祝活动。
- 下午3:59: 在几名摄影师的陪同下,文班亚马沿着大通中心的一条走廊走向更衣室。
- 晚上8:22: 在文班亚马和保罗在不到48秒的时间内完成技巧课程一分钟后,他们被告知他们被取消资格。他们试图从他们的场边座位上提出抗议,但无济于事。后来,TNT试图在广播期间采访他们,但一位NBA官员介入并阻止了采访的进行。
- 晚上10:30: 尽管发生了小小的争议,文班亚马还是换上了便装,留在在大通中心观看卡斯尔参加一场竞争激烈的扣篮大赛,与麦克·麦克朗对决,麦克朗在决赛中击败了卡斯尔,连续第三次获得冠军。很明显,文班亚马一直在卡斯尔为比赛做准备,从他在场边模仿这位新秀的360度背后左手扣篮就可以看出。
作为查克队全球之星队的替补 ,文班亚马在他的球队以17-12领先时替补上场参加了他的球队的半决赛对决——NBA全明星迷你锦标赛的第一场比赛。
- 下午1:40: 文班亚马离开瑞吉酒店,前往大通中心参加全明星周末的最后一天。
- 下午2:37: 文班亚马走进大通中心,卡斯尔紧随其后。卡斯尔将文班亚马的红色1号全明星球衣反穿在灰色连帽衫外面。
- 下午4:19: 文班亚马在赛前介绍的彩排前摆姿势拍照。他在圣安东尼奥的体能训练团队给他做最后一次理疗之前花时间签署NBA全明星纪念品。
- 下午5:10: 在奥克兰本地人、三次获得格莱美奖的歌手、词曲作者和唱片制作人拉斐尔·萨迪克在后台表演时,文班亚马走上舞台,作为他职业生涯中的首次全明星亮相。
点击查看原文:Inside Victor Wembanyama's first weekend as an NBA All-Star
Inside Victor Wembanyama’s first weekend as an NBA All-Star
SAN FRANCISCO – Surrounded on a court in the cavernous lower level of the Moscone Center, San Antonio Spurs star Victor Wembanyama stared into a crowd that kept swelling by the second.
He had just dropped hoops jewels for kids in attendance, advising them to “work on your weaknesses so they become your strengths.” Wembanyama then described his first experience as an NBA All-Star as “intense,” only to ratchet up that feeling later with a crowd-pleasing display of confidence Friday as he closed out an NBA Crossover event.
Asked to predict the MVP of Sunday’s NBA All-Star Game, Wembanyama smiled.
“I’d have to bet on myself,” he said.
Those words whipped the crowd into chants of “Wemby, Wemby, Wemby,” as the 21-year-old from France scanned the sea of phones held high by fans looking to chronicle this moment.
But the sentiment was nothing new. Almost two weeks prior, Wembanyama promised the weekend in San Francisco would be business as usual.
“I don’t have any interest in making friends or trying to do anything,” Wembanyama said Feb. 3. “I’m here for work.”
Ultimately, he didn’t win MVP of Sunday’s NBA All-Star Game. Stephen Curry earned that honor. But the first-time All-Star still had a successful work trip.
“I’ll try to cool down and forget a little bit about basketball for 48 hours, that’s it,” he said Sunday night. "I’ll put this on my résumé. It’s done. I didn’t make any friends. But I learned a lot. I asked a lot of questions, and I got a lot of very interesting answers. It was a pleasure to share the floor with these experienced players. "
WEMBANYAMA LOGGED 36 minutes in a 116-103 loss at Boston on Wednesday, scoring 17 points with 13 rebounds and 2 blocks in San Antonio’s sixth consecutive road game, which marked the halfway point of the club’s annual rodeo road trip.
Usually, at this juncture of San Antonio’s monthlong trek, road weariness starts to set in for the Spurs.
Maybe it played a role in Wembanyama attempting just six shots and being held to seven points in the second half against the Celtics. But he flashed youthful enthusiasm in the aftermath of that loss when discussing goals for his first NBA All-Star Game.
“First, winning [is the goal],” Wembanyama said. “I hope it turns out to be like every other recent game, slow and just playing around. I hope I can bring that contrast with a single guy who goes crazy, dives on the ball, hustles on every play. I’m definitely going to try to bring that energy.”
So, after a workout, postgame interviews and a treatment session, Wembanyama boarded a flight that night in Boston with teammate Stephon Castle bound for San Francisco, while the rest of the team headed home to rest up during All-Star break.
Wembanyama and Castle landed in San Francisco at 4 a.m. Thursday and headed straight to the St. Regis hotel via a passenger van.
By noon, Wembanyama was leaving the hotel for a private fitting with Nike, his first commitment in a day chock full of them.
- 2:30 p.m.: After the fitting with Nike, Wembanyama headed to an appearance with 2K Games, maker of the popular NBA 2K video games. He played games with various contest winners in attendance, in addition to filming content with multiple social media influencers. Last season, Wembanyama ranked as the highest-rated rookie (84) in the game’s history.
- 5 p.m.: Wembanyama left his 2K Games appearance to hit the NBA’s in-house media circuit. There, he participated in photoshoots for the league as well as content for some of its social media channels.
- 7:30 p.m.: Wembanyama attended a personal dinner in downtown San Francisco after a cocktail hour with his agency, Comsport. He returned to the St. Regis hotel by 9 p.m. and stayed in for the night, sources told ESPN.
OUTSIDE THE HILTON San Francisco Union Square, a cavalcade of honking horns floated on the cool winds gusting through downtown. Dozens of black vans and gigantic black SUVs filled both sides of the street and the valet area.
The league’s annual NBA All-Star Technology Summit is an invitation-only event that involves A-listers from the NBA such as team owners, as well as leaders in other industries, and most of the discussions are off the record for media coverage.
Wembanyama arrived at noon and ditched the active wear he wore most of the trip for clothing more suitable for the occasion. With TNT’s Ernie Johnson hosting, Wembanyama participated in a panel discussion about leadership in 2025 along with New York Knicks guard Jalen Brunson; New York Liberty guard Sabrina Ionescu; Fanatics founder and CEO Michael Rubin; record executive Steve Stoute; and USA Basketball chairperson Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
“It’s been growing in intensity these last two days because before that, I really did not think about All-Star Weekend because of all the games, the season,” Wembanyama said of his hectic All-Star schedule. “So, I don’t fully realize that I’m going to play in the All-Star Game yet. But I’m seeing all the energy now. It’s really different even from last year to Season 2. It feels like the whole city is vibing around the NBA right now. So, it feels like we really have an impact that I’ve rarely seen before.”
Victor Wembanyama putting the kids through some drills at jr. NBA event.
— Michael C. Wright (@ mikecwright) February 14, 2025
Wembanyama’s party departed the tech summit via passenger van and arrived 30 minutes later at the Moscone Center. He remained in the van for nearly 10 minutes eating lunch and changing into a Nike Nocta sweatsuit to attend a junior NBA event and NBA Crossover.
On the second level of the Moscone Center in the Esplanade ballroom, Brooklyn Nets forward Cameron Johnson strolled through unnoticed as the shrieks of kids excited to see Wembanyama flooded a room outfitted with three half-court setups and two full courts.
Dozens of children huddled around Wembanyama as he dapped up several of them. Wembanyama led a quick huddle breakdown before the kids scattered to form lines for basketball drills. Over the course of 39 minutes, Wembanyama moved from court to court playing defense against the children as they cycled through drills.
Just before 3 p.m., Wembanyama and his team – which included NBA and Spurs personnel – quietly slipped out the back of the room through a black floor-to-ceiling curtain.
Minutes later, he emerged on the lower level of the Moscone Center for the NBA Crossover event, which took place on a small replica court surrounded by chain-link fences that fans gripped with glee as they tried to catch a glimpse of a generational superstar.
“The NBA is in good hands with you continuing to improve as a player, as a human,” the host of the event told Wembanyama. “So, ladies and gentlemen, let’s all get one more big round of applause.”
Wembanyama turned to his left after several seconds of applause. With his party in tow, the group slipped behind another black curtain headed for the van parked outside.
- 6 a.m.: Wembanyama woke up to find he would have the entire morning to himself. So, he ate breakfast at the St. Regis and hung out at the hotel until it was time to load into the van for the technology summit.
- 4 p.m.: After the events at the Moscone Center, Wembanyama headed to Oakland to watch the Nike EYBL Scholastic game. Led by Alabama commit Davion Hannah, Link Academy edged out Monteverde Academy 40-39. Hannah scored 15 points with 4 rebounds and 2 steals to win the MVP trophy, which was presented by Wembanyama.
- 7:30 p.m.: Wembanyama capped the night with a dinner downtown. He didn’t attend the Rising Stars game, where Castle was named MVP, because he didn’t want to take away from his teammate’s moment, sources told ESPN.
AN NBA OFFICIAL in a black suit presented the rules sheet for the NBA Skills Challenge to Wembanyama and teammate Chris Paul while the Chase Center crowd booed. Team Spurs had just been disqualified from the competition, the official told them.
In the weeks leading up to NBA All-Star weekend, Wembanyama told everyone asking about his plans to win every event in San Francisco. Having perused the rules beforehand, Wembanyama thought he had found a foolproof way to save precious time in a bid to steal the Skills Challenge, and convinced Paul to execute the plan.
“I don’t regret it,” he said afterward. “I thought it was a good idea.”
NBA officials disagreed.
Wembanyama and Paul were disqualified from the Skills Challenge because officials deemed their shot attempts invalid.
Still, Wembanyama devised what he thought was a clever scheme to skirt the rules.
“We tried something we thought could win to see if we had the best time,” Paul said.
The NBA Skills Challenge consists of a series of bounce passes, chest passes, dribbling and various shots from different locations on the floor. The rules required that players either make one shot or attempt three, whichever came first.
The Spurs duo essentially skipped the shots except one (a Wembanyama dunk) in favor of concentrating on the passes. Wembanyama and Paul finished the opening round with a blazing time of 47.9 seconds before officials disqualified them.
“We had the best time,” Wembanyama said. “The numbers speak for themselves.”
Golden State Warriors forward Draymond Green, who competed in the event with teammate Moses Moody, mentioned that Wembanyama had inquired about the legality of the Spurs’ approach beforehand with multiple people.
“Wemby walked around the court asking everybody because they say make one or [take] three attempts,” Green said. “So, Wemby said, ‘Oh, I can just get all three of them up there?’ So, he asked. He may not have asked the right people. In Wemby’s defense, he asked a lot of people. I heard him ask five or six people.”
Wembanyama took the loss in stride, according to multiple sources, though he had prepared as if the Skills Challenge were a real NBA game.
The Spurs flew their massage therapist to San Francisco, along with the physical therapist and performance coach to run Wembanyama through his usual pregame routine, a source told ESPN, because “he takes it so seriously.”
Wembanyama hadn’t undergone treatment since the loss Wednesday in Boston. So, upon arrival at the arena, the Spurs’ strength and performance team worked Wembanyama through an extensive stretching routine, massage, warmup and activation for a Skills Challenge that ultimately ended in disappointment.
“If the challenge lets us do that,” Wembanyama said afterward, “there’s a loophole. It means we’re not the problem.”
- 9 a.m.: Wembanyama departed the St. Regis hotel for an NBA family hospitality event and brunch at Oakland Arena, where he would take pictures in his All-Star uniform with friends and family members.
- 11:08 a.m.: Wembanyama arrived at Oakland Arena for his first NBA All-Star media day ahead of practice. Wembanyama reiterated during his availability that he was “not here to make friends.”
- 1 p.m.: Wembanyama headed back to his hotel in San Francisco before departing for Chase Center at 2:30 to begin Saturday’s festivities.
- 3:59 p.m.: With several cameramen in tow, Wembanyama headed down a hallway at Chase Center to the locker room.
- 8:22 p.m.: One minute after Wembanyama and Paul complete the skills course in under 48 seconds, they’re informed they’re disqualified. They try to protest from their sideline seats to no avail. Later, TNT attempts to interview them during the broadcast, but an NBA official steps in and prevents the interview from proceeding.
- 10:30 p.m.: Despite the mini-controversy, Wembanyama changed into street clothes and stayed at Chase Center to watch Castle compete in a hotly-contested dunk contest against Mac McClung, who would defeat Castle in the final to claim his third consecutive crown. It’s clear Wembanyama was around during Castle’s preparation for the contest, judging how he mimicked the rookie’s 360 behind the back left-handed dunk from the sideline.
AS A RESERVE on Team Chuck’s Global Stars, Wembanyama subbed into his team’s semifinal matchup – the first game of the NBA All-Star mini tournament – with his squad leading 17-12.
His first bucket came on a dunk with an assist from Atlanta’s Trae Young. But the first true eye-popping moment of All-Star Weekend was when Wembanyama slammed home an alley-oop dunk off a lob from three-time MVP Nikola Jokic to give the Global Stars a 34-27 advantage.
Wembanyama finished that game with 6 points on 3-of-4 shooting with 4 rebounds and a block in a little more than 6 minutes on the floor as the Global Stars advanced to the tournament championship with a 41-32 win.
In the title game, Wembanyama scored a team-high 11 points on 5-of-7 shooting from the floor with 3 rebounds and 1 block, as the rest of the Global Stars shot 6-of-24 in a 41-25 loss to Shaq’s OGs before a sellout crowd of 17,539.
Wembanyama stayed true to his word to compete hard.
“I thought he played like he plays in a game, seriously,” Milwaukee Bucks guard Damian Lillard said. “When I saw him, I was like, ‘He is not messing around.’”
Wembanyama finished the tournament with 17 points over two games with 7 rebounds, 3 blocks and a steal. Most importantly, he discovered he’s got what it takes to seriously compete against the world’s best hoopers on a grand stage.
“I’m in much better shape this year than I was last year,” Wembanyama said after the game. “My body is much more adaptive to this rhythm. My biggest takeaway is it’s possible to give 100% on that court, to play hard, to play your ass off. For me, it’s the only way to play basketball.”
- 1:40 p.m.: Wembanyama left the St. Regis hotel on the way to Chase Center for the final day of All-Star Weekend.
- 2:37 p.m.: Wembanyama walked into Chase Center with Castle following close behind. Castle was wearing Wembanyama’s red No. 1 All-Star jersey backward over a gray hoodie.
- 4:19 p.m.: Wembanyama posed for photos before his walkthrough for pregame introductions. He spent time signing NBA All-Star memorabilia before San Antonio’s strength and conditioning crew gave him one last treatment.
- 5:10 p.m.: With Oakland native and three-time Grammy Award-winning singer, songwriter and record producer Raphael Saadiq performing in the background, Wembanyama walked across the stage as he was introduced as an All-Star for the first time in his career.
By Michael C. Wright | ESPN, via ESPN